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Messages - LilypadGG

Pages: 123 45 ... 9
I got op's nudes if anyone is interested, fair warning she looks like a bulldog sneezing.

I don't know what that is either so I don't see why I should care.

Gaming / Re: What games have the best water effects?
« on: October 23, 2015, 12:26:33 AM »
Pokemon Omega Ruby or Pokemon Alpha Sapphire.
As a matter of fact, it was so good, that IGN put a con as "Too Much Water".

On the serious side, I'd say probably.. Assassin's Creed Pirates Life or like.. GTA5. There was something amazing about seeing water puddles after it was a rainy day.

People hate Forced Unleashed? That game was great. Had fun combat and leveling up your powers was awesome.
Story was 100% pointless

Darth Vader:

>hurr durr make a apprentice
>durrrrrrrr betray apprentice
>jk kill da emperor and gather his enemies its a good plan eh?
>jk killed my apprentice to protect the emperor
>lol I cloned him hahahahah

Darth Vader in Force Unleashed 2:

>lol i cloned him
>heavy breathing
>oh shit this clone is going crazy
>heavy breathing
>oh shit this clone is on the light side what the fuck
>heavier breathing
>fuck this clone is kicking my ass
>heavy as fuck breathing
>oh no im captured what the fuck this doesn't even make sense.

How about that last SW: Rebels episode though?

The Flood / Re: It Don't Matter If She Shallow
« on: October 22, 2015, 11:20:58 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post in this thread for my honest opinion of you
« on: October 22, 2015, 11:14:42 PM »

it's the "hurr durr Im retarded" person
That's fucking lame. I honestly expected more from you.

ok so you are AXFTUALLY more than that since you posted more. You aren't an insufferab;e cunt who makes me want to vomit, thank gofd.I THINK(?) you can make some coola rguments or points, but you are new so I can't really recall much sorry

lilo and i have decided to engage in an online relationship which mainly consists of her stripping on cam while i furiously masturbate while watching clips of Vietnam War crimes.
Let's not mention that.
oh my bad bae

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna make some Pol Pot-tery?
« on: October 22, 2015, 11:10:12 PM »
It's funny, because like.. My family might be a part of the death toll, but they definitely didn't die from Pol Pot.

The Flood / Re: Post in this thread for my honest opinion of you
« on: October 22, 2015, 11:09:06 PM »

it's the "hurr durr Im retarded" person
That's fucking lame. I honestly expected more from you.

lilo and i have decided to engage in an online relationship which mainly consists of her stripping on cam while i furiously masturbate while watching clips of Vietnam War crimes.
Let's not mention that.

oh boy here goes glorious excessively berating a poor innocent girl on the internet again

why do you hate women so much man? Mommy not give you enough hugs?

Did she show you her hymen
yeah it was p sweet

So uh


Is it actually a bone

OP thinks that generalizing and critizing races makes her smart and different

Not really, because I'm a part of the race that I've criticized.

And then using the "I'm a part of the thing I'm criticizing" excuse to justify it

I mean, I guess so. I'm admitting here that I'm a fucking idiot. But alright.

Admitting that you are an idiot does not make your points any more valid

See, these are my views, and in this case the views of an idiot. I'm not attempting to persuade you that it's the truth, it's how I feel on the subject.

But admitting you are an idiot and then still pushing the views as if they are valid undermines your whole claim
I suppose so, buddy.

Now stfu and give me nudes

I would, but you're like 17 probably.

As if this is of any relevance to what I said
It's called, "I might go to prison if I do it."

oh boy here goes glorious excessively berating a poor innocent girl on the internet again

why do you hate women so much man? Mommy not give you enough hugs?

Did she show you her hymen
yeah it was p sweet
I'm pretty sure it's because he was touched as a child, or stripped naked by women as he was forced to masturbate, laughing at his dick.

The Flood / Re: Post in this thread for my honest opinion of you
« on: October 22, 2015, 11:00:54 PM »

OP thinks that generalizing and critizing races makes her smart and different

Not really, because I'm a part of the race that I've criticized.

And then using the "I'm a part of the thing I'm criticizing" excuse to justify it

I mean, I guess so. I'm admitting here that I'm a fucking idiot. But alright.

Admitting that you are an idiot does not make your points any more valid

See, these are my views, and in this case the views of an idiot. I'm not attempting to persuade you that it's the truth, it's how I feel on the subject.

But admitting you are an idiot and then still pushing the views as if they are valid undermines your whole claim
I suppose so, buddy.

Now stfu and give me nudes

I would, but you're like 17 probably.

OP thinks that generalizing and critizing races makes her smart and different

Not really, because I'm a part of the race that I've criticized.

And then using the "I'm a part of the thing I'm criticizing" excuse to justify it

I mean, I guess so. I'm admitting here that I'm a fucking idiot. But alright.

Admitting that you are an idiot does not make your points any more valid

See, these are my views, and in this case the views of an idiot. I'm not attempting to persuade you that it's the truth, it's how I feel on the subject.

But admitting you are an idiot and then still pushing the views as if they are valid undermines your whole claim
I suppose so, buddy.

is this over the whole zipperheads are subhuman thing?
Actually, not really. Asians are disgusting and vile creatures. We can't drive, we consider an animal that we keep as pets as meat, we're good at math, we're hard workers, and we over populate this fucking planet like it's insane. Not to mention most of our countries have no room to fucking drive a car. It's fucking awful.
so you're a self hating Asian?

goddamn can i pls marry you
No, because white people are just as bad. You're mass murdering pieces of shit that for some reason finds it interesting to talk about how shitty one thing is because of the nostalgic properties the thing you're defending has
I want to make a Tet Offensive on your ass

Oh, and not to mention the fucking retarded reasoning of saying that one thing isn't a problem because other problems exist in the world and in perspective is much larger than the problem you are currently having. Like, "OH, YOU BROKE YOUR LEG? WELL THERE'S A TON OF PEOPLE STARVING IN AFRICA, GET OVER IT." Like somehow that makes the problem you're currently having irrelevant because some fuck is having more problems.
gonna turn your pussy into the Gulf of Tonkin
Oh, and the ignorance of a hymen.
Operation Rolling Thunder in your ass

;). Message me.
oh yeah i'll get right on that
it worked

"Now that I am done ranting about shit, I will reward your wizard pick up lines with nudes"

OP thinks that generalizing and critizing races makes her smart and different

Not really, because I'm a part of the race that I've criticized.

And then using the "I'm a part of the thing I'm criticizing" excuse to justify it

I mean, I guess so. I'm admitting here that I'm a fucking idiot. But alright.

Admitting that you are an idiot does not make your points any more valid

See, these are my views, and in this case the views of an idiot. I'm not attempting to persuade you that it's the truth, it's how I feel on the subject.

OP thinks that generalizing and critizing races makes her smart and different

Not really, because I'm a part of the race that I've criticized.

And then using the "I'm a part of the thing I'm criticizing" excuse to justify it

I mean, I guess so. I'm admitting here that I'm a fucking idiot. But alright.

is this over the whole zipperheads are subhuman thing?
Actually, not really. Asians are disgusting and vile creatures. We can't drive, we consider an animal that we keep as pets as meat, we're good at math, we're hard workers, and we over populate this fucking planet like it's insane. Not to mention most of our countries have no room to fucking drive a car. It's fucking awful.
so you're a self hating Asian?

goddamn can i pls marry you
No, because white people are just as bad. You're mass murdering pieces of shit that for some reason finds it interesting to talk about how shitty one thing is because of the nostalgic properties the thing you're defending has
I want to make a Tet Offensive on your ass

Oh, and not to mention the fucking retarded reasoning of saying that one thing isn't a problem because other problems exist in the world and in perspective is much larger than the problem you are currently having. Like, "OH, YOU BROKE YOUR LEG? WELL THERE'S A TON OF PEOPLE STARVING IN AFRICA, GET OVER IT." Like somehow that makes the problem you're currently having irrelevant because some fuck is having more problems.
gonna turn your pussy into the Gulf of Tonkin
Oh, and the ignorance of a hymen.
Operation Rolling Thunder in your ass

;). Message me.

OP thinks that generalizing and critizing races makes her smart and different

Not really, because I'm a part of the race that I've criticized.

is this over the whole zipperheads are subhuman thing?
Actually, not really. Asians are disgusting and vile creatures. We can't drive, we consider an animal that we keep as pets as meat, we're good at math, we're hard workers, and we over populate this fucking planet like it's insane. Not to mention most of our countries have no room to fucking drive a car. It's fucking awful.
so you're a self hating Asian?

goddamn can i pls marry you
No, because white people are just as bad. You're mass murdering pieces of shit that for some reason finds it interesting to talk about how shitty one thing is because of the nostalgic properties the thing you're defending has
I want to make a Tet Offensive on your ass

Oh, and not to mention the fucking retarded reasoning of saying that one thing isn't a problem because other problems exist in the world and in perspective is much larger than the problem you are currently having. Like, "OH, YOU BROKE YOUR LEG? WELL THERE'S A TON OF PEOPLE STARVING IN AFRICA, GET OVER IT." Like somehow that makes the problem you're currently having irrelevant because some fuck is having more problems.
gonna turn your pussy into the Gulf of Tonkin
Oh, and the ignorance of a hymen.

is this over the whole zipperheads are subhuman thing?
Actually, not really. Asians are disgusting and vile creatures. We can't drive, we consider an animal that we keep as pets as meat, we're good at math, we're hard workers, and we over populate this fucking planet like it's insane. Not to mention most of our countries have no room to fucking drive a car. It's fucking awful.
so you're a self hating Asian?

goddamn can i pls marry you
No, because white people are just as bad. You're mass murdering pieces of shit that for some reason finds it interesting to talk about how shitty one thing is because of the nostalgic properties the thing you're defending has
I want to make a Tet Offensive on your ass

Oh, and not to mention the fucking retarded reasoning of saying that one thing isn't a problem because other problems exist in the world and in perspective is much larger than the problem you are currently having. Like, "OH, YOU BROKE YOUR LEG? WELL THERE'S A TON OF PEOPLE STARVING IN AFRICA, GET OVER IT." Like somehow that makes the problem you're currently having irrelevant because some fuck is having more problems.

is this over the whole zipperheads are subhuman thing?
Actually, not really. Asians are disgusting and vile creatures. We can't drive, we consider an animal that we keep as pets as meat, we're good at math, we're hard workers, and we over populate this fucking planet like it's insane. Not to mention most of our countries have no room to fucking drive a car. It's fucking awful.
so you're a self hating Asian?

goddamn can i pls marry you
No, because white people are just as bad. You're mass murdering pieces of shit that for some reason finds it interesting to talk about how shitty one thing is because of the nostalgic properties the thing you're defending has

is this over the whole zipperheads are subhuman thing?
Actually, not really. Asians are disgusting and vile creatures. We can't drive, we consider an animal that we keep as pets as meat, we're good at math, we're hard workers, and we over populate this fucking planet like it's insane. Not to mention most of our countries have no room to fucking drive a car. It's fucking awful.

neither of these things are bad
Exact words of a rapist.

Pages: 123 45 ... 9