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Messages - BC

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I wear Mercurial Superfly's so I'd have to go CR7. I hate the galaxy design but his record breaking white and gold ones were gorgeous. Sold out before I could get a pair.

Neymar's new ones are pretty sweet and I used to wear Hypervenoms, should probably try out the II's but I love my Super Fly's

The Flood / Re: Is it okay to ask a girl to prom if she has a boyfriend?
« on: January 31, 2016, 11:41:26 PM »
100% no

The Flood / Re: You're all a bunch of fuckin assholes
« on: January 31, 2016, 06:54:52 PM »
I don't understand
You're a fuckin Latino in Miami and you ain't never seen Scarface?

When I was younger yeah, but not old enough to remember anything about it

The Flood / Re: You're all a bunch of fuckin assholes
« on: January 31, 2016, 06:50:30 PM »
I don't understand

The Flood / Re: Have you seen Lazer Team?
« on: January 31, 2016, 06:44:28 PM »
I plan on it within this starting week

The Flood / Re: Going to be alone for V-Day for the fourth year in a row
« on: January 31, 2016, 06:42:41 PM »
If your alone on V-Day who cares. Rather take the time to create something good then rush it just to say you had something for one day.

The Flood / Re: Ronaldo is a fraud
« on: January 31, 2016, 06:41:10 PM »
Getting so tired of this Messi is God bullshit.

Both players are ridiculous. We're lucky we get to see them play. Enjoy it rather then fighting about who's better.

If we want to fling shit Ronaldo has done the nicest things I've ever seen or heard anyone in sports ever do. Probably even past sports.

Both players make an enormous impact on the pitch in their own right. I don't care who's better. I love them both, Ronaldo more because he's a son of Manchester and Fergie's boy.

The Flood / Re: So I went to see her at her work
« on: January 31, 2016, 02:05:09 PM »
Jfc this forum.

Gaming / BC also reviews The Division Beta
« on: January 31, 2016, 01:35:28 PM »
I did one for the FIFA 16 Beta (and boy was that a long and descriptive review) so I thought I'd do one for this.

First off, it's a Beta and only shows up to a level cap of 8, and a pretty small portion of the map.

Only one story mission is available in the beta, and as unfortunate as that is it is understandable. The game starts directly after you create a character, which is the beta you are limited to 4 pre made faces with different variations of facial hair. Once your done, it slaps you into what appears to be a few moments after the true start to the full game, which I'm sure they left out for narrative reasons. Your in a helicopter with a women who appeared to have lost her eye and saved you from a skirmish that occured before. You land, nothing memorable is said, and off you go to set up a base of operations. The next part is the only mission, which is to rescue a doctor from Madison Square Garden. You fight maybe 6 groups of enemies, head to a rooftop, kill a boss (whom at the START is a bullet sponge, but quickly becomes very easy even on hard.) and boom your done.


The gameplay is pretty solid for a cover shooter. But one reminder, the game is a RPG first, shooter second. It does both sides of the coin surprisingly well. Your given a choice of 4 abilities in the beta, of which you can only bind 2 at a time (LB and RB, for Xbox One). These abilities consist of a scanner that scans for enemies and later on loot, a sticky grenade that sticks to anything and is detonated after clicking the bumper again, a riot shield that allows you to take extended punishment as well as shoot your side arm, and a healing pulse with a fairly small radius. Your only able to mod the scanner in the Beta. Using these together can be very satisfying, and I stuck with the scanner and healing pulse. Pulse to see enemies before you turn the corner, find a good vantage, and pick them off. The AI is set up with different mindsets, you have grenadiers who bombard your position with grenades, you have normal people who run around shooting you, you have rushers who have melee weapons who bolt towards you and flank you when they can, and then there are snipers. Another type very few ever see are engineers, who place turrets all over the place. As well as flame thrower wielding enemies. Something I liked about the enemies is the fact if you shoot an enemy while they are throwing the grenade, they can miss throw it or even drop it on themselves. Also if you shoot a grenadiers backpack, it will blow up killing them (and if it's an elite, it won't allow them to throw grenades anymore).

It's easy to solo things when you get a hang of the abilities. But there are other items you can use. From Water, Soda and Canned food, to explosive bullets and incendiary rounds. Soda allows you to do 30% more damage to elite enemies for example, and is commonly found in backpacks. You also have medkits and a beavy of grenades, which are binded to the left and right on the D-Pad. Grenades consist of Frag, Incendiary, Stun, and Tear gas. There's also EMP and another one I can't remember, both of which aren't available.

I also played both solo and with my two brothers. The game works even better with partners, as you can synergize your abilities together, plus it's always fun to explore with company.

PvP is a love/hate for me. I went in at level cap to check it out. In the Dark Zones there are high level NPC's as well as other players who can go rogue on you or their own friend at any moment and steal your gear. You will see single or even bands of rogue players running around and killing players for their loot, which can become both fun and terrifying. For example I was playing alone and I was in a parking garage killing three npc's, I see on my HUD that 4 rogue players are coming down the other ramp across from me, so I quickly hide, and sneak my way past them because I had 6 rare items on me that I needed to extract. But it's not always so black and white, at extractions people will wait for the helicopter to arrive and then turn on you. Which can be frustrating.

But there is also the good side of it. Joining a group of players in a firefight they couldn't handle and helping them succeed, and then doin jumping jacks to show your gratitude back never gets old. In fact it's where the beauty of the game shines. There is a sports store in the dark zone that is home to 12 elite npc's and two bosses. And you can get easily overwhelmed if you run in there. I can clear it solo, bht when I was walking by and heard someone on the mic being frustrated. I walked in and he was pinned down, so I went up a scaffolding outside, got to a window, busted it, and began sniping and covering him from my position. We both met up in the middle of it all and over the mic he was saying how awesome it was to see enemies dropping silently for no reason (I use a silenced sniper). We saluted eachother and actually stuck together for an hour before we both got off. To be successful in the dark zone you need to be aware of the fact it's a lawless place, once you get used to it you can thrive in it. I never go rogue and I have gotten probably over 200 items out successfully and maybe like 12.

The Loot

Good ole RNG. The loot drops are actually pretty decent most of the time, even from the start. Definitely a lot better then Destiny. More often then not I was getting gear that was much better then what I was using. Gear is tiered in the normal way, white is the lowest, yellow/gold is the highest.

As of right now, from spending time in the dark zone, I have one exotic gun and all legendary items including my secondary weapon and side arm. You can only find rare gear in the dark zone (in terms of highest rating, you can get greens but don't bother picking them up.) however you gather a currency for enemy kills that you can spend in checkpoints in located around the edges of the zone. In those checkpoints you can buy legendary gear; and each checkpoint has its own inventory, so check them all out. You can buy two exotic guns for a steep price in the one safe house located in the top right of the dark zone. The Assault Rifle is pretty great. Haven't gotten the shotgun.

The Map, the scale, and the atmosphere

The map given to you in the beta, as small as it is, dear lord it takes a few minutes to get to somewhere. Which wouldn't be so bad if there we so little things to kill on the way there. It's my one gripe with this game. There's very few enemies to actually fight. I can walk from one end to the other and kill one group.

But walking in this, genuinely gorgeous representation of a ruined New York is something incredible. The atmosphere is well presented at all sections. The dynamic weather mechanic can make for some gorgeous scenery and interesting back drops for fire fights. Running throw a blizzard while fighting in the dark zone is even more rewarding, assuming you win. And the fact weather effects visibility (even making the reticle not turn red as a result, meaning; you don't know if your hitting something or not) is pretty cool. The Darkzone is even more grim, as soon as you step in the color palette becomes more grey, there are burnt bodies and bag everywhere, exploded buildings, everything on fire, it genuinely looks creepy. Especially the damn subways. If you want to be creeped out, head into the subways in the dark zone. There are also quarantine zones and buildings that are equally as ominous.


Although not available in the Beta, it has been shown that the customization for your characters face is pretty decent. You can also customize your character in various ways. The gear you get changes your gloves, backpack. Knee pads. And body armor. But then there are cosmetic slots like hats and jackets, scarves and boots, under shirts and pants. All of which can be found from killing enemies or helping civilians around the city.

I wish I could show my gameplay footage on here, and I might do some streaming on my Xbox to show off how the game plays at the top end of the beta. Nothing is a bullet sponge at that point (except for bosses, which is understandable.) People keep saying enemies are bullet sponges. Destiny bosses are 1000x worse then the bosses in this game, and enemies go down a lot quicker too in The Division. At first it's not that way, but it quickly becomes easy

8/10, having a lot of fun

The Flood / Re: I still associate this site and its community with Bungie
« on: January 31, 2016, 03:02:51 AM »
I associate this place with the old Bungie and all those good times.

I'm inclined to agree, and that's probably why I can't shake it. Because it's essentially a sort of twisted homage to how things were before destiny honestly

The Flood / I still associate this site and its community with Bungie
« on: January 31, 2016, 02:59:16 AM »
Whenever I'm asked about what site I'm on, I always say "just a bunch of people from Bungie". And that feels right to me. I'll always associate this as an offsite of

Sure we could say we're unique, and I'm not saying anything negative at all when I say I still associate it with, it's just an association I can't seem to break.

Do you guys consider this community as its own thing, or do you still associate all of this with

Gaming / Re: Anyone play Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes (iOS/Android)
« on: January 31, 2016, 02:56:26 AM »
I've seen ads but always assumed that it was just another shitty mobile game.

It's surprisingly good

The Flood / Re: What era did you start posting?
« on: January 31, 2016, 02:43:36 AM »
Before ODST

Gaming / Anyone play Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes (iOS/Android)
« on: January 31, 2016, 02:34:00 AM »
This game is pretty damn fun. And it's the first, and currently only mobile game in which I have felt compelled to buy things from. For good reason. The game doesn't feel pay to win at all, it's just a hard grind at early levels.

But overall it's a fun tactical game with some RPG elements. Looks great too and plays very well. Never had a crash or freeze and they keep making good fixes.

Anyone play it?

Gaming / Re: The Division Beta OFFICIAL THREAD.
« on: January 31, 2016, 02:30:57 AM »
After getting the exotic AR, and all purple gear, I can say this game seems be on a great course to be really fun. Dark zone has been delightful for me, very few times do people go rogue, and when they do they get beat to shit. Handling 12 elite enemies in that sports store all alone never gets old

Gaming / Re: How many of you play FIFA?
« on: January 31, 2016, 02:25:55 AM »
Fifa 16 on PC

Rocket League on PC

Football Manager for 4 mins, and gave up

OL wanted 120m for Lacazette on FM16. I was not amused.

Gaming / Re: How many of you play FIFA?
« on: January 31, 2016, 02:24:15 AM »
FIFA 16 on Xbox One, also have 15 and 14.

I play a hell of a lot of FIFA

Commented on both

The Flood / Re: I'm designing a Sep7agon card game
« on: January 27, 2016, 02:03:14 PM »
Stil no me :(

The Flood / Re: I'm designing a Sep7agon card game
« on: January 26, 2016, 10:05:03 PM »
I r not there :(

The Flood / Re: one of my daily life hacks that i shall share
« on: January 26, 2016, 09:58:52 PM »

The Flood / Re: This infuriates me
« on: January 24, 2016, 01:46:22 PM »
This gimmick of yours is really pathetic.

This thread isn't even about me?
It's completely about you and your "cars". Just thinly veiled.

What's funny is it's not at all, you are just trying hard to make it seem that way lmfao

Feels like you do that for every thread

The Flood / Re: This infuriates me
« on: January 24, 2016, 12:35:49 PM »
This gimmick of yours is really pathetic.

This thread isn't even about me?

The Flood / Re: This infuriates me
« on: January 24, 2016, 10:42:56 AM »
It could be worse.

He could have bought a super car and not know a damn thing about it like what Ali-A did.

What'd he do

The Flood / Re: This infuriates me
« on: January 23, 2016, 08:56:42 PM »
tbh if my car gets me from point A to point B, there's not much point in anything else

But I do see your point
Take care of your shit people

That was indeed my point

The Flood / Re: This infuriates me
« on: January 23, 2016, 08:38:49 PM »




The Flood / Re: This infuriates me
« on: January 23, 2016, 08:34:47 PM »
I probably would have jacked that car if nobody was looking. <_<

The keys WERE on the ground...

You would probably take better care of it too.

Lol I would. I take great care of my computer so I would take even greater care of my car. That owner is lucky you're not a car thief. What kind of dumbfuck would leave their keys on the ground? That's just begging to have your car stolen.
A police honeytrap.

I mean, I'll put my keys on my phone when I'm lifting, but it's always in front of me. It's not uncommon to see that. You just keep it close to you and in your sight at all times
Maybe it's just me being a paranoid sod and all, but so far assuming that some slimy bastard is trying to steal your shit 24/7 has kept it all safe <_<

I don't think I'd leave anything like that away from my person if I wasn't in my house >_>

And I totally understand that mentality, there's nothing wrong with thinking like that. I know the area is known for anything like that happening, and it's my clear view at all times. I also have it under my phone. It's not something I leave out for people to see. Sure sometimes it'll be on top of my phone if I take them out of my pocket right then and place it. But if I'm doing it and paying attention, it's always under. It's not that I had any problem with him having his keys on the floor next to his machine, it's the fact that his car is in such shitty shape

I mean, I'm not exactly a fan of cars and the like but I find it hard to believe anyone could treat a machine in such a poor manner. The omnissiah weeps to think of it ;-;

Boggles my mind as well
They should all be sent for disassembly tbh

treating the gifts of the omnissiah so badly

such a disgrace

I mean they have the right to buy these things, it just pisses me off when things are so under valued

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