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Messages - BC

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The Flood / Re: Bloody hell it's been a long week.
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:39:42 PM »
Drunk Drivers are a bane on the road, just as bad as people on bicycles, and stupid people who don't use a crosswalk

I wouldn't even put them in the same level as bicycles. Drunk drivers are in a league of their own. It's beyond stupid, or idiotic.

The Flood / Re: Bloody hell it's been a long week.
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:39:04 PM »
fuking hate drunk drivers so much

Well, atleast no one died

The Flood / Re: Bloody hell it's been a long week.
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:38:46 PM »
What's with you and getting in car accidents lately?

I know right? First I get hit from behind (giggity) and then I get in a full fledge accident, neither of them my fault.

Tough week

News / Re: Anarchy Weekend (Nov 28 – 30)
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:26:18 PM »

News / Re: Anarchy Weekend (Nov 28 – 30)
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:24:13 PM »
I requested the nameplate, can I haz now?

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:23:14 PM »

Can't believe these cutie pies let me take a selfie with them
fuckin slanty-eyed motherfucker over here


The Flood / Re: Depression
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:21:19 PM »
I had it pretty severe 7th grade to freshman year. It was rough

The Flood / Re: Bloody hell it's been a long week.
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:18:39 PM »
Which car were you driving?

I wasn't driving, me and my friend were going to a party. He offered to pick me up and take me.
So it wasn't one of your expensive ass cars that would need millions to repair?


The Flood / Re: Bloody hell it's been a long week.
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:18:08 PM »

The Flood / Re: Bloody hell it's been a long week.
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:17:18 PM »
Which car were you driving?

I wasn't driving, me and my friend were going to a party. He offered to pick me up and take me.

The Flood / Bloody hell it's been a long week.
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:14:59 PM »
Got in a major car wreck on Tuesday, was in the hospital till mid day Thursday. Had an absolutely mental headache that kept me practically out of commission. Been in bed all day, can't really do much.

Bad week I guess.

The car wreck wasn't my own doing or the person driving me. We got nearly T-boned by a drunk driver, clipped the back, spun us out of control and nailed guard rail in the back of the car. Which hurt, quite a lot.

The Flood / Re: what the hell are you faggots doing in here
« on: November 29, 2014, 10:10:15 PM »
I apparently can't get into Anarchy

The Flood / Re: Users with Glasses/Contacts
« on: November 25, 2014, 05:21:20 PM »
lol look at you genetically inferior faggots.

BC don't give a fuck.

Also, Ellen Page has pretty inferior genes as well.

GG no rez

Ellen Page is perfect you inbred fagtard.


Says the fgt who couldnt even survive without corrective eyewear.

BC don't give a fuck.

The Flood / Re: Users with Glasses/Contacts
« on: November 25, 2014, 04:13:53 PM »
lol look at you genetically inferior faggots.

BC don't give a fuck.

Also, Ellen Page has pretty inferior genes as well.

GG no rez

Ellen Page is perfect you inbred fagtard.


The Flood / Re: What's your goal in life?
« on: November 25, 2014, 04:12:43 PM »
Make as many people happy as I possibly can
That's pathetic.

I'm already successful as fuck, what more do you want from me
A more honest answer, though you don't need to provide it.

That's genuinely my goal. If you leave people happy, they remember you. And the world keeps going, but happier.

Idc if you think that's cheesy or gay or whatever. Just how I look at life
I'd believe you if you'd donate whatever money it was to Nuka, since you have so much of it, and you want to make people happy.

I don't think that there's anything more fitting, but maybe you're like me, and dislike Nuka.

Except I did donate...?

And why do you dislike him?
You could've single handedly ended the fund raiser.

I'll let you believe that I'm not donating what I can.

Those that know, know your wrong.

On a side note, who are you
I thought that you were successful, my bad.

Sorry for assuming that your success meant money.

I'm zesty.

I dislike him because he dislikes me, and there hasn't been any reason for either of us to say anything nice about the other.

What's the problem there? Why can't I see past my feelings? What is it that I'm missing exactly?

...I'm not even going to bother explaining.

Why not try and, idk, make things better between the two of you?
You want to make people happy, I want to help people so that they can become happy. It's not my life goal, but I'll use it in my explanation now.

People are different, and Nuka and I are different, but we oppose one another, and we both stand for things that the other dislikes, so why should we want to form a bond? It's not like we're mortal enemies.

I thought that your life goal was pathetic, because I don't believe that it's true.

Everyone wants to help other people and make them happy, but some  not so much as others, yet some who almost don't care at all are able to accomplish more than those who want to help.

You could've said something like "I want to end all pain in this world", or "I want unnecessary suffering to seize", and I would've attacked those sentences, but I'd still find them acceptable as life goals.

Idek why your attacking what I said in the first place. You can't prove my own belief wrong

So, I don't know what your doing?

The Flood / Re: What's your goal in life?
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:33:48 PM »
Make as many people happy as I possibly can
That's pathetic.

I'm already successful as fuck, what more do you want from me
A more honest answer, though you don't need to provide it.

That's genuinely my goal. If you leave people happy, they remember you. And the world keeps going, but happier.

Idc if you think that's cheesy or gay or whatever. Just how I look at life
I'd believe you if you'd donate whatever money it was to Nuka, since you have so much of it, and you want to make people happy.

I don't think that there's anything more fitting, but maybe you're like me, and dislike Nuka.

Except I did donate...?

And why do you dislike him?

Because he cannot look past his feelings and see what is truly important.

Is this Dustin?

Somebody said it was Zesty, but my money is on Dustin

He said he's zesty

The Flood / Re: What's your goal in life?
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:33:23 PM »
Make as many people happy as I possibly can
That's pathetic.

I'm already successful as fuck, what more do you want from me
A more honest answer, though you don't need to provide it.

That's genuinely my goal. If you leave people happy, they remember you. And the world keeps going, but happier.

Idc if you think that's cheesy or gay or whatever. Just how I look at life
I'd believe you if you'd donate whatever money it was to Nuka, since you have so much of it, and you want to make people happy.

I don't think that there's anything more fitting, but maybe you're like me, and dislike Nuka.

Except I did donate...?

And why do you dislike him?
You could've single handedly ended the fund raiser.

I'll let you believe that I'm not donating what I can.

Those that know, know your wrong.

On a side note, who are you
I thought that you were successful, my bad.

Sorry for assuming that your success meant money.

I'm zesty.

I dislike him because he dislikes me, and there hasn't been any reason for either of us to say anything nice about the other.

What's the problem there? Why can't I see past my feelings? What is it that I'm missing exactly?

...I'm not even going to bother explaining.

Why not try and, idk, make things better between the two of you?

The Flood / Re: What's your goal in life?
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:29:00 PM »
Make as many people happy as I possibly can
That's pathetic.

I'm already successful as fuck, what more do you want from me
A more honest answer, though you don't need to provide it.

That's genuinely my goal. If you leave people happy, they remember you. And the world keeps going, but happier.

Idc if you think that's cheesy or gay or whatever. Just how I look at life
I'd believe you if you'd donate whatever money it was to Nuka, since you have so much of it, and you want to make people happy.

I don't think that there's anything more fitting, but maybe you're like me, and dislike Nuka.

Except I did donate...?

And why do you dislike him?
You could've single handedly ended the fund raiser.

I'll let you believe that I'm not donating what I can.

Those that know, know your wrong.

On a side note, who are you

The Flood / Re: Users with Glasses/Contacts
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:27:19 PM »
I can only imagine how fucked I would be in the apocalypse because of the fact that I wear glasses.

...shit your right

The Flood / Re: What's your goal in life?
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:26:53 PM »
Make as many people happy as I possibly can
That's pathetic.

I'm already successful as fuck, what more do you want from me
A more honest answer, though you don't need to provide it.

That's genuinely my goal. If you leave people happy, they remember you. And the world keeps going, but happier.

Idc if you think that's cheesy or gay or whatever. Just how I look at life
I'd believe you if you'd donate whatever money it was to Nuka, since you have so much of it, and you want to make people happy.

I don't think that there's anything more fitting, but maybe you're like me, and dislike Nuka.

Except I did donate...?

And why do you dislike him?

Because he cannot look past his feelings and see what is truly important.

Is this Dustin?

Fuck me, still doesn't show my donation.

This is ganna be a fun day...

The Flood / Re: What's your goal in life?
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:24:07 PM »
Make as many people happy as I possibly can
That's pathetic.

I'm already successful as fuck, what more do you want from me
A more honest answer, though you don't need to provide it.

That's genuinely my goal. If you leave people happy, they remember you. And the world keeps going, but happier.

Idc if you think that's cheesy or gay or whatever. Just how I look at life
I'd believe you if you'd donate whatever money it was to Nuka, since you have so much of it, and you want to make people happy.

I don't think that there's anything more fitting, but maybe you're like me, and dislike Nuka.

Except I did donate...?

And why do you dislike him?

The Flood / Re: What's your goal in life?
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:20:46 PM »
Make as many people happy as I possibly can
That's pathetic.

I'm already successful as fuck, what more do you want from me
A more honest answer, though you don't need to provide it.

That's genuinely my goal. If you leave people happy, they remember you. And the world keeps going, but happier.

Idc if you think that's cheesy or gay or whatever. Just how I look at life

The Flood / Re: What's your goal in life?
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:16:16 PM »
Make as many people happy as I possibly can
That's pathetic.

I'm already successful as fuck, what more do you want from me

The Flood / Re: What's your goal in life?
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:14:05 PM »
Make as many people happy as I possibly can

The Flood / Re: Users with Glasses/Contacts
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:12:48 PM »
lol look at you genetically inferior faggots.

BC don't give a fuck.

Also, Ellen Page has pretty inferior genes as well.

GG no rez

The Flood / Re: Users with Glasses/Contacts
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:12:15 PM »
i'm going to get laser eye surgery as soon as i can

Same, gotta be 18 over here I believe to get it done.

Less then a month away

The Flood / Re: ITT: I say nice things to you
« on: November 25, 2014, 08:00:42 AM »
OP best of wishes in liiiiiiiiiiiife son

Before I answer, who's your main?

Where are you from son

SmellyWontonNoodles is my main

I'm American but my dad is from Colombia

Where in Colombia? (I'm not Colombian but I'm curious)

Bogota, 'tis a surprisingly pleasant city from when I visited


News / Re: Motor Mondays: McLaren P1
« on: November 25, 2014, 07:02:31 AM »
The beauty and my dream car right now.


The Flood / Re: Users with Glasses/Contacts
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:31:04 PM »
I put my contacts in today and it felt like someone threw napalm in my eyes.

Don't know why

Were they new?

If so that's common lol

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