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Messages - Legit 8-Bit

Pages: 123 45 ... 15
The Flood / There is now more incentive than ever to post here.
« on: March 17, 2015, 01:03:19 PM »

It was fun while it lasted, but I just don't find much joy left in posting on this forum.
You post on other sites?
I don't post on other forums. This was the only one I was really involved with, as well as before it went to shit.
Same. I'll probably stay though. I could try to make things fun for you if you like.
I'm staying here too, but I'll just be less likely to post very often. You can do whatever you'd like, but I can't really guarantee that if you gave me an incentive to continue posting that it would last very long.

I'll make an effort to help it last though 'cause I miss being here 24/7.

Hue, One Final Effort.
I enjoy attaching myself to people here. Mostly Loaf, Gatsby and Zesty at the moment. The first two because of their blatant homosexuality, and zesty cus I imagine him as the european guy who can't stop laughing at the ladder goat.

I'll try not to be annoying. Do you mostly post in gaming or something?
Oh, I see. Just so you know, I don't consider you to be annoying. I have posted a good amount of threads and replies in Gaming, but I do lurk around the Flood every now and then. I couldn't really care less about the other forums because they have never really sparked my interest.
I'm just being flippant. I like everyone that I make an effort to speak to.

I'm going to start stalking you now.
Sounds good to me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nyes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Gaming / Re: Building My Own Gaming PC
« on: March 17, 2015, 12:57:03 PM »
Listing my budget in the OP? Or just listing it in general?

The Flood / Re: There is now more incentive than ever to post here.
« on: March 17, 2015, 12:55:35 PM »

It was fun while it lasted, but I just don't find much joy left in posting on this forum.
You post on other sites?
I don't post on other forums. This was the only one I was really involved with, as well as before it went to shit.
Same. I'll probably stay though. I could try to make things fun for you if you like.
I'm staying here too, but I'll just be less likely to post very often. You can do whatever you'd like, but I can't really guarantee that if you gave me an incentive to continue posting that it would last very long.

I'll make an effort to help it last though 'cause I miss being here 24/7.

Hue, One Final Effort.
I enjoy attaching myself to people here. Mostly Loaf, Gatsby and Zesty at the moment. The first two because of their blatant homosexuality, and zesty cus I imagine him as the european guy who can't stop laughing at the ladder goat.

I'll try not to be annoying. Do you mostly post in gaming or something?
Oh, I see. Just so you know, I don't consider you to be annoying. I have posted a good amount of threads and replies in Gaming, but I do lurk around the Flood every now and then. I couldn't really care less about the other forums because they have never really sparked my interest.
I'm just being flippant. I like everyone that I make an effort to speak to.

I'm going to start stalking you now.
Sounds good to me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The Flood / Re: There is now more incentive than ever to post here.
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:45:04 AM »

It was fun while it lasted, but I just don't find much joy left in posting on this forum.
You post on other sites?
I don't post on other forums. This was the only one I was really involved with, as well as before it went to shit.
Same. I'll probably stay though. I could try to make things fun for you if you like.
I'm staying here too, but I'll just be less likely to post very often. You can do whatever you'd like, but I can't really guarantee that if you gave me an incentive to continue posting that it would last very long.

I'll make an effort to help it last though 'cause I miss being here 24/7.

Hue, One Final Effort.
I enjoy attaching myself to people here. Mostly Loaf, Gatsby and Zesty at the moment. The first two because of their blatant homosexuality, and zesty cus I imagine him as the european guy who can't stop laughing at the ladder goat.

I'll try not to be annoying. Do you mostly post in gaming or something?
Oh, I see. Just so you know, I don't consider you to be annoying. I have posted a good amount of threads and replies in Gaming, but I do lurk around the Flood every now and then. I couldn't really care less about the other forums because they have never really sparked my interest.

Gaming / Building My Own Gaming PC
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:39:42 AM »
In about eleven weeks from now, I should have enough money saved up from walking my neighbor's dogs to build my own gaming desktop. I plan to do this because I've been tired of console gaming for quite some time now and the greater majority of my friends are PC gamers. I'd like to be able to run a large amount of games on ultra settings, which is why it will be taking month in order to save up enough money in order to buy the parts.

Who here has built their own PC? What can you suggest for me to do from personal experience? What specs would suffice my needs?

Edit: My budget for everything, including peripherals, would be around $1,000-$1,200. This is a rough estimate. Games I'd like to play on ultra include but are not limited to: The Division, Metro 2033/Last Light, Far Cry 4, Payday 2, etc. Out of the games listed, I only have Payday 2. I plan on taking advantage of Steam sales in the future, so I will figure that out in time. Suggestions for other games?

(For the record I'm a complete noob when it comes to computers, so if I sound like an idiot when I reply to anyone, it's because I am when it comes to this stuff.)

Gaming / Re: First picture of ODST on X1
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:27:33 AM »
Looks pretty badass. Everyone needs to chill with the lighting, I'm positive they'll fix it.

The Flood / Re: There is now more incentive than ever to post here.
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:22:14 AM »

It was fun while it lasted, but I just don't find much joy left in posting on this forum.
You post on other sites?
I don't post on other forums. This was the only one I was really involved with, as well as before it went to shit.
Same. I'll probably stay though. I could try to make things fun for you if you like.
I'm staying here too, but I'll just be less likely to post very often. You can do whatever you'd like, but I can't really guarantee that if you gave me an incentive to continue posting that it would last very long.

I'll make an effort to help it last though 'cause I miss being here 24/7.

Hue, One Final Effort.

The Flood / Re: There is now more incentive than ever to post here.
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:11:38 AM »

It was fun while it lasted, but I just don't find much joy left in posting on this forum.
You post on other sites?
I don't post on other forums. This was the only one I was really involved with, as well as before it went to shit.

The Flood / Re: There is now more incentive than ever to post here.
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:06:03 AM »
It was fun while it lasted, but I just don't find much joy left in posting on this forum.

The Flood / Re: Post the most American thing that you like.
« on: March 11, 2015, 05:24:05 AM »
Off the top of my head, I'd have to say Chick-Fil-A.

The Flood / Re: Match our spin with the retro thrusters
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:18:26 AM »
What an amazing movie. This was definitely one of my favorite scenes.

Gaming / Re: If TLOU isn't one of the best games of all time...
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:08:01 PM »

Gaming / Re: If TLOU isn't one of the best games of all time...
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:05:18 PM »

>TLoU thread
>Turns into discussion about Halo

Typical Sep7agon.
Never change.

Gaming / If TLOU isn't one of the best games of all time...
« on: February 02, 2015, 09:24:33 AM »

Halo CE and Halo 3 ODST are the greatest games of all time.

Halo CE deserves to be on anyone's list of GsOAT. Not so much ODST, as it was more a cash-in (a good one, at that) and a way for Bungie to get away without making a sequel to 3.
CE is an instant classic. Anyone who says otherwise has gone incoherent.

I still found ODST to be one of my favorite games despite it being more or less a cash grab. Oh man, that soundtrack and story.

What surprises me about CE is that when I go back and play it, it's still incredibly fun. But when I got back and play Halo 2 or 3, it's a bit more of a chore (not so much Halo 2 as 3. 3 is god-awful in comparison.) You're right. "Instant classic" is the perfect way to describe it.

I've actually never beaten H3ODST. I just got bored from not knowing where to go. I'm waiting for it to come to Xbox One so I can enjoy it a bit more and perhaps play it with some veterans.
I understand why you feel that way about ODST because if you don't know where to go it's pretty tedious. When you get to the narrative, it's amazing.
How in the hell could someone not know where to go?
Do people not know how to use a map?
I don't know about you, but the map felt really confusing my first time around. Kept getting lost and found myself circling back around to where I left off.
I never had a problem with it.
From what people tell me I have a really good sense of direction, so there's that.
It could also be the fact that when I actually started ODST it was around the time that I was a moronic fifth grader.

Gaming / Re: If TLOU isn't one of the best games of all time...
« on: February 02, 2015, 09:18:35 AM »

Halo CE and Halo 3 ODST are the greatest games of all time.

Halo CE deserves to be on anyone's list of GsOAT. Not so much ODST, as it was more a cash-in (a good one, at that) and a way for Bungie to get away without making a sequel to 3.
CE is an instant classic. Anyone who says otherwise has gone incoherent.

I still found ODST to be one of my favorite games despite it being more or less a cash grab. Oh man, that soundtrack and story.

What surprises me about CE is that when I go back and play it, it's still incredibly fun. But when I got back and play Halo 2 or 3, it's a bit more of a chore (not so much Halo 2 as 3. 3 is god-awful in comparison.) You're right. "Instant classic" is the perfect way to describe it.

I've actually never beaten H3ODST. I just got bored from not knowing where to go. I'm waiting for it to come to Xbox One so I can enjoy it a bit more and perhaps play it with some veterans.
I understand why you feel that way about ODST because if you don't know where to go it's pretty tedious. When you get to the narrative, it's amazing.
How in the hell could someone not know where to go?
Do people not know how to use a map?
I don't know about you, but the map felt really confusing my first time around. Kept getting lost and found myself circling back around to where I left off.

Gaming / Re: If TLOU isn't one of the best games of all time...
« on: February 02, 2015, 09:15:47 AM »

Halo CE and Halo 3 ODST are the greatest games of all time.

Halo CE deserves to be on anyone's list of GsOAT. Not so much ODST, as it was more a cash-in (a good one, at that) and a way for Bungie to get away without making a sequel to 3.
CE is an instant classic. Anyone who says otherwise has gone incoherent.

I still found ODST to be one of my favorite games despite it being more or less a cash grab. Oh man, that soundtrack and story.

What surprises me about CE is that when I go back and play it, it's still incredibly fun. But when I got back and play Halo 2 or 3, it's a bit more of a chore (not so much Halo 2 as 3. 3 is god-awful in comparison.) You're right. "Instant classic" is the perfect way to describe it.

I've actually never beaten H3ODST. I just got bored from not knowing where to go. I'm waiting for it to come to Xbox One so I can enjoy it a bit more and perhaps play it with some veterans.
I understand why you feel that way about ODST because if you don't know where to go it's pretty tedious. When you get to the narrative, it's amazing.

Gaming / Re: Halo MCC killed Halo 3 360
« on: February 01, 2015, 10:28:19 PM »

God. Fucking. Damn it. That shit was my childhood. The feels are hitting hard right now.
When was the last time you played the game?
About a month ago.
So then what's there to be upset about when you hardly play the game?
I explained that in my first comment. It was my childhood. I hate to see it go and to be replaced with the pile of shit that is the MCC.
So then if the game means so much to you then how come you hardly play it? For something that means that much you would think the person would be playing it a lot more. To me it's simply nothing more than you complaining about something. You're upset over a dead game having hardly a population to it when you hardly play it anyway.
Think of it this way: you used to be best friends with someone. You used to hang out with them everyday and after not talking to them in a while, you find out that they're slowly dying. You don't just disregard all of the great times you've had with them just because you don't see each other anymore, you remember them and cherish the memories you had with them. You get genuinely upset. That's how I feel about Halo 3 slowly deteriorating.
Yes I had many good times in the game but those times weren't because of the game. They were because of the people I played with. I can see being upset if you played this game somewhat daily or every week but since the last time you played it was about a month ago. That's telling me you hardly play it anymore and you moved on. I just don't see any reason why you're being upset over this over than something to complain about.
I had many great times with both the people I met and the game itself. I don't play it anymore because I'm unable to access my Xbox most of the time. When I'm able to get on, I'm usually buy with other things.

Gaming / Re: If TLOU isn't one of the best games of all time...
« on: February 01, 2015, 10:23:34 PM »

Halo CE and Halo 3 ODST are the greatest games of all time.

Halo CE deserves to be on anyone's list of GsOAT. Not so much ODST, as it was more a cash-in (a good one, at that) and a way for Bungie to get away without making a sequel to 3.
CE is an instant classic. Anyone who says otherwise has gone incoherent.

I still found ODST to be one of my favorite games despite it being more or less a cash grab. Oh man, that soundtrack and story.

Gaming / Re: Halo MCC killed Halo 3 360
« on: February 01, 2015, 12:22:20 PM »

God. Fucking. Damn it. That shit was my childhood. The feels are hitting hard right now.
When was the last time you played the game?
About a month ago.
So then what's there to be upset about when you hardly play the game?
I explained that in my first comment. It was my childhood. I hate to see it go and to be replaced with the pile of shit that is the MCC.
So then if the game means so much to you then how come you hardly play it? For something that means that much you would think the person would be playing it a lot more. To me it's simply nothing more than you complaining about something. You're upset over a dead game having hardly a population to it when you hardly play it anyway.
Think of it this way: you used to be best friends with someone. You used to hang out with them everyday and after not talking to them in a while, you find out that they're slowly dying. You don't just disregard all of the great times you've had with them just because you don't see each other anymore, you remember them and cherish the memories you had with them. You get genuinely upset. That's how I feel about Halo 3 slowly deteriorating.

No, I'd forget everything because I don't want to be a depressed motherfucker who spends his days pining for a nostalgic past.
Whatever you say, man.

Gaming / Halo MCC killed Halo 3 360
« on: February 01, 2015, 10:44:49 AM »

God. Fucking. Damn it. That shit was my childhood. The feels are hitting hard right now.
When was the last time you played the game?
About a month ago.
So then what's there to be upset about when you hardly play the game?
I explained that in my first comment. It was my childhood. I hate to see it go and to be replaced with the pile of shit that is the MCC.
So then if the game means so much to you then how come you hardly play it? For something that means that much you would think the person would be playing it a lot more. To me it's simply nothing more than you complaining about something. You're upset over a dead game having hardly a population to it when you hardly play it anyway.
Think of it this way: you used to be best friends with someone. You used to hang out with them everyday and after not talking to them in a while, you find out that they're slowly dying. You don't just disregard all of the great times you've had with them just because you don't see each other anymore, you remember them and cherish the memories you had with them. You get genuinely upset. That's how I feel about Halo 3 slowly deteriorating.

The Flood / Re: >not having our Lord and Savior set as your wallpaper
« on: February 01, 2015, 10:34:02 AM »

I see no Nigel Farage in this thread.
I'm unaware of who that is.

Gaming / Re: If TLOU isn't one of the best games of all time...
« on: February 01, 2015, 10:32:15 AM »

Halo CE and Halo 3 ODST are the greatest games of all time.

I don't see what's so funny about that statement. Care to elaborate?
He thinks Halo 2 was actually good.
Oh, that explains it.

I don't hate Halo 2, but the story felt boring and un-fun to me.

The Flood / Re: >not having our Lord and Savior set as your wallpaper
« on: February 01, 2015, 10:27:39 AM »

Lord and Savior?

>Not having based Cheat grace your computer screen

I just came a little bit.
Marty still wins though.

The Flood / Re: >not having our Lord and Savior set as your wallpaper
« on: February 01, 2015, 10:26:52 AM »

Gaming / Re: If TLOU isn't one of the best games of all time...
« on: February 01, 2015, 10:25:24 AM »

Halo CE and Halo 3 ODST are the greatest games of all time.

I don't see what's so funny about that statement. Care to elaborate?

Gaming / Re: Halo MCC killed Halo 3 360
« on: February 01, 2015, 10:20:24 AM »

God. Fucking. Damn it. That shit was my childhood. The feels are hitting hard right now.
When was the last time you played the game?
About a month ago.
So then what's there to be upset about when you hardly play the game?
I explained that in my first comment. It was my childhood. I hate to see it go and to be replaced with the pile of shit that is the MCC.

Pages: 123 45 ... 15