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Messages - Assassin 11D7

Pages: 1 ... 909192 9394 ... 336
The Flood / Re: Official SFW furry art thread
« on: October 08, 2015, 11:17:50 PM »

The Flood / Re: don't worry flee
« on: October 08, 2015, 11:16:36 PM »
Burn with fire.

The Flood / Re: Official SFW furry art thread
« on: October 08, 2015, 11:15:51 PM »

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:19:21 PM »
I am calm, I'm just pointing out you put in no effort to support your claim and you didn't sound like you knew what you were talking about.

Well like I said, AoU isn't exactly fresh in my mind. I'm not going to try and take a definitive stance on something I'm not sure about. You can understand that.
Well, you said he did literally nothing wrong. That's pretty definitive.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:11:35 PM »
Sounds very convincing and will surely make me rethink my opinion when you're so confident and supporting of your claim.

Chill, man. It's a fucking movie.

I remember distinctly Ultron saying that humanity was a danger to itself. And then again,I remember him saying that it was about preserving the strong. Which I took to mean himself.
I am calm, I'm just pointing out you put in no effort to support your claim and you didn't sound like you knew what you were talking about.

The Flood / Re: Hello furriends
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:07:49 PM »
ryle, kill urself.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:06:44 PM »
Except Ultron didn't want everyone to stop living, he wanted the weak to all die off so the strong could make a better humanity.

That's not even close to anti-natilism.

Misrepresented ideology.

He wanted everyone dead because they were a danger to themselves. Or whatever. Which is sort of anti-natalism. The idea that humanity is better off not existing.

Maybe I'm just misinterpreting what his intentions were.
Sounds very convincing and will surely make me rethink my opinion when you're so confident and supporting of your claim.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:03:33 PM »
  • Ultron (MCU)

Plan to drop a meteor sized rock into the earth to destroy all life.

  • Loki (MCU)

Allowed an alien race to invade earth so he could claim and enslave it.

How did they do nothing wrong?
He's an anti-natilist weirdo
Yeah, but I think people are confusing good intentions with not doing anything wrong. Loki didn't even have that.
He agrees with Ultron because he's an edgy anti-natilist that wants humanity to stop existing.

Don't know about Loki.
Except Ultron didn't want everyone to stop living, he wanted the weak to all die off so the strong could make a better humanity.

That's not even close to anti-natilism.
He was more about pushing evolution and changing the world.
That's pretty much what I said.

What is this map for

this show the general geographic area of a middle east

choose the desired region for discussion
the general geographic area of a middle east
area of a middle east
of a middle east

ok what is the point?

do you have a discussion?
I want to know how to calculate the area of a middle east.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:00:12 PM »
  • Ultron (MCU)

Plan to drop a meteor sized rock into the earth to destroy all life.

  • Loki (MCU)

Allowed an alien race to invade earth so he could claim and enslave it.

How did they do nothing wrong?
He's an anti-natilist weirdo
Yeah, but I think people are confusing good intentions with not doing anything wrong. Loki didn't even have that.
He agrees with Ultron because he's an edgy anti-natilist that wants humanity to stop existing.

Don't know about Loki.
Except Ultron didn't want everyone to stop living, he wanted the weak to all die off so the strong could make a better humanity.

That's not even close to anti-natilism.

What is this map for

this show the general geographic area of a middle east

choose the desired region for discussion
the general geographic area of a middle east
area of a middle east
of a middle east

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 08, 2015, 08:51:12 PM »
Everybody just stop

Serious / Re: >Protestantism
« on: October 08, 2015, 08:32:20 PM »
Are people finding it too mentally straining to read beyond the url address?

Ot: at least nothing is going to happen and the bishop is talking out of her ass.

Also a furry

The Flood / Re: So Skype is full of assholes
« on: October 07, 2015, 10:57:17 PM »
What skype group? You aren't in the Sep7 one from what I recall.
arky and jim's
This should be expected then tbh
Better than Sep7
The Sep7 skype chat has taught me more about history tonight than the 12 years of public education.

The Flood / Re: Some of you younglings are alright.
« on: October 07, 2015, 10:37:30 PM »
One day this website is going to be shutdown and all of us will be on some watchlist.
You act like that hasn't happened already. We're literally stormfront 2.0
Not all of us are idiots that took the jew-hating jokes literally.

The Flood / Re: What is humanities end game?
« on: October 07, 2015, 09:23:44 PM »


Not until everyone knows I'm right.

But you see, you're objectively wrong. Hate to burst your bubble.
Do I look like a bubble blower?

The Flood / Re: Don't tell me you ain't never watch Power Rangers.
« on: October 07, 2015, 09:07:04 PM »
Power Rangers is art, the fact that it's still running is a testament to its quality.

The Flood / Re: Don't tell me you ain't never watch Power Rangers.
« on: October 07, 2015, 08:51:28 PM »
I don't get how you guys can actually remember any of the plot or characters from the show. All I remember is the fights and megazord battles, which are hilarious watching now.

The Flood / Bet on how I'll do on my math quiz tomorrow
« on: October 07, 2015, 08:11:31 PM »
I've gotten around to studying once or twice in the past week, and I think it's on partial derivatives, some variant of chain rule, and total differentiation.

The Flood / Re: What is humanities end game?
« on: October 07, 2015, 08:07:01 PM »
This most likely on all avenues. Can't outrun it forever. Entropy is a bitch.

It isn't "most likely" it will happen, unless there are other universes and it is somehow possible to leave this one.

Humans as we know today will be gone in about 10 million years anyway provided we aren't wiped out, as evolution will have rendered us unrecognizable by then.
This seems pretty meme-tier pseudoscience.

He's not wrong about evolution though. The longer we survive, the more time we have to change.
I don't see how natural selection could possibly continue to work given the society we have created where those that are not as well off are taken care of regardless and allowed to thrive. Also, you're assuming that in 10 million years humans will have decided to not dictate their own biological forms or augment them with cybernetics. Which seems rather unlikely given 10 million years of technological progress.

Ever consider the fact that maybe that form of advancement is actually part of the natural structure of evolution? That technology is the result of a species evolving the capacity to create it and use it in the first place?
People will have still made it in their interests to look the same because nobody likes change and people that are different. I find it doubtful they will have changed like he implied, or especially how he implied.

Oh really?

Guess you weren't counting on cultural trends then. You're thinking of this progress as an overnight change that anybody can actively see. That anybody alive today is going to live to see.

That's the thing. Between generations of people, there are minute changes. Which are appropriated by cultural trends of acceptance. Have you seen what people looked like a few thousand years ago?

How about what their ideas of beauty were? Our idea of beauty actively influences us to change ourselves to suit it. But ideas never stay the same. Therefore, neither do we.
Humans tend to act in cycles. Things repeat.

Now add the extra component of advancing technology to give us wider windows of adaptability and modification to ourselves.

Factor in the potential changes that might come with the human brain as it evolves over time as well.
If anyone tries to become a real life furry, they will be purged from society, and if I must live 10 million years to guarantee this, so be it.

Seeing as how the stupid tend to breed like rodents, that would just make an idiocracy situation more likely.

The Flood / Re: What is humanities end game?
« on: October 07, 2015, 08:05:00 PM »


Not until everyone knows I'm right.

Serious / Re: The Crusades were justified by the standards of the day.
« on: October 07, 2015, 08:04:09 PM »
buh muh history class o the dark ages
A lot of History class is half-truths and bs.

I had to create an anti-Napoleon presentation with a group, and the teacher assigned me 3 pages from a text for reference. The other 7 pages were putting those 3 pages into context. In the end I found out more information supporting Napoleon than the pro-Napoleon group did.

The Flood / Re: What is humanities end game?
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:58:02 PM »
This most likely on all avenues. Can't outrun it forever. Entropy is a bitch.

It isn't "most likely" it will happen, unless there are other universes and it is somehow possible to leave this one.

Humans as we know today will be gone in about 10 million years anyway provided we aren't wiped out, as evolution will have rendered us unrecognizable by then.
This seems pretty meme-tier pseudoscience.

He's not wrong about evolution though. The longer we survive, the more time we have to change.
I don't see how natural selection could possibly continue to work given the society we have created where those that are not as well off are taken care of regardless and allowed to thrive. Also, you're assuming that in 10 million years humans will have decided to not dictate their own biological forms or augment them with cybernetics. Which seems rather unlikely given 10 million years of technological progress.

Ever consider the fact that maybe that form of advancement is actually part of the natural structure of evolution? That technology is the result of a species evolving the capacity to create it and use it in the first place?
People will have still made it in their interests to look the same because nobody likes change and people that are different. I find it doubtful they will have changed like he implied, or especially how he implied.

Oh really?

Guess you weren't counting on cultural trends then. You're thinking of this progress as an overnight change that anybody can actively see. That anybody alive today is going to live to see.

That's the thing. Between generations of people, there are minute changes. Which are appropriated by cultural trends of acceptance. Have you seen what people looked like a few thousand years ago?

How about what their ideas of beauty were? Our idea of beauty actively influences us to change ourselves to suit it. But ideas never stay the same. Therefore, neither do we.
Humans tend to act in cycles. Things repeat.

The Flood / Re: What is humanities end game?
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:44:01 PM »

This most likely on all avenues. Can't outrun it forever. Entropy is a bitch.

It isn't "most likely" it will happen, unless there are other universes and it is somehow possible to leave this one.

Humans as we know today will be gone in about 10 million years anyway provided we aren't wiped out, as evolution will have rendered us unrecognizable by then.
This seems pretty meme-tier pseudoscience.

He's not wrong about evolution though. The longer we survive, the more time we have to change.

And I'm not wrong about the extinction of humanity being an inevitability unless we can somehow exit this universe.
We don't even understand the universe as it is, don't be so set.

I'm just going off what we have observed right now.
Which is what? Nobody really has a clue if/how the universe will end.

The Flood / Re: What is humanities end game?
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:43:17 PM »

This most likely on all avenues. Can't outrun it forever. Entropy is a bitch.

It isn't "most likely" it will happen, unless there are other universes and it is somehow possible to leave this one.

Humans as we know today will be gone in about 10 million years anyway provided we aren't wiped out, as evolution will have rendered us unrecognizable by then.
This seems pretty meme-tier pseudoscience.

He's not wrong about evolution though. The longer we survive, the more time we have to change.
I don't see how natural selection could possibly continue to work given the society we have created where those that are not as well off are taken care of regardless and allowed to thrive. Also, you're assuming that in 10 million years humans will have decided to not dictate their own biological forms or augment them with cybernetics. Which seems rather unlikely given 10 million years of technological progress.

Ever consider the fact that maybe that form of advancement is actually part of the natural structure of evolution? That technology is the result of a species evolving the capacity to create it and use it in the first place?
People will have still made it in their interests to look the same because nobody likes change and people that are different. I find it doubtful they will have changed like he implied, or especially how he implied.

Serious / Re: The Crusades were justified by the standards of the day.
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:38:12 PM »
all I know about the dark ages is that the europoors stole a bunch of books from the muslims and then they left the dark ages
heres all you need to know about the "dark ages"- its a fucking myth
but my collapse of Rome, Barbarians, and religious repression.
The name and effect is overrated I think because it implies the whole world was dark But the fact that all of Western Europe wasn't in a shit hole? That's just not true. A lot of engineering feats, technology, basic hygiene, common sense, etc.

All of that was lost and honestly the engineering feats are only recently being broken (i'm talking decades/centuries, not like 10 years ago).

Fun fact: Rome at its height had more intricate and working road systems than the modern day US Highway system.
a lot of roman roads still work today! good luck getting our piece of shit asphalt roads to do the same a thousand years from now.
yes, but in a thousand years construction companies will still be making bank due to repairing designed to fail asphalt roads.

The Flood / Re: What is humanities end game?
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:34:31 PM »

This most likely on all avenues. Can't outrun it forever. Entropy is a bitch.

It isn't "most likely" it will happen, unless there are other universes and it is somehow possible to leave this one.

Humans as we know today will be gone in about 10 million years anyway provided we aren't wiped out, as evolution will have rendered us unrecognizable by then.
This seems pretty meme-tier pseudoscience.

He's not wrong about evolution though. The longer we survive, the more time we have to change.

And I'm not wrong about the extinction of humanity being an inevitability unless we can somehow exit this universe.
We don't even understand the universe as it is, don't be so set.

The Flood / Re: What is humanities end game?
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:33:42 PM »

This most likely on all avenues. Can't outrun it forever. Entropy is a bitch.

It isn't "most likely" it will happen, unless there are other universes and it is somehow possible to leave this one.

Humans as we know today will be gone in about 10 million years anyway provided we aren't wiped out, as evolution will have rendered us unrecognizable by then.
This seems pretty meme-tier pseudoscience.

He's not wrong about evolution though. The longer we survive, the more time we have to change.
I don't see how natural selection could possibly continue to work given the society we have created where those that are not as well off are taken care of regardless and allowed to thrive. Also, you're assuming that in 10 million years humans will have decided to not dictate their own biological forms or augment them with cybernetics. Which seems rather unlikely given 10 million years of technological progress.

The Flood / Re: What is humanities end game?
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:27:47 PM »

This most likely on all avenues. Can't outrun it forever. Entropy is a bitch.

It isn't "most likely" it will happen, unless there are other universes and it is somehow possible to leave this one.

Humans as we know today will be gone in about 10 million years anyway provided we aren't wiped out, as evolution will have rendered us unrecognizable by then.
This seems pretty meme-tier pseudoscience.

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