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Messages - BC

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News / Re: Motor Mondays: McLaren P1
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:25:26 PM »
>not doing the R34 for motor Monday

Doing it after the DB7  ;)

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:24:14 PM »
ITT: Hugbox
This BC kid is just a fag, amiright?

Like the skinny twink in the middle of a threesome.

Threesome? This kid probably has never seen a naked girl. Such a loser

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:23:44 PM »

God, how many people have I shot already...

My lord, your a cool guy. Pretty funny actually. You get along with everyone and everyone seems to like you. Which is expected from our most beloved lord ruler. North Korea wishes they had a bad ass motherfucker like you as their leader :p

I hope all is well in your life friend, and if you ever need a talk, I'm right here (thousands of miles away, but somehow ever present...through a computer screen)

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:21:02 PM »
ITT: Hugbox


More like circle jerk, all this positivity. This BC kid is just a fag, amiright?

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:20:15 PM »
Go go go

I still remember you, clearly.

I never forgot about you, and I kept my word that I wouldn't. I guess you were going through troubling times back then, and I hope things are much better and that your happy. Your a cool cat, but you seem fairly low key on this site, either that or I just don't see your comments that much. Sorry :p

I like you, I never forgot you, and for good reason. Remember that.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:18:26 PM »


What's up buddy? How have you been? Hopefully good. Hopefully your kicking ass in the real world, showing these bitches what's up

I like you, as you can tell. I think I've told you that, probably. Your a cool dude, you like to have a good time and your not a dick to everyone. These are good things, continue doing that. I hope your life is all good and well and I hope your a happy boy.

I hope you have a good day and week

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:16:02 PM »
I'm ready.

Are you? ARE YOU!?

Guess so. Well, I don't know much about you. Like, maybe I'm not recognizing you but you just recently entered my life. New, but not insignificant. I hope to get to know you, and hope to talk in the future. I can't judge your character as I have nothing to base it off of.

I hope you had a good Monday and hope you have a great rest of the week

thanks, I am pretty new so I didn't expect much.

also I like your pic.

Thanks mate

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:15:42 PM »
Sudoku toyota bento.

I no speak Chinese!

I speaku Engrish!

Yutaka, I have no idea who you are, here atleast. I don't know your username from

Irregardless, you seem pretty cool, and you seem to fit in well with the anime scene on this website. You seem to have a fun sense of humor and seem to like to have a good time. In the sense I can't take you seriously, which is a good thing, for the most part. But I like seeing you having a good laugh with the other members and can see you genuinely like this site and those who inhabit it.

Like many others, I don't know you, but I hope that changes. And like everyone, I hope you have a wonderful day and a wonderful week

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:12:54 PM »
I'm ready.

Are you? ARE YOU!?

Guess so. Well, I don't know much about you. Like, maybe I'm not recognizing you but you just recently entered my life. New, but not insignificant. I hope to get to know you, and hope to talk in the future. I can't judge your character as I have nothing to base it off of.

I hope you had a good Monday and hope you have a great rest of the week

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:10:59 PM »
Alright, shoot

Luckily I have a gun! I'll put it down...for now.

Jono, you and a select group of others, are the only people interested in my constant jabber of cars. And for that I thank you haha. You seem pretty  chill and it's always nice to meet people with the same interests as I. Your someone who I wouldn't mind meeting, talking over a beer, anything really. I don't know anything about you personally, and I hope your life is great and your happy and your kicking ass.

If you ever need to talk or need someone, I'll be here buddy. Just a few mouse clicks away (or taps)

News / Re: Motor Mondays: McLaren P1
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:08:01 PM »
Shelby's are awesome. True American muscle.
Yeah, I've always loved them. Ever since I was little. The dream started fading after I wasn't taught to drive, but it's not like I won't have a license forever.

I don't know why but I've just always fancied them.

They have that way and style. It's just very American, but it's also refined. Carroll Shelby was a genius.

News / Re: Motor Mondays: McLaren P1
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:06:53 PM »
How good is the safety in the event of a crash (safety features like the airbag and crumple zones rather than the handling, downforce, and brakes)?

I'd assume them to be far better than your standard car, but how well could it handle something like this?

Uhh, I'd be dead. Shit if your in any car your dead. Lol

News / Re: Motor Mondays: McLaren P1
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:06:31 PM »
i like the p1 but i'm more impressed with porsche's use of hybrid technology in the 918

I love the 918, and Porsche has don't something very special with it. But you can't really compare the two. The feel you get in each car is completely different, and each has it's own style of doing the same job. One is very German, and one is very British. Frankly I like the British way more, it's orientated. But I use that lightly, because the P1 can be very tail happy and playful when put in the right hands.

The P1 stole my heart almost Immediately, but the 918 was the first Hyper Hybrid that was brought to my doorstep. And being that the 918 is significantly cheaper, it was attractive, but I went for love.

The P1 gave me the same captivating feeling that the Aventador gave me, and you can't put a price on that. As James May would say, it's the fizz.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:03:19 PM »
Make me comment.

I r make teh comment naow

Your an interesting person, but you do express yourself. And I like that. In fact I think it's pretty cool. Sure, I get annoyed by all the anime, but I'm sure you get annoyed by me always talking about cars.

So we can agree to disagree. Altogether you seem to be pretty chill, and someone I have nothing against. Sure, we don't know eachother, and you probably don't care for who I am or what's going on, I can't say the same about you.

If you ever need to talk, just shoot me a pm. Who knows, perhaps we could become friends. Or we could hate eachother, your gamble.

But seriously though I really mean it

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:00:56 PM »
You cannot say nice things to me.


I will say this Noelle. I appreciate that you put up with me and made me see what I was doing wrong. I also have to say I respect the fact that you express your individuality. You stick to what you believe, and sure sometimes it can be a bit annoying, all together it's commendable. It's also damn impressive that you remain well mannered for the most part. You know how to have fun, but stay mature in some degree. Like I said, I respect you for that.

Sure I don't know who you are behind that avatar or that computer screen, and frankly I don't care. Whether or not I know you doesn't matter. I do know your dealing with things in your life, both good and bad. And whether or not you see me as a friend I would like to say I'm here to help, or there to talk to if you ever need me. I can only hope things get better and that you can enjoy your holidays with the people you love.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:57:25 PM »
A landmark study published last Thursday in the Australian Journal of Science, Medicine, and Arachnology, proves once and for all, that OP is indeed a faggot. The results of the six month long study, while having only been released a few days ago, have already gained widespread acceptance among the scientific community. According to researchers, the study went into great depths and utilized a wide variety of research methods. "We did everything from genetic analysis, to behavioral analysis, to even interviewing the OP's family and friends. All of our collected data points to the same conclusion. That OP is a faggot." said Professor Big Cockenstein. "In one particular experiment, we sneaked into the OP's home and replaced the hotdogs in his fridge with dildos. Upon returning home, OP proceeded to put the dildos between his buns. And I don't mean hotdog buns."

Even though the study has been proclaimed by the scientific community to be one of the greatest studies of the 21st century, not all members of the public have a positive opinion of it. One man which we interviewed yesterday, said the following: "Why are these cunts wasting money to study something like this? Everyone already knew the answer. You might as well have a study to prove that the sky is blue and that the grass is green." Others were much more happy to see the study completed. "I'm a psychology major and have been following the study for the last 2 months, waiting for the results to be published. I am really happy to see the research back up my own personal observations regarding the OP."

However, no matter what one's opinion of the study may be, one thing is for certain.

The OP is a faggot. In the words of Professor Big Cockenstein: "It is scientific fact."

And there you have it folks, OP is a faggot confirmed.

Damnit guys, he found me out.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:57:01 PM »

Your a bitc... I mean

Your a nice guy, you make funny jokes and you appear to be a well to do gent fighting crime (or I guess assassinating it?). I hope all is well in your life and I wish you a very good rest of the day.

But I see your tired, so take a quick nap, relax.

The Flood / ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:52:22 PM »
Comment you fags

just kidding
but seriously...

News / Re: Motor Mondays: McLaren P1
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:51:08 PM »
I'd have to sell my soul more than 20 times before getting anywhere near affording that. Damn.

I honestly see it's price going above $2M. It's in such a high demand, and all of them have been sold already
It feels great knowing how insignificant my life is compared to a hunk of metal and rubber. Hah.

Anyways sorry, I assume this isn't the direction you want discussion going.

It's a beautiful car, I'll give you that. But I'll probably never be able to even touch something so expensive without being arrested or something. Peasantry at its finest.

I'll never obsess over super cars because of that, though I do love Mustangs and Shelbys...maybe some day.

Shelby's are awesome. True American muscle.

Also, you never know dude. You could wind up being a multi millionaire just never give up.

Oh, and you can't be arrested for touching something expensive (unless it like art or something, obviously).

The Flood / Re: Considering a name change
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:48:59 PM »
Your official new name is Boss Cool


« on: November 24, 2014, 03:46:40 PM »

That guy looks like a total shitlord
i don't know who that guy is but i'm sure he wouldn't appreciate being called that :(

This made me spit out my water, haha
mission accomplished 8)

Nice snap story btw, morning bowls

News / Re: Motor Mondays: McLaren P1
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:45:02 PM »
I'd have to sell my soul more than 20 times before getting anywhere near affording that. Damn.

I honestly see it's price going above $2M. It's in such a high demand, and all of them have been sold already
It feels great knowing how insignificant my life is compared to a hunk of metal and rubber. Hah.

Anyways sorry, I assume this isn't the direction you want discussion going.


The Flood / Re: ITT: The worst kinds of people
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:44:39 PM »
did someone bail out on game night or something?

News / Re: Motor Mondays: McLaren P1
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:43:49 PM »
A few months ago I saw the P1's baby brother the MP4-12C on the road and I recorded it driving by.

The P1 is left hand drive? I thought the steering wheel was in the middle of the cockpit like the F1.

Nope, LHD. They made the F1 centered because they wanted to give a true F1 feel, but it was sort of a gag.
That makes sense. But damn, the P1 is truly magnificent.

Yes, yes it is.

News / Re: Motor Mondays: McLaren P1
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:42:31 PM »
I'd have to sell my soul more than 20 times before getting anywhere near affording that. Damn.

I honestly see it's price going above $2M. It's in such a high demand, and all of them have been sold already

News / Re: Motor Mondays: McLaren P1
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:39:41 PM »
A few months ago I saw the P1's baby brother the MP4-12C on the road and I recorded it driving by.

The P1 is left hand drive? I thought the steering wheel was in the middle of the cockpit like the F1.

Nope, LHD. They made the F1 centered because they wanted to give a true F1 feel, but it was sort of a gag.

News / Motor Mondays: McLaren P1
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:35:06 PM »

Ladies and Gentleman, today I will be discussing the most advanced car in the world, the McLaren P1. In every aspect it leads the charge. Aesthetically beautiful, powerful, and advanced. Technologies used in this car rival those of Formula One cars. The true and full fledged successor to the legendary McLaren F1.

So where do we begin?

First off, this car is light. Very light. It's comprised of one "Monocage" which comprises the main components of the chassis, and the cockpit. All of that weighs 198lbs. All Carbonfiber, in fact, practically ever piece of the car is Carbonfiber. The whole car weights 3,075lbs. It's weight is also distributed perfectly.

It's also incredibly well designed. Every angle, every slip streamed contour of the car is well researched, well tested, and there for a reason. It's sleek and gorgeous designed is methodical. Everything to make it cut through air like a knife, and get every single G of grip and can get at high speeds. It sticks to the road like glue. This gives it unparalleled handling.

The interior doesn't lack anything a basic car has. 3 cup holders, A/C, GPS, a radio, electric windows. All the basic commodities that cars of this nature overlook. It retains a very barebones look. Some pieces of leather on the dash. But really all their is, is the wheel and the center console. It's a drivers car, a true drivers car. It doesn't need fancy trinkets here and there. It has that character, that sense of business and well toned prowess. It's comfortable too, bucket seats with alcantara.

Moving on too the steering wheel. Very quickly you can see the basic levers and switches for the lights, windshield wipers, turning signals, etc. But, there are two other buttons on the face of the steering wheel.

IPAS, Instant Power Assist System, which allows the electric motor to provide a boost. It activates automatically on track use, and it can be activated manually with the click of the button.

DRS, Drag Reduction System, which controls the Active Aerodynamic Spoiler. Clicking it moves the wing to 0 degrees. The wing changes angles to aid with aerodynamics, as well as lifting up to aid braking.

Moving onto performance.

The P1 has a twin turbo V8 that puts out 727hp, as well as an electronic motor which puts out 176hp, for a total of 903hp. This allows the P1 to reach high speeds very quickly, and takes advantage of the lightweight chassis. The electric motor takes over when the turbos aren't performing optimally, which in turn, removes all turbo lag. It's responsive, and it's quick. Very quick. Blindingly quick.

0-62mph in 2.8 seconds
0-124mph in 6.8 seconds
0-152mph in 9.8 seconds and a 1/4 Mile
0-186mph in 16.5 seconds
Max Speed (limited electronically): 217mph

The P1 has a 7-speed Dual Clutch transmission. No stick, just paddle shifters. The P1 can be set in a full electric mode, which has a range of 6.2 Miles. Or you can use both the engine and the electric motor in conjunction. Rear Wheel Drive, and Mid Engine.

With all that speed, you need some serious breaking power. The P1 uses a new kind of carbon brakes. McLaren used a material that had only been used in space programs. Now it's used to bring the car down to a complete haunt, as well as the active aero wing. How quickly?

62-0mph in 2.9 seconds
124-0mph in 4.5 seconds
186-0mph in 6.2 seconds

These brakes don't fade. And they are very responsive. This kind of stopping power allows for high speed turns, as well as making the car safer. It also comes with Pirelli's top wheels, P-Zero's (no not your average P-Zero's)

Overall, the P1 is the best car on the market. Hands down. No questions asked. It is the ultimate drivers car. A car any car enthusiast dreams of owning. And man, is it amazing. I'm blessed to own it, and I'd never sell it no matter the price.

Oh yea, the price.

$1,600,000 (as of now)

Expect that price to continue to go up, and up, and up. A few months ago it was $1.2M.

Next week I will be discussing a British classic, the Aston Martin DB7

The Flood / Re: Gootsby pls
« on: November 24, 2014, 02:38:48 PM »
Gootsby baby can do whatever he wants

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