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The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:10:16 AM »
It's shitty, but I totally understand where they're coming from. Either park somewhere else or buy a beater to drive to school.

I had plans to buy a 3rd car for school, a cheap one. I guess I'll have to actually do it now

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:09:24 AM »

You have the expensive cool car, right?

There's the problem. An expensive cool car is going to be a target for stealing, and I assume the liability cost for a car such as yours would be exponentially high compared to some first time banger car that most kids would have.

I can see why they are doing this, it's in case your car get's stolen and you decide to blame the school. They can't use most of their budget (if not all) paying the insurance on an a super expensive car, even if you'd said you wouldn't consider them liable, because there's always a chance and it's a chance they can't risk.

Yes, I agree it indeed sucks ass. I'd take on the chin for now, and ask later if you can park your car again if there isn't a wave of robberies in a few weeks.

The car that got stolen was a 2013 C300 Mercedes. It's about $40,000. Which is...1/30 of my car. I understand their logic but it's such an inconvenience. I'm hoping there's some form of agreement we can come to that benefits us both

>1/30 of your car
You drive a million dollar car? Who steals a corn-dog when you can steal a diamond? Da heck.

I kind of understand the schools logic, but that still sucks.

Mclaren P1. I understand their logic to

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:08:43 AM »
It sucks but I can see where they're coming from. Gonna have to deal with it I'm afraid.


The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:08:01 AM »
No, they're not banning you from driving to school. They're simply no longer allowing you to park your car on their grounds, which is probably completely legal.

I understand that, but I can't drive to school if I can't park it. And I can't park in the lot next door cause it's another school, and the shopping centre across isn't trust worthy

The Flood / Re: >Feminists complaining about male violence
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:59:06 AM »

Am I ignorant yet?

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:57:53 AM »
You have the expensive cool car, right?

There's the problem. An expensive cool car is going to be a target for stealing, and I assume the liability cost for a car such as yours would be exponentially high compared to some first time banger car that most kids would have.

I can see why they are doing this, it's in case your car get's stolen and you decide to blame the school. They can't use most of their budget (if not all) paying the insurance on an a super expensive car, even if you'd said you wouldn't consider them liable, because there's always a chance and it's a chance they can't risk.

Yes, I agree it indeed sucks ass. I'd take on the chin for now, and ask later if you can park your car again if there isn't a wave of robberies in a few weeks.

The car that got stolen was a 2013 C300 Mercedes. It's about $40,000. Which is...1/30 of my car. I understand their logic but it's such an inconvenience. I'm hoping there's some form of agreement we can come to that benefits us both

The Flood / Re: Best Burgur Joints in your area!
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:54:24 AM »
5 guys, Steak and Shake

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:53:48 AM »
What it seems to boil down to is they don't want to land themselves in hot water with legal troubles, easier to give a small refund than deal with someone flipping their shit and trying to sue.

Could you even sue for this?
Don't know, but that doesn't stop people from trying.


The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:53:05 AM »
I'm pretty sure they can't do that.

That's what I said, but they seem pretty confident and are trying not to be assholes. I get they are trying to protect themselves but come on

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:52:16 AM »
The litigation culture caused most of these tiptoeing problems. No one wants the liability or they are paying some high litigation fees.


The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:51:10 AM »
What it seems to boil down to is they don't want to land themselves in hot water with legal troubles, easier to give a small refund than deal with someone flipping their shit and trying to sue.

Could you even sue for this?

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:50:05 AM »
Can't you just sign some sort of agreement saying that you'll pay whatever liability cost the school pays?

This is of course if you can't get the dean to undo his decision.

I could, but isn't that kinda unnecessary? I shouldn't have to be concerned about if my car is going to be stolen at my own school. Especially with all the security they already have.

The Flood / Re: Goodnite
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:47:31 AM »

The Flood / So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:45:06 AM »
Why you ask? Well. I'm in the middle of class and I get called down to the office. From there I am shifted of the deans office and sat down. I am told that starting Monday I am no longer allowed to park my car in the school parking lot, or school grounds. Reason being is. Recently a kid got his car stolen, and yes it was retrieved. But the school had to pay a price as a result of allowing it to happen (I don't know all the details but this is what I'm told.) There are probably 100 cameras in the parking lot alone, yet now they feel unsafe. To the school, my car is a major liability. Meaning they don't want to have that liability on hand if someone decides to steal it. They also told another kid the same thing.

Isn't this a little bullshit? Like instead of telling me I can't park in my spot (which I paid for, but they are saying I will be refunded, so there's that.) they should increase the security or something. The parking lot isn't that big. And I go to a private school so they can do whatever they want, in terms of these things. I don't think I can necessarily fight it, but obviously I'm going to try and argue later today. It's so strange though.

Anyway, no point in driving to school if I can't park there. And like hell if I'm going to park in the shopping centre across.

The Flood / Re: Name a ship in my writing
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:32:35 AM »

The Flood / Re: So How does one make friends so easily
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:26:49 AM »
Upbringing and personality, and how confident and comfortable you are with people/strangers. I got good at talking to strangers because as a little kid I would talk to everyone, whether I knew them or not, so I grew into that. So I never feel awkward or uncomfortable. Which is a great thing

The Flood / Re: Any nickname from your significant other?
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:24:38 AM »

Yeah just shut up.

Same. But we usually refer to each other in profanity. Such as lil nigga and bitch. But bae is prevelant for her to call me. I prefer names

The Flood / Re: Got pulled over by a cop tonight
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:07:49 AM »
Yay! Logic
Careful, Noel might call you an idiot.

I mean it's still true. But there are different interpretations.

Granted I've never ran into an asshole cop, I think they are all pretty cool. Well enough that I've become friends with a few that have given me tickets in the past. Like my neighbor
Sure sure, assholes exist in every field. I'm just not one for hate speech.

What do you mean by that last part?
Noel was, seriously, portraying all cops as assholes in this thread.

Oh, yea I know :/

The Flood / Re: Got pulled over by a cop tonight
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:04:38 AM »
Yay! Logic
Careful, Noel might call you an idiot.

I mean it's still true. But there are different interpretations.

Granted I've never ran into an asshole cop, I think they are all pretty cool. Well enough that I've become friends with a few that have given me tickets in the past. Like my neighbor
Sure sure, assholes exist in every field. I'm just not one for hate speech.

What do you mean by that last part?

The Flood / Re: Set sail on the Red Seas
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:54:27 AM »
I don't want blood on my dick, condom or not.

This. So much this.

Granted I don't use condoms (I'm an idiot, I know.)

The Flood / Re: Got pulled over by a cop tonight
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:53:11 AM »
Yay! Logic
Careful, Noel might call you an idiot.

I mean it's still true. But there are different interpretations.

Granted I've never ran into an asshole cop, I think they are all pretty cool. Well enough that I've become friends with a few that have given me tickets in the past. Like my neighbor

The Flood / Re: ITT: Zero tolerance for shame
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:50:43 AM »
Everything but marriage

The Flood / Re: Got pulled over by a cop tonight
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:49:51 AM »
Cops are pigs. I hope you did not let him search your trunk or anywhere else in your vehicle. If they demand to search your car then you can politely tell them to frack off and get a warrant.
You know, I take a great offense towards this. Not only because I have family and professors that are current/retired police officers, but because I'm going to start the application process in another year to become one. You're basically calling me a pig and I don't really take that all to well. Are there a few bad cops? Yes, but that doesn't mean all cops are bad and there's no need for them all to gain so much angsty hate. Like it or not, but if cops didn't exist then the nation would have the same issues as a third world country

Oh, and warrants are not always needed to search a vehicle.Courts generally give police more leeway to search a vehicle than a home. Under the "automobile exception" to the search warrant requirement, individuals have less of an expectation of privacy when driving a car

- You have given the officer consent
- The officer has probable cause to believe there is evidence of a crime in your vehicle
- The officer reasonably believes a search is necessary for their own protection (a hidden weapon, for example)
- You have been arrested and the search is related to that arrest (such as a search for illegal drugs)

Automobiles may be stopped if an officer possesses a reasonable and articulable suspicion that the motorist has violated a traffic law. If the reason for the stop is a minor traffic offense like speeding, the officer likely isn’t permitted to search your car without more reason. However, if police arrest for conduct arising out of a traffic stop, a search of your vehicle incident to arrest will usually be allowed.

On top of that it's perfectly legally for a cop to call in a K9 unit and conduct an outside sniffing of a vehicle. If a dog makes a hit then cops can search and seize without a warrant

How do I know all of this? Because I'm going to college to be a cop and I have conducted research for class assignments along with gaining information from instructors who are currently on-duty police officers
That is fine if you take offense to it, everything I said is still valid. I did not force you to choose a career path where you are the enemy of the public. It is unfortunate that it is that way, since police officers are supposed to be there to protect citizens in their daily lives, but it has gotten away from that in this country. If you see a cop driving around, you should feel safe, not wondering if the bitch is going to steal money from you or harass you for legally open carrying a weapon.

The fact that you think searching someone's vehicle without a warrant is okay does not make me hopeful that you will set a good example as a cop, sorry to say.
Except what you said isn't valid under certain circumstances, as I described in decent detail. And nothing is moving away from anything. Over 700,000 people are sworn police officers and not even every single one is bad. You're seriously sounding like Kiyo right now by making such a generalized assumption. Steal money? it's illegal to commit traffic violations and the LEGISLATURE establishes penalties for those violations. If you don't want to pay the government $100+ then don't speed or run a stop sign; it's common sense

I do support searching vehicles without a warrant so long as it is done so in a lawful manner. Read what I posted again to understand it
The problem I have with police officers is that their presence doesn't inspire a feeling of safety; rather, I feel suspicious and wary. I have a problem with micro-infractions that are only there to collect money, and I especially have a problem with the type of personality the job tends to attract.

We all understand not all cops are bad, but they're carrying guns and there's not a whole lot you can do if they really want to search you or question you.
Traffic fines are produced by the legislature, not the police and no need to be upset at them about it. I've gotten a ticket before but that was because I was speeding and was dumb for me to do so. Not upset or angry about it and now learned to be more attentive when driving so I don't get another. Cops are literally normal people; they have families, neighbors, and do everything that you do but for just for crap pay. Law enforcement is not about the money, people join because they want to protect their communities. If they wanted money then they'd find a job in private security and join a federal police agency

There's actually a lot you can do when stopped. First off, ask what the purpose of being stopped is. If they don't have either reasonable suspicion or probable cause then you are free to go, don't have to answer questions, or have thing searched. If they're going to be an idiot and not let you leave or whatever without any actual reasoning, then ask them for their name, badge number, and for a supervisor to be on scene; it's required for them to do all of that
I know my rights quite well in terms of what to do involving a police encounter, but the honest cops aren't really what I was getting at. I'm sure you've seen some of the more popular examples of an officer's misuse of power on Youtube, since you're studying to become one.

Police are out to arrest you and collect money for the state, town, county, or whatever. They don't ask you questions for your safety; they do so to collect evidence for a conviction.
Oh, I've plenty of videos where cops are acting like idiot asshats and have had professors, as cops, show them and tear the frackers to pieces with everything they're doing wrong. But I distinguish that the actions of those few are not representative of every other cop

Are all Muslims terrorists because of the actions of extremists? No
Are all black criminals because there are some that are? No
Are all Germans nazis because a few were? No

I can keep going but it's the fact that the actions of a few are not an indication of the whole. But also remember that cops are humans; they experience frustration, annoyance, and other emotions. No matter how hard they are trained, there will be a few snapping points where everything built up just comes out for a few seconds.

Police are out to arrest and ticket because for one, that's there job and they are part of the executive branch of government and enforce laws set by the legislature. Second is to protect the people and the community; if there were no cops then people would be speeding, running lights, drinking and driving, commit robberies, kidnappings, murder, and rape. Police are established to prevent people from doing that and act as a deterrent. Why don't you run red lights? Because you know you will be stopped and given a ticket. And if you run a red light and kill a person, you just  committed involuntary manslaughter. But by police being present, you don't run the light and you don't kill a car full of people

Yay! Logic

The Flood / Re: I found a pair of True Velox's soaking wet panties.
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:17:08 AM »
I like your new emblem lol

The Flood / Re: Got pulled over by a cop tonight
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:04:47 AM »
Except what you said isn't valid under certain circumstances, as I described in decent detail. And nothing is moving away from anything. Over 700,000 people are sworn police officers and not even every single one is bad. You're seriously sounding like Kiyo right now by making such a generalized assumption. Steal money? it's illegal to commit traffic violations and the LEGISLATURE establishes penalties for those violations. If you don't want to pay the government $100+ then don't speed or run a stop sign; it's common sense

I do support searching vehicles without a warrant so long as it is done so in a lawful manner. Read what I posted again to understand it
I do not need to read anything again, I understand it perfectly well. You are not more informed than everyone else just because you are studying in college.

I can't believe you just said that.

I'm sad I can only like this once

The Flood / Re: Got pulled over by a cop tonight
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:00:53 AM »
I've been pulled over for many things, most of which being speeding, and not once have I met a cop that was an asshole. They do what they have to do, then they are normal people. I've befriended a few that gave pulled me over. And yes, I've gotten tickets, but 80% I deserve it lol.

It sucks that there are a lot out there that ruin the common perception of them.

The Flood / Re: Got pulled over by a cop tonight
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:58:34 AM »
Cops are pigs.
Not all cops are pigs.
All cops are pigs, not all pigs are cops - ML mutha frackin K JR

I've never met a cop that was an asshole, and I've met a lot. So idk what's wrong with the cops by you guys

The Flood / Re: Got pulled over by a cop tonight
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:57:54 AM »

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:17:41 AM »

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