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Messages - BC

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The Flood / Re: GoT S6 episode 9 discussion - ENTER THE BOWL
« on: June 20, 2016, 02:07:37 PM »
The battle was so amazing

The Flood / 7 Years
« on: June 20, 2016, 02:03:19 PM » post

You can read it in the spoiler if you don't feel like going to the link

That's right, 7 years of being with this community. Although there are some people out there with more then double my time, it's still an important milestone. 7 years is a long time, it's a long time to both spend time on any one place or job, but also a long time of development as a person. I joined when I was 12, wanted those sweet stats. Now I'm 19, and I never imagined my life turning out the way it did, and on the way here I had a consistent group of people to joke around and talk to on here. When I wasn't hanging out with friends and was just at home this was my place. And I have met some great people through this site.

I've met friends that have gone on to be marines, athletes, doctors, gone to incredible schools and have achieved so many things. All on here. Sure not everyone was ever perfect on this site, there is no doubting that but it was my community. I was a Bungie fan, I loved Halo, and I loved the Flood. My boys, so many of you are gone, and so many memories, so many great posts I remember will always be there for me. And I've kept in touch with many of you, but there were so many great members we've lost over the years.

I also have a lot of great memories with Bungie itself. Remember the Reverse Mail-sack? The event that was a flip on DeeJ's weekly mail sack that had Bungie asking us questions? An idea that I and a couple others came up with that came to be. And although it wasn't regular, it was the interaction between the community and the Devs that always kept us coming back. How about the Steak event?   All you had to do was get the steaktacular medal against a team of Bungie employees and you'd get yourself a free steak shipped to you on them. How awesome is that? I never got one (even though I got the medal) but hey, a cool event nonetheless. One of my personal favorites was when my picture was used as the header of the weekly update, and this was after getting ragged on for it not being good enough or "bad framing". Urk just put it up and very quickly people were congratulating me and saying how awesome it was. Quick turns, but appreciated nonetheless. I can't fine the page unfortunately, but it was in October of 2013 or 2014.  I played with Shiskha and a few others, remember Shiska? Few do. I avoided the ban hammer for years until a certain mod decided my thread didn't have any discussion value, yet it had 300+ comments. The first time I had ever been banned on anything, it was short but still. And I remember laughing, I remember the communities response. Everything. Stuff like that is what would turn off some people, but it never turned me off from this place. I kept coming back (and never banned again).

Back to the topic of playing with people, this community was the first time I ever played games with people I didn't know. Halo 3 custom games with community members for hours on end. And what's funny is I miss those days, Cops and Robbers never ceased to amaze me with its ability to cause me to laugh so hard I couldn't breathe. We would even take group photos and post it on the site (can't find that thread either).

There are so many inside jokes, so many threads that no one knows about now. And when someone brings it up you can tell who has been there for a while because they will get it. For example, barely anyone knows that the only person to blame is Stosh. It's his sole fault for everything bad that ever occurs in Bungie titles. Yet people blame the developers.

But to me, the best part of this community came at the turning point of my life. Everything in my life picked up so heavily, but on here it was the opposite. The Darkness as we call it. The time between Reach and the announcement of Destiny, and all the little hints and tags that came with it. Soon™. Always Soon™. No new people came, no new announcement or news. It was us, DeeJ, and Urk who would pop in here and there. It was us, the diehard community. We were either idiots, or true fans, and I like to believe its the ladder even though we posted some truly stupid things. We waited, we became tight knit we became more of a community then we ever had been because all we had to hold out for was hope. We knew something BIG was coming, but we didn't know. Per Audacia Ad Astra. Alpha Lupi. All these weird symbols we all frantically tried to figure out. And then it came, Destiny.

Unfortunately, that was when the community was split, and well it leaves us where we are today. But needless to say, the rest is history.

I'm thankful for the Writer's Corner, The Average Joe Interviews, The non stop Community Carnages, even The Friends List. Oh and I could never forget about the blue hat boys, you know who you are. I got mine right before and man was it a joyous occasion. The ban made me wait so long. Now I have another blue hat, but oddly enough it only lasts one year. Only we will know the struggle of being stuck at Legendary.

I never regretted my time, I never saw the years I spent on here as time wasted. I met some great people, shared some great laughs and learned a thing or two about things I never knew. You guys ever hear about that Clockman who haunted many children in the 80's? Some say the search still goes on.

Oh and by the way, I played 600+ hours of Destiny and its some of the most fun I have ever had in a game. And I have met a dozen of people (who all live incredibly close to me) all because of this game. The Nexus Strike had its way of connecting me to fellow South Floridians. Not only that, but it was one of the first games I could ever play with my older brother consistently. Which is something I value an incredible amount.

Thank you for 7 years, and I'll always be a member of the Seventh Column, no matter how many cracks show or how little we are looked at.

Gaming / Re: Minor details in games that you appreciate?
« on: June 20, 2016, 12:24:55 AM »
Destiny had a lot of neat little stuff, but one that stood out in particular is how (more noticeably on hand cannons), squeezing the controller trigger would correspond to your character doing the same on the gun, with the hammer moving as well. And it was gradual, rather than just a couple positions.

I was literally going to say this. That was a detail that I literally went "Wow, that is pretty damn cool".

Enemies drowning if you knocked them unconscious in MGSV, as well as guards going under cover when it rained.

MGSV had a lot of details, like a shit ton. I believe one is like you can find a bear tape and when it will play it enemies will run away or if you play the all clear sound they will drop their alert. Also putting dead or asleep guards on beds made it so enemies never detected them because they appeared to be asleep.

I've never pirated a game. I feel like its such an easy way to get viruses, and I don't mind buying a game for full price if I want it.

Music I usually pirate it when it leaks early, and then buy the physical copies to support my favorite artists

The Flood / Re: 7 years now with you guys
« on: June 16, 2016, 06:56:52 PM »
I turn 7 in three days lmao, happy 7 bro

The Flood / Re: I fucking HATE when people do this.
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:04:34 PM »

The Flood / Re: Getting a Second Job
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:05:09 PM »
If you're in the US, stay the fuck away from waiting tables fam, I've heard they make sweet fuck all over there

Depends on where you are, here in South Florida you make serious bank.

My boy probably clears $70,000 a year.

There's literally no way he makes that much from being a waiter

The Flood / Re: I fucking HATE when people do this.
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:02:31 PM »
Because fuck being considerate to people who are trying to make a better life for themselves.
How dare you travel outside of your comfort zone and attempt to make a living?
Really Deci, this is the most dickish I've ever seen you.

Why the fuck can't they make a living at their fucking country then? Not every European wants to come to this place, and clearly no regular old Canadian would like yourself.

I'm just fed up. We already have an immigration problem here. Orlando Florida just this past weekend is a perfect fucking example.

The guy from Orlando was born in the US you idiot.

The Flood / Re: I fucking HATE when people do this.
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:00:24 PM »
Then they should go back to whatever country they came from. I'm tired of seeing fucking illegal immigrants coming here, taking our jobs, our homes, and they don't even bother giving 2 fucks to learn English. Especially if its illegal Mexicans, they treat this place like their own shit hole and its fucking disgusting.
you REALIZE that not everybody who comes to this country is an illegal immigrant, right

and not all of those legal immigrants are going to be fluent in english, especially the younger ones

You see, I get it if its an old fart, but the younger ones? Teenagers? People my age? That's bullshit.

They can have an accent for all I care, but if they're lazy as fuck to even try to learn, and they'd rather fuck up each time they try to speak and not really bother learning how to read and write even, then that's a fucking problem.

Broken English should never be accepted. Top priority in getting hired is usually how well you speak the language in the country you are in. If you lived in Russia, do you think you'd have a chance to even work as a waiter in a Russian Restaurant with broken Russian?

I honestly fucking doubt it, you wouldn't last very long and neither would anyone else on this forum. Our country is handicapped to the point where we will just get any fucking clown to do our dirty work, its pathetic.

At the very least learning English should be a primary part of any job here, no exclusive bullshit or exceptions.

He's Czech, and came to US to actually get somewhere. He's working to get the money to pay for his family to come too.

He never planned on leaving, he had to out of the blue. It's fucking ridiculous to expect someone to learn English at a young age as a precaution.

In Miami, you hear every language. Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French, name it. Sure English is the primary language of the US, but it's not THE language.

Your giving someone a hard time for trying to make a living and doing their job. I don't give a fuck if they don't speak my language, I'm not going to give them a hard time.

He knew simple words, but it was clear he was just learning.

The Flood / Re: I fucking HATE when people do this.
« on: June 14, 2016, 04:17:59 PM »
This is America. Either learn the language or get the fuck out.

If the person just got here you can't expect them to know it.

The Flood / Re: Favorite youtuber?
« on: June 14, 2016, 04:03:48 PM »
Rooster Teeth, Achievment Hunter, Funhaus, Seananners

Gaming / Re: NieR Automata releases early 2017.
« on: June 14, 2016, 04:01:24 PM »
Oh no, whatever will we do...

The Flood / I fucking HATE when people do this.
« on: June 14, 2016, 04:00:33 PM »
I'm out at a restaurant, everything is normal. My server is nice and I'm nice back, everything is going well.

A family comes walks in and they look pretty redneck, and they sit in the table in front of us.

One of the servers there was new, and I knew that because I go there often enough where i know most of the people and I had never seen him. A person my age, but he looked nervous. He also didn't look like he was from the US or even a Hispanic country. He spoke broken English, but he was trying to help the people in front of us. Instead of giving the guy a break or trying to make things easier for him the dad of the family just starts yelling at the guy calling him a fucking idiot. He kept repeating shit to the kids face and he clearly didn't know what to do. The kid just stood there and took it until another server came and dealt with the group.

I fucking despise when people do that shit. It's a young kid, he probably just fucking got here and he's trying to make a living, he needs a job, and he's working. It's not like the person isn't trying to help you, it's not like they are doing it on purpose. There is literally no point in being upset, no point at getting mad at the person. They are doing the best they can.

As a whole I hate when people give waiters and the whole service industry shit. These people are doing jobs that not many people want to do, and it's not easy. And all it takes is some fucking douche to ruin their days. I see it happen so much, and I always go out of my way to tip them and give them something for having to deal with shit people. Very rarely do you truly encounter a complete moron.

I see people getting yelled at all the time for not speaking English, but it's not hard to get around it. You have a menu, point at it. Makes everything easier. No need to embarrass the person.

Gaming / Re: E3 2016; Microsoft, PC, Ubi and Sony today
« on: June 13, 2016, 09:53:43 PM »
This is the benchmark of quality for all future E3s.

Not really, overall this E3 has been okay at best.

Atleast for me

Gaming / Re: E3 2016; Microsoft, PC, Ubi and Sony today
« on: June 13, 2016, 01:37:48 PM »
Xbox One S
Forza Horizon 3
Gears of War 4
General Raam in KI
Division Underground DLC
Final Fantasy XV
Battlefield 1
Xbox Live Updates
Minecraft: The Friendly Update
Xbox Design Lab
Games that will be available on Xbox sometime within the next 3 years
We Happy Few
Tekken 7
Dead Rising 4
Sea of Thieves
State of Decay 2
Halo Wars 2
Project Scorpio


I cannot understand how you people though this wasn't good
i thought it was bad because i dont want a new xbox, i already have a custom controller, and i wanted to see NEW games

the only new games were Forza, DR4, and Tekken

There's a lot of new games what are you talking about? And a conference isn't about pandering to what you specifically want or need. They keep getting better and upgrading their games and services, and all three models are compatible, so you dont need to upgrade. You aren't being left behind, so theres no need to not be happy about it lol
the word pandering is like a meme now

I was just stating my personal opinion

Fight me Tyger.
I'm gunna let the zombies eat you in state of decay and then I'll sink your pirate ship

Fuck, thats a little harsh matey

it sucked

i think you made this EXACT same thread last year, too, lmao
Close. It was a Sony hate/Microshill thread.

Because Sony's presser last year was so incredibly boring. And it doesn't help that they have it at 9pm

Gaming / Re: E3 2016; Microsoft, PC, Ubi and Sony today
« on: June 13, 2016, 01:30:48 PM »
Xbox One S
Forza Horizon 3
Gears of War 4
General Raam in KI
Division Underground DLC
Final Fantasy XV
Battlefield 1
Xbox Live Updates
Minecraft: The Friendly Update
Xbox Design Lab
Games that will be available on Xbox sometime within the next 3 years
We Happy Few
Tekken 7
Dead Rising 4
Sea of Thieves
State of Decay 2
Halo Wars 2
Project Scorpio


I cannot understand how you people though this wasn't good
i thought it was bad because i dont want a new xbox, i already have a custom controller, and i wanted to see NEW games

the only new games were Forza, DR4, and Tekken

There's a lot of new games what are you talking about? And a conference isn't about pandering to what you specifically want or need. They keep getting better and upgrading their games and services, and all three models are compatible, so you dont need to upgrade. You aren't being left behind, so theres no need to not be happy about it lol
the word pandering is like a meme now

I was just stating my personal opinion

Fight me Tyger.

tbh Swashbuckling game looks pretty neat


it sucked

i think you made this EXACT same thread last year, too, lmao

I probably did, I just don't get the universal hate for microsoft, they didn't even do anything wrong the last two years

Gaming / Re: E3 2016; Microsoft, PC, Ubi and Sony today
« on: June 13, 2016, 01:16:16 PM »

also halo wars 2 trailer music was not good lol
You're right. But Xbox fans get to try the Beta right now, so that's why it's in green.

And I forgot to throw in State of Decay 2

SO hyped for SoD 2
I had a very fun time with the first one, even if it was a technical disaster on so many levels. Wanted it to always be Multiplayer, so I'm glad the devs have enough money and time now to do it.

Did they confirm it was online or co-op? The vibe they gave was kind of like an MMO which isn't what I would like. Co-op is what the game needed

Gaming / Re: E3 2016; Microsoft, PC, Ubi and Sony today
« on: June 13, 2016, 01:14:28 PM »

also halo wars 2 trailer music was not good lol
You're right. But Xbox fans get to try the Beta right now, so that's why it's in green.

And I forgot to throw in State of Decay 2

SO hyped for SoD 2

Gaming / Re: E3 2016; Microsoft, PC, Ubi and Sony today
« on: June 13, 2016, 01:14:02 PM »
I cannot understand how you people though this wasn't good
- weebshit
- zombies
- minecraft


There was two weeb games, Sony and Square are almost only weeb shit.

I didn't see anything garbage tbh. Even the shit I didn't care about.

Gaming / Re: E3 2016; Microsoft, PC, Ubi and Sony today
« on: June 13, 2016, 01:11:42 PM »
Xbox One S
Forza Horizon 3
Gears of War 4
General Raam in KI
Division Underground DLC
Final Fantasy XV
Battlefield 1
Xbox Live Updates
Minecraft: The Friendly Update
Xbox Design Lab
Games that will be available on Xbox sometime within the next 3 years
We Happy Few
Tekken 7
Dead Rising 4
Sea of Thieves
State of Decay 2
Halo Wars 2
Project Scorpio


I cannot understand how you people though this wasn't good
i thought it was bad because i dont want a new xbox, i already have a custom controller, and i wanted to see NEW games

the only new games were Forza, DR4, and Tekken

There's a lot of new games what are you talking about? And a conference isn't about pandering to what you specifically want or need. They keep getting better and upgrading their games and services, and all three models are compatible, so you dont need to upgrade. You aren't being left behind, so theres no need to not be happy about it lol

Or does everyone just only like the dumb anime shit Sony always shows. I mean seriously, I didn't see anything wrong with the conference. I didn't care about everything and I still thought it was great.

Someone explain this to me

Gaming / Re: E3 2016; Microsoft, PC, Ubi and Sony today
« on: June 13, 2016, 01:06:21 PM »

(please correct me if im wrong but that's the vibe i get)

You get both copies when you buy one version. It's not streaming its the actual game for PC

Gaming / Re: E3 2016; Microsoft, PC, Ubi and Sony today
« on: June 13, 2016, 01:03:55 PM »
Xbox One S
Forza Horizon 3
Gears of War 4
General Raam in KI
Division Underground DLC
Final Fantasy XV
Battlefield 1
Xbox Live Updates
Minecraft: The Friendly Update
Xbox Design Lab
Games that will be available on Xbox sometime within the next 3 years
We Happy Few
Tekken 7
Dead Rising 4
Sea of Thieves
State of Decay 2
Halo Wars 2
Project Scorpio


I cannot understand how you people though this wasn't good

Gaming / Re: E3 2016; Microsoft, PC, Ubi and Sony today
« on: June 13, 2016, 01:03:20 PM »
I guess I was the only who was blown away by their conference.

State of Decay 2, Halo Wars 2 beta, Stardew and the Culling, that We Happy Few game looks awesome. And if they managed to get that powerful of a console for under $800 that'll be fucking ridiculous

Gaming / FIFA 17 brand new mode, The Journey
« on: June 12, 2016, 01:54:02 PM »

Fucking well done, this is awesome.


The Flood / Re: What is your dream job?
« on: June 11, 2016, 01:21:03 AM »
Honestly, I wish I could have been a professional footballer.

Fuck, what I would give up to be able to do that.

The Flood / Things that you do to fall asleep
« on: June 10, 2016, 02:27:43 AM »
Me and my girlfriend started watching Bob Ross videos on YouTube to fall asleep and it's been working surprisingly well. Even though when he blows your mind it kind of wakes you up but the set up and his voice is so soothing it always ends up knocking us out.

Tonight it didn't really do much so I was fucking around on Xbox and now just laying in bed on here.

Any suggestions or things that you do to fall asleep?

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