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Messages - BC

Pages: 1 ... 222324 2526 ... 262

looks like a dick and some scrotum tbh

honestly have no idea

You are still mine and my girlfriends favorite member. I've almost crashed, spilled/spit out water on so many occasions because of you

to know I've touched a couple so far away warms my heart.

You've almost killed us too 😂

also opinion pls

Who are you again?



looks like a dick and some scrotum tbh

honestly have no idea

You are still mine and my girlfriends favorite member. I've almost crashed, spilled/spit out water on so many occasions because of you

A constellation penis that is secretly a car?

Zonda got it

Don't tell me you're getting the Regera?


*clapping emojis*

Oh look another thread trend.

Do you want an opinion or nah
Eh sure w/e.

ftr an observation doesn't equate to criticism.

I'm not critiquing anyone

The Flood / Where's Sandtrap at?
« on: May 10, 2016, 10:12:57 PM »
Haven't seen him post in a while, hope he's okay

Wait, constellations... stars...


LOL NOPE. I owned an Evo, why would I ever do that
Because there's no more Evos. Subie won

Still take my old X over any Subie.

Oh look another thread trend.

Do you want an opinion or nah

That constellation is Leo the lion.

First step, there's more then that

Your new around here, but you seem nice and I appreciate that. You always post something that helps with discussion
Hmmm your zodiac sign, then?

Unfortunately I'm not in the snapchat. Is it possible to reasonably ascertain its meaning given the information at my current disposal?

I'll give you a hint, I'm a big car guy. Take that and my avatar, and you can figure it out moderately easily
Oh, did you solve the puzzle in chapter 11?

In Uncharted? Which one is it
It's apparently in a clocktower and there's a car-chase scene after solving it.
Is it a new model of car you're thinking of purchasing?

Wait lol, are you asking how to solve it or if my avatar is related to it lmfao. Cause I know Leo is one of the signs in there.

And purchased*
Damn, I was close. I thought your avatar might have been related to the puzzle in-game, it was the first thing that appeared in google news.

Nope but that was pretty good lol

Wait, constellations... stars...


LOL NOPE. I owned an Evo, why would I ever do that

That constellation is Leo the lion.

First step, there's more then that

Your new around here, but you seem nice and I appreciate that. You always post something that helps with discussion
Hmmm your zodiac sign, then?

Unfortunately I'm not in the snapchat. Is it possible to reasonably ascertain its meaning given the information at my current disposal?

I'll give you a hint, I'm a big car guy. Take that and my avatar, and you can figure it out moderately easily
Oh, did you solve the puzzle in chapter 11?

In Uncharted? Which one is it
It's apparently in a clocktower and there's a car-chase scene after solving it.
Is it a new model of car you're thinking of purchasing?

Wait lol, are you asking how to solve it or if my avatar is related to it lmfao. Cause I know Leo is one of the signs in there.

And purchased*


I like you, obviously. And your gifs of cats and parrots living together always make me smile. In fact they are amongst my favorite things I've seen on the internet

That constellation is Leo the lion.

First step, there's more then that

Your new around here, but you seem nice and I appreciate that. You always post something that helps with discussion
Hmmm your zodiac sign, then?

Unfortunately I'm not in the snapchat. Is it possible to reasonably ascertain its meaning given the information at my current disposal?

I'll give you a hint, I'm a big car guy. Take that and my avatar, and you can figure it out moderately easily
Oh, did you solve the puzzle in chapter 11?

In Uncharted? Which one is it


You are a funny man, but not as funny as Joseph

Yes, my username was Gaara444.

That clears it up. your from right?

Ok then I do know you. I have to double check so I don't think somebody is someone they are not.

Your cool, I really don't have anything else to say really. You contribute to posts and don't troll (atleast not that I've seen). I don't believe I've seen you joke around though. And we've never talked so my opinion isn't very deep

No idea what you're talking about.


That clears it up. your from right?

It's a clothes hanger. I'm sorry that you two had to make the decision, but you made the right one.

Das please, if I knocked up a girl I'd have the child and stay homie (dead ass).

My opinion? I love you (although you say and think some really really really really weird shit)

That constellation is Leo the lion.

First step, there's more then that

Your new around here, but you seem nice and I appreciate that. You always post something that helps with discussion
Hmmm your zodiac sign, then?

Unfortunately I'm not in the snapchat. Is it possible to reasonably ascertain its meaning given the information at my current disposal?

I'll give you a hint, I'm a big car guy. Take that and my avatar, and you can figure it out moderately easily

its a penis

We've had our fair share of argumentative discussions and we may have had some anarchy fighting (if I remember correctly) and sometimes you are a bit...odd, but recently you've been pretty good, no complaints no annoyances. When your like this, I like you. I know you've had some shit going on in your life so that probably had an effect on how you projected yourself on here, so there's no harm done.

May Azula guide you

What retreat?

Wait before I say, were you the one who left for that retreat I while ago?



Hey cutie. Although you do say some stupid crap, and have some fixing you need to take care of, for the most part you make attempts to fix how you come across to people and have always been nice to me because I have always been nice to you, which I appreciate. I don't dislike you, nor do I look down on you (or anyone for that matter). You just need to sometimes think about what your saying my G. But when you do, your a quality member


Wait before I say, were you the one who left for that retreat I while ago?


Your cool, you make me laugh, but I think your a little to harsh on yourself. Don't think so much about how you haven't been intimate with someone and just focus on what makes you happy. You don't need sex to be happy, but when your happy opportunities will come. Don't look for sex, look for meaningful relationship.

That constellation is Leo the lion.

First step, there's more then that

Your new around here, but you seem nice and I appreciate that. You always post something that helps with discussion
Hmmm your zodiac sign, then?




Your a decent character on GoT

That constellation is Leo the lion.

First step, there's more then that

Your new around here, but you seem nice and I appreciate that. You always post something that helps with discussion

its a penis

Uncultured swine. (Not opinion, to your guess)

Your alright, but to be completely honest I genuinely can't remember if we've talked or if you've said anything funny. My memory is pretty of right now.

But, since we have no bad blood your chillin fam

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