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Messages - BC

Pages: 1 ... 616263 6465 ... 262
The Flood / Which way do you face when you shower
« on: August 12, 2015, 06:33:14 PM »
If you rotate, which way do you primarily face.

Back to the shower master race

The Flood / Re: China blast: Shipment explodes in Tianjin port
« on: August 12, 2015, 02:22:08 PM »
Can't wait to hear them accuse the U.S. for having a part of it

Serious / Re: Ferguson, Missouri is in ANOTHER state of emergency...
« on: August 12, 2015, 02:14:21 PM »
Didn't that fucker shoot at police first though? Even when it's completely justified, they chimp out. COME ON

This is exactly what I said when I finished reading

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 12, 2015, 02:00:21 PM »
Lol. One vague picture of someone holding phones, and nothing else but text. No definitive proof of anything that has happened, and when people demand pictures, op is unable to provide.

Yes because I want to post the kids username for everyone to unleash a shit storm. Think next time.

Im blocked, I can't even view his profile anymore
Boy, blacking out names is not a thing. No one can do that.

I think this was just a subtle way for you to try and flaunt your "wealth" and your humbleness. Lol.


sure, that's totally why I did this, to flaunt my wealth.
Well, this thread isn't even about what he did, but how you dislike what he did. The title of the thread itself isn't about him, but how it affects you. You play the dude off as the biggest stereotypical rich asshole, and it doesn't even last half the rant. Majority of the rant is you saying how mad it makes you, followed by some self righteous "I would never do that because I have money and cars," and  ended with some shitty one-lined "everyone's equal" bullshit. All to self hype and promote yourself as a cool humble dude, and making sure people know you have money by comparing yourself to him.

You still only posted a vague picture, with nothing but a textual story that seems too cheesy and made-up already, but then top the cake with "Oh I got blocked. No pictures." It's 2015, people should know how to blackout names. it's not excuse.

Only you would take it this way LOL.

It's not the first time I've said shit like this pisses me off, but whatever.

That's not why I made the thread, but if that's what you want to think go ahead. Plus I'm on my phone and posted from my phone. I'm not going to take the time to find an app that lets be black out a name, when I can just crop the photo and be done with it
Lol, excuses.

Except that's why lmao. I didn't even think to black out names cause I never do that.

Think what you want to Nexus, anything else?

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 12, 2015, 01:56:57 PM »
Lol. One vague picture of someone holding phones, and nothing else but text. No definitive proof of anything that has happened, and when people demand pictures, op is unable to provide.

Yes because I want to post the kids username for everyone to unleash a shit storm. Think next time.

Im blocked, I can't even view his profile anymore
Boy, blacking out names is not a thing. No one can do that.

I think this was just a subtle way for you to try and flaunt your "wealth" and your humbleness. Lol.


sure, that's totally why I did this, to flaunt my wealth.
Well, this thread isn't even about what he did, but how you dislike what he did. The title of the thread itself isn't about him, but how it affects you. You play the dude off as the biggest stereotypical rich asshole, and it doesn't even last half the rant. Majority of the rant is you saying how mad it makes you, followed by some self righteous "I would never do that because I have money and cars," and  ended with some shitty one-lined "everyone's equal" bullshit. All to self hype and promote yourself as a cool humble dude, and making sure people know you have money by comparing yourself to him.

You still only posted a vague picture, with nothing but a textual story that seems too cheesy and made-up already, but then top the cake with "Oh I got blocked. No pictures." It's 2015, people should know how to blackout names. it's not excuse.

Only you would take it this way LOL.

It's not the first time I've said shit like this pisses me off, but whatever.

That's not why I made the thread, but if that's what you want to think go ahead. Plus I'm on my phone and posted from my phone. I'm not going to take the time to find an app that lets be black out a name, when I can just crop the photo and be done with it

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 12, 2015, 01:41:38 PM »
Lol. One vague picture of someone holding phones, and nothing else but text. No definitive proof of anything that has happened, and when people demand pictures, op is unable to provide.

Yes because I want to post the kids username for everyone to unleash a shit storm. Think next time.

Im blocked, I can't even view his profile anymore
Boy, blacking out names is not a thing. No one can do that.

I think this was just a subtle way for you to try and flaunt your "wealth" and your humbleness. Lol.


sure, that's totally why I did this, to flaunt my wealth.

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 12, 2015, 01:35:40 PM »
Lol. One vague picture of someone holding phones, and nothing else but text. No definitive proof of anything that has happened, and when people demand pictures, op is unable to provide.

Yes because I want to post the kids username for everyone to unleash a shit storm. Think next time.

Im blocked, I can't even view his profile anymore

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 12, 2015, 01:24:21 PM »
You know what to do, BC.

And then post updates

Deleted my comments and blocked me LOL. I saw a few people commenting too, he deleted theirs to. What a piece of shit

I do believe that is what the younger generations call, "Getting wrecked."

I was hoping more people would see


What you could certainly do here is, show and link said fellow's instagram to a certain non specific website that may or may not revolve around a number that may be 7.

At which point said gentlemen may be visited by one or more of the residents from this website whose name that I shalln't say.

But, ya'll didn't hear that from me.

I thought about it originally, but that's the reason I cropped out the username and all that.

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 12, 2015, 01:23:35 PM »
What makes him think more phones=better person?
Don't get me wrong, the guy is a complete dickhole -even assuming the phones are real- but I'm pretty sure he's basing his worth on how wealthy he is, not literally how many phones he has


The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 12, 2015, 01:10:34 PM »
You know what to do, BC.

And then post updates

Deleted my comments and blocked me LOL. I saw a few people commenting too, he deleted theirs to. What a piece of shit

I do believe that is what the younger generations call, "Getting wrecked."

I was hoping more people would see

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 12, 2015, 01:00:33 PM »
You know what to do, BC.

And then post updates

Deleted my comments and blocked me LOL. I saw a few people commenting too, he deleted theirs to. What a piece of shit

The Flood / Re: Your first relationship
« on: August 12, 2015, 01:18:22 AM »
8th grade. Really cool girl, still really cool. But we kinda seperated and just let it dissipate naturally. Nothing bad, just different people. She's pretty cute and has the same humor.

2nd GF is a dime, but I broke up with her in the nicest way possible. Still friends now

Current GF, was the only person I actively tried to get all of high school. I succeeded, and don't regret losing the time to get her.

I've never had a bad break up. I strive to always end on good terms with people, and I've done very well. I have a good reputation, so it's always a plus for girls who are interested. Because if it goes south it will never end badly

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 11, 2015, 10:27:35 PM »
Well, ya know what?

I'd really like to see him go on a rant about how he's better than people with that stack of phones in the middle of buttfuck nowhere with no internet and satellite.

You couldn't even use the phones to make a fire or for anything useful. At best, they'd probably just piss off the bear that ate him when they passed through.

And just like that, rich kid dethroned.

It's just the fact he has such an inflated ego to the point he thinks he's an overall better human being. When it's clearly the opposite

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 11, 2015, 10:05:37 PM »
Typical humans.

People like this are a minority, but they sure as hell are pricks.

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 11, 2015, 09:56:17 PM »
Don't be upset; those aren't iPhones. At least, they're not legitimate ones.

Are you positive? Because if you are, I'm about to put him on full blast.
I take apart iPhones as a hobby. I've never seen one like that. The backs are nothing like the 6 or 6+. It looks most like an iPod 5th gen or an iPhone 5C, both of which are not that expensive, especially if they're bricked.

I'm going to have my fun with this one

They looked real to me tbh

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 11, 2015, 09:52:49 PM »
Don't be upset; those aren't iPhones. At least, they're not legitimate ones.

Are you positive? Because if you are, I'm about to put him on full blast.

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 11, 2015, 09:52:05 PM »
Having expensive ass cars is usually a social status symbol.

Which is funny because I like parking them out of plain sight. At school Id park in the farthest spot away from everyone else, for the reason that I dont want attention because of it. I really, really love cars. it makes me happy to own them. If I hear it's someone's dream to drive one, I'll always let them. If I can use them as a way of making people smile and making a small dream come true, that makes it worth more then the money I paid.

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 11, 2015, 09:42:09 PM »
Lloyd, a friend I knew in school.

His father was the head of the pepperellis ice cream.

He would get the newest IPhones just to break them in school. I'm talking Gold ones and limited ones.

"OH! It's okay, my dad will buy me another tomorrow"

....I mean, I'm rich and I never did that.

Holy shit I would drop his ass. That actually got me even more upset.

Fuck people like that.
Can't say I gave him the most pleasant looks in class.

I hope everyone did the same.

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 11, 2015, 09:40:41 PM »

Talk about parenting as well. Did his parents even give a shit?

No idea, don't know him. It's a random person who popped up on my explore

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 11, 2015, 09:40:11 PM »
Lloyd, a friend I knew in school.

His father was the head of the pepperellis ice cream.

He would get the newest IPhones just to break them in school. I'm talking Gold ones and limited ones.

"OH! It's okay, my dad will buy me another tomorrow"

....I mean, I'm rich and I never did that.

Holy shit I would drop his ass. That actually got me even more upset.

Fuck people like that.

The Flood / This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 11, 2015, 09:35:49 PM »

I'm browsing Instagram and this came up on my explore.

At first sight, I thought two things. Someone bought their family and friends new iPhones, or some is having a giveaway.

After reading comments, this is what it is. This 18 year old rich kid wanted to show off "how much he's worth". When asked why by a commenter he said "because I need to show people I'm better then them, I have enough money to just go buy whatever I want." The iPhone's weren't for his friends, or family. All for himself. He likes buying a lot of phones because he considers them "disposable".

That's the type of shit that gets me so fucking mad. If you have money that's great, I have nothing against that, and it'd be hypocritical if I did. I don't have any problem with people posting stuff like that. Watch photos, cars, vacations, normal stuff. But when your posting shit just to say "hey look at me I'm better then you" then your a piece of shit and I hope nothing but the worst shit on you.

It's the type of pricks that thing just because they have a better living then most people, that they think they are somehow a superior human being. It's one thing to be like hey look at this cool thing, and another to say he look at all the shit I can buy because why not.

You guys give me a lot of shit for me talking about my cars. But no one can tell me I posted shit for anything remotely close to this reason.

If you don't consider everyone equal, or consider yourself above anyone, your a piece of shit. Plain and simple.


The Flood / Re: Intociated AMA
« on: August 11, 2015, 05:53:57 PM »
God doesn't smile upon lawbreakers

I'm feeling my itch but for cars.

Enzo, F50, F40, Squadra. One of them would be nice.
The obvious answer is F40. It's a big, giant, twin-turbo'd VEE ATE go-kart.
Just think of all the torks that you can soak panties with.

My ultimate track toy is in the works. The SV and P1 have been satisfying my track needs as well.

I want the F40/F50/Enzo because their icons. I don't have a love for Ferrari's, but I do have a love for Motorsport icons. I wouldn't want all three, just one.
No real love for Ferrari from me either. F40's probably the only one I'd ever consider owning if I had the means, and that'd be for the reasons I said above.

Which is ironic since I own one of the 499, but whatever lmao.

I have a great deal of love for the Enzo, I consider it the ultimate Ferrari. Which coming from a Lamborghini guy says a lot. I've been very impressed by the LaF, drive it a lot more then I thought I would. One more addition and I have a car for every day of the week :p
Oh, so you did end up getting the LaF?

Don't you have an order for the 918 too? You like... did the trio, bro. That's a fucking collection.

Bought the P1 and LaF second hand, and ordered the 918.

The reason why I got the LaF was actually sort of funny. My girlfriend called me late at night saying her brother saw an Enzo for sale by my apartment. I picked her up and called the owner saying I was looking to buy it right now. We met and he was looking to sell it for a price I wasn't willing to pay for (way more then I've seen them go for). He had a LaF that he was also willing to sell, and it was moderately less then everyone else, so I chose it.

If I didn't get them second hand Id join the trifecta club, but I did :(

I also have all three production Aventadors (SV, LP-700, 50th Anniversary.)

The Flood / Re: UK Users, I will be in your country this December.
« on: August 11, 2015, 04:40:54 PM »
Come to Wales
wales isn't a country

Gareth Bale and Ryan Giggs disagree
You mean Ben Davies and Aaron Ramsey, right?

Aren't they welsh too?
Yeah but Davies and Ramsey are actually good

I can appreciate this kind of banter

I'm feeling my itch but for cars.

Enzo, F50, F40, Squadra. One of them would be nice.
The obvious answer is F40. It's a big, giant, twin-turbo'd VEE ATE go-kart.
Just think of all the torks that you can soak panties with.

My ultimate track toy is in the works. The SV and P1 have been satisfying my track needs as well.

I want the F40/F50/Enzo because their icons. I don't have a love for Ferrari's, but I do have a love for Motorsport icons. I wouldn't want all three, just one.
No real love for Ferrari from me either. F40's probably the only one I'd ever consider owning if I had the means, and that'd be for the reasons I said above.

Which is ironic since I own one of the 499, but whatever lmao.

I have a great deal of love for the Enzo, I consider it the ultimate Ferrari. Which coming from a Lamborghini guy says a lot. I've been very impressed by the LaF, drive it a lot more then I thought I would. One more addition and I have a car for every day of the week :p

The Flood / Re: UK Users, I will be in your country this December.
« on: August 11, 2015, 04:32:02 PM »
Come to Wales
wales isn't a country

Gareth Bale and Ryan Giggs disagree
You mean Ben Davies and Aaron Ramsey, right?

Aren't they welsh too?

I'm feeling my itch but for cars.

Enzo, F50, F40, Squadra. One of them would be nice.
The obvious answer is F40. It's a big, giant, twin-turbo'd VEE ATE go-kart.
Just think of all the torks that you can soak panties with.

My ultimate track toy is in the works. The SV and P1 have been satisfying my track needs as well.

I want the F40/F50/Enzo because their icons. I don't have a love for Ferrari's, but I do have a love for Motorsport icons. I wouldn't want all three, just one.

I'm feeling my itch but for cars.

Enzo, F50, F40, Squadra. One of them would be nice.

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