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Messages - BC

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Beyond Two Souls, one of the greatest stories I have ever played.

I played a small portion. I'm not a fan of the supernatural aspect, and the beginning of the game was sort of...oddly paced.

Does it get much better?
If you play through the entire game, you will see a timeline, and the chapters skip to different points in her life out of order. It actually ties the story in really well, it did not feel out of place at all.

I stopped when you help a woman give birth, it was a but awkward, like I became uncomfortable. Not sure why in all honesty.

I felt the same thing during the torture scene in Far Cry 3, where you have to torture your own brother. I couldn't do it. My brother was watching me play, I had to wait until I was alone. And even then it was actually hard

When it comes to stories, good vs evil as a premise doesn't grip me as much. Sure there's a lot of great stories centered around this cliche struggle, but I find the search for truth/discovering oneself/a quest for understanding to be the most engaging to me, even over the struggle for survival.

What's something that exemplifies this, so I can get a grasp

Beyond Two Souls, one of the greatest stories I have ever played.

I played a small portion. I'm not a fan of the supernatural aspect, and the beginning of the game was sort of...oddly paced.

Does it get much better?

Definitely makes for a more interesting story, generally speaking. But a traditional good against evil can be just as good.

I have never gotten the same response from a good against evil story. To me it isn't the same.

That being said, if there is enough plot twists and turns, then yes I can agree. But it takes incredibly clever writing, in my opinion, to beat a gray story

The Flood / Re: Why am I not heroic yet :(
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:46:34 PM »
You don't post often enough, nor spend enough time on here.

I have over 1300 posts
All that stuff was rejigged recently.
So it's harder to rank up.
I went down 2 ranks even though im pretty damn active
2 ranks? You were never Mythic, so you actually only went down 1 rank.
Legendary uns
Heroic invs
and now heroic uns
I didn't realize the post count ranks were changed too.

Neither did I
It's not entirely relevant to me anyway since I have a special title. lol

*Envy Intensifies*
psh it's not that big a deal

Your a big deal bby  ;)

The Flood / Re: Why am I not heroic yet :(
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:44:38 PM »
You don't post often enough, nor spend enough time on here.

I have over 1300 posts
All that stuff was rejigged recently.
So it's harder to rank up.
I went down 2 ranks even though im pretty damn active
2 ranks? You were never Mythic, so you actually only went down 1 rank.
Legendary uns
Heroic invs
and now heroic uns
I didn't realize the post count ranks were changed too.

Neither did I
It's not entirely relevant to me anyway since I have a special title. lol

*Envy Intensifies*

The Flood / Re: Why am I not heroic yet :(
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:42:33 PM »
You don't post often enough, nor spend enough time on here.

I have over 1300 posts
All that stuff was rejigged recently.
So it's harder to rank up.
I went down 2 ranks even though im pretty damn active
2 ranks? You were never Mythic, so you actually only went down 1 rank.
Legendary uns
Heroic invs
and now heroic uns
I didn't realize the post count ranks were changed too.

Neither did I

The Flood / Re: What do you have an unnecessary amount of?
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:41:42 PM »

Perhaps this was better fit for "Serious"

The Flood / Re: Ok, now for some sad news.
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:39:48 PM »
I'm paying the entire medical bill.
It's good to see you acting on your sentiments then, unlike most. That's all I can really ask for.

I wouldn't have it any other way. (I don't mean that in the bad way, I mean It like I have to help)

The Flood / Re: Why am I not heroic yet :(
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:38:52 PM »
i want custom nameplate and gold text
I want my custom title back! Cheat is a thief.
Same. I want my gold borders and text. I had them for 3 days and now they're gone. I grew accustom to them.

As did did i :(

The Flood / Re: Ok, now for some sad news.
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:37:44 PM »
It's a young kid.
7.6 million children die each year, mostly in conditions worse than the boy you know. Maybe it's just me, but it doesn't bother me that much.

I'm not saying don't care, I'm just saying it might be easier if you realise the only justice we make in this world is our own. If you want to do something, give some money to the family for the medical expenses, or donate to a charity.

I'm paying the entire medical bill. And yes, I know awful things happen around the world. And yea, maybe I'm a shit person for knowing that and not doing it, but when you experience it and it effect you directly, it hurts. And it sinks in.

I did not put this in gaming, although I will use games as examples. As well as movies and shows.

Think of any story in any genre you enjoy. Some of them are clear cut, good versus bad, light versus dark. But some deal with the gray areas. The middle ground where morals isn't necessarily definite. You find this mostly in survival centered stories. For example, The Walking Dead (both game and show), as well as The Last of Us, and This War of Mine.

Both have to do with survival at all costs. And there is no clear enemy, everyone is each others enemy, and you must do what is necessary to survive.

In The Last of Us, you have a group of characters who operate in a strange way. For the sake of all of you, I will put why in a spoiler, as it is infact a spoiler.

Joel, the main protagonist, sacrifices and kills a lot of people so he can bring Ellie to the fireflies.Then, he betrays the fireflies and saves Ellie. But Ellie was the key to the cure to the fungal disease which has destroyed humanity. So, in turn, Joel becomes the antagonist of the over arching storyline, as he chose to save Ellie over the rest of humanity. But put yourself in those shoes, and let's say it's your child. Would you have them sacrificed? Would you have them killed? Without their knowledge. There is no correct answer. And it exists in the morally gray areas.

Another example is This War of Mine. It's a survival game that takes the civilian role in the middle of a civil war that ravages the country. Two armies in total war, and your a civilian trapped in the middle doing anything to survive. Everything you do has consequences, and since this is a technically sandbox and randomly generated game, I can talk about this instance. I sent one of my guys into a house to find medicine and food for my starving and sick members back at our "base". There we find an old couple trying to live a normal life. They can't defend themselves, and I have every opportunity to take whatever I want and screw them over. But the game reacts, it makes the old man beg for you to not hurt his wife, and to leave them alone. I took the food, not all, but some, and left. Potentially screwing over them, for my own survival. Fast forward a bit later, and I return to take a few stacks of wood that were outside the front of the house. Only to find out, the couple died of starvation because I took too much food. And both my character in game, and me in the real world, felt responsible. It's a game, yes. But it hits your humanity. You did what is necessary for you to survive, at the cost of another persons survival, and they had no plans or means to harm you.

These kinds of stories make you think, and make you react emotionally. It brings out your humanity, and makes you question what is both right and wrong, and necessary.

What do you think about theses kinds of narratives? Do you agree or disagree with my points? Discuss.

The Flood / Re: Ok, now for some sad news.
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:21:40 PM »
People get cancer.

People get hit by cars.

People die.

It sucks. Don't dwell on it.

It's not an adult. It's a young kid.

You can't just let it go. Imagine if that was your son. Sure, it sucks if he gets it at any age, but when he's just's too much.

The Flood / Re: What do you have an unnecessary amount of?
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:20:36 PM »
I have a lot of water bottles in my room, I think I have an addiction to water.

Healthy addiction lol

The Flood / Re: What do you have an unnecessary amount of?
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:20:12 PM »
Water bottles.

Jfc I have like 20 boxes of those 21 bottle containers. Hurricane supply baby

The Flood / Re: Why am I not heroic yet :(
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:19:19 PM »
Dunno, maybe because uou are not heroic?

Your right

The Flood / Re: Ok, now for some sad news.
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:17:21 PM »
That really sucks. It's bad as it is when adults get cancer, but at the very least they'd had some sort of life. It's the worst when children get it, like one of my friends who had leukemia when he was really young (He didn't even tell me until I asked who he was with in a photo - It was a famous F1 driver who he met as part of one of those Make A Wish foundation things). Thankfully he was treated so he's fine now and he's the jolliest carefree person I know.

Hope the kids gets better, that's all any of us can really do.

It hurts to see kids have to go throw something like this. It really does

The Flood / Re: Fat bitches are making a push in the music industry
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:12:58 AM »

The Flood / Re: Why am I not heroic yet :(
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:11:36 AM »
ur a wanka w/ fakebling m8

Of course

The Flood / Re: Ok, now for some sad news.
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:10:54 AM »

BasedLove don't give a fuck.
Who is this BasedLove? Sounds like a cp loving asshole.


The Flood / Re: Why am I not heroic yet :(
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:45:46 AM »
You don't post often enough, nor spend enough time on here.

I have over 1300 posts

The Flood / Re: Ok, now for some sad news.
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:44:50 AM »
>this thread

The picture doesn't show up

The Flood / Re: Why am I not heroic yet :(
« on: November 03, 2014, 07:52:53 AM »
Ask yourself this - do you really deserve the title of 'heroic' after all the crimes you've committed?


The Flood / Re: Ok, now for some sad news.
« on: November 03, 2014, 07:44:55 AM »

BasedLove don't give a fuck.


The Flood / Re: Ok, now for some sad news.
« on: November 02, 2014, 08:48:47 PM »
I know that feeling, when i first heard that my sister had cancer, i was going to think that it could be the end of her, but i didn't want to believe that, i just hoped that she was ok, lucky for me she was alright, the kid i'm not so sure, but i know how you feel, and i hope he's alright.

I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I'm glad to hear she ended up ok.

I hope so too.

The Flood / Re: Why am I not heroic yet :(
« on: November 02, 2014, 08:39:10 PM »
the circle jerk continues

I'm on the outside looking in.

I have to jerk myself like a loser

The Flood / Ok, now for some sad news.
« on: November 02, 2014, 08:38:22 PM »
Some of you may have caught my thread a few days back about how I encountered a young boy at a hospital by my house. If you didn't, the thread text will be in the spoiler below:

I went the hospital near my house a few hours ago (hence why I've been very active today) to visit my buddy who just had surgery on his ACL/MCL.

I frequent the hospital to get service hours by helping out so I walked my usual route to leave. The outpatient area is my last stop, and as I was walking by I saw a kid alone. Knowing he couldn't be anymore then 11 years old I went up to him. He looked a bit concerned about something so I just said hello and asked him where his parents were. He told me his name was Miles and that his parents were talking to a doctor and that he had been in the hospital for 2 days because he couldn't walk up the stairs in his home, he had the inability to make the step up.

I started making conversation with him and he pointed out my shirt. I was wearing a Lamborghini Polo I got as a gift from the HQ in Bologna when I visited over the summer. And he told me he always dreamt of riding in a Lamborghini. Before I could say anything his parents came back and obviously asked me what I was doing talking to their son, lmao. I explained to them I was on my way out and I usually talk to some of the people in the outpatient area, and I noticed that he looked pretty down. With that I took them aside and asked if he was ok and told them that he explained to me why he was in the hospital. They said they were going to have to conduct test for brain cancer, because during initial tests he had troubles, and they found some form of anomaly in his first MRI (although they suspect it's a mess up as a result of him moving around.) I had been in the exact same situation a few months ago (or maybe it was last month, a lot has happened so Idr exactly.) So I could feel for him. I told them I had an idea of how to cheer him up and to stay here for 15 more minutes. On the way out the mom said to the dad "hey isn't that the company Miles owns a toy of" to which the dad then asked me if that was Lamborghini. I pointed out the name (which was clear enough) and said yup.

I walked out. Went home, and came back. As many of you know, I own a Lamborghini. I came back into the area and saw they were waiting in the back of the room, unable to see a giant window facing outside. I took the dad aside and told him what I had planned. He relayed the info to the mom and this is how it went down.

The parents would take him outside and tell him to cover his eyes. Saying it was a test the doctor asked them to do. They walk him (blindly) until he was a few feet away from the car. I then went to him and told him that I felt bad that he had a bad last two days. And I told him I had a way of making it up to him. I texted my parents to come out (they were in the hospital room with my friend with his family). And then I told Miles to uncover his eyes.

Flood, never in my life have I ever seen such pure joy. His eyes opened wider then ever, and he smiled as much as possible. And he just screamed "no way" and started jumping up and down from excitement. My mom and his mom began to cry and I told the dad he could take his son for a spin in it around the parking lot (it was basically empty.) So they did. When they went around twice they came back, and after helping both of them open the doors, the dad came and gave me a hug, and said god bless you. I went to Miles, gave him a high five and told him that I hope I made his dream come true. And he too hugged me. We took a picture (which I'm skeptical to show as both the kids family and my family are in it).

I have always wanted to make someone's dream come true. And I did. I tried to hold back tears, but a few got away. It was humbling, and amazing to make a kid and his family so happy. I gave the dad my number so he could tell me how the results turned out. We all hugged one more time, and said goodbye.

I'm very happy today flood. I feel blessed beyond belief. It was awesome. Absolutely awesome.

Unfortunately, I have been informed by the father that he does in fact have an early stage of brain cancer...

This...this sucks. Honestly. I may have only known the kid for a few hours, but it's something you cant necessarily just walk away from. I'm sad he has cancer, but I have to be thankful they caught it early. It is treatable, and we has to undergo surgery to removed a tumor.

I'm sorry for those of you that have had to deal with cancer. Either you personally, or a member of your family, or friend. I'm genuinely sorry if you have lost anyone because of it. I know your pain. I would never wish it upon anyone. And it's incredibly heartbreaking to see this disease effect so many people, regardless of age.

He's just a little boy...and now he's faced with this. I can only pray it all goes well. (Please, please do not bash me for saying that. It's not the time or place.)

The Flood / Re: Why am I not heroic yet :(
« on: November 02, 2014, 08:32:43 PM »
I've upvoted you several times BC :D
upvote buddy


The Flood / Re: Favorite Website as a Child?
« on: November 02, 2014, 08:28:27 PM »
Runescape is the only correct answer

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