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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 446447448 449
The Flood / Re: WHEN I WAS
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:51:18 PM »

The Flood / Re: WHEN I WAS
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:50:25 PM »
Apparently fanpop doesn't embed.

The Flood / Re: WHEN I WAS
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:49:00 PM »

The Flood / WHEN I WAS
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:46:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: teehee teehee
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:45:20 PM »
That place has gone to shit.

Did you just finger your butt?

The Flood / Re: My God...
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:42:43 PM »
That means my pants are made of dinosaurs.

The Flood / Re: Eulogy for the Nameless
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:41:30 PM »
This is why books have teasers on the back, sometime you don't have time to read a 350 page novel.

The Flood / Re: Make me say stuff
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:35:57 PM »
Y-your voice. I thought it would have sounded more......weebo (._.) You have the voice of a angel


 u avin a giggle there m8? ill bash ur fukin hed in ya cheeky cunt. i swer on me mums lyfe
I had to try myself.
Sorry, I'm also sick.

The Flood / Re: so apparently i was a witness to assault two years ago
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:33:54 PM »
This is kind of unrelated, but I was walking out of a restaurant yesterday, and after spending too much time on 4chan, I had forgotten what was socially acceptable and what was not.

So this black guy stops dead in the doorway with me behind him, right in the fucking door, and I almost run into him, causing me to drop my food. 4chan kicks in.

"What the fuck you stupid nigger?"

>leave food on floor
>run away as fast as possible


Wait what state do you live in?

The Flood / Re: Make me say stuff
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:26:51 PM »
Say something, I'm giving up on you.

The Flood / Re: so apparently i was a witness to assault two years ago
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:23:12 PM »
This is kind of unrelated, but I was walking out of a restaurant yesterday, and after spending too much time on 4chan, I had forgotten what was socially acceptable and what was not.

So this black guy stops dead in the doorway with me behind him, right in the fucking door, and I almost run into him, causing me to drop my food. 4chan kicks in.

"What the fuck you stupid nigger?"

>leave food on floor
>run away as fast as possible

The Flood / Re: so apparently i was a witness to assault two years ago
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:16:22 PM »
I got fucking stabbed and nobody was taken to court over that.

Fuck the police, and fuck the youth criminal system.
I was also stabbed, but if I had gone to the police, I would likely have been arrested for what I was doing when I got stabbed, and then killed in prison for being a nark bitch.

The Flood / Re: Should horses be allowed to travel on public roads?
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:14:00 PM »
Otherwise, the Amish have no way to get their high quality furniture to my high quality living room.

« on: September 10, 2014, 07:11:19 PM »
>Go to
>select any thread
>open inspect element
>modify the thread so it looks like you posted it
>make the thread body whatever you want
>do the same with the posts in the thread and pretend you're actually partaking in a discussion
>realize you have no friends in real life
>cry softly to yourself while you suck on your XL mountain dew slurpee from 711

i don't know why i made this thread
Fix'd that for ya.

The Flood / Re: Which company has fallen further?
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:07:35 PM »
Hey guys, how about we remove the images when we're quoting somebody?

That would be FAAAN-tastic.
Butthurt already.

You're a cancer to every site you join. Here's to hoping you get kicked here too.
tfw they actually did it

Septagon / This site needs greentext
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:44:57 AM »
>be me
>viewing nameplates
>sees >implying
>Ember greentexts
>try to greentext
>realise it was a ruse

And that's how I ended up here, requesting greentext to be enabled for all bulletpoints.

The Flood / Re: I must sleep
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:41:59 AM »
Sorry I'm leaving you, Floo-

>still managed to hit button

Certified Badass.

The Flood / Re: tsunderesharks
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:32:20 AM »
So much win here.

The Flood / Re: tsunderesharks
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:28:50 AM »
Can we implement a dislike button?
Can we implement an "Anti Bitch" button?
That would pretty much be the function of the button. Instead of complaining in the thread, you'd dislike it and move on. Ideally.

Nothing goes over my head.
My reflexes are too fast.
I would catch it.

The Flood / Re: Halp Flood, got bant
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:25:27 AM »
With that avatar you don't have anything to worry about.
Signavatar is down, so I could load my rotator with my Hi Res H3 emblem.
I could... also do that. I know that feeling, man, hahaha... when the thing, is like that.
oops, meant to say I couldn't

Septagon / Re: How does one get into the anarchy forum?
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:23:52 AM »
Ok, thank you very much.
Better hurry up; it shuts down in about an hour.
What shuts down?

The Flood / Re: Halp Flood, got bant
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:16:40 AM »
With that avatar you don't have anything to worry about.
Signavatar is down, so I could load my rotator with my Hi Res H3 emblem.

The Flood / Re: Noelle Quitonm - Married at last
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:14:13 AM »
I thought Maluki was married to Vien?
Me and Vien do it in the butt every other Wednesday.
To say the least, he's not very faithful...

The Flood / Re: Halp Flood, got bant
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:02:46 AM »
And this is the only good mod on this site.
Kiyo and Demonic are amazing.
If you can get past the fact that Kiyo thinks Americans are just as deserving of death as Israel is, I guess.

The Flood / Re: Overrated movies & TV shows
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:59:53 AM »
Godfather is probably the most overrated movie ever.
Except, y'know...

Twilight and The Hunger Games.

The Flood / Re: Which company has fallen further?
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:55:43 AM »
Regrouping in Canada due to a merger is not exactly despicable.
This site exists because of how bad Bungle is messed up.

The Flood / Re: Which is better: sex, weed, or booze
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:45:48 AM »

I used to smoke a lot of weed, still toke occasionally, but my greatest joy is whiskey shots and cheap cigarettes.
And sex isn't that great, tbh.

The Flood / Re: Gimme the Low Down on Nameplates
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:17:52 PM »
If you aren't using the #SWAGE nameplate then you aren't doing it right.
Not sure I like it.

Who designed these?
Various people. Nuka designed most although he has stopped making them. Cheat designed some, Vien designed some, and Comms gave us the gift of the #SWAGE nameplate but if you want to make some you're more than welcome to.
I'm pretty good with photoshop.
Where do I turn in applications?
PM me or post in the thread that I need to dig up. I'll edit in the link for you.
I thank you most graciously.

The Flood / Re: Gimme the Low Down on Nameplates
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:14:35 PM »
If you aren't using the #SWAGE nameplate then you aren't doing it right.
Not sure I like it.

Who designed these?
Various people. Nuka designed most although he has stopped making them. Cheat designed some, Vien designed some, and Comms gave us the gift of the #SWAGE nameplate but if you want to make some you're more than welcome to.
I'm pretty good with photoshop.
Where do I turn in applications?

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