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The Flood / Re: Fast easy tips to get rich quick
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:29:08 PM »
Buy Mclaren cars. Any, at launch.

P1, since launch, 50% profit (if you sold it now, it's worth 50% more! even if you drove it a bit.)
F1, since launch, 800% profit. That's right. It's worth 8 times more then it originally was. It never depreciated.

Look it up.

Same goes for Ferrari's F40 and F50.

F50 was around $250,000 now it's over $1M.

Cars can sometimes be huge gains in terms of investments.
Now I just need to convince my bank on that.

Haha true

The Flood / Re: Let's set something straight here.
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:28:05 PM »
That raccoon picture.


Serious / Re: Moms Demand SWATing
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:27:20 PM »
But...that leads to more violence


The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:26:41 PM »
>bringing a McLaren to a high school


First time I did it, and I did it because I hadn't driven it for a while. Not to show off.

Do you have a normal car to drive? Could you park it there?

Uh, not necessarily.

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:26:14 PM »
Also cool blog bro.

I don't see how it warrants a thread though.

Thanks, bro.

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:25:57 PM »
Well, they sure won't want to be responsible for a student's car being stolen. Especially your car.

Yup,im just not ganna fight it

The Flood / Re: I say how much I like you.
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:33:04 PM »
You seem pretty chill, really laid back. I can see us being bros, getting chicks, and gaming.

Lol thanks

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:11:04 PM »
>bringing a McLaren to a high school


First time I did it, and I did it because I hadn't driven it for a while. Not to show off.

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:10:33 PM »
i swear i thought these two were the same person ^

imagine my confusion when i see them arguing


The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:10:11 PM »
And my parents didn't buy me anything, nice try though.
You can say that all you want, but everyone here knows that, no matter what you say, a 17 year old can't make two million dollars without a check from daddy.

I'm not flaunting my wealth it's just you being to much of an ass to get over the fact. I literally only bring up my cars,
I don't come out and say I'm soooo rich look at me
But I guess all you see is "look at me and my millions of dollars."
Every time you talk about your cars, you are flaunting your wealth.

you actually say it more by saying that your wealthy and you don't brag about it.
I've mentioned my family's affluence a total of two times on this website, both of them to you. The only reason I bring it up is so that no one mistakenly thinks I'm jealous of you or something, because I'm not.

But stop being so obsessed with the fact and actually stick to what the post is about. Last time I checked its about not being able to park my car, granted it's a nice one, but I'm not calling attention to it.
It is COMPLETELY inappropriate to bring a million dollar car to your high school. You're showing off. That's all you're doing, and it's a liability. The school was completely within reason to ask you not to drive it anymore. You're probably richer than your fracking school. And for you to have the fracking nerve to come on here, where the general population is, I would guess, lower middle class, and COMPLAIN about something that your own fracking arrogant flaunting of your daddy's money caused? You expect people to look at you as anything other than what you are?

And you dislike me because of this?
I dislike you because of your holier-than-thou attitude, your insistence on making it known that you can forge your father's signature, and your false altruism, not because of your wealth.

Your assumptions know no bounds, and have no basis. But I see you aren't going to budge. The attitude you give me is something only you, and probably Vien and few members see. I keep trying to make amends, and explain that I am doing nothing wrong, yet everything I do is blown out of proportion because of assumptions. It is your opinion and I'll respect that. Even if I had all the proof at my fingertips, it would not suffice you because you are so adamant on what you believe, so why try. False altruism? I guess you don't know me, but your entitled to your own opinion. Forging my fathers signature? That's funny, and clever, but isn't true in any sense.

Also. Notice the fact I understand the logic of my school. Also, funny thing is, this was the first day I drove the P1 to school, and I did so because I hadn't driven it for a while. But then again, I still drive something expensive to school. So I can see its a bad argument on my part.

I don't need to prove myself to any of you, and if you want to deem me a piece of shit wannabe, so be it. But I'm still not going to dislike you over something as dumb as this

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:54:09 PM »

So no student is allowed to park again? Well that parking lot just got more space for absolutely nothing.

I'm the only one who can't park haha, and another kid.


That school has some stupid issues HA.


The Flood / Re: I say how much I like you.
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:53:48 PM »

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:47:21 PM »

So no student is allowed to park again? Well that parking lot just got more space for absolutely nothing.

I'm the only one who can't park haha, and another kid.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:44:48 PM »
I'm gonna have to agree with Meta and Challenger here. You do have a thing for bringing up or at least implying your wealth in almost everything you do. You're rich. Probably richer than anyone else on here. We get it. But no one else here makes a point of stating or implying their wealth on a very regular basis. Whether you mean for it to or not, it comes across as bragging and makes people see you in a negative light, as has become pretty obvious.

On topic: seems like a typical teenage fase. Try finding something that really motivates and entices you, while simultaneously serving a great purpose. You'll get over the girl and the way you're feeling now.

But this thread has nothing to do with my wealth, or me having money, in anyway shape or form. No where in the OP is it even mentioned or hinted. Yet people bring it in here.

Read it again, and tell me I'm wrong. And I don't talk about my wealth, only my cars. Yet everyone seems to love to put two and two together. Yes, I get it, these are really expensive cars, and obviously you need money to afford them, but that isn't the point.

To your on topic response (notice it's on topic.): thanks and yea it seems to be what everyone is saying, while I feel helping people with what I do a good outlet and a genuine hobby and joy of my life, I need something more. Maybe learning an instrument? Find out sooner or later

Wait, what cars do you drive?

I'm hesitant to say.

It's already become quite clear that you're wealthy. I don't care about that at all honestly. I'm asking out of curiosity because I'm quite the car enthusiast. Don't be shy about it.

EDIT: Obviously, you own a P1. What else?

LP 700-4 Aventador. Well...LP 850-4 lol

If you wanna talk about my cars, or cars in general,shoot me a pm. I can talk for days lol

The Flood / Re: ITT: Sensitivity + Hurt feelings
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:39:50 PM »
ITT: Dustin denies his two beers, proves he's a hypocrite for underage drinking and makes empty threats. My sides have transcended this galaxy.
I think you took this thread far more seriously than how it was really meant to be taken: as a lame joke. As a side note, I don't see how getting drunk off a couple of beers is anything to be embarrassed over, especially considering it was my first time.
Two beers? What are you, 120 lbs and female?
I was a lot smaller back in May. I gained at least 30-40 pounds since then.

Healthy weight I hope

News / Re: New Monitors
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:34:43 PM »
Yay icy

I believe, somewhere, you are still allowed to whip someone in Florida.

Could be another state

The Flood / Re: There he is. There he goes again
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:31:22 PM »
I'm so lost, why are you mad? Who are you mad at?

So many questions

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:28:28 PM »
I'm gonna have to agree with Meta and Challenger here. You do have a thing for bringing up or at least implying your wealth in almost everything you do. You're rich. Probably richer than anyone else on here. We get it. But no one else here makes a point of stating or implying their wealth on a very regular basis. Whether you mean for it to or not, it comes across as bragging and makes people see you in a negative light, as has become pretty obvious.

On topic: seems like a typical teenage fase. Try finding something that really motivates and entices you, while simultaneously serving a great purpose. You'll get over the girl and the way you're feeling now.

But this thread has nothing to do with my wealth, or me having money, in anyway shape or form. No where in the OP is it even mentioned or hinted. Yet people bring it in here.

Read it again, and tell me I'm wrong. And I don't talk about my wealth, only my cars. Yet everyone seems to love to put two and two together. Yes, I get it, these are really expensive cars, and obviously you need money to afford them, but that isn't the point.

To your on topic response (notice it's on topic.): thanks and yea it seems to be what everyone is saying, while I feel helping people with what I do a good outlet and a genuine hobby and joy of my life, I need something more. Maybe learning an instrument? Find out sooner or later

Wait, what cars do you drive?

I'm hesitant to say.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:24:38 PM »
I now have a serious problem with the OP.

OP claims to just want people's opinions on the matter and claims to not be offended, and yet he's incredibly defensive about what people are saying - to the point of trying to correct them - and insistent on the irrelevance of his wealth despite being the only person to consistently bring it up.

Conclusion: OP needs to screw his fracking head on straight and get on with his life.

The topic has nothing to do with it, people bring it up. People who respond to the actual OP got an actual response from me.

Your point? I'm just frustrated that people are quick to ignore everything I say and jump to it. This topic isn't even remotely about it.
Then why make the title of the thread "Somehow I'm still unhappy". That implies that despite all your wealth and good fortune, you're still unhappy. You brought it up man.

It implies nothing, I talk about how I have a good family and I'm not socially awkward and how I have a pretty good life, yet somehow im not happy. Where does wealth come into play...
Wealth comes into play no matter what.

A lot of people are angry at how you're unhappy when you have an insane amount of money, good family, and friends. I've struggled like a motherfracker my entire life. It's been extremely hard for me. So when I see you say your unhappy, I'm like "How can this fool be unhappy with all that in his life?".

But I didn't say that. You have a lot going for you. A lot. Don't waste it, and don't take it for granted. I don't know how hard your life has been, but if it's anywhere near as hard mine was and other people's lives, remember where you came from. I know people who have been killed and are sitting in cages. And you're here talking about how you're unhappy. Understand where I'm coming from. It's not about jealousy, it just boggle my mind when your life is perfect and you're complaining about it. I mean damn, drive through the slums or something (not in a super car lol), and put things into perspective. Do some community service or something. Volunteer somewhere.

Nobody's saying you can't be sad. Death, disease, rejection, and loneliness affects king and peasant. But if you don't feel any of those, you really shouldn't be unhappy with the way your life is.

I understand I have a lot going for me. I say that, many times. I openly state that I have no idea why I feel this way. It's annoying. And yes, I feel for everyone who's going through tough times. When my dad lost his job for 2 and a half years (I believe it was 2 and a half but I may be wrong, it was at least 2) things went to shit, fast. And I've been giving back my parents the life they gave me, and more, because they deserve it. But my wealth has nothing to do with it. I completely set it aside for this topic because it is genuinely how I feel. I could careless about how much money I have and I genuinely admire those who are happy with nothing. It's amazing and beautiful.

I'm sorry life isn't too great for you and I hope things get better, and I really do mean that.

I guess it's just blues over the girl or maybe you feel like you don't deserve what you have. I don't know what to say. Maybe it's just a phase.

It probably is a phase.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:24:04 PM »
Read it again, and tell me I'm wrong.
This is exactly the crap I'm talking about. You come into this thread, asking for personal advice and then when we're frank about your personality you try to argue against us, confine us to the limits of your OP and de-legitimise our complaints.

...what? I'm referring to if I mention my wealth in the OP. Not that what he was saying was invalid. You also haven't even shared anything other then your dislike of me. So why are you here? I have nothing against you either. If you want to share your opinion on what the thread is actually about please do I want to hear what you have to say. But all you've said is that I'm some form of a fake pretentious dick. Read my comments and if you still feel that way, I guess I can't change your mind. Then I guess your dislike is justified.

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:22:45 PM »

You have the expensive cool car, right?

There's the problem. An expensive cool car is going to be a target for stealing, and I assume the liability cost for a car such as yours would be exponentially high compared to some first time banger car that most kids would have.

I can see why they are doing this, it's in case your car get's stolen and you decide to blame the school. They can't use most of their budget (if not all) paying the insurance on an a super expensive car, even if you'd said you wouldn't consider them liable, because there's always a chance and it's a chance they can't risk.

Yes, I agree it indeed sucks ass. I'd take on the chin for now, and ask later if you can park your car again if there isn't a wave of robberies in a few weeks.

The car that got stolen was a 2013 C300 Mercedes. It's about $40,000. Which is...1/30 of my car. I understand their logic but it's such an inconvenience. I'm hoping there's some form of agreement we can come to that benefits us both

>1/30 of your car
You drive a million dollar car? Who steals a corn-dog when you can steal a diamond? Da heck.

I kind of understand the schools logic, but that still sucks.

Mclaren P1. I understand their logic to

So you DID manage to buy the P1 in the end, and I presume that's yours as your avatar? Nice, needless to say here, but by the time i'm your age, i'll be in luck if I can afford a Ford Ka or something

Buying it took a bit, I needed a good price but yes I got it. And yes it's my avatar. Im 17, I thought you were older then me? I'd assume so
I'm only 14, hopefully 3 years time the economic situation will have improved

Would have never guessed lol

I like Italian. It's all flowy and multi-syllabic.

This. So much this.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:25:30 PM »
I now have a serious problem with the OP.

OP claims to just want people's opinions on the matter and claims to not be offended, and yet he's incredibly defensive about what people are saying - to the point of trying to correct them - and insistent on the irrelevance of his wealth despite being the only person to consistently bring it up.

Conclusion: OP needs to screw his fracking head on straight and get on with his life.

The topic has nothing to do with it, people bring it up. People who respond to the actual OP got an actual response from me.

Your point? I'm just frustrated that people are quick to ignore everything I say and jump to it. This topic isn't even remotely about it.
Then why make the title of the thread "Somehow I'm still unhappy". That implies that despite all your wealth and good fortune, you're still unhappy. You brought it up man.

It implies nothing, I talk about how I have a good family and I'm not socially awkward and how I have a pretty good life, yet somehow im not happy. Where does wealth come into play...
Wealth comes into play no matter what.

A lot of people are angry at how you're unhappy when you have an insane amount of money, good family, and friends. I've struggled like a motherfracker my entire life. It's been extremely hard for me. So when I see you say your unhappy, I'm like "How can this fool be unhappy with all that in his life?".

But I didn't say that. You have a lot going for you. A lot. Don't waste it, and don't take it for granted. I don't know how hard your life has been, but if it's anywhere near as hard mine was and other people's lives, remember where you came from. I know people who have been killed and are sitting in cages. And you're here talking about how you're unhappy. Understand where I'm coming from. It's not about jealousy, it just boggle my mind when your life is perfect and you're complaining about it. I mean damn, drive through the slums or something (not in a super car lol), and put things into perspective. Do some community service or something. Volunteer somewhere.

Nobody's saying you can't be sad. Death, disease, rejection, and loneliness affects king and peasant. But if you don't feel any of those, you really shouldn't be unhappy with the way your life is.

I understand I have a lot going for me. I say that, many times. I openly state that I have no idea why I feel this way. It's annoying. And yes, I feel for everyone who's going through tough times. When my dad lost his job for 2 and a half years (I believe it was 2 and a half but I may be wrong, it was at least 2) things went to shit, fast. And I've been giving back my parents the life they gave me, and more, because they deserve it. But my wealth has nothing to do with it. I completely set it aside for this topic because it is genuinely how I feel. I could careless about how much money I have and I genuinely admire those who are happy with nothing. It's amazing and beautiful.

I'm sorry life isn't too great for you and I hope things get better, and I really do mean that.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:21:27 PM »
I'm gonna have to agree with Meta and Challenger here. You do have a thing for bringing up or at least implying your wealth in almost everything you do. You're rich. Probably richer than anyone else on here. We get it. But no one else here makes a point of stating or implying their wealth on a very regular basis. Whether you mean for it to or not, it comes across as bragging and makes people see you in a negative light, as has become pretty obvious.

On topic: seems like a typical teenage fase. Try finding something that really motivates and entices you, while simultaneously serving a great purpose. You'll get over the girl and the way you're feeling now.

But this thread has nothing to do with my wealth, or me having money, in anyway shape or form. No where in the OP is it even mentioned or hinted. Yet people bring it in here.

Read it again, and tell me I'm wrong. And I don't talk about my wealth, only my cars. Yet everyone seems to love to put two and two together. Yes, I get it, these are really expensive cars, and obviously you need money to afford them, but that isn't the point.

To your on topic response (notice it's on topic.): thanks and yea it seems to be what everyone is saying, while I feel helping people with what I do a good outlet and a genuine hobby and joy of my life, I need something more. Maybe learning an instrument? Find out sooner or later

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:16:36 PM »
who fracking cares? buy a Mercedes or something and don't fracking complain about your "too good for the common man" problems.


Why must you make me seem like a dick for no reason...?
Your "problem" was caused by and can be solved by your money. Don't come on here flaunting your wealth, just fix your fracking problem and move on with your life.

My family is probably as wealthy as yours, to be perfectly honest, but I don't talk about that shit because it isn't fracking relevant. That, and my parents don't buy me a new lambo every year.

I'm willing to bet your parents are more wealthy then mine haha. And my parents didn't buy me anything, nice try though. Another thing, I'm not flaunting my wealth it's just you being to much of an ass to get over the fact. I literally only bring up my cars, quit bitching about the fact I'm happy about having them. I've covered this a thousand times, and it's obvious everyone ignores it. YOU guys bring it up. I don't come out and say I'm soooo rich look at me, you actually say it more by saying that your wealthy and you don't brag about it. All I talk about is my cars. I'm happy your wealthy, that's fantastic I hope your family and you are doing fine. But stop being so obsessed with the fact and actually stick to what the post is about. Last time I checked its about not being able to park my car, granted it's a nice one, but I'm not calling attention to it. But I guess all you see is "look at me and my millions of dollars." It's annoying. I literally have nothing against you. And I'm more or less lashing out cause I'm mad over something completely unrelated, so sorry in advance if I'm being unreasonable. But come on. If you want me to make a post "bragging" then by all means I can so you can see how much I was not bragging. You can look through any post, I don't act as if I'm above anyone, don't act any differently because I'm wealthy.

And you dislike me because of this? Isn't that a little uncalled for? I would understand if I was being a bitch or actually bragging, but I do neither. I simply talk, and ask questions.

Talking like this is a rarity from me and I actually feel a little disappointed that I am even doing so, but I guess I kind of have to at this point.

I actually like you, and regardless if your being irrational or a complete bitch to me for a stupid reason that isn't going to change because it's something so insignificant.

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 04:05:49 PM »

You have the expensive cool car, right?

There's the problem. An expensive cool car is going to be a target for stealing, and I assume the liability cost for a car such as yours would be exponentially high compared to some first time banger car that most kids would have.

I can see why they are doing this, it's in case your car get's stolen and you decide to blame the school. They can't use most of their budget (if not all) paying the insurance on an a super expensive car, even if you'd said you wouldn't consider them liable, because there's always a chance and it's a chance they can't risk.

Yes, I agree it indeed sucks ass. I'd take on the chin for now, and ask later if you can park your car again if there isn't a wave of robberies in a few weeks.

The car that got stolen was a 2013 C300 Mercedes. It's about $40,000. Which is...1/30 of my car. I understand their logic but it's such an inconvenience. I'm hoping there's some form of agreement we can come to that benefits us both

>1/30 of your car
You drive a million dollar car? Who steals a corn-dog when you can steal a diamond? Da heck.

I kind of understand the schools logic, but that still sucks.

Mclaren P1. I understand their logic to

So you DID manage to buy the P1 in the end, and I presume that's yours as your avatar? Nice, needless to say here, but by the time i'm your age, i'll be in luck if I can afford a Ford Ka or something

Buying it took a bit, I needed a good price but yes I got it. And yes it's my avatar. Im 17, I thought you were older then me? I'd assume so

How did you buy a car that expensive at 17? Was it from a dealership? Did you buy it with credit?

Bought it from someone in California. He had heard I was looking to buy a P1 and he brought it down. I didn't buy it until Montery Car Week a month ago. The price he gave me was pretty good, especially considering what it was worth at the time. More or less he needed the money and I told him the story of how I originally passed one up because I hadn't fallen in love with the car yet, it was clear to him I would actually drive it. Which is the type of person he wanted to sell it to, I was actually the lowest offer, not by much, but still.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever
« on: October 02, 2014, 03:49:17 PM »
I'm pretty sure if I tried the pole would break. I'm not fat lol but I am heavy


Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 02, 2014, 03:48:10 PM »
I now have a serious problem with the OP.

OP claims to just want people's opinions on the matter and claims to not be offended, and yet he's incredibly defensive about what people are saying - to the point of trying to correct them - and insistent on the irrelevance of his wealth despite being the only person to consistently bring it up.

Conclusion: OP needs to screw his fracking head on straight and get on with his life.

The topic has nothing to do with it, people bring it up. People who respond to the actual OP got an actual response from me.

Your point? I'm just frustrated that people are quick to ignore everything I say and jump to it. This topic isn't even remotely about it.
Then why make the title of the thread "Somehow I'm still unhappy". That implies that despite all your wealth and good fortune, you're still unhappy. You brought it up man.

It implies nothing, I talk about how I have a good family and I'm not socially awkward and how I have a pretty good life, yet somehow im not happy. Where does wealth come into play...
He's just making assumptions. It wasn't exactly implied.

I specifically left that entire aspect out of the OP and somehow it always gets brought up lol. Which is annoying

The Flood / Re: So I am no longer allowed to drive to school
« on: October 02, 2014, 03:36:24 PM »
This college or highschool?


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