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Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 02, 2014, 03:33:58 PM »
I now have a serious problem with the OP.

OP claims to just want people's opinions on the matter and claims to not be offended, and yet he's incredibly defensive about what people are saying - to the point of trying to correct them - and insistent on the irrelevance of his wealth despite being the only person to consistently bring it up.

Conclusion: OP needs to screw his fracking head on straight and get on with his life.

The topic has nothing to do with it, people bring it up. People who respond to the actual OP got an actual response from me.

Your point? I'm just frustrated that people are quick to ignore everything I say and jump to it. This topic isn't even remotely about it.
Then why make the title of the thread "Somehow I'm still unhappy". That implies that despite all your wealth and good fortune, you're still unhappy. You brought it up man.

It implies nothing, I talk about how I have a good family and I'm not socially awkward and how I have a pretty good life, yet somehow im not happy. Where does wealth come into play...

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 01:26:41 PM »

It's not my daily, I drove it today because I haven't driven it for over a week.
Just do me a favour and treat it like I do my Evos... I hate when people don't take care of their nice cars. Take it on the track once in a while too.

Already have twice :). Terrifying at first, still is in truth. But Jesus Christ it's awesome. I need to get some things sorted out before I can go again. Also, hopefully during summer I can transport it around and hit up some notable courses (I'm looking at you Laguna.)
Just don't get corkscrewed, lol.

Lol, I won't. Hopefully.

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 01:25:48 PM »

Already have twice :). Terrifying at first, still is in truth. But Jesus Christ it's awesome. I need to get some things sorted out before I can go again. Also, hopefully during summer I can transport it around and hit up some notable courses (I'm looking at you Laguna.)
You NEED to go down to colarado or something and find some abandoned highways, just let it loose on the road... the feeling you get is just magical

There's also the salt flats... but I think the P1 wouldn't be able to handle the terrain like my Evo. Still, those salt flats just sing around sunrise and sunset, and going 100-130 Mph through them while it happens? perfection.

I remember off roading when I had my Evo. Fantastic times too. I heard their ending producing of the X this year :(, no news on the 11 either. I plan a road trip, but I need the time. And things change. I know for spring break I'm going Miami to NYC. And I might take part in Gold Rush Rally. But I'm not sure yet.

The Flood / Re: Do you recognize ain't and y'all as words?
« on: October 02, 2014, 01:20:15 PM »
Ain't y'all the coolest people around?

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 01:17:48 PM »

It's not my daily, I drove it today because I haven't driven it for over a week.
Just do me a favour and treat it like I do my Evos... I hate when people don't take care of their nice cars. Take it on the track once in a while too.

Already have twice :). Terrifying at first, still is in truth. But Jesus Christ it's awesome. I need to get some things sorted out before I can go again. Also, hopefully during summer I can transport it around and hit up some notable courses (I'm looking at you Laguna.)

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 02, 2014, 01:16:15 PM »
Maybe I'm just a stereotypical teenager going through that stage

Given your age and what little I know about you, this honestly seems most likely. 17 is too young for an existential crisis, especially one triggered by a girl, and the kind of hormone imbalances that cause these excessive emotions are very common in teenagers. The way you described the girl as "absolutely perfect" in particular strongly points to it being typical teenage angst.

Just try to keep doing what you've been doing and you should get over it.

This is more or less what Gatsby told me, and others. But I see it becoming more and more true

Thanks God

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 02, 2014, 01:15:17 PM »
I now have a serious problem with the OP.

OP claims to just want people's opinions on the matter and claims to not be offended, and yet he's incredibly defensive about what people are saying - to the point of trying to correct them - and insistent on the irrelevance of his wealth despite being the only person to consistently bring it up.

Conclusion: OP needs to screw his fracking head on straight and get on with his life.

The topic has nothing to do with it, people bring it up. People who respond to the actual OP got an actual response from me.

Your point? I'm just frustrated that people are quick to ignore everything I say and jump to it. This topic isn't even remotely about it.

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 01:13:52 PM »
who fracking cares? buy a Mercedes or something and don't fracking complain about your "too good for the common man" problems.
Basically this. If you're getting a higher leveled college education, I thought perhaps you had the intelligence to do this.

We don't hate you because you're rich. None of us hate you at all, from what I've seen. However, a good number of individuals are irked about your constant talk about your money and possessions. Do you want me to talk about much I traveled in life?
It would definitely make for more interesting, non-alien-sex-RP conversation.
I'd rather not. I'll just say that I've been traveling about since I could remember, and I was fourteen by the time I visited all fifty states and most of central America.

That's awesome though. Any ventures to Europe?

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 01:12:30 PM »
We don't hate you because you're rich. None of us hate you at all, from what I've seen. However, a good number of individuals are irked about your constant talk about your money and possessions.


Read my response to Vien, I forgot to quote you in it to. My bad :/

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 01:11:26 PM »

Mclaren P1. I understand their logic to
Why the frack would you use your P1 for driving to school? get a fracking Chrysler 300, or a Ford Fusion, or SOMETHING if you want to drive to and from school. A Mclaren P1 is for summer cruising, not everyday shenanigans.

It's not my daily, I drove it today because I haven't driven it for over a week.

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 01:10:34 PM »
who fracking cares? buy a Mercedes or something and don't fracking complain about your "too good for the common man" problems.
Basically this. If you're getting a higher leveled college education, I thought perhaps you had the intelligence to do this.

We don't hate you because you're rich. None of us hate you at all, from what I've seen. However, a good number of individuals are irked about your constant talk about your money and possessions. Do you want me to talk about much I traveled in life?

You could talk about anything you want, infact I'd love to hear about it. I don't say "oh hey I have so much money I'm so rich you are all peasants." Literally all I talk about when I even bring it up are my cars. Because I love them and are passionate about them. I could go on for pages on them. You guys bring up everything doing with "your super rich" and "you think your better" when I don't say anything to intiate that. It's something I've noticed. Like my topic in Serious. Everyone completely ignored what I said and immediately jumped to the whole money aspect, even when it has nothing to do with the topic.

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:31:02 PM »
Buy some old beater boat for a grand on Craigslist (and then drop a big block LS in it for sleeper cred).
Problem solved.

Or maybe a 90's M3...I like this idea...I like this a lot.
But you can't make a sleeper out of a Beamer!


The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:28:38 PM »

Why don't you buy a car that the rest of us peasants drive so you can still drive to school. I can see why they see your car as a liability and honestly, I don't think they're being unreasonable.

I totally understand where they are coming from, I absolutely do, but I think it's harsh they didn't even try to negotiate some form of an agreement between me and them
yeah I hate when people don't even consider a compromise. They are making the odds lower, of your car being stolen or vandalized.

I know, it just sucks

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:08:04 PM »
Why don't you buy a car that the rest of us peasants drive so you can still drive to school. I can see why they see your car as a liability and honestly, I don't think they're being unreasonable.

I totally understand where they are coming from, I absolutely do, but I think it's harsh they didn't even try to negotiate some form of an agreement between me and them

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:05:45 PM »
I'm pretty sure they can't do that.
They can do whatever they want, it is their property.

It's also a private institution, so they have that too

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:05:08 PM »
The only reason why she doesn't want to date me aside from feeling that I'm better then her, is that I'm a few months younger (and yes, it is that stupid.) But it's not like she doesn't want to, she says and openly talks about how I make her happy and how I would be an amazing boyfriend, she just can't get over that fact. It's weird.

This is code for "I don't like you for very much outside of sexual thrill".

Right now you're an emotional dildo to her. Don't be an emotional dildo.

I have thought of this, and this may be true. I hate that it's a grey area, but I trust you know thus better then me

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:03:50 PM »
This is typical teenage stuff.

Now look at it this way:

You've got lots of wealth, a good family, a good education, a social life, and are decently attractive. When you are done with college or whatever you won't have crippling debts. You have 3x what most people have when they are 50. You'll probably see 90% more of the world then I'll see in my lifetime. You'll probably get the opportunity to do more then most in your lifetime.

You've already got the survival part down. I dream of achieving what you have so that I can move on to my real passions.

Don't take advantage of it. Challenge yourself. Find a passion. Help the world. Thats what I would do.

Don't take anything I said as rude, you can have billions and be unhappy. Your problem is imagining closed doors. What you need to realize is in a couple years, the list of open doors you'll have is so much larger than most it's ridiculous.

Thank you for actually addressing me, thank you.

What you say is true.

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:00:47 PM »
who fracking cares? buy a Mercedes or something and don't fracking complain about your "too good for the common man" problems.


Why must you make me seem like a dick for no reason...?

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:59:56 AM »

You have the expensive cool car, right?

There's the problem. An expensive cool car is going to be a target for stealing, and I assume the liability cost for a car such as yours would be exponentially high compared to some first time banger car that most kids would have.

I can see why they are doing this, it's in case your car get's stolen and you decide to blame the school. They can't use most of their budget (if not all) paying the insurance on an a super expensive car, even if you'd said you wouldn't consider them liable, because there's always a chance and it's a chance they can't risk.

Yes, I agree it indeed sucks ass. I'd take on the chin for now, and ask later if you can park your car again if there isn't a wave of robberies in a few weeks.

The car that got stolen was a 2013 C300 Mercedes. It's about $40,000. Which is...1/30 of my car. I understand their logic but it's such an inconvenience. I'm hoping there's some form of agreement we can come to that benefits us both

>1/30 of your car
You drive a million dollar car? Who steals a corn-dog when you can steal a diamond? Da heck.

I kind of understand the schools logic, but that still sucks.

Mclaren P1. I understand their logic to

So you DID manage to buy the P1 in the end, and I presume that's yours as your avatar? Nice, needless to say here, but by the time i'm your age, i'll be in luck if I can afford a Ford Ka or something

Buying it took a bit, I needed a good price but yes I got it. And yes it's my avatar. Im 17, I thought you were older then me? I'd assume so

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:58:36 AM »
ITT rich discrimination and victim blaming

OTT invest in trunk monkey

No ones blaming anyone actually everyone has been very reasonable. Which is great

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:55:20 AM »
Buy a 2014 Ford Focus ST and just send it to me when you're out of college.  ;)

I'm a senior in highschool ;)
Wait. Really? I thought you were like, doing your masters or something.

How the frack do you have two supercars before you're 20?

It's a long story.

In short, a lot of luck. And knowing someone who can give you the tools and aid to show you the world. And show me he did. It wasn't because of I have a lavishly wealthy family as members of this site will argue. My family isn't any more then middle class

The Flood / Re: Animals doing stupid things
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:45:02 AM »
Poor thing. I watched a bird drown another bird once.

Pushed it under the water and then sat on top of it until it stopped moving. It upsets me thinking about it to this day. I could've done something but at the time I didn't understand what I was seeing. That'

The Flood / Re: Adsense is Nonsense
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:41:52 AM »
How much does it cost to maintain this site, and how much are your living expenses. Honestly i am willing to donate some cash to support this site. Which may sound stupid, but frack it, i like it and well i want it to survive.
That's nice pretty cool of you to do that. If the costs became too expensive then I guess we could all donate a little to keep this place running. However last I heard, the ad revenue was sufficient to cover the costs.
Yeah it usually is, just wondering though, hopefully if the site will grow and maybe groups shall be added. Though this will require Cheat to work full time if it becomes a serious website with major traffic. Then add revenue although helpfull we will need revenue to pay him for his work.
Well Focnr is going to leave, so soon Cheat will have to do all the work by himself.

I'm content with donating to keep the site going if needed. But I'd need a number and costs

The Flood / Re: Animals doing stupid things
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:39:49 AM »
Poor thing. I watched a bird drown another bird once.


« on: October 02, 2014, 10:30:04 AM »
Nothing at the moment.

What fox eats pizza

Ah, now I look like a fool.

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:29:19 AM »
Buy a 2014 Ford Focus ST and just send it to me when you're out of college.  ;)

I'm a senior in highschool ;)

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:28:42 AM »
Buy some old beater boat for a grand on Craigslist (and then drop a big block LS in it for sleeper cred).
Problem solved.

Or maybe a 90's M3...I like this idea...I like this a lot.

« on: October 02, 2014, 10:27:10 AM »
Nothing at the moment.

What fox eats pizza

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:15:35 AM »
It's shitty, but I totally understand where they're coming from. Either park somewhere else or buy a beater to drive to school.

I had plans to buy a 3rd car for school, a cheap one. I guess I'll have to actually do it now
This is precisely why I don't understand having a supercar as a daily driver...

Comes with the territory, I suppose.

I mean you see a lot of them in South Florida, it's not unheard of. It's just both of my cars are still super cars. One car is 3x the price of the other.

I was thinking of buying a car and just putting money into it as just a fun car to have. But I already have two cars that are more then fun. So it's hard place.

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