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Messages - BC

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The Flood / Re: Take a picture of your face and post that shit
« on: November 08, 2014, 07:52:07 PM »
I'm Batman


That Countach tho
Its just one of many cars I have hanged up on my walls.

Let me see, I actually have no car art in my room. Weird I know

The Flood / Re: Take a picture of your face and post that shit
« on: November 08, 2014, 07:47:00 PM »
I'm Batman


That Countach tho

The Flood / Re: Why am I still only ascended?
« on: November 08, 2014, 10:04:12 AM »
Same :(

The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:58:38 PM »
...but he didn't.

I'm going to go ahead and assume you take everything way to personally.

Outrage over abuse of power is not taking things too personally. It's expecting justified accountability.

I don't even know what to say anymore.

Let's agree to disagree. He did nothing wrong, plain and simple

Except it's not simple. He did something very wrong by abusing his authority. You should report him.

I'm not going to

The Flood / Re: Do any of your parents have any interesting pasts?
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:57:44 PM »
My Grandpa moved to Yugoslavia with his parents to work on the family farm during the Great Depression era, had a horribly yet hilarious sounding obese Rooster, KO'd his college professor in one punch, couldn't go through with college because the Nazis invaded, fought against the Nazis and Communists, came home from the war, then escaped with his mom and dad through the Iron Curtain, got a security kind of job in Italy(not really sure what), then eventually came back to America.

*slow clap*

What a boss
There's probably more, I could never remember all his stories well when I was younger and I never really knew what to ask and say to him about those things until I lost the chance. Heh, I still get a kick though out of how my mom told me how he met a guy that was part of the Nazi force that was deployed in Yugoslavia and how they talked like they were friends about the whole thing. I'll always look up to him.

Mad respect, I'm glad you had someone like that in your family. What a boss lol

The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:55:40 PM »
...but he didn't.

I'm going to go ahead and assume you take everything way to personally.

Outrage over abuse of power is not taking things too personally. It's expecting justified accountability.

I don't even know what to say anymore.

Let's agree to disagree. He did nothing wrong, plain and simple

I don't understand.
today there was a mini air show where the brought in a b17, a b24, and a p51 mustang

you were allowed to enter the bombers

if you had enough cash dolla you could ride on one of them for half an hour

P51 <3

The Flood / Re: Do any of your parents have any interesting pasts?
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:47:33 PM »
My Grandpa moved to Yugoslavia with his parents to work on the family farm during the Great Depression era, had a horribly yet hilarious sounding obese Rooster, KO'd his college professor in one punch, couldn't go through with college because the Nazis invaded, fought against the Nazis and Communists, came home from the war, then escaped with his mom and dad through the Iron Curtain, got a security kind of job in Italy(not really sure what), then eventually came back to America.

*slow clap*

What a boss

The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:45:44 PM »
Florida has no income tax.

The cop did nothing wrong, he was a cool guy. He wasn't a dick, didn't do anything to seem like a dick.

Federal income taxes apply regardless of your state, and something is very wrong with treating people that have done nothing wrong as criminals. Do you support the TSA when they sexually assault people?

I don't give a shit, that's not what this about. Keep it to the subject.

He didn't treat me like a criminal, when he gave me my license back he fits bumped me and said awesome car. And we talked. Really cool guy. Didn't treat me wrong from beginning to end

He did treat you like a criminal for assuming you were doing something wrong, or else he wouldn't have pulled you over.

Also, you weren't specifying thise single cop in your thread, you were speaking generally.

...but he didn't.

I'm going to go ahead and assume you take everything way to personally.

The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:45:04 PM »
17 year old, driving a $1.4M car. I'm pretty sure he has a pretty good basis to do what he did LOL.

Do you not have a license? Is driving an expensive car now a crime? Did he have reason to believe you stole it?

I have a license, what? No it's not, but I can understand the suspicion. And yea, I can see why he could think that

The Flood / Re: Do any of your parents have any interesting pasts?
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:37:28 PM »
Yes but some of it was highly illegal.  I haven't told anyone cause while I can forgive him I don't want people viewing him in that light.

Oh :/

Seems like a lot of us have some interesting parents.  Shame I always played it safe my kids'll thing I'm lame :(

Well, my dad was a POW, and my mom fled from Cuba, so of course they are going to have interesting stories. Your life is interesting thought, everyone has something happen

Well I guess my childhood was interesting, soley because of my crazy mother, but that wasn't what I had in mind. I meant stuff like fights, get scars, ext.  Cool stuff.

Eh, who knows what life will throw at you mate. Be safe though :)

The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:36:51 PM »
Florida has no income tax.

The cop did nothing wrong, he was a cool guy. He wasn't a dick, didn't do anything to seem like a dick.

Federal income taxes apply regardless of your state, and something is very wrong with treating people that have done nothing wrong as criminals. Do you support the TSA when they sexually assault people?

I don't give a shit, that's not what this about. Keep it to the subject.

He didn't treat me like a criminal, when he gave me my license back he fits bumped me and said awesome car. And we talked. Really cool guy. Didn't treat me wrong from beginning to end

The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:35:41 PM »
Yeah, what the cop did is total B.S. He had no legal right to stop, detain, and ask you questions. If I were his sergeant then he'd be given an I.A investigation and recommendation for a month of leave

Detain? He didn't do shit lol. All he did was make sure it's mine. I don't care, I don't mind, it was nothing wrong. After that we just talked about the car lmfao
If you were not free to leave, then that is detainment. In order to be stopped an officer must have the minimum of reasonable suspicion, meaning a crime might have or may occur. So by being stopped, the cop therefore was detaining you but it was an illegal detainment because he had no legal basis

It's good that you didn't mind and had a fun time talking with him, but people rarely act like that and it would have ended up as a lawsuit against the city and the department

17 year old, driving a $1.4M car. I'm pretty sure he has a pretty good basis to do what he did LOL.

Maybe it's just how I am, but I saw nothing wrong with what he did

The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:33:20 PM »
He didn't infringe on anything cam. He literally checked if it was my car, and then we just talked, showed him around the car, he took pictures cause he thought it was awesome, and we both said goodbye.

It was nice, he was a cool guy. Your trying to make him sound like a lowkey dick lol

That doesn't mean he didn't infringe upon someone else earlier or later. Hell, he infringed upon you just by enforcing tax laws which are theft and how he is paid.

...? He doesn't make any money for pulling me over lmfao.

Wait, so your saying you don't pay taxes?

I never claimed he did.

I refused to pay income tax starting about four years ago.

Florida has no income tax.

The cop did nothing wrong, he was a cool guy. He wasn't a dick, didn't do anything to seem like a dick.

The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:30:41 PM »
He didn't infringe on anything cam. He literally checked if it was my car, and then we just talked, showed him around the car, he took pictures cause he thought it was awesome, and we both said goodbye.

It was nice, he was a cool guy. Your trying to make him sound like a lowkey dick lol

That doesn't mean he didn't infringe upon someone else earlier or later. Hell, he infringed upon you just by enforcing tax laws which are theft and how he is paid.

...? He doesn't make any money for pulling me over lmfao.

Wait, so your saying you don't pay taxes?

The Flood / Re: Do any of your parents have any interesting pasts?
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:29:51 PM »
Yes but some of it was highly illegal.  I haven't told anyone cause while I can forgive him I don't want people viewing him in that light.

Oh :/

Seems like a lot of us have some interesting parents.  Shame I always played it safe my kids'll thing I'm lame :(

Well, my dad was a POW, and my mom fled from Cuba, so of course they are going to have interesting stories. Your life is interesting thought, everyone has something happen

The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:28:34 PM »
Yeah, what the cop did is total B.S. He had no legal right to stop, detain, and ask you questions. If I were his sergeant then he'd be given an I.A investigation and recommendation for a month of leave

Detain? He didn't do shit lol. All he did was make sure it's mine. I don't care, I don't mind, it was nothing wrong. After that we just talked about the car lmfao

The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:27:33 PM »
...? He did nothing wrong lol. He was actually really cool. It's not fair for you to think all cops are assholes. And you have to believe that.

Pulling you over admittedly when you did nothing criminal isn't wrong? Yes, it's very wrong and unjust. Not all cops are incapable of being courteous, in fact, they often act courteous while abusing you with a smile and calling you "sir." However, all cops must be corrupt. What would have happened if you had drugs in the car? What if he had just said, "I think I smell drugs" then planted them on you?

I can make up what it's too. Doesn't mean any of that is going happen. And it didn't. Your not winning this because literally nothing wrong happened.

Except it happens all of the time. Something did happen, you were pulled over for no reason and even you admitted that. Let me ask this, where does the money for that cop's paycheck come from? Do they ever infringe upon others? Is doing so "cool?"

He didn't infringe on anything cam. He literally checked if it was my car, and then we just talked, showed him around the car, he took pictures cause he thought it was awesome, and we both said goodbye.

It was nice, he was a cool guy. Your trying to make him sound like a lowkey dick lol

The Flood / Re: Do any of your parents have any interesting pasts?
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:21:36 PM »
Yes but some of it was highly illegal.  I haven't told anyone cause while I can forgive him I don't want people viewing him in that light.

Oh :/

The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:19:46 PM »
...? He did nothing wrong lol. He was actually really cool. It's not fair for you to think all cops are assholes. And you have to believe that.

Pulling you over admittedly when you did nothing criminal isn't wrong? Yes, it's very wrong and unjust. Not all cops are incapable of being courteous, in fact, they often act courteous while abusing you with a smile and calling you "sir." However, all cops must be corrupt. What would have happened if you had drugs in the car? What if he had just said, "I think I smell drugs" then planted them on you?

I can make up what it's too. Doesn't mean any of that is going happen. And it didn't. Your not winning this because literally nothing wrong happened.

The Flood / Re: Do any of your parents have any interesting pasts?
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:12:55 PM »
A bit.

Both my parents came from really poor families. My dad's family struggled, but made due. My mom's family was evicted from a variety of different homes, apartments, etc. Her dad was a drunk and blew all the money on booze, and then his girlfriend [note: not my mom's mom] shot him in the back and killed him less than a week before I was born.

So there's that.

Jesus Christ

Both of them mostly cut ties with their families and have been much better without them. My parents had great careers, provided more than enough for my brother and I, and have been married for 42 years.

They made it.

My parents have been married for...26 years? Something like that. I'm glad things worked out

The Flood / Re: fuck cheat
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:12:04 PM »
You earned those initial down votes, as did we all
no, i didnt.
Do something about it, then. Post more constructively and stop shitposting.

You can't honestly expect to keep a high rank and be a douchebag at the same time...
It's been working for me...

When have you been a douchebag?
Shut up, nigger.

           ^ Right there.

I'm Spanish though, fix your derogative term

Spic, or is it spick? Idk how to spell it.

And no, I'm not Mexican
Pool boy?

Isn't that more of a white people thing?
Only in porn.

Well, I wouldn't know, don't watch porn
Yeah. Me neither. ;)

I actually really don't haha

I have nudes for that :p
I sent you those in secret...


The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:11:37 PM »
What you're describing is abuse and you should not have given them any information unless you did something wrong. Never surrender and lick the booty of "authority." If I did something like that as private security I would be fired and sued, just as that cop should be. They often get vacations for murder.

I see nothing wrong with it lol. He literally was just checking. If you catch someone who stole a car like that, that's great. I have no problem with that. He gave me no attitude or anything. He didn't even demand my information, he kindly asked. I have a temporary plate so I mean, it's understandable

And you're innocent until proven guilty. There's a lot wrong with a road pirate wasting time on our dime. Hell, maybe we should just fondle all the babies in airports, if it catches a bomber it's alright.

That kind of thinking is absurd. You need to value liberty and refuse to be treated like a criminal next time.

...? He did nothing wrong lol. He was actually really cool. It's not fair for you to think all cops are assholes. And you have to believe that.

The Flood / Re: fuck cheat
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:09:38 PM »
You earned those initial down votes, as did we all
no, i didnt.
Do something about it, then. Post more constructively and stop shitposting.

You can't honestly expect to keep a high rank and be a douchebag at the same time...
It's been working for me...

When have you been a douchebag?
Shut up, nigger.

           ^ Right there.

I'm Spanish though, fix your derogative term

Spic, or is it spick? Idk how to spell it.

And no, I'm not Mexican
Pool boy?

Isn't that more of a white people thing?
Only in porn.

Well, I wouldn't know, don't watch porn
Yeah. Me neither. ;)

I actually really don't haha

I have nudes for that :p

The Flood / Re: Do any of your parents have any interesting pasts?
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:08:43 PM »
My mom's mom died when she was 17.  She's been on her own since.

My dad's mom got MS and died when I was little.

I never met my dad's mom, we shared the same birthday though.

The Flood / Re: Do any of your parents have any interesting pasts?
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:08:02 PM »
A bit.

Both my parents came from really poor families. My dad's family struggled, but made due. My mom's family was evicted from a variety of different homes, apartments, etc. Her dad was a drunk and blew all the money on booze, and then his girlfriend [note: not my mom's mom] shot him in the back and killed him less than a week before I was born.

So there's that.

Jesus Christ

The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:07:17 PM »
What you're describing is abuse and you should not have given them any information unless you did something wrong. Never surrender and lick the booty of "authority." If I did something like that as private security I would be fired and sued, just as that cop should be. They often get vacations for murder.

I see nothing wrong with it lol. He literally was just checking. If you catch someone who stole a car like that, that's great. I have no problem with that. He gave me no attitude or anything. He didn't even demand my information, he kindly asked. I have a temporary plate so I mean, it's understandable

The Flood / Re: Do any of your parents have any interesting pasts?
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:04:20 PM »
My mom's mom died when she was 17.  She's been on her own since.


The Flood / Re: Users from Florida/Cop story
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:01:38 PM »
I have so many corrupt Florida cop stories

Where do you live

The Flood / Re: Do any of your parents have any interesting pasts?
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:01:05 PM »
Was your dad in Black Ops 2?

The civil was in Blops 2

I never played it

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