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Messages - Legit 8-Bit

Pages: 1 ... 456 78 ... 15
Gaming / Re: Halo 3 is the best game in the MCC
« on: November 20, 2014, 10:33:20 PM »

Halo 3 really wasn't that good.
But muh nostalgia

Gaming / Halo 3 is the best game in the MCC
« on: November 20, 2014, 10:32:49 PM »
Seriously, it's buttery smooth, the lighting is gorgeous, the fact the guns utilise the impulse triggers fixes the original's emptiness and the elimination of the shitty netcode means online is glorious (when the MCC itself works that is). It actually looks better than H2A IMO, whilst the graphics are clearly inferior everything has so much more stuff and the quality and scale of everything is far greater
I cannot disagree. I had so many great times on that game, and since I was born too late to play Halo CE or Halo 2, that game was my childhood. My second favorite has to be CE, and then 2.

Don't even get me started on how much I fucking hated Halo 4.

The Flood / Re: You guys, Florida is at it again
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:33:13 PM »
An intoxicated 33-year-old Central Florida man wanted food from a Taco Bell, but employees wouldn't serve him because he was on a bicycle in the drive-through lane.
What the hell? I was able to go through a Taco Bell drive-through in a fucking shopping cart with my friend in the actual basket.

And also, you have to take the good with the bad. At least we're not freezing our asses off like the rest of you (kek).

Florida Master Race.

The Flood / Re: There are like, a handful of good animes in the world.
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:20:18 PM »

The Flood / Re: Biggest mistake you've ever made?
« on: November 20, 2014, 05:51:32 AM »

I have this story I always tell.

>be me
>like fourteen or someshit (end of summer right before 8th grade)
>have to take the dog out like a faggot
>realize my brother and his friend are watching slenderman videos
>I'll slam my fucking hand on his widow to scare the shit out of him
>Blood. Everywhere. Deep ass cut on my right thumb (pic related)
>run as fast as I can to the back porch where my mom is, she heard the glass break and my brother screaming
>get driven off to the emergency room immediately

The doctors couldn't stitch it together or cauterize it. All of the other cuts on my arm were minuscule so only a couple of band aids were needed, whereas my thumb was wrapped in four layers of gauze for the next two to three weeks. Also had to wear a sling to school to keep my arm elevated.

no ragrets

I bet that stung like a bitch didn't it?
Stung would be an understatement, my friend.

On top of that, before we went to the ER, my mom took me into this clinic that could patch people up before going to the hospital. They gave me this painkiller and gauze but when they heard my mom didn't have the insurance they supported, they took off the fucking gauze and sent us on our way with my still bleeding thumb.

Gotta love Florida.
it was already on your finger. What were they gonna do, reuse it?
I know, right? Fucking retards.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:55:10 PM »

I'd like some constructive criticism. This is one of the only drawings I've made that I thought looked decent in a long time. Any suggestions so I can improve my art style?

Keep in mind that this wasn't to be taken too seriously and is still a work in progress

I'm sensing a bit of Picasso here.
Why, thank you.

The Flood / Art Hub
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:51:41 PM »
I'd like some constructive criticism. This is one of the only drawings I've made that I thought looked decent in a long time. Any suggestions so I can improve my art style?

Keep in mind that this wasn't to be taken too seriously and is still a work in progress, mainly as a reference for a 2D puppet project in my animation class.

The Flood / Re: So am I the only one?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:42:30 PM »
Sounds nicer than mine.

The Flood / AYY
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:34:59 PM »

It's times like these when I love Florida and other southern states the most.

The Flood / Re: lesbians shouldn't be allowed to use dildos
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:18:17 AM »

I don't see how you would enforce that kind of thing.
Make all dildos self aware.
This would cause a dildo uprising. They would get smarter. Cleverer. Become cold blooded killers. World War III would be imminent. There is no escape.
Humanity can live peacefully alongside the new dildo society.
That's why we need to take them out before they can evolve.

The Flood / Re: Firefox vs. Chrome
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:58:30 AM »

The Flood / Re: lesbians shouldn't be allowed to use dildos
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:44:43 AM »

I don't see how you would enforce that kind of thing.
Make all dildos self aware.
This would cause a dildo uprising. They would get smarter. Cleverer. Become cold blooded killers. World War III would be imminent. There is no escape.

The Flood / Re: Biggest mistake you've ever made?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:42:57 AM »

I have this story I always tell.

>be me
>like fourteen or someshit (end of summer right before 8th grade)
>have to take the dog out like a faggot
>realize my brother and his friend are watching slenderman videos
>I'll slam my fucking hand on his widow to scare the shit out of him
>Blood. Everywhere. Deep ass cut on my right thumb (pic related)
>run as fast as I can to the back porch where my mom is, she heard the glass break and my brother screaming
>get driven off to the emergency room immediately

The doctors couldn't stitch it together or cauterize it. All of the other cuts on my arm were minuscule so only a couple of band aids were needed, whereas my thumb was wrapped in four layers of gauze for the next two to three weeks. Also had to wear a sling to school to keep my arm elevated.

no ragrets

I bet that stung like a bitch didn't it?

Damn lol

It's always the cuts that sting the worst. I shattered my foot into two pieces, fractured it right down the middle, and that fucking hurt, A LOT.

But a cut like that? That would sting. And it would piss me off because it's so damn small and yet it has such a wicked bite to it.
I guess so, but for me if felt like my entire arm was on fire. I hit directly on a vein too, so there was a stream of blood coming straight out of that and spewing on the doctors.

The Flood / Re: Biggest mistake you've ever made?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:36:53 AM »

I have this story I always tell.

>be me
>like fourteen or someshit (end of summer right before 8th grade)
>have to take the dog out like a faggot
>realize my brother and his friend are watching slenderman videos
>I'll slam my fucking hand on his widow to scare the shit out of him
>Blood. Everywhere. Deep ass cut on my right thumb (pic related)
>run as fast as I can to the back porch where my mom is, she heard the glass break and my brother screaming
>get driven off to the emergency room immediately

The doctors couldn't stitch it together or cauterize it. All of the other cuts on my arm were minuscule so only a couple of band aids were needed, whereas my thumb was wrapped in four layers of gauze for the next two to three weeks. Also had to wear a sling to school to keep my arm elevated.

no ragrets

I bet that stung like a bitch didn't it?

Damn lol
Tip top kek.

The Flood / Re: Biggest mistake you've ever made?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:36:19 AM »

I have this story I always tell.

>be me
>like fourteen or someshit (end of summer right before 8th grade)
>have to take the dog out like a faggot
>realize my brother and his friend are watching slenderman videos
>I'll slam my fucking hand on his widow to scare the shit out of him
>Blood. Everywhere. Deep ass cut on my right thumb (pic related)
>run as fast as I can to the back porch where my mom is, she heard the glass break and my brother screaming
>get driven off to the emergency room immediately

The doctors couldn't stitch it together or cauterize it. All of the other cuts on my arm were minuscule so only a couple of band aids were needed, whereas my thumb was wrapped in four layers of gauze for the next two to three weeks. Also had to wear a sling to school to keep my arm elevated.

no ragrets

I bet that stung like a bitch didn't it?
Stung would be an understatement, my friend.

On top of that, before we went to the ER, my mom took me into this clinic that could patch people up before going to the hospital. They gave me this painkiller and gauze but when they heard my mom didn't have the insurance they supported, they took off the fucking gauze and sent us on our way with my still bleeding thumb.

Gotta love Florida.

The Flood / Biggest mistake you've ever made?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:27:25 AM »

I have this story I always tell.

>be me
>like fourteen or someshit (end of summer right before 8th grade)
>have to take the dog out like a faggot
>realize my brother and his friend are watching slenderman videos
>I'll slam my fucking hand on his widow to scare the shit out of him
>Blood. Everywhere. Deep ass cut on my right thumb (pic related)
>run as fast as I can to the back porch where my mom is, she heard the glass break and my brother screaming
>get driven off to the emergency room immediately

The doctors couldn't stitch it together or cauterize it. All of the other cuts on my arm were minuscule so only a couple of band aids were needed, whereas my thumb was wrapped in four layers of gauze for the next two to three weeks. Also had to wear a sling to school to keep my arm elevated.

no ragrets

The Flood / Re: lesbians shouldn't be allowed to use dildos
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:16:16 AM »
I don't see how you would enforce that kind of thing.

Gaming / Re: Halo is a cool guy...
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:48:51 PM »
Cringing like a motherfucker right now.

The Flood / Re: Best graphic novels you've ever read
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:20:05 PM »

I can't read that because I hate Rorschach with a passion.
I just don't think what he's doing is justified. Hard to root for a murderer.
Rorschach is love, Rorschach is life.

The Flood / Re: Best graphic novels you've ever read
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:18:41 PM »
The Watchmen is by far my favorite graphic novel. The Walking Dead is great too.

The Flood / Re: You are all neckbears
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:16:35 PM »


Laughed harder than I should have.

The Flood / Re: You are all neckbears
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:16:04 PM »
Oh my.

Gaming / Re: Opinion on the MCC
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:08:46 PM »

>tfw no xbone

feels bad meng
Totally worth buying an Xbone for mang.

Gaming / Re: Opinion on the MCC
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:08:14 PM »

Even with the rocky matchmaking issues, I'm confident in saying the MCC is the best Next Gen game I own.

It totally justifies the Xbox One.
Agreed. I just got it this weekend and I love it already.

Gaming / Re: Opinion on the MCC
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:44:09 PM »

I thought that a couple of days after the MCC came out, people would have already formed their own opinions on it.

Do you guys like it? Is it as great as you thought it would be? A let down for some?

I plan to buy it tomorrow and I just thought it would be neat to hear the original Halo community's (<3) opinion.
Haven't seen you in a while.
But on the topic, I haven't gotten an xbone yet.
Sorry, I've been pretty busy. How's it going?
Good I guess.
That's good to hear. We'll have to play some Reach soon.
Maybe tomorrow.
I may be able to.

Gaming / Re: Opinion on the MCC
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:34:01 PM »

I thought that a couple of days after the MCC came out, people would have already formed their own opinions on it.

Do you guys like it? Is it as great as you thought it would be? A let down for some?

I plan to buy it tomorrow and I just thought it would be neat to hear the original Halo community's (<3) opinion.
Haven't seen you in a while.
But on the topic, I haven't gotten an xbone yet.
Sorry, I've been pretty busy. How's it going?
Good I guess.
That's good to hear. We'll have to play some Reach soon.

Gaming / Re: Opinion on the MCC
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:32:14 PM »

I thought that a couple of days after the MCC came out, people would have already formed their own opinions on it.

Do you guys like it? Is it as great as you thought it would be? A let down for some?

I plan to buy it tomorrow and I just thought it would be neat to hear the original Halo community's (<3) opinion.
Haven't seen you in a while.
But on the topic, I haven't gotten an xbone yet.
Sorry, I've been pretty busy. How's it going?

Gaming / Re: Opinion on the MCC
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:00:12 AM »

Remastered cutscenes are stellar.

Art style of H2 is adhered to far more closely than CEA adhered to CE's [though I still love CEA's visuals]. Only complaint I have is that the Forerunner architecture should be a bit more withered.

Remastered soundtrack is, for the most part, excellent. Salta's pronounced drums really work well with H2's soundtrack IMO. Though one or two tracks are a messed up [I despise Heavy Price Paid's remastering in particular].

Haven't watched the terminals because the only person who uploaded them uploaded them in German.

Still waiting to actually get and play the game though. But from a lore/production value standpoint, it's off to a great start. And the only multiplayer I'll probably care enough to play/watch is CE, so...
I'm glad to hear you are liking it so far.

Gaming / Re: Opinion on the MCC
« on: November 14, 2014, 05:41:47 AM »

I just played a Big Team Battle match on Timberlands.

How far we've come.
That's pretty awesome.

Gaming / Re: Opinion on the MCC
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:55:49 PM »

It's fun.

I don't know what to say.

It looks great
It's fun
and 60fps is just cool in old halos
Yeah, I've been hoping it would turn out that way.

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