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Messages - GAMERG0D

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Gaming / Re: Played lolGhosts again today
« on: October 22, 2015, 08:47:11 PM »
It's not necessarily bad, just the maps were mediocre as fuck. There was some gun balance issues too but I can't recall which weapon it was that everyone hated. Ghosts is also very similar to MW3 so it was like they weren't even trying. IW's game should be next year, whether that's Ghosts 2 or an MW2 remaster remains to be seen.

The latter would probably sell way more tbh.

Gaming / Re: what are your thoughts on QTE in vidya gaymes?
« on: October 22, 2015, 08:25:39 PM »
It is lazy game design, if you look at Halo 4 and other games with "final bosses", western devs can't make final bosses for shit.

Gaming / Re: The worst maps you've ever played on
« on: October 22, 2015, 07:41:36 AM »
At least Activision will remaster it soon r-right?

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Remastered HD Ultimate Collector's Edition with Price's Care Package and Ramirez's Revenge DLCs. Only at $69,99 and if you pre-order it from Best Buy you also get a pink grenade launcher.
I'm in

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Story Spoilers (With Images)
« on: October 22, 2015, 07:22:21 AM »
click at own risk

Gaming / Re: The worst maps you've ever played on
« on: October 22, 2015, 07:07:57 AM »
All of this MW2 talk is making me want to play again. I was proper good at that game m8s.
At least Activision will remaster it soon r-right?

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid Discussion Thread
« on: October 21, 2015, 08:51:25 PM »
oh they finally added the DLC to steam

Gaming / Re: Check out my new gaming setup
« on: October 21, 2015, 08:50:02 PM »

TV area is all fucked so can't take a pic of that

Gaming / Re: The worst maps you've ever played on
« on: October 21, 2015, 07:37:37 PM »
Underpass and Slums are great maps.

There are a few maps with flaws such as Estate and Wasteland.
What the fuck? Estate was easily the best MW2 map.
It was alright, but the estate itself was just a lot of fuckery and camping.

Gaming / Re: The worst maps you've ever played on
« on: October 21, 2015, 07:26:16 PM »
Underpass and Slums are great maps.

There are a few maps with flaws such as Estate and Wasteland.

It's a shame that some of the improvements that came with New Vegas aren't in Fallout 3. New Vegas had great dialogue and companions, some of which I'm sure Verb would enjoy.

Fallout 3 has some good ones too, no doubt, but I got some good laughs out of NV's companions.
Mods? I'm referring to mechanics more so, not necessarily dialogue.

"Into each life, some tears must fall
But someday the sun will shine..."

The music in Fallout 3 was outstanding. Certainly beats most of the country-western shit on FNV.

InB4 Johnny Guitar
I agree with you

Johnny Guitar I despised.

Yeah I think you shot someone else by accident. Leave Megaton for a day and they will forgive you.
All right, cool. Yeah, I suppose that's what V.A.T.S. is for <.< Oh well.

I also have my previous save, if I just want a complete do-over.

Same kinda thing happened in Skyrim when I first played it. I accidentally stole a pancake in some town, and fucking everyone wanted to kill me.
Literally save every 10 mins tbh

Gaming / Re: New Article on Destiny's Scrapped Story
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:05:49 PM »
Kotaku, so take with a grain of salt.

Jason is a destiny fan dude

A list of rumors you should take with a grain of salt (/s):

Source: The Next Aliens Game Stars Ellen Ripley's Daughter
We Hear There's A Rare Collection Coming To Xbox One
Leaked Documents Reveal That Fallout 4 Is Real, Set In Boston
The Next-Gen Xbox Is Getting a Hell of an Exclusive, Sources Say (Titanfall)
Next Year's Big Assassin's Creed Is Set In Victorian London
Final Fantasy Versus XIII Is Dead
Studio Behind Phantom Dust Reboot Shuts Down
Sources: You Can Play As A Woman In Assassin's Creed: Syndicate
Sources: Crytek Not Paying Staff On Time, Ryse Sequel Dropped
Here's What Blizzard's Titan MMO Actually Was


Also here's a list of stuff they didn't report on

1) (debunker:


3) (debunker:

4) (debunker:


6) (debunker:


8) (lmao) (debunker:

9) (debunker:


Question: What exactly happens when you die? I'd like to know so that I'm not angry when it happens.

I assume you just go back to the last place you saved/auto-saved, losing all your progress down to that point.

Yep. Your autosave always comes first. But something important to remember is to do manual saves fairly often because a lot of time autosaves can have a big delay between them, in a lot of cases, setting you really far back.
Also said autosave could land you in a location entrance that a glitch or an unfortunate event has initiated. That's why having multiple save files is advisable.

Gaming / Re: I finally beat Super Metroid
« on: October 19, 2015, 04:27:07 PM »
One of the best games ever made tbh

Gaming / Re: Any reviewers that you trust?
« on: October 19, 2015, 09:48:28 AM »
John Bain
Jason Schreier

Gaming / Re: What game should I play next? (Xbox 360)
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:50:50 PM »
I played Brink on launch day then never played it again.

Gaming / Re: What game should I play next? (Xbox 360)
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:05:54 PM »
Not Brink
Not GZ

I'd probably pick RAGE or JC2

but JC2 though

Gaming / Re: Which Game Rating Destroyed Your Faith in Published Reviews?
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:20:38 PM »
You can't really put faith in companies whose sole purpose (the sites and the game publishers) is to make money. I only read small snippets from every review.

I don't like review scores in general, I prefer a "Yes/No" system like Kotaku uses.

Edit: Hm, I never usually read reviews in general and I never noticed the "What I Played" on the Kotaku reviews in the bottom corner. That's actually a really nice thing to have there.

AC Syndicate reviews go up on Thursday at 7 AM ET.


Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 10:30:32 PM »
Because how long ago it was matters

He buys all of the CoDs and their season passes as well iirc.

Just keep that in mind when debating with him on Activision and CoD.
>implying I don't think MW3 was a rehash
>implying I don't think Ghosts was shit
>implying I don't think AW movement mechanics were a mistake

MW2 was so long ago I don't remember the launch other than "muh model 1887s".

Not to mention yearly CoDs make you forget stuff about them, I can't even remember map names from MW3.

Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 10:17:52 PM »
I almost forgot Tony Hawk because the launch was so uneventful after the 1st day when everyone shat on it. (rightfully so)

MW2 was like half a decade ago dude.

Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 10:14:03 PM »
Publishers who are known for greed (Ubisoft, Activision, MS, EA, etc) tend to have shit launches. At least some of them get recognized for it
Activision not really other than Destiny, which I assume you are referring to. AW went fine, you can dislike the game but the launch was not shit. Unless you want to mention the Bal-27 being overused.

The BO III beta is not fair to use in this case because it's a beta months before launch.

Battlefront is 1 month before launch, which is essentially the full game minus maps and weapons.

They are greedy yes, but shit launches? Not necessarily.

Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 09:54:57 PM »
muh remasters
Yeah PS4 has a lot of them, but XB1 has 30 Rare Games and MCC (remember that bullshit, why would any sane person keep their XB1 or buy Halo 5 after that?) along with the multiplat ports that PS4 also has.
Both consoles pretty much are the same with their offers right now.

Sure, in the future say this, but now?
The reason I push for PS4 over XB1 is primarily the Japanese games
Which takes half of the 'more to offer'

So tell me, if you don't like those games, do you still have more on the PS4?

This also comes across as you thinking I'm saying you're completely wrong, you don't need to tell me MS are shit at times, I know this. But so are Sony, because hey, they're not much different.

But getting a console for 'Muh frames' is horse crap, get it for the games you want not the fucking extra pixels. And if you have all of them, good for you.

But if you buy CoD kys sir
Dude the XB1 is literally a shooter box

like how do you not see that
The PS4 is a fucking gook box

Whats your point? I know this. Why are you bringing this up
You criticized me for playing CoD, when the most popular games on XB1 are (in order of popularity, arguably):

Halo 5 (soon)

Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 09:51:21 PM »
muh remasters
Yeah PS4 has a lot of them, but XB1 has 30 Rare Games and MCC (remember that bullshit, why would any sane person keep their XB1 or buy Halo 5 after that?) along with the multiplat ports that PS4 also has.
Both consoles pretty much are the same with their offers right now.

Sure, in the future say this, but now?
The reason I push for PS4 over XB1 is primarily the Japanese games
Which takes half of the 'more to offer'

So tell me, if you don't like those games, do you still have more on the PS4?

This also comes across as you thinking I'm saying you're completely wrong, you don't need to tell me MS are shit at times, I know this. But so are Sony, because hey, they're not much different.

But getting a console for 'Muh frames' is horse crap, get it for the games you want not the fucking extra pixels. And if you have all of them, good for you.

But if you buy CoD kys sir
Dude the XB1 is literally a shooter box

like how do you not see that

Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 09:49:58 PM »
How can anyone trust Sony after the massive breach in PSN a few years back?
This is a thread regarding the PS4.

I'm not going to list the negatives for Sony right now

actually I will a few

they update PSN in the mid-late afternoon which is BULLSHIT
you can't change your PSN username which is BULLSHIT

Just buy prepaid cards on Amazon for PSN.

Hell, don't even give MS your CC info. Just buy prepaid cards.

The less places you use your CC the less chances you have of being fucked over.

Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 09:44:36 PM »
muh remasters
Yeah PS4 has a lot of them, but XB1 has 30 Rare Games and MCC (remember that bullshit, why would any sane person keep their XB1 or buy Halo 5 after that?) along with the multiplat ports that PS4 also has.
Both consoles pretty much are the same with their offers right now.

Sure, in the future say this, but now?
The reason I push for PS4 over XB1 is primarily the Japanese games, but it's also fair to say the MCC bullshit and the original $500 pricetag compared to PS4 (and for a while now XB1 has been $350 until the PS4 recently matched it) and the original DRM FUCKING BULLSHIT THEY TRIED TO PULL ON XB1 was literal bullshit.

Yes the PS4 has a shit ton of indie games

I guess it's also good to bring up THE INDIE PARITY CLAUSE on XB1.

This is not me being a fanboy, this fucked over indies wanting to release on XB1 after PS4. MS's policies in general are asinine. This gives the XB1 LESS GAMES, which I assume is a bad thing.

Like, how can anyone trust MS, especially since their system was more expensive, was going to fuck over consumers, and MCC was a disaster?

It boggles the mind.

Then again, you did just admit you're a fanboy so we know how this'll go.
I bought an XB1 before a PS4, I bought a Wii U on launch day, I have a gaming PC. I'm a fanboy for all of them, alright?

I play Halo and CoD mainly on XB1.

Anything else is on PC, and then after that is PS4.

I already outlined the shit MS did, which people shouldn't forget BTW.

Anyway that's pretty much everything I have to say on the matter.

Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 09:39:32 PM »
muh remasters
Yeah PS4 has a lot of them, but XB1 has 30 Rare Games and MCC (remember that bullshit, why would any sane person keep their XB1 or buy Halo 5 after that?) along with the multiplat ports that PS4 also has.

Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 09:37:03 PM »
Which just boils down to "muh framerate muh pixels"

The multiplat games you listed aren't a reason to own a PS4.
That's subjective (as was my post other than the articles and information regarding sales and FF XV's development), and yes I know "muh framerate muh pixels". It's ass, really. No sane FF fan would buy XV on XB1. Hell, even ANY multiplat game that is on PS4 and XB1 simultaneously. Such as MGSV TPP. Especially since VII HD is on PS4 first (and PC like the original VII btw) and has WoFF along with KH III (which I would assume the KH and FF audience are almost the same).

The PS4 and XB1 are now the same price, I have both now, and the PS4 offers more other than "muh Halo 5 Guardians" and "muh TV Quantum Break" and "muh Power of the Cloud Crackdown 3".

Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 09:32:17 PM »
You listed multiple exclusives as a reason to own a PS4, then when called out you went into full fanboy mode.

That's pretty dumb.
No I just reinforced my original post which was not well thought out, with a brand new one strentghening my "claims".

I'm not denying that I'm a fanboy, I'm saying it is not a good idea to buy SE games on an XB1 (which is why you should get a PS4 with all the other non-SE exclusives as well) and that XV will definitely be on PC. That was the intent of my posts.

Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 09:26:38 PM »
So that's a yes
Not really, I just re-did my post towards LC.

MGSV and DOA5 along with FFV and Type-0 on Steam definitely means XV can release on it too.

I have provided sufficient evidence to suggest this is the case.

But please, continue your meaningless conjecture based on nothing.

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