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Messages - BC

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The Flood / Re: this deserves it own thread
« on: July 08, 2015, 05:47:26 PM »
The shop on the guy with the Bungie shirt on is spot on

The Flood / Re: My fake opinion of you
« on: July 08, 2015, 04:59:09 PM »
these responses are actually refreshing lol

Or perhaps you could take the most understandable and logical standpoint which would be neutral.
. . . Except that's exactly what I did. Assuming ignorance is neutrality.

you have no grounds to make an assumption in any direction.
It's not an "assumption", though. I have no evidence to suggest you're cognizant about politics or economics, hence ignorance is the default position. You can't adopt a position of both non-cognizance and non-ignorance.

I didn't call you unintelligent, nor did i make any statement in which I said I was smarter.
You called me an idiot quite a bit.

I also didn't claim that you said you were more intelligent.

I don't come onto a forum, or this one for the matter, to discuss politics or economics.
Okay? I don't expect you to. The point is that you implied I was unintelligent (y'know, through the words "idiot" and I think "dumb") without I) demonstrating how I lack an understanding of the areas in which I consider myself intelligent or II) demonstrating a clear failure in reasoning.

I have every right to say I'm Catholic
You have a right to claim to be a Catholic, sure, but it's possible that such a claim could be wrong.

The fact is, I'd be impressed if you actually even read this instead of doing the same work around response.
I pretty much always read responses; now who's making rash assumptions on little evidence?

Also, your calling out a lapse of logic in situation of doubt. There was nothing inherently stupid with my decision, and its odd to see you calling a precaution as a stupid act.
I'm not calling the act stupid, I'm calling the failure of reasoning stupid. I'm not saying what you did at the time was a bad thing to do--far from it--I'm saying in our conversation following the act you displayed incredibly poor reasoning skills.

You missed quite a chunk of my response.

And the whole "idiot" thing was based off you making assumptions of me, that were incorrect. and saying I am unable to think rationally, is basically saying you think I'm stupid.

Also, assuming you wouldn't read it because it was a wall of text isn't making a rash assumption, Its sort of a fair one as so few people would actually read a response like that.

Also, I don't recall talking to you about my choice. Probably because it was a while ago.

So this is what it's like to be Tru or some other leva watching me and Mordo argue

We aren't really arguing though, at least thats not what I intended


Still have no idea what that phrase even means

When have I ever spoken about economics or politics on this site? Humor me.
So you're just going to complete avoid the contradiction that was practically the whole basis for this cute little exchange? Okay.

EDIT: You addressed it, fair enough. But, no, I'm judging you on the information I have. The information is pretty clear. You made a ridiculously obvious failure in reasoning in that situation. Whether or not you're "okay" with being a bad Catholic doesn't change the merits of your logic.

But you haven't, I never claimed that you had. But they're quite clearly my areas of interest; if you haven't posted anything about it, my default position is of course to assume that you're ignorant of it. I wouldn't dive into a conversation with you right off the bat about the legitimacy of defining aggregate demand as total nominal expenditure/income in an economy, and I wouldn't be questioning you on whether the Wicksellian equilibrium rate is the correct way of judging the stance of monetary policy.

So when you question my intelligence--which is quite clearly grounded in this area--and when you have demonstrated no prior proclivities for either politics or economics, then of course I'm going to question the basis for that judgement. Unless, of course, you could demonstrate any contradiction I had pointed out or any failure of understanding in my chosen fields.

Or perhaps you could take the most understandable and logical standpoint which would be neutral. If I haven't shown any proof that I'm uneducated about a matter, and have opted to not delve into a conversation then you have no grounds to make an assumption in any direction. I didn't call you unintelligent, nor did i make any statement in which I said I was smarter. You appear and act as if you feel superior, hence why I brought it to question, but I then stated I do not have a negative opinion of you. Meaning, you act a certain way, but since I can't prove you are actually an ass I'm not going to believe it. The same stand you take when it comes to my wealth, which is understandable to an extent. I don't come onto a forum, or this one for the matter, to discuss politics or economics. It's for a laugh and to pass time. I don't feel compelled to discuss serious topics, crucify me if you will. You seem to have a misunderstadning about who I am and make rash assumptions based on little information. Especially when it comes to my beliefs. I've never claimed to be a strict Catholic. I have every right to say I'm Catholic, even if I question aspect of it. What humors me is I don't go out of my way to openly disagree, and always funny to read a clear shot at me in threads i make. Such as your lack of belief I even own a car. If I was actually offended, I go on a tear and prove you wrong. That's not fun to me, so I play along and keep it light hearted. The fact is, I'd be impressed if you actually even read this instead of doing the same work around response.

Also, your calling out a lapse of logic in situation of doubt. There was nothing inherently stupid with my decision, and its odd to see you calling a precaution as a stupid act. I've openly stated that i felt bad about the whole situation, and that I wish it never had to play out like that. Mistakes were made and we were unsure, rather be safe then live a life wishing we made the decision.

I'll give you credit, I did not expect for you to give me quality responses. So I sought it fair to provide adequate answers. It's clear we dislike each other and have our differences. But I've been fair in the regard for not holding any of it against you, or really caring, because that would ruin the atmosphere of just having fun, my main intention on the forum. You like discussing about economics and politics. I like discussing about cars, and those that I own. Yet I'm criticized for it. I don't hate you, and like I said (which is not hypocritical by the way) I think you can be a dick, but I don't hold any negative opinions of you. Much like a friend that can be an ass, but you still call a friend. Not to imply that we are friends, but just an example.

Edit: Holy shit I didn't think I wrote that much LOL


Your cockamamie shit made him SkIP me


not that I care about his opinion or anything

Baby please, don't be upset. :(

It was an accident I swear

I'll take you out to dinner and we can forget all of this

You're just proving my point?
If you're adamant on the issue, then fine I'll go over your points and demonstrate where I think the flaws are.

your beliefs of me don't make sense.
They do, precisely because you're still hypocritical in your beliefs. The fact that you don't accept every tenet of Roman Catholic belief doesn't absolve you of the fact that you were opposed to an abortion precisely because you thought it would be murder, on account of the fact that the foetus has a soul, only to then think morning-after pills are okay.

There is a CLEAR contradiction there.

but clearly your not the genius you set out to be
I don't remember doing that; I don't care what you think about my intellectual capacity, I care about how it's reflected in the work that I do. I have no idea what position you're in to judge my intellectual capacity anyway, since you seem to know relatively little about politics and economics and I'm yet to say something explicitly contradictory.

and your high horse is what makes you laughable. Its an internet forum calm down, no need to throw around how your so "smart".
I'm not doing that, though. You're just being defensive. I don't have a high horse; you wanted my opinion so I gave it to you. Now you are going to incessant lengths to try and convince me that my opinion is based on misinformation, and you're failing miserably. That's a hell of a horse to fall off.

I'm not throwing around how smart I am, either. Calling you stupid does not mean I immediately think myself more intelligent.

Your a dick, but I don't have a negative opinion.
This is all I really needed to quote, though, wasn't it?

Here's the thing I fail to see. When have I ever spoken about economics or politics on this site? Humor me.

Also, sure, I aborted something that wasn't even there in the first place. I guess I'm a bad catholic, I'm okay with that. I believe what I believe. But I very rarely even talk about serious matters.

Your judging my intellect when I haven't even made an attempt to hold a serious discussion, mainly because its hard for me to take forum discussion seriously.

The Flood / Re: Damn man
« on: July 08, 2015, 04:19:15 PM »
Flashbacks of?
Probably things that have happened to him in the past.

I believe they're called memories.

Why do I feel such an attraction towards you?

That twist at the end lol

The Flood / Re: Damn man
« on: July 08, 2015, 04:18:42 PM »
Taken any drugs recently?
I don't use drugs.

Then I have no idea what could be causing it.

The Flood / Re: Damn man
« on: July 08, 2015, 04:17:13 PM »
Taken any drugs recently?

The Flood / Re: Are you ugly? I'll rate you
« on: July 08, 2015, 04:16:35 PM »
Awww shit
fucking hate this one
face is swollen, blinded by the sun, and the shadow makes her nose look huge. Not to mention I've lost 20 pounds in the last month and a half. But she wanted me to share our gay shirts

better one of me
pre surgery. Should have a stronger jawline now

ambush photo of her
you look so different in the first and second photo
my face is swollen from jaw/sinus surgery plus it's a bad pic of the both of us
I know your gf's nose is enormous in the first one.

I approve.

Clearly your incapable of continuing this conversation LOL
No, you're just stupid. It pains me to try and converse with you. I have changed my mind about you though, you are uptight.

Just shut the fuck up and chill out, asshole. It's a fucking internet forum.

You're just proving my point?

Idiot, im not arguing, or uptight. If you made a joke right after this I'd laugh along. Im used to you being an irruption little shit. I like it, its entertaining. I have nothing against your or chally because i don't take either of you seriously. Just saying hey, your beliefs of me don't make sense. Agree to disagree, but clearly your not the genius you set out to be, and your high horse is what makes you laughable. Its an internet forum calm down, no need to throw around how your so "smart".

Have a laugh. Your a dick, but I don't have a negative opinion. If something bad happened to you, Id feel bad.

I see you can't read either


Your cockamamie shit made him SkIP me


not that I care about his opinion or anything

Baby please, don't be upset. :(

It was an accident I swear

Clearly your incapable of continuing this conversation LOL
No, you're just stupid. It pains me to try and converse with you. I have changed my mind about you though, you are uptight.

Just shut the fuck up and chill out, asshole. It's a fucking internet forum.

You're just proving my point?

Idiot, im not arguing, or uptight. If you made a joke right after this I'd laugh along. Im used to you being an irruption little shit. I like it, its entertaining. I have nothing against your or chally because i don't take either of you seriously. Just saying hey, your beliefs of me don't make sense. Agree to disagree, but clearly your not the genius you set out to be, and your high horse is what makes you laughable. Its an internet forum calm down, no need to throw around how your so "smart".

Have a laugh. Your a dick, but I don't have a negative opinion. If something bad happened to you, Id feel bad.

No your just an idiot lmfao. I can say I'm Catholic, I can say whatever I want. I don't have all the beliefs, I've openly stated I don't believe in Hell because it doesn't make sense. And no, because i still attend Catholic mass, and believe most core beliefs. Such as everything in the Creed.

And no, I'm not getting defensive. Thats what your not getting. Im merely saying "this doesn't make sense for these reasons." I don't really give a shit if you told me you wanted me to die, or think I'm stupid. If I'm not putting any effort into posting here other then having a laugh and keeping it lighthearted I'm obviously not going to portray myself has a genius. Even though I've said many times I'm not, clearly.

Im not offended or bothered, its just stupid to me to have an opinion based of incorrect information, or biased information for that matter.

Clearly your incapable of continuing this conversation LOL

No idea how your can judge that I am unable for "extended rational though".
Holy shit LOL

Laugh along, its always entertaining to see you ride his dick lmao
Technically I'd be riding your dick, but we all know "your" too ignorant to know that.

Chally, if your constantly liking every shot he takes at me and always join in, your riding his dick. Are you daft LOL

It's "you're". For fuck's sake, kid. English better be your second language.

Of course I like his posts. I agree with him. Am I supposed to leave the thread and not like his posts because it makes you uncomfortable?
It's not his primary language, I think.

He's trying to assure himself by writing that stuff. Basically thinking out loud while gaining moral support from oneself.

lmao, nevermind. And it is, not sure where your getting that it isn't
Huh, always took you for someone who lived in EU or something

I live in Miami, Florida

The Flood / Re: Am I dumb
« on: July 08, 2015, 04:03:40 PM »
Does a bear shit in the woods?

not sure why I found this to be funny, but I got a good laugh out of that haha

No idea how your can judge that I am unable for "extended rational though".
Holy shit LOL

Laugh along, its always entertaining to see you ride his dick lmao
Technically I'd be riding your dick, but we all know "your" too ignorant to know that.

Chally, if your constantly liking every shot he takes at me and always join in, your riding his dick. Are you daft LOL

It's "you're". For fuck's sake, kid. English better be your second language.

Of course I like his posts. I agree with him. Am I supposed to leave the thread and not like his posts because it makes you uncomfortable?
It's not his primary language, I think.

He's trying to assure himself by writing that stuff. Basically thinking out loud while gaining moral support from oneself.

lmao, nevermind. And it is, not sure where your getting that it isn't

Because I am asking questions?
There's a difference between inquiry and getting defensive. You could give your opinion of me, and I really wouldn't give a shit.

I just assign myself to it because i group up Catholic and attend Catholic mass.
So you don't actually believe in Catholic creed? You just assign that label to yourself because your parents raised you a certain way and you like the taste of wafer?

That's pretty fucking stupid.

No your just an idiot lmfao. I can say I'm Catholic, I can say whatever I want. I don't have all the beliefs, I've openly stated I don't believe in Hell because it doesn't make sense. And no, because i still attend Catholic mass, and believe most core beliefs. Such as everything in the Creed.

And no, I'm not getting defensive. Thats what your not getting. Im merely saying "this doesn't make sense for these reasons." I don't really give a shit if you told me you wanted me to die, or think I'm stupid. If I'm not putting any effort into posting here other then having a laugh and keeping it lighthearted I'm obviously not going to portray myself has a genius. Even though I've said many times I'm not, clearly.

Im not offended or bothered, its just stupid to me to have an opinion based of incorrect information, or biased information for that matter.

No idea how your can judge that I am unable for "extended rational though".
Holy shit LOL

Laugh along, its always entertaining to see you ride his dick lmao
Technically I'd be riding your dick, but we all know "your" too ignorant to know that.

Chally, if your constantly liking every shot he takes at me and always join in, your riding his dick. Are you daft LOL

although I'm not sure what insecurities your talking about.
The need to defend yourself from a stranger's opinion with a post longer than that opinion isn't a bad example.

1. I've never had serious debate/conversation on here to have my non spoken views be hypocritical and stupid. so...
You're a Catholic. You believe the soul arises at conception. You got a girl pregnant. You didn't want her to have an abortion. You were fine with the morning-after pill.

That's stupid.

Because I am asking questions? like come on lmao, if your "opinion" doesn't make sense I'm obviously going to call it to question.

And no. We did it as a precaution, we were unsure, 95% sure we were fine but I didn't like the risk. We agreed. Also, Im not a strict or believe a lot of the same things as a Catholic does. I just assign myself to it because i group up Catholic and attend Catholic mass.

No idea how your can judge that I am unable for "extended rational though".
Holy shit LOL

Laugh along, its always entertaining to see you ride his dick lmao

I think you play off your insecurities with humour; I don't believe you about your wealth; I think your religious views are both hypocritical and stupid; and I find you to be utterly incapable of any kind of extended rational thought.

You aren't uptight, though. So there's that.

First two parts, sure I know you don't, although I'm not sure what insecurities your talking about. If you don't believe me and crack jokes, I'm obviously going to sarcastically go along.

But 1. I've never had serious debate/conversation on here to have my non spoken views be hypocritical and stupid. so...

2. No idea how your can judge that I am unable for "extended rational though". If I'm never serious about anything on this site, then your judging me for not caring.

come on now lmao

also I always put you and chally on blast on snapchat. No fun proving you guys wrong if i can have a laugh about it on there. Its a cheeky game we play

Gaming / Re: Anyone want a Rainbow Six beta code?
« on: July 08, 2015, 03:29:29 PM »
yes please, X1 :3


They are.

Like, seriously. If you don't think that having a central monopoly on force is necessary for a civilised society then you don't understand civilisation.

The Flood / Re: My post on the "Community" forum about Bungie
« on: July 08, 2015, 01:00:58 PM »
I miss DeeJ's community play nights

I miss when DeeJ was actually a human and community director. He was actually pretty cool. Now he's just a prick.

Gaming / Re: Is ESO worth it.
« on: July 08, 2015, 12:59:45 PM »
I have been genuinely enjoying it

Doesn't feel like an MMO to me. Just a giant Elder scrolls game
Same here. Until I mage to be on at the same time with you or somebody else on this forum I'm playing it like a single player game. There are times I get annoyed when I'm doing a quest because there's players killing everything that I want to kill for EXP.

I play my main single player, and my second with my brothers. Its a nice balance. When you get to Vet 1, theres far less people around so that problem goes away, and those who are there know what their doing so its refreshing

The Flood / Re: My post on the "Community" forum about Bungie
« on: July 07, 2015, 04:15:45 PM »
DeeJ is gonna see your thread and tell a mod to lock it
>implying DeeJ doesn't  already have him muted

Damnit Das your a genius.

Someone get this man mod status pronto, fuck it, Cheat step down.

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