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Messages - BC

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The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:53:37 PM »

The Flood / Re: Im leaving
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:27:07 PM »
Night, homie

« on: November 24, 2014, 06:17:43 PM »

That guy looks like a total shitlord
i don't know who that guy is but i'm sure he wouldn't appreciate being called that :(

This made me spit out my water, haha
mission accomplished 8)

Nice snap story btw, morning bowls
lol yeah, a bowl for each exam I had to take this morning

Hopefully you passed buddy

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:16:43 PM »
go on

make me hard

Oh bby.

Your muscles make me weak. Your face, stunning. Your hair, your eyes, borderline orgasmic for my own sight. I can hardly bare hearing your name, or your footsteps. You make me tre....

Alright, I got pretty uncomfortable writing that, but it's funny. Haha.

Your a pretty swell guy. More or less kinda get a brother-ish vibe from you. That's not a bad thing. Your pretty laid back and are quick witted and funny. You make me laugh quite often. Probably a few times each day. So hey, thanks for brightening up my days :)

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:14:35 PM »
Your an asshole. (I edited it so my comment makes sense)

Is what I'd say if it was Opposite Day


haha thanks m8  :)

No problem, have a good day buddy!

And a good week (and thanksgiving)

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:12:30 PM »
Your an asshole. (I edited it so my comment makes sense)

Is what I'd say if it was Opposite Day


The Flood / Re: Let's play a guessing game
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:11:32 PM »

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:10:52 PM »
plz donmt

Seriously though, do you want me to?

I don't mind

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:10:19 PM »

I will say this Noelle. I appreciate that you put up with me and made me see what I was doing wrong. I also have to say I respect the fact that you express your individuality. You stick to what you believe, and sure sometimes it can be a bit annoying, all together it's commendable. It's also damn impressive that you remain well mannered for the most part. You know how to have fun, but stay mature in some degree. Like I said, I respect you for that.

Sure I don't know who you are behind that avatar or that computer screen, and frankly I don't care. Whether or not I know you doesn't matter. I do know your dealing with things in your life, both good and bad. And whether or not you see me as a friend I would like to say I'm here to help, or there to talk to if you ever need me. I can only hope things get better and that you can enjoy your holidays with the people you love.

Wow... Well, thank you for being kind, even after I act like a complete bitch at times. I am quite an unbearable person sometimes, and I realize it after the fact, after I have already done something and am unable to just take back how the other person felt about it. I tend to do this a lot, I just type or speak without fully thinking. I have many flaws like that, yet people are usually kind to me and it confuses me. Why should I be deserving of others' kindness with the way that I act?

I do not know if I would call you a friend, we do not talk much or hang out. I guess my definition of friend is kinda strict, but I would say you are an acquaintance, and someone who I would not mind being friends with at all, you seem very relaxed and are always in a decent mood from what I see.

Think of it this way.

If you lash out at me, I'm not going to lash back. Why? Because I don't know what's going on with you. Maybe your going through some hardship and your just venting, I don't want to add to the problem. If you want to berate me go ahead, vent, as long as it helps you at the end of the day.

I understand where you come from and that's my basis for how I treat you, as well as everyone else. I could careless if you guys were complete assholes to me, it'd still treat you in a decent manner. I don't act any differently online then I do in real life. Your human too, regardless of how I'm contacting you, so I'll treat you as such.

Don't be so harsh on yourself, you can't demean yourself for something as menial as being rash on the Internet. And it's unfair to judge someone for it. I'm sure your a decent person outside, and I'm sure if I got to know you I would quickly see that.

Sticking to your beliefs is a double edged sword, in the manner that it can be taken in two ways, one good and the other bad. I see it as you sticking to who you are, and I can respect that.

But seriously, relax, don't be mad at some of the things you have said. My rule in life is simply this. If I mess up, I own up to it, and I make things right. Always ending on the right foot is crucial to me. And you could probably see that with how I handled how I came across on this forum. I fixed it so I don't hurt or come across in the wrong manner.

Your a good person Noelle, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who says that. Keep your head up. Like I said, if you ever need to vent or talk I'm here. And so is Vien.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:03:55 PM »

Who are you again?
mate mate mate don't even start

Fight me bruh.

All kidding aside, I ha- I mean I love you dude.

Lowkey your an awesome guy and I enjoy the funny shit you post. And being that we have similar musical tastes, you already know your a baller. And your British, that's pretty cool. Your a cool guy, chill as fuck, down to earth and nice. I can respect and appreciate that.

If you ever need to talk, or vent, or just fuck around, you know how to contact me.

News / Re: Motor Mondays: McLaren P1
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:01:28 PM »
Alright, I'm editing this for the Saturn 5 rocket, I'll post it on Saturday.


The Flood / Re: Let's play a guessing game
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:00:38 PM »
Colonel Saunders, in the reading room, with the hachet.


Your turn gootsby

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:59:50 PM »

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:59:33 PM »
As long as you down vote me ok

I granted you your wish

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:59:13 PM »


You know King Richard the Lion Heart?

That's you, that's one hell of a compliment

(If you don't know who that is look him up, straight boss)

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:58:10 PM »
Fuck u fgt.

 :'(, y u do dis 2 mi

Tu eres el mejor.

Although, we haven't talked much. You like cinnamon toast crunch, which means your a swagtastcile 420 blazing yolo king, aka a cool dude. We've never had any arguments, hell me and you seem to get along just fine. I hope you had a good day and hope you enjoy your weekend m80

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:56:06 PM »
Hey sex slave

Your cool, as cool as an ice dragon. An ice dragon shooting ice onto a Christmas tree.

Hell, that's a pretty creative avatar.

Anyway. What shall I say. I like you, yes. I think your funny, yes. You are a cool person, chill, decent human being. Things I like. Things everyone likes. I don't believe we have ever talked before, so I would like to change that.

I hope you had a good day though :D

The Flood / Re: Started my day off great...
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:54:03 PM »
Damn her insurance premium is going to commit seppuku

suicide. Do you know how much it's going to cost for repairs?


In comparison of what it could have been, it's not bad. Luckily most of it was cosmetic
That's still pretty freaking bad though. You can buy an entire new car with that.

This is true, but judging by what she was wearing, she can afford it
Hope so.
And if she doesn't learn her lesson after this...well then I guess she deserves it.

I'm glad you're okay though, that's pretty unfortunate.

I'm happy the airbags didn't go off lol. Oh so happy.

I've been in two accidents (neither my fault' and I was a passenger in the other) and the airbags didn't go off thankfully (they weren't severe enough to have them go off)

The Flood / Re: Started my day off great...
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:07:10 PM »
Damn her insurance premium is going to commit seppuku

suicide. Do you know how much it's going to cost for repairs?


In comparison of what it could have been, it's not bad. Luckily most of it was cosmetic
ouch. I would hate to be her.

As would I

Thankfully, I didn't get too mad, and just kept a lot to myself.

Had it been a legitmate accident, I would have let her go. But it wasn't, it was her just being an idiot

The Flood / Re: Started my day off great...
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:06:12 PM »
Damn her insurance premium is going to commit seppuku

suicide. Do you know how much it's going to cost for repairs?


In comparison of what it could have been, it's not bad. Luckily most of it was cosmetic
That's still pretty freaking bad though. You can buy an entire new car with that.

This is true, but judging by what she was wearing, she can afford it

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:05:34 PM »
>tfw you don't reply to my previous post

I stopped after lord, since there was no one left. Now that more have commented, it's time for a new wave


The Flood / Re: Started my day off great...
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:03:55 PM »
Damn her insurance premium is going to commit seppuku

suicide. Do you know how much it's going to cost for repairs?


In comparison of what it could have been, it's not bad. Luckily most of it was cosmetic

The Flood / Re: Is BC really a hotshot coolguy?
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:03:06 PM »
Dan Bilzerian is goals

Meh, he's a boss no doubt

The Flood / Re: Started my day off great...
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:02:12 PM »
Damn her insurance premium is going to commit seppuku


The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:35:51 PM »
ITT: Hugbox
This BC kid is just a fag, amiright?

Like the skinny twink in the middle of a threesome.

Threesome? This kid probably has never seen a naked girl. Such a loser

I thought you were saying nice things to people? I think I'm going to become an hero now.

Eh, making fun of myself is good fun. Even though none of those things were true :)

T'is true that I have never seen a nude girl in a sexual situation.

A nude guy, on the other hand..

I've had sexual relations with quite a few women

But never a man, tis not my way

One guy, that was it for me, as of now.

The girls around here are all fat and ugly anyway, so no ty.

See in Miami, well Florida in general, there are a lot of very attractive women. Of all shapes and sizes

The Flood / Re: Started my day off great...
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:34:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:29:48 PM »
ITT: Hugbox
This BC kid is just a fag, amiright?

Like the skinny twink in the middle of a threesome.

Threesome? This kid probably has never seen a naked girl. Such a loser

I thought you were saying nice things to people? I think I'm going to become an hero now.

Eh, making fun of myself is good fun. Even though none of those things were true :)

T'is true that I have never seen a nude girl in a sexual situation.

A nude guy, on the other hand..

I've had sexual relations with quite a few women

But never a man, tis not my way

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:26:54 PM »
ITT: Hugbox
This BC kid is just a fag, amiright?

Like the skinny twink in the middle of a threesome.

Threesome? This kid probably has never seen a naked girl. Such a loser

I thought you were saying nice things to people? I think I'm going to become an hero now.

Eh, making fun of myself is good fun. Even though none of those things were true :)

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