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The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:04:29 AM »
treading water, coping with extreme neuroticism. trying to finish the last leg of my university studies. trying to find a new job.

You're at finals already?
i have a term paper due in two weeks finals in a month but thats not really what i was talking about. i need probably two more semesters before i get my bachelors; that's the "last leg."

It sucks, but think of the benefits of the struggle. I respect the hustle, and so should you. It is tough, Uni blows and it adds a lot of needless stress, but it's definitely worth it. Think of it is like this, your edging closer and closer to being done and able to work your way back to a certain level. Stress is normal, as sad as it is to say, but it's not the end of the world

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:02:33 AM »
For example, what are your biggest limitations as of late
I can't piece them together into a neat list. It's an interconnected web of consequences resulting from my poor health and cyclically contributing to it as well.

tbh it isn't something I like openly discussing. I merely bring up the gist of it if it pertains to a topic.

Totally understandable, It's just how I am to openly seek to discuss ways to help someone get out of a slump. Cycles suck but no matter how complex it is, you would be surprised by how much a simple change, to a small routine, can be the catalyst to an overhaul to how you look at things. Chronic pains can wear anyone down mentally and physically, but focusing on what you enjoy and what you have resource wise to help you achieve those certain desires can help a lot.

One of my friends was unable to run, or even walk for about 4 years. He found a way to be happy or at least content during the period by watching sports and telling himself he would run again, self motivation. He would also sit outside to collect his thoughts and order himself. Everyone has ways to cope, and it isn't unreal for me to believe you have one in front of you.

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:58:19 AM »
Haven't signed in for about two months.
Oh yeah? Well, I haven't signed in for eight months!

git gud scrub

Hey, I still remember you, scrub
That's because the part of your brain that handles memories isn't damaged, scrub.

rekt me m8

funny enough its more out of sticking to what I said, so my brain doesn't allow me to forget, scrub.

Just know, I will always remember you
And now I'll always remember this place too. I was going to anyway, but I'm going to now, also.


So help me God if I ever see you in public my fists will meet your face

get rekt scrub

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:48:34 AM »
One thumb up and one thumb down.

But are you really sandtrap

It's me.

You had something wrong with your head. I don't remember if it was cancer or no but it had you worried. You did something nice for a little fellow who was ill by taking him for a spin in one of your fancy cars.

It makes me happy to see your back. How are things? and it was a cancer scare, anomaly in my brain, but it was eventually found to be nothing.

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:47:52 AM »
Haven't signed in for about two months.
Oh yeah? Well, I haven't signed in for eight months!

git gud scrub

Hey, I still remember you, scrub
That's because the part of your brain that handles memories isn't damaged, scrub.

rekt me m8

funny enough its more out of sticking to what I said, so my brain doesn't allow me to forget, scrub.

Just know, I will always remember you

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:47:07 AM »
treading water, coping with extreme neuroticism. trying to finish the last leg of my university studies. trying to find a new job.

You're at finals already?

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:42:01 AM »
One thumb up and one thumb down.

But are you really sandtrap

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:41:42 AM »
Haven't signed in for about two months.
Oh yeah? Well, I haven't signed in for eight months!

git gud scrub

Hey, I still remember you, scrub

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:41:16 AM »
pretty fuckin bored

Trying to sleep or what?
No I mean shit is mundane 24/7.

Try and switch up your routine. Maybe go visit different places near you, or meet new people. If that's not your thing maybe explore your interests (via reading and watching videos). The best way to cut down on life getting mundane is to break your routine, in a good way. Change is good because going through the cycle over and over again can get really stale.
I can't do most of what I would like to because of health issues. What I am able to do I lack motivation to do, also because of health issues.

My focus is on figuring out how to get well.

I remember you telling me that you had health issues, I just forgot when I posted that. I can understand the lack of motivation, everyone falls into slumps like that and some last longer for various reasons, and in your case its your condition. However, funny enough having hope and being motivated, and making strives to find paths for excitement help with recoveries and overall health.

For example I'm currently in my slump where I get dozens of migraines a day, and my only solution to avoid the pain is to be put to sleep. I haven't been able to do anything. And when I get a break from it, I have no motivation to do anything because I'm in a period where I'm essentially waiting for the migraine or recovering from the medications, aka feeling like a zombie.

But I do know I have to break that mold. Yeah it is easier said then done but you have to realize that you need to do it for your own well being. Living in a defeated mind state where your letting the monotony of life take over just leads to depression and worse. It takes a eureka moment or waking up to really change things.

For example, what are your biggest limitations as of late

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:21:38 AM »

Hi Korra

What's new?
Nothing much. Anarchy's back. Place's still a cesspool. Still kinda enjoyable.


Although I don't watch it, I assume your avatar is from RWBY?

Art style looks similar
You assumed correctly, this is Blake.

Never mind I'm an idiot

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:19:20 AM »

Hi Korra

What's new?
Nothing much. Anarchy's back. Place's still a cesspool. Still kinda enjoyable.


Although I don't watch it, I assume your avatar is from RWBY?

Art style looks similar

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:15:23 AM »

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:11:51 AM »
pretty fuckin bored

Trying to sleep or what?
No I mean shit is mundane 24/7.

Try and switch up your routine. Maybe go visit different places near you, or meet new people. If that's not your thing maybe explore your interests (via reading and watching videos). The best way to cut down on life getting mundane is to break your routine, in a good way. Change is good because going through the cycle over and over again can get really stale.

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:06:10 AM »
pretty fuckin bored

Trying to sleep or what?

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:05:43 AM »
absolutely fantastic

Really? Good for you :D

The Flood / How are you guys doing?
« on: October 30, 2016, 11:50:07 PM »
Haven't signed in for about two months. Completely forgot about this place until I realized it was on of my favorites on my laptop

Thought I'd been gone for way longer then two months, crazy

The Flood / Re: i turned 21 today
« on: October 30, 2016, 11:49:04 PM »
Happy Birthday :)

Gaming / Re: A comprehensive review of FIFA 17 (via Closed Beta)
« on: August 30, 2016, 08:10:14 PM »
That's good news. Yeah I wonder why the Ethiad is so quiet IRL. Even when they score. Last time they were super loud was when Man City first won the title again back in 2012ish. I hear it's because they attracted a lot of casual fans so it's meh.

As for the crowds, do crowds slowly go away as a match is won by a lot or lost by a lot? I remember this on older NCAA Football games which was a nice touch.

I did notice any changes in the crowd other then noise when it came to clear wins/losses.

Would be cool to see though. And the Ethiad is always quiet because they hardly ever sell half their tickets, even on huge games. You can always see thousands of empty seats
I wonder why that is. They don't have passion I suppose.

Glory hungry fans who don't actually care about the club. Plus, City is a small club.

Gaming / Re: BF1 Beta feedback thread
« on: August 30, 2016, 07:59:51 PM »
Im actually not having fun. All the classes are useless and all everyone uses is the sniper. Terrible map for the beta as well

Gaming / Re: A comprehensive review of FIFA 17 (via Closed Beta)
« on: August 30, 2016, 07:58:27 PM »
That's good news. Yeah I wonder why the Ethiad is so quiet IRL. Even when they score. Last time they were super loud was when Man City first won the title again back in 2012ish. I hear it's because they attracted a lot of casual fans so it's meh.

As for the crowds, do crowds slowly go away as a match is won by a lot or lost by a lot? I remember this on older NCAA Football games which was a nice touch.

I did notice any changes in the crowd other then noise when it came to clear wins/losses.

Would be cool to see though. And the Ethiad is always quiet because they hardly ever sell half their tickets, even on huge games. You can always see thousands of empty seats

Gaming / Re: A comprehensive review of FIFA 17 (via Closed Beta)
« on: August 30, 2016, 11:36:16 AM »
Okay, well a lot of the good sounds good. I love MLB: The Show because of the tiny emotions they add like fan reactions, animations, etc. It sounds to me like FIFA is doing that this year. Like players faces getting red is fantastic. Also, LOUD CROWDS YES. I play with headphones on and the crowds in FIFA 16 felt kind of disappointing.

However pretty bells and whistles aside, I do have a question. How does normal passing feel? In FIFA 16, passing felt so damn awful to me. Passes wouldn't make it to the player, it'd sometimes overshoot a player and go to another one you didn't want, and the midfield seemed to know everything you did. It felt way too difficult for me.

Did they tone that down at all, or is it still as in your face as FIFA 16?

I'm sure I'll think of more questions.

Crowds can go from non existant to roaring. Funny enough they even take into account stadium size and how many people are there. Ironically enough, Old Trafford is much louder then the Ethiad (which surprises no one).

I believe they even added audio cues for when players make runs so you'll here a "hey hey hey" they make a run.

Passing is much improved. There was a bug in the beta which resulted in CDM's being sort of ignored. The best way I can describe it is that if you tried to play a backwards pass to a holding midfielder itd go to your back line. They said they fixed it already.

The midfield still plays as a midfield should. In 15 they made the midfield relevant again, so since then you can't just blow past or pass through a midfield without making either a few good passes or by laying off to the wings. It's more realistic that way, but no they aren't impenetrable.

With the greater variety of driven passes and types of lofts, as well as some new animations, they feel pretty accurate. Although not unrealistically accurate. Ozil passes like Ozil. In 16 everyone felt like they passed about the same. 17 you can feel when a player is amazing, like Iniesta, or not great like 60 overall player. Which is how it should be. In fact this FIFA makes it painfully obvious when you have a player of quality and one that is not. Which feels right

Gaming / Re: A comprehensive review of FIFA 17 (via Closed Beta)
« on: August 30, 2016, 11:30:42 AM »
That detail on the faces / player models actually sounds legit as hell. Damn.

The only question I have, "is it worth getting it when my last FIFA game was FIFA 15?" Like I don't play too, too often but if it's good enough I likely will.

Yes, as it is vastly different, and to me a lot more fun. However, it's going to be hard at the start, shooting accuracy was tweaked and power was also tweaked. That's the case with most FIFA's. 15 to 16 was actually pretty different, but 16 to 17 is a large leap. Both in visual fidelity but how the game plays and feels.

Typically this is the part of the cycle where it slows down again. 16 to 17 huge leap, 17 to 18, small tweaks.

Gaming / Re: A comprehensive review of FIFA 17 (via Closed Beta)
« on: August 29, 2016, 08:44:00 PM »

Gaming / Re: A comprehensive review of FIFA 17 (via Closed Beta)
« on: August 29, 2016, 01:57:27 AM »
Also to be fair I am being very critical of it because it really does have a strong chance of being the best FIFA ever. It is drastically different in comparison to 16, feels entirely new.

If you haven't played FIFA, or haven't bought a new one for a while, this is the one to get without a doubt. Out of all the issues I listed, odds are they are all going to be fixed before launch. Plus, aside from the driven shot issue, the problems are things very few people would notice. One player not making a good run or smart run is an issue to me that I see, but you may never notice.

To people who laugh at yearly sports games, this one truly is different. By far. It feels like a FIFA game, but it plays significantly different.

Gaming / A comprehensive review of FIFA 17 (via Closed Beta)
« on: August 29, 2016, 01:50:32 AM »
So, much like last year I took part in the Closed FIFA Beta. And much to my surprise was it a LONG beta. 10 days to be exact so I got a lot of hands on time with the game. To preface, it is a beta, overalls aren't final and certain mechanics needed balancing. But as a whole it was pretty damn good, but not perfect.

For starters my initial beta was for Career Mode, both Be a Pro and Manager mode. As the beta progressed all modes were unlocked so I played FUT for the last three days. The Journey was not in the beta, which was not shocking.

The Good:
- Frostbite 3
- Atmosphere
- Player Models and Likenesses
- Player Movement and Animations
- Updated Manager Mode (more difficult this time too)

The Meh
- UI
- The Controls
- The Lighting
- AI player runs
- Manager scans (except Eddie Howe)
- New Freekick/Setpiece system

The Bad
- Low Driven Shots (more on that later)
- FUT pack drops
- FUT Squad Building Challenges
- Goalkeepers
- No Serie A or Serie B licenses (They have the teams, not the league, they are named Calcio A and Calcio B)
- Some celebrations have some of the worst motion capture ever (Ronaldo's celebration looks like it was captured by a 600 pound man. It was perfect in FIFA 16. Now it looks terrible.)

So lets start with an explanation for the good aspects. Frostbite blew me away, as I didn't believe it would look well when it came to FIFA. The pitch and updated stadiums look incredible. As time passes in a game the lighting will change, be it through placement of shadows or even turning night. The updated physics and collision engine also works even better. Physicality and player strength actually help now. Your placement on the ball helps with how much you can fight off or shield the ball, even the strongest of players can fall or be stripped if you have no leverage. This addition of physicality which is one of the three new mechanics allows a whole new way to play that previously wasn't feasible. Previously FIFA was all about pace. Still sort of is, but you have options. For example Olivier Giroud is actually useful now, because you can play as not only a target man, but a hold up attacker. You can effectively hold the ball up the pitch and wait for a full counter. Before you would be a fool to try that. Forwards with little to no pace were useless, no matter how good their shooting or skill capabilities were. Not only that but you get abilities with your added strength. Goal kicks are now not just first one to win the header wins, you can chest the ball down, or battle for it. Which gives a more dynamic feel to it all.

But the most noticeable upgrade of Frostbite is how the players look and feel. More players have their faces, and the new upgraded faces have incredible fidelity. Scanning technology has made leaps. Black players now have varied skin colors, as in previous FIFA's the lighting would react strangely to the skin and they would appear to dark, now they appear the correct skin color to who they are. Pogba and Balotelli have realistic skin tones now. Not only do faces look good, but they added more detail beyond that. As a game progresses players sweat. As they get tired their faces begin to get red, they begin to run in a more tired way, they make more mistakes and lose balance more often. Players get dirty, although this isn't new as in previous FIFA's you could see marks on the jerseys. Now players accumulate dirt on their bodies and cleats. Players foreheads or body parts get red after headers or taking a hard shot. There are numerous new emotional animations and their faces change in frustration. Constant errors by a player have more and more teammates berating him. Players rush the refs after hard fouls or controversial calls. You will see players be visibility upset if a call doesn't go their way, you'll see players smile after a good shot or chance. Keepers will yell and celebrate after saved penalties or crucial saves. They will also point at players out of positions and move them when they are in possession. Players will point for passes and get upset if you don't see it. Managers will celebrate goals and yell at players throughout the game. Players have more dramatic animations after a wonder goal or penalty time goal. Crowds get louder from crucial goals, and less into it if you pile on the score. In fact the crowd will get pretty quiet if your up 5-0 against a small club. New chants have been added, and some old ones brought in. I bought Ronaldo and brought him back to Manchester United and fans sang his songs. Everton fans boo when Rooney has the ball or scores. Aston Villa fans boo when Ashley Young touches the ball. Players will be more aggressive in Derby matches and even the animations in kit selections are different if its a rivalry.

Manager mode is now more in depth, you have to manage fan popularity and keep players happy. Depending on the club you have to give more youth players chances and constantly produce talent out of the academey. Failure to do major objectives lowers your popularity and may cause you to be removed. Signing big players brings revenue to your club via selling jerseys and selling more tickets. But selling a fan favorite will do the opposite. At giant clubs its not too different, but at small clubs you have both more freedom and more ways to mess up. It increases the challenge of bringing a championship side up to the Premier League.

With a lot of good comes some features that leave more to be desired. The UI felt confusing and unclean at times, but since it was a beta I'm sure it will be fixed. The design is nice as a whole. The lighting was also an odd one as jerseys seemed to bright when compared to the pitch and didn't change depending on time of day. Players weren't making as frequent runs, some even stopping dead rather then following through. Numerous times did players like Aguero and Luis Suarez stop dead in their tracks for no reasons. Manager face scans do not look as phenomenal as the should. Although its the first year they could be much better. Except Eddie Howe (Bournemouth Manager) he looks real. Also the new free write free kick system took away a lot of ability. You are forced to move a player from his natural starting position, which is not real. Memphis Depay should be able to have the correct amount of power and curve in his starting position. Those numbers should change depending on where I move. They also basically removed the ability to do dipping driven shots, which was the best free kick but hardest to pull off. The new corner system is terrible in my opinion. You aim with a reticle that isn't even accurate and its very hard to pull a driven pass to players on top of the box. You also can't control the angle or power of the cross. Its always lofted.

The bad was, well, bad. Low driven shots, a new mechanic is broken beyond belief. In fact, if you do a low driven shot it is impossible for a goalie to save it. No matter how much pace is on it. It can be going 2 mph and the goalie will not be able to block it. No matter how good he is. Goalies as a whole feel very poor and unreliable. David De Gea and Manuel Neuer felt no better then a 65 overall no name goalie. FUT drops were so bad too. I opened 80 gold packs, and 10 rare player packs (100k equivalent) and the best players I got were Aguero and Diego Godin. Thats it. Which is the worst I have ever seen. The new squad building challenges are even worse. Whatever players you use to complete the challenge, for example build a squad made of La Liga players that has 100 chemistry and 85 rating for a rare James Rodriguez card. The squad you use to complete the challenge is deleted and you lose all the players for that one card. And that's a god tier team that is needed to complete it.

And yes, as of right now they do not have the rights to Serie A or Serie B (Italian top league). Which is embarrassing. They atleast have there rights to the teams and players.

Overall there was a lot of good, but for once there were enough issues to prevent me from being blown away. If low driven shots are fixed, and the AI is fixed, then it would be the best FIFA yet, but those two issues alone are pretty significant.

If you have any questions that I didn't answer please ask. Be as specific as you want. I played around 30 hours total so I know quite a lot.

NOTE: I didn't bother checking for spelling or grammatical error.

The Flood / Re: I'm trading in my X1 for a Hybrid Optima tomorrow
« on: August 29, 2016, 01:02:12 AM »
Bold move

Gaming / Re: The Witcher 3 could definitely improve tenfolds
« on: August 09, 2016, 10:08:49 PM »
Never played any Witcher games, got it like a month ago, and it was pretty amazing. It ran surprisingly well on the X1 and rarely dropped frames. The combat isn't perfect but it is fun. The story and characters, as well as the atmosphere is pretty great.

Perfect game? No, but its a solid 9 in my book

I was genuinely impressed with the game, and I was on the fence about it since it came out.
I like the stories, or maybe I'm just content with them because I'm not doing anything better, but the combat system is literally 5/10. I do however love the environment. Horse riding is bad, combat system is bad, movement is 5/10, but I suppose everything else is okay.

5/10 is mediocre

8/10 is pretty decent
9/10 is high quality
10/10 is the perfect game

This game receives a 7.5/10 from me

edit: so far. I've heard that it packs a lot of content, and if I'm gonna play it a lot, then I'll raise the score to a 8/10.

Still, I spent like 90 or 60 hours on Dark Souls 3 when it took me about 20 hours to beat it. There weren't any new quests or anything, it was just that I enjoyed the gameplay, the fighting system was fun, and there was some PVP I could play to try out my skills. Take away the environment and quests from Witcher and you have nothing.

To put it this way, I never replay games for another play through or new game + unless I'm genuinely impressed or enjoy the game. I did two full playthroughs in this game.

The combat gets really fun when your fighting enemies stronger then you. For example my favorite fight I had was with a rock troll 10 levels above me, it was a long fight that ended with me having no potions and very little health, or the royal griffin you have to kill later on to unlock better armor crafting. If your on par it feels mediocre. I agree movement is a little odd but its not broken.

Gaming / Re: No mans sky
« on: August 09, 2016, 06:12:30 PM »
I'll probably get it for PC on friday. Looks cool and they have good plans for future content. Hopefully they fix it so you can actually meet and see other players.

I think its a bug because there are multiple slots for ships in the space station implying you'd see other players

Gaming / Re: The Witcher 3 could definitely improve tenfolds
« on: August 09, 2016, 06:10:30 PM »
Never played any Witcher games, got it like a month ago, and it was pretty amazing. It ran surprisingly well on the X1 and rarely dropped frames. The combat isn't perfect but it is fun. The story and characters, as well as the atmosphere is pretty great.

Perfect game? No, but its a solid 9 in my book

I was genuinely impressed with the game, and I was on the fence about it since it came out.

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