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Messages - BC

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The Flood / Re: A final formal apology
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:08:42 PM »
No apologies needed. You didn't step into the wrong here. The real issue is lack of empathy from other folks. But, let's face it, who the fuck wouldn't be jealous in some bit?

There's a man, that occasionally comes into my restuarant. One of the richest men in Canada, a low level, multi-billionaire. I've seen this dude's property, his land, his equipment. And as simple as I am, what I wouldn't give to have even a fraction of all that for myself.

But, I understand that in order to do so, sacrifices would have to be made. So would it really be worth it, in the end? The chance of losing sight of what really matters to me? I wager, no, it's not worth it. And so I choose this.

Am I still jealous, just a bit? Sure thing. This man can go anywhere, do anything, on a whim. But, such is the way of things.

In the end, we're all just people. You're not soulless because of your supposed wealth. And, compared to most, you don't seem like a sack of old sacks when paired up against other wealthy people I've met and seen before.

You don't need to change a damn thing.

Still, I can't blame them. I really can't, everyone has a different outlook.

But thanks Sandtrap.

The Flood / Re: A final formal apology
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:07:07 PM »
You're a good man Charlie Brown

Thank you Mr. Resident Canadian

The Flood / Re: A final formal apology
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:05:44 PM »
I don't forgive you. What you've done is too terrible.

Will sudoku bring honor to my name?
No, but Boggle might.

What is that, haha

The Flood / Re: A final formal apology
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:05:26 PM »

The Flood / Re: A final formal apology
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:05:05 PM »
You haven't done anything wrong, so I don't see the problem. It's just how people are. Some people like you, and others don't. You can't win everybody.

I haven't meant to do anything wrong, but let me explain.

I don't know what's going on in your life, but imagine this.

Your having trouble financially, and life isn't to great. Your not going to be happy to see a kid talking about his expensive cars. Your going to see that as him thinking he's better, and bragging. It's not a matter of jealously, but a matter of perspective.

And I get that, and looking at it in the light isn't wrong.

There's other things I have done that people see in a negative light, but that's a prevelant one

The Flood / Re: A final formal apology
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:01:58 PM »
I don't forgive you. What you've done is too terrible.

Will sudoku bring honor to my name?

The Flood / Re: A final formal apology
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:01:38 PM »
You didn't have to apologize...

I know I didn't, but I did. It's just how I am in truth

The Flood / Re: A final formal apology
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:01:05 PM »
Everyone just needs some booty, Nugtella and Halo Wars.

Halo wars catches me as a surprise.

Few people still enjoy that game

Serious / Re: I can feel myself getting worse, and more violently-minded
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:00:19 PM »
So, let's say you made your mother cry.

Would you feel any hint of remorse for doing that, or do you feel nothing.
Well, I've done that so I can answer honestly. No, I don't feel remorse. It just doesn't register with me emotionally.

So you have a disconnect in empathy for others.

Maybe you aren't able to make a connection, but things like this don't spawn out of the blue. There is always a trigger for these kinds of feelings.

Normally, people would feel terrible for ever making their mother cry. It doesn't matter how tough you are, it's a human response. Sure, it doesn't apply to everyone. And those that it doesn't apply to, feel that way because something happened, that caused them to have that disconnect and feel what you feel

The Flood / A final formal apology
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:57:41 PM »
Hello Flood,

No, this is not about me leaving. This is about me openly apologizing for my behavior on this website. I know many of you will jump to the conclusion and say "your taking the internet to seriously", and maybe I am, but I feel as if I should do this. First, I want to say sorry to three individuals. Noelle, RC, and Vien. I antagonized you by saying you wanted me to leave, I understand how unfair it was, and I'm sorry for jumping to such a rash conclusion. I appreciate your tolerance of me, and I'm sorry for putting you on blast for something that was untrue and unfair. All three of you are great people, and I appreciate your company.

Now this is for the lot of you. And specifically some of you, who point it out more often then others. I understand I got off on the wrong foot with you guys, and I realize why some of you see me in a negative light. I get it, I really do. I never intended to come across in the ways I did, and I'm sorry. If anything I ever say bothered you, annoyed you, or angered you, I'm genuinely sorry. It was never my intention. I never meant to brag about anything, and I understand I talk about it more then normal. So I decided to cut it out entirely. I don't want to be seen as an asshole, or someone who has an inflated ego. I don't think I'm better then any of you, it would be stupid to think that. I actually think some of you are better then me. A huge amount of you are genuinely good people, and I think it's unfair that I came across in the manner I did. I won't speak of my cars, or any of that, anymore. I realize it's inappropriate for the broader scope, and I see how it can be changed into something negative. I genuinely understand where you guys come from when you tell me and call me out. I do.

I enjoy all of you, and your company. A lot of you are people I would not mind meeting in real life. And because of that I feel I must treat you like I treat everyone else. Regardless if I may never see, or meet you, I still value you as a human being. I don't care if I'm interacting with that person through a computer screen (or phone if you go mobile). I'm not changing who I am because of this, I just realize something's aren't meant to be shared. It's reasonable.

I hope I can fix how some of you think of me, obviously I can't change all of your opinions, but I want to try.

That's all I have to say

- BC1096

Serious / Re: I can feel myself getting worse, and more violently-minded
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:45:24 PM »
So you feel no remorse for hurting friends and family?
No, I don't.

Do you feel as if you are emotionally numb
Not necessarily. I only really feel things about me, if that makes sense. I can feel happy for my successes, and angry by insults so I'm not emotionally void. I am, however, certainly less emotional when it comes to other people, and in comparison with other people's general range of emotional awareness.

Let me explore this.

So, let's say you made your mother cry.

Would you feel any hint of remorse for doing that, or do you feel nothing.

Not talking logically, im asking what you genuinely feel

Serious / Re: I can feel myself getting worse, and more violently-minded
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:41:03 PM »
So you feel no remorse for hurting friends and family?
No, I don't.

Do you feel as if you are emotionally numb

Serious / Re: I can feel myself getting worse, and more violently-minded
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:39:46 PM »
Ok, do you see anything wrong with what your doing
No. I don't connect with the "wrongness" of what I'm doing. I can understand, intellectually, how it might not be beneficial, but I don't "feel" that.

So you feel no remorse for hurting friends and family? (I may be assuming way to much, if I am, sorry)

The Flood / Re: Friendly Confession Thread
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:37:30 PM »
I don't know what the fuck is going on, so I'll just name some people and put spoiler tags underneath saying whether I think they're a Jew or Cool as shit.

Ripoff of RC. Come on, two consonants and four numbers? Unoriginal as shit. Jew.

You know I came first, right? LOL

The Flood / Re: Friendly Confession Thread
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:36:11 PM »

You reached out to me when you didn't need to, and it changed the way I saw you. I'm sorry that so many people see you in such a negative light.

Anytime. And it's ok, I can't blame them. I know I have come across in ways that can be seen in a negative light. Although I never meant any of it, I understand.

Serious / Re: I can feel myself getting worse, and more violently-minded
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:30:56 PM »
Your probably going through a rebellious phase.
I guarantee you it isn't just a "rebellious phrase". I'm not reacting against some sort of authority.

Ok, I proposed a question

What has been going on in your life recently, we can start there
Nothing, that's just the thing. All of my previous experience would suggest this shouldn't be happening, since there's nothing there to facilitate/allow it to happen. There's no reason I should be feeling like this.

Ok, do you see anything wrong with what your doing

Serious / Re: I'm starting to lose it
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:30:26 PM »
I'm not asking about this. Just asking questions.

I wouldn't waste my time arguing (not saying I am or plan to) because you won't budge.

I was just curious

Have you used cannabis before? It might surprise you that I use it maybe once or twice every month or two, it also helped me give up alcohol completely. I don't even use caffeine anymore.

I have. I see that it changes people, mostly for the worse (if used weekly) and you can't really argue that. If you do it as infrequently as you say, then I see nothing wrong with it.

I quit, because it was just not something I was about. Same with my good friend, she does it very infrequently now.

I never saw the point. Sure, I've done it at parties, albeit rarely. I'm not much of a drinker either. Halloween was the first time in months I got drunk.

Plus, it's not a matter that I'm too busy to do any of that, I have a lot of time on hands, and I have a lot of ways of getting it in my possession.

Just not about it.

Serious / Re: I can feel myself getting worse, and more violently-minded
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:27:33 PM »
Your probably going through a rebellious phase.
I guarantee you it isn't just a "rebellious phrase". I'm not reacting against some sort of authority.

Ok, I proposed a question

What has been going on in your life recently, we can start there

Serious / Re: I can feel myself getting worse, and more violently-minded
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:25:20 PM »
Are you by any chance a teenager
Yeah, 17.

Your probably going through a rebellious phase. I'm 17 as well, and I went through that at like 14. You have to become rational, and even thought that may make sense and you may say you are, your not.

Relax, take a breather. Pitting your friends against each other for sport doesn't get you anywhere.

Clearly something is bothering you. Perhaps something happened recently that triggered this kind of behavior?

Serious / Re: I'm starting to lose it
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:23:31 PM »
I get that, but you said it completely changed who you were.

So do you believe all of that was unachievable on your own?

No, it didn't. It just helped me stand people. Nothing is really "achieved" by being more social, but the reduction of pain definitely wasn't achievable other than Tylenol which is far worse and many people die using. Are people that drink sodas here and there horrible people or something?

You do realize I'm not judging, simply just asking questions.

I just don't understand that mindset at all. Ya, if you need any drug to be happy, you're not really happy, but that's not to say responsible drug use can't help you and make you feel better. Hell, alcohol and cannabis are both healthy and beneficial in moderation and can even extend your life.

I'm not asking about this. Just asking questions.

I wouldn't waste my time arguing (not saying I am or plan to) because you won't budge.

I was just curious

Serious / Re: I can feel myself getting worse, and more violently-minded
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:21:22 PM »
Are you by any chance a teenager

Serious / Re: I'm starting to lose it
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:20:25 PM »
I get that, but you said it completely changed who you were.

So do you believe all of that was unachievable on your own?

No, it didn't. It just helped me stand people. Nothing is really "achieved" by being more social, but the reduction of pain definitely wasn't achievable other than Tylenol which is far worse and many people die using. Are people that drink sodas here and there horrible people or something?

You do realize I'm not judging, simply just asking questions.

The Flood / Re: Remember, remember, the 5th of November
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:19:13 PM »
Why ?

Serious / Re: I'm starting to lose it
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:12:40 PM »
I seriously wish you and Verbatin would try cannabis. Ironically, you two are probably the kind of people it helps most. I had some of your same problems and my social life became far improved after cannabis. Before, I never wanted to speak to anyone, not even on forums.

I'm not saying anything bad.

But isn't it kind of sad that you need that to help you become a person?

Like it literally made you. Like, you don't find that a tad bit sad?

Be honest, I know you love weed and all that, but seriously think about it

Not at all. It's like telling a sick person they're sad for needing medicine to function in society. If a safe and beneficial substance can improve someone's life, how is that at all sad? I used to be a very angry person because I always had head aches and let everything bother me. Cannabis cured those head aches and generally improved my mood.

I get that, but you said it completely changed who you were.

So do you believe all of that was unachievable on your own?

The Flood / Re: Are you /fa/?
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:09:29 PM »
Am I what?

Serious / Re: I'm starting to lose it
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:07:40 PM »

I don't really know what to say

Serious / Re: I'm starting to lose it
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:06:36 PM »
I seriously wish you and Verbatin would try cannabis. Ironically, you two are probably the kind of people it helps most. I had some of your same problems and my social life became far improved after cannabis. Before, I never wanted to speak to anyone, not even on forums.

I'm not saying anything bad.

But isn't it kind of sad that you need that to help you become a person?

Like it literally made you. Like, you don't find that a tad bit sad?

Be honest, I know you love weed and all that, but seriously think about it

The Flood / Re: Flood weading
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:03:53 PM »

The Flood / Re: Now I understand why so many hate the US
« on: November 05, 2014, 03:50:18 PM »
I need that new Corvette in my life

It is one hell of a car

« on: November 05, 2014, 03:30:37 PM »

I quite enjoyed 22 jump street. Also, I found BC's Lambo.


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