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Messages - BC

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Wiser words have never been said. I don't divulge in pornography, but I'll get to work to fill in the gaps for those who do
you don't indulge in pornography

I've always been told that using divulge like that was correct

but yeah BC, the wage gap has been thoroughly debunked

there are places of work where women get paid $0.07 less than men--that's verified, and that's a problem, but it's not the huge travesty that a lot of uninformed people believe it is

Yet I know people where the case is not that
anecdotal and irrelevant.

My point about the women's national team pay compared to the men's national team pay is a huge issue however
no it's not

It actually is, because of all the issues that come with it. Look up an article about it, it's a pretty big deal

its okay because women make so much more than men in porn

I know nothing about porn so I have nothing to say lmfao


Funhaus has taught me that the rule 34 saying just isn't true. They have found some obscure things that didn't have any rule 34 for it

Rule #35 states that if there isn't you must make it.

Wiser words have never been said. I don't divulge in pornography, but I'll get to work to fill in the gaps for those who do

but yeah BC, the wage gap has been thoroughly debunked

there are places of work where women get paid $0.07 less than men--that's verified, and that's a problem, but it's not the huge travesty that a lot of uninformed people believe it is

Yet I know people where the case is not that.

Few people, sure. But it still exists in some regard.

My point about the women's national team pay compared to the men's national team pay is a huge issue however

Anecdotal and highly unlikely

What is


Funhaus has taught me that the rule 34 saying just isn't true. They have found some obscure things that didn't have any rule 34 for it

Except women in the US are already equal, and what feminism is today is mostly warped from what it used to be, even though there were men hating feminist back then, too.  You can quote a definition of what feminism is all you want, but just go look and see what it's producing.

Which is why I said the actual idea behind it is a great thing, but what it's become and what the "activists" are spreading around is what turned it into such a garbage thing.

That being said there are still some good feminists out there who even go out and argue and tell people not to support the wrong ideas.

Some feminists try to use it to gain an upper hand rather then be equal. Which is the problem because it goes against the literal idea behind the movement

And I honestly wouldn't say men and women are equal in the US, but it is getting better over time.
Legally, men and women are equal.  Well, except in court cases where mothers are given better deals in custody cases and much light punishments compared to men.  But I don't hear to many feminists asking for that to be fixed.

Being seen equal in the eyes of the law means nothing when it isn't universally enforced. If it was, then there wouldn't be such a difference between pay of men and women and identical roles with identical resumes and experience. Even in the same exact company there's a difference.
Holy shit, you actually believe in the "pay gap"?  Men and women don't get paid differently fir the same jobs.  That's illegal.  The actual gap is the average of all men compared to the average of all women, not taking into account career choices and time taken off.

What's funny is I'm actually comparing people I legitimately know. I don't trust statistics like that, because I understand that there are a lot of factors that go into it.

Same position, same experience, same time at the company, same everything.

$185,000 to $245,000

Neither have kids or married or take vacation.

Is it rampant? No.

But it definitely exists

Except women in the US are already equal, and what feminism is today is mostly warped from what it used to be, even though there were men hating feminist back then, too.  You can quote a definition of what feminism is all you want, but just go look and see what it's producing.

Which is why I said the actual idea behind it is a great thing, but what it's become and what the "activists" are spreading around is what turned it into such a garbage thing.

That being said there are still some good feminists out there who even go out and argue and tell people not to support the wrong ideas.

Some feminists try to use it to gain an upper hand rather then be equal. Which is the problem because it goes against the literal idea behind the movement

And I honestly wouldn't say men and women are equal in the US, but it is getting better over time.
Legally, men and women are equal.  Well, except in court cases where mothers are given better deals in custody cases and much light punishments compared to men.  But I don't hear to many feminists asking for that to be fixed.

Being seen equal in the eyes of the law means nothing when it isn't universally enforced. If it was, then there wouldn't be such a difference between pay of men and women and identical roles with identical resumes and experience. Even in the same exact company there's a difference.

she deserves rights as a human being, but "respect" is another thing

you don't have to respect anyone

I use respect in a different way, but that's basically what I said


If your point is that the girl shouldn't because of that, then you're wrong. It should be the case if the person was male. You respect people because they are people.

Can you think they are trash and a terrible person? Sure.

the true desire of equality resides in egalitarianism

the same everything for either or neither

Yet the idea isn't to be completely equal, because it's biologically impossible in some cases. The idea is to be equal in as many ways as possible, be it through pay or social views.

For example men and women should never play eachother in competitive sports. But the US Women's national team shouldn't be paid less then their male counterparts, especially when they contribute more revenue. They should also not have to play in turf fields. I've seen some players get some terrible gashes and burns from just playing. Shit like that is where the equality really needs to come into play.

Except women in the US are already equal, and what feminism is today is mostly warped from what it used to be, even though there were men hating feminist back then, too.  You can quote a definition of what feminism is all you want, but just go look and see what it's producing.

Which is why I said the actual idea behind it is a great thing, but what it's become and what the "activists" are spreading around is what turned it into such a garbage thing.

That being said there are still some good feminists out there who even go out and argue and tell people not to support the wrong ideas.

Some feminists try to use it to gain an upper hand rather then be equal. Which is the problem because it goes against the literal idea behind the movement

And I honestly wouldn't say men and women are equal in the US, but it is getting better over time.

The Flood / Re: Finally got off my ass and saw Zootopia
« on: June 21, 2016, 12:36:27 AM »
*sigh*, once again I wasn't saying that I literally ask that. I was clarifying.
it's not a great clarification if it just produces more questions

so, if someone who dresses, looks, and acts like a girl, you'd call them a girl

but as soon as you found out she had a penis--you'd call her a guy

let's say you knew her for 20 years as a girl

In all honesty I don't know what I would do. At 20 years i obviously wouldn't want to offend them.

But meeting someone or hardly knowing someone, I honestly don't care. A vast majority of the people I have met, in fact I can probably count the people I've met that didn't associate with their sex, stick to it.

I have never met someone who legitmately had a condition or anything; and if they did I would respect it enough to call them what they feel comfortable with due to the actual complication.

Am I blind when it comes to people that identity as this or that? No. I'm not, I'm just saying identifying by sex would eliminate gender as a whole.

You can be female but look like a guy, I don't care what gender you are.

And I probably said something wrong that doesn't accurately describe my opinion, so don't take any of that as set in stone.

I'll never forget having one "girl" blow up on me when we were interviewing her for a job. On her resume she stated what gender she identifies with and I clearly told her I don't care and there's no reason it should be on a resume for a job. You'd be surpised by how many people think putting something like that would make someone more inclined to give them a job. And when we turned her down (because she actually wasn't qualified or even smart) and hired a different girl, she claimed it was discrimination of gender and it became a whole thing. She didn't get anything out of it which was great, but it still left a lasting impression, and I hear shit happening like that all the time. Some people use it as a defense mechanism or try to use it to gain the system. And when it doesn't work they claim discrimination.

So I could be biased in the sense that I've had that and the one bitch getting mad at me because she was agender and I called her miss.

The idea that women should be seen as equals in men in regards of pay and eligibility in certain things, as well as getting rid of roles isn't bad at all. People seem to forget that, breaking down that is legitimately the correct thing to do.

It's what prevlalent "feminists" that have warped the actual idea behind the movement.

Sure I don't agree with everything, that comes with anything, but the general idea is perfectly fine.

I think people need to realize that.

The Flood / Re: Finally got off my ass and saw Zootopia
« on: June 21, 2016, 12:25:42 AM »
BC is oppressive cis scum


The Flood / Re: Finally got off my ass and saw Zootopia
« on: June 21, 2016, 12:24:43 AM »
Meaning, "Are you male or female",
wow, so do you actually ask this to people

if you get someone's gender wrong, most people are gonna say, "uhh, i'm a she" and then you'll be like "oh, i'm sorry"

you don't have to ask people if they're male or female, that's weird as fuck

*sigh*, once again I wasn't saying that I literally ask that. I was clarifying.

The Flood / Re: This reminded me of challenger
« on: June 21, 2016, 12:12:56 AM »
Oi wot, I'll fookin knock ya lights out ya bloody chav. Piss on ya mothers fatty cunt wew lad

The Flood / Re: Finally got off my ass and saw Zootopia
« on: June 21, 2016, 12:10:27 AM »
The reason I put sex* is because for some reason I forgot to just edit gender to sex and say nevermind.

I find it much easier to refer to people as their sex.
in order to learn someone's sex, you must confirm whether they have a penis or a vagina--so, barring the potential for sexual harassment there, you would have to personally ask them for that information--which would seem rather obnoxious, wouldn't it

personally, i find it easier to identify someone's gender identity by observing their gender signifiers--most people make it very clear whether they're a guy or a girl by using things like hair length, hair style, makeup, clothing, body shape, and body size

these signify gender, not sex--so, i mean, you're kind of objectively wrong there, but all right sonny

Meaning, "Are you male or female", if the person was born with one of the disorders, then fine. But 95% of the time it's a straight answer and everyone knows clearly how they fall into it.

You can identify as whatever, but you know damn well what you're sex is

Also, I'm not even arguing verb, I clarified what I meant to say in the first part.

The Flood / Re: When your cat is being a bitch
« on: June 21, 2016, 12:09:06 AM »
That's a Qt C@ you got fam.

It's technically my gf's even thought we got it together. She keeps it at her house most of the time.

She was incredibly adorable when we got her, and is still pretty cute now.

This was taken the second day we had her lol, she was not a fan of my gf's dorm so she would CONSTANTLY go on her notebooks and laptop when she was using it and either sit or sleep on it

The Flood / Re: Which franchise has worse fanmade characters?
« on: June 21, 2016, 12:03:55 AM »
You can't beat Coldsteel the Hedgeheg

Gets me every time lmfao

The Flood / Re: When your cat is being a bitch
« on: June 20, 2016, 11:58:09 PM »
I'll have one too thanks

Me too thanks

The Flood / Re: Finally got off my ass and saw Zootopia
« on: June 20, 2016, 11:57:36 PM »
But...gender has biological ties...

the entire point of the distinction between sex and gender is that the latter does not have biological ties

The reason I put sex* is because for some reason I forgot to just edit gender to sex and say nevermind.

I find it much easier to refer to people as their sex.

I honestly do not care what gender someone tries to tell me they are.

The Flood / Re: I miss RC
« on: June 20, 2016, 11:54:37 PM »
I miss logfish

No idea who that is

The Flood / When your cat is being a bitch
« on: June 20, 2016, 11:54:09 PM »

Y u no look when I take foto cat. Help your human pls

The Flood / Re: Finally got off my ass and saw Zootopia
« on: June 20, 2016, 11:51:24 PM »
it's almost like gender is a social construct to which we hold disproportionate value for the sake of tradition and antiquity GASP

But...gender has biological ties...


The Flood / I miss RC
« on: June 20, 2016, 11:48:15 PM »
He was my favorite alter...I mean poster.

Who do you guys miss

The Flood / Re: 7 Years
« on: June 20, 2016, 07:07:56 PM »
lol I clicked the link and found out 2 people recently liked a post from 2 years ago.

Highest I got was Noble Legendary I thiink

Late notifications are still a problem

The Flood / Re: 7 Years
« on: June 20, 2016, 05:35:53 PM »
>Posted leet pronz and made it to Fabled legendary twice

Some would say you were a Legend

The Flood / Re: 7 Years
« on: June 20, 2016, 05:03:31 PM »
Tfw you'll forever be a Fabled Legendary Member

Get better, I barely got Mythic

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