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Messages - BC

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Juninho is the GOAT free kick specialist. No argument.

He was the first player I ever truly fell in love with outside or Ronaldhino.

It was the first jersey I ever owned of any player, and a jersey I cherish to this day. So few people knew about him, but he was an absolute legend
Obviously I can't speak for the situation over there, but here literally anyone who watches football over the age of 12 knows who Juninho is. He's as well known as Kaka, Roberto Carlos or Ronaldo.

Really? I've never met a single person who knew who he was

The Flood / Re: Picture thread
« on: June 22, 2016, 03:16:29 AM »
You're eye color is fucking beautiful, I love gray eyes/grayish blue/grayish green
wow, thank you

I think they're hazel technically but they usually look greyish

It's very rare to see people with that shade of color, and it's always a sight to behold.

I wish my eyes were that nice dude, a lot of people love that eye color

The Flood / Re: Picture thread
« on: June 22, 2016, 03:11:44 AM »
You're eye color is fucking beautiful, I love gray eyes/grayish blue/grayish green

One of my favorite stories is about how I loved Ronaldhino, the legendary Brazillian, before I ever knew who he was, or what Brazil even was.

I used to always play World Cup 98 on the N64, I was also four years old when I started playing it (2 years late), and at a young age I started liking yellow (which is my favorite color), and in that came the only team with a yellow jersey was Brazil. I would always play as them, didn't know if they were good or bad or anything.

On top of that, I would always pick to play (or customize) #10. They didn't have names in that game, or even modeled the players after the real players (even by skin color) but I always without fail would do whatever I could to score with #10.

It became my favorite number, the number I chose in every sport I played, in every way I could.

And I'll never forget the one day I saw Brazil playing on TV. I told my mom that it was the "yellow shirt people" I would play as in the "ball game" and when I saw #10 dancing around I smiled because I would tell her that was me. And then that's when I saw who it was, the greatest player to ever grace the sport (in my opinion), Ronaldhino. His touch, his class, his flair, his finesse, and his joy for the game has not been matched by anyone else. I have never seen anyone do something with as much joy as he played football.

Do you guys have any stories like that?

Juninho is the GOAT free kick specialist. No argument.

He was the first player I ever truly fell in love with outside or Ronaldhino.

It was the first jersey I ever owned of any player, and a jersey I cherish to this day. So few people knew about him, but he was an absolute legend

Old Lyon Kit

The Flood / Re: Green haired boys are cute
« on: June 21, 2016, 06:16:55 PM »
These kinds of threads upset me

The Flood / Re: The world is ending
« on: June 21, 2016, 05:05:32 PM »
I wish I could make threads about my fetishes that got pages of replies
you have to construct an addictive ARG where you pretend to do retarded shit like slice your dick on a girl's bra
It actually happened, cunt. At least I don't look like a creep who could be a mass-murderer.
But you do
I actually think that's you as well. Pale, very thing, narrow face, no muscles...but go ahead be jealous of me. And not to mention you want a gender change, so I'm not so sure about the stability of your mental state. The only thing that's wrong with me is not having a job currently, but I am trying my best to get an assembly/manufacturing one.
You just described the ideal facial type, lol. Not even mentioning my nose? Weak stuff. Obviously not seeking a sex change, btw, literally impossible stuff

and last I heard no one wants to hire you

big surprise lmao
I've had three jobs at least, probably more work experience than you. And I thought last time I heard you wanted to become a woman, or was that just a desire for attention?
I hope you know having a bunch of jobs when you're an adult isn't a good thing

it means no one wants you in their company, talk to me when you have a steady job lol

and wanting something immensely isn't the same thing as pursuing that thing
Talk to me when you are actually a woman lol.

Oh wait, you were born a man and can never be one no matter how many surgeries you get.
bears are mammals


that's basically life

>want thing
>too poor

or, if you're not poor

>want thing
>buy it
>come to the realization that your materialism is simply an insatiable need-machine that will never create within you a genuine sense of satisfaction in your life; you will never be truly happy, and your life is a vapid, shallow husk of meaningless bullshit, in which you will accomplish nothing of any value


How many cars have you purchased, how many more are you going to purchase?

As of right now, past my last order, I have no plans on purchases. I'm currently open to selling.

There's a point where you have everything you want or lose interest in things you did want.

I've been content for a while, I just always swoop when a good opportunity comes along

Doesn't ever fully scratch that itch tho does it? Welcome to commercial materialism. Speaking of, I really want to play Overwatch rn.

I don't have an itch though lmao.

I'm perfectly content right now. Next step is finishing college and then having a family

I'm ready for adoption, already had my shots and everything


i've buzzed it three times since that picture

You should try and style your hair, I feel like it would look pretty decent

that's basically life

>want thing
>too poor

or, if you're not poor

>want thing
>buy it
>come to the realization that your materialism is simply an insatiable need-machine that will never create within you a genuine sense of satisfaction in your life; you will never be truly happy, and your life is a vapid, shallow husk of meaningless bullshit, in which you will accomplish nothing of any value


How many cars have you purchased, how many more are you going to purchase?

As of right now, past my last order, I have no plans on purchases. I'm currently open to selling.

There's a point where you have everything you want or lose interest in things you did want.

I've been content for a while, I just always swoop when a good opportunity comes along

Doesn't ever fully scratch that itch tho does it? Welcome to commercial materialism. Speaking of, I really want to play Overwatch rn.

I don't have an itch though lmao.

I'm perfectly content right now. Next step is finishing college and then having a family

that's basically life

>want thing
>too poor

or, if you're not poor

>want thing
>buy it
>come to the realization that your materialism is simply an insatiable need-machine that will never create within you a genuine sense of satisfaction in your life; you will never be truly happy, and your life is a vapid, shallow husk of meaningless bullshit, in which you will accomplish nothing of any value


How many cars have you purchased, how many more are you going to purchase?

As of right now, past my last order, I have no plans on purchases. I'm currently open to selling.

There's a point where you have everything you want or lose interest in things you did want.

I've been content for a while, I just always swoop when a good opportunity comes along

that's basically life

>want thing
>too poor

or, if you're not poor

>want thing
>buy it
>come to the realization that your materialism is simply an insatiable need-machine that will never create within you a genuine sense of satisfaction in your life; you will never be truly happy, and your life is a vapid, shallow husk of meaningless bullshit, in which you will accomplish nothing of any value


The Flood / Re: DELET THIS
« on: June 21, 2016, 02:32:28 PM »
Holy shit, this is exactly why I hate faggots.  They try to live off of their orientation because they have no other stand out, marketable characteristics.

While I don't hate this group of people, although they do annoy me, it's absolutely true and ridiculous how much some of them try to leverage with their "title"

The Flood / Re: Rate your game with the opposite (or same) sex
« on: June 21, 2016, 02:02:10 PM »
Chad's cooler brother

The Flood / Re: When your cat is being a bitch
« on: June 21, 2016, 02:19:03 AM »
That's a Qt C@ you got fam.

It's technically my gf's even thought we got it together. She keeps it at her house most of the time.

She was incredibly adorable when we got her, and is still pretty cute now.

This was taken the second day we had her lol, she was not a fan of my gf's dorm so she would CONSTANTLY go on her notebooks and laptop when she was using it and either sit or sleep on it

awwwwww let me have it PWEEEESE

Lmao, she was adorable

The Flood / Re: I miss RC
« on: June 21, 2016, 02:18:29 AM »


i didn't know you were married

Apparently I suck at spelling too, I'm falling apart tonight.

And no, I just call my girlfriend that all the time.

Honestly though I didn't know the correct way of spelling that, I never write it out when I say it.

Always teaching me things verb

that's another subject, but this wouldn't be a bad place to start

Eh, a discussion for another day.

I have to attend to the mrs. , good talk though!

I got proven wrong too, which is good

GG lads, I was wrong

For one, pushing for increase of pay for women's soccer, where women's and men's soccer aren't comparable because of how economics work.
neither of them should be paid anything because getting paid to play a sport is a fucking joke
Well regardless of what you think, they get paid for it based on what boils down to supply and demand, and does not equate to equal pay between two separate industries.
supply & demand is also a joke, and a very antiquated one at that

For one, pushing for increase of pay for women's soccer, where women's and men's soccer aren't comparable because of how economics work.
neither of them should be paid anything because getting paid to play a sport is a fucking joke

Woah there lad

Oh yeah such new ideas as #KillAllMen and #MasculinitySoFragile.  Feminism has gotten worse, and is mostly used to push in favor of women more than equality, and then they cry sexism if you disagree.  If feminists really want to help subjugated women, they should look outside of the US and help those really in need.
not all of them have the know-how or wherewithal to do so, and some of them are actively doing that

it's easy to pick on hyperbolic hashtags like #KillAllMen and pretend as though feminists actually want to kill all men, but that that tends to fall right apart when you realize that, "oh, they don't actually want to kill all men, it's just an expression"

please give an example of modern feminists trying to push women in society above men
For one, pushing for increase of pay for women's soccer, where women's and men's soccer aren't comparable because of how economics work.

The women's team brought in more then 4x the amount of money for the American FA then the Men's team.

Not including overall success.
But the industry as a whole is less profitable than men's.

My point is even in cases where the difference in pay makes no sense it still exists.


but yeah BC, the wage gap has been thoroughly debunked

there are places of work where women get paid $0.07 less than men--that's verified, and that's a problem, but it's not the huge travesty that a lot of uninformed people believe it is

Yet I know people where the case is not that
anecdotal and irrelevant.

My point about the women's national team pay compared to the men's national team pay is a huge issue however
no it's not

It actually is, because of all the issues that come with it. Look up an article about it, it's a pretty big deal
they don't deserve to be paid more if they get a mere fraction of the tv viewership, which also leads to smaller prize pools.

Sports players are entertainers, it's as simple as that, Just like an actor or a singer you get paid based on how much money you can make the people writing the checks

Im fairly certain they get larger turn outs and viewers.
they dont. Look it up. Also that claim that the women's team made 4x more was proven bogus


I've always been told that using divulge like that was correct
divulge means to bring up a subject reluctantly, or to reveal sensitive information

so, if you were to talk about what types of porn you watch, you would be divulging

Feminists don't have to fight for the rights of the men and vice versa

If you're for all equal I'd say it's rather you want everyone to have the same slice of the pie as opposed to making sure your own half isn't any less than the other, and you wouldn't have a problem if you had a larger piece either

You could say you're a feminist while women are "oppressed" or the other when the situation calls for it but you cannot be both at the same time
sure you can

look at this way--if you're not a feminist, going by its most fundamental definition, that means you believe that  women should not have all the same rights as men; that they should be societally lesser than men

now, if that's what you believe, you cannot be an egalitarian--period, because you're not treating all humans as equals

the thing about egalitarians is that they do believe that women should have all the rights that human beings ought to have

which is, uh, feminist

i'm working with fundamental definitions, and you're working with... i don't even know, to be honest

Huh, and to think teachers and coworkers have told me it was correct

yea i agree femenism has been a good thing overall but people that think they can just flip sexual dynamics completely are just deluded in my opinion

might makes right and since men will always be physically stronger than women our society wont change on a whole.

Hence why I said "I don't agree with everything"

like what don't you agree with?

just stating my opinion

The radical views of feminism, like how I've been told it's rude for me to open a door for a woman because I'm implying they couldn't.

Yes, I've been told that before

but yeah BC, the wage gap has been thoroughly debunked

there are places of work where women get paid $0.07 less than men--that's verified, and that's a problem, but it's not the huge travesty that a lot of uninformed people believe it is

Yet I know people where the case is not that
anecdotal and irrelevant.

My point about the women's national team pay compared to the men's national team pay is a huge issue however
no it's not

It actually is, because of all the issues that come with it. Look up an article about it, it's a pretty big deal
they don't deserve to be paid more if they get a mere fraction of the tv viewership, which also leads to smaller prize pools.

Sports players are entertainers, it's as simple as that, Just like an actor or a singer you get paid based on how much money you can make the people writing the checks

Im fairly certain they get larger turn outs and viewers.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton is not innocent
« on: June 21, 2016, 01:15:41 AM »
And she should still be president over Trump.

What is your point?
But you're wrong.
Who is your least favorite person ever?

They would be better than Trump.
But that's definitely wrong.

But do you feel the Bern

yea i agree femenism has been a good thing overall but people that think they can just flip sexual dynamics completely are just deluded in my opinion

might makes right and since men will always be physically stronger than women our society wont change on a whole.

Hence why I said "I don't agree with everything"

Oh yeah such new ideas as #KillAllMen and #MasculinitySoFragile.  Feminism has gotten worse, and is mostly used to push in favor of women more than equality, and then they cry sexism if you disagree.  If feminists really want to help subjugated women, they should look outside of the US and help those really in need.
not all of them have the know-how or wherewithal to do so, and some of them are actively doing that

it's easy to pick on hyperbolic hashtags like #KillAllMen and pretend as though feminists actually want to kill all men, but that that tends to fall right apart when you realize that, "oh, they don't actually want to kill all men, it's just an expression"

please give an example of modern feminists trying to push women in society above men
For one, pushing for increase of pay for women's soccer, where women's and men's soccer aren't comparable because of how economics work.

The women's team brought in more then 4x the amount of money for the American FA then the Men's team.

Not including overall success.

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