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Messages - Dustin

Pages: 1 ... 383940 4142 ... 194
Serious / Re: Somewhere along the line we fucked up.
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:18:47 PM »
Evolution isn't about happiness, it's about dominance.

Serious / Re: You may now step into the teleporter
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:16:46 PM »
Would your consciousness still exist though? Do you think you could still experience things?
I, as in my immediate and proximate identity, wouldn't.
I'm just surprised that you're aware of that and you would still be willing to teleport yourself.

Serious / Re: You may now step into the teleporter
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:08:56 PM »
it's the ship of theseus. i think it's somewhat platonic, as well- there is "meta cognition," the person, and there is the idea of "meta cognition", or "meta cognition-ness." your form merely reflects this fundamental idea of "meta cognition," so a reconstructed body (as long as you retain your knowledge and memories) is nothing more than another reflection of what it is to be "meta cognition"
The problem with Platonism, Aristotelianism, Cartesian Dualism and all of the monotheisms is that this idea of the 'ego' which they posit--explained by you--is necessarily a sort of non-empirical stratum, from which properties arise. It doesn't make sense. The thing-in-itself isn't distinct from its properties.

I'm much more of a Humean in that properties cause substance. Not the other way around. I agree that memories and continued perception would contribute to this idea of my 'ego' continuing, but I'm not sure how much physical continuity--especially at the atomic level--counts.
Would your consciousness still exist though? Do you think you could still experience things?

Serious / You may now step into the teleporter
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:58:20 PM »
The teleporter will take apart your current form and reconstruct you somewhere in New Zealand. You are reconstructed perfectly, even down to the spin of each atom. The only thing different about you is that you are made of new atoms.

Do you step into the machine?

Serious / Re: Scientist and engineer mentalities
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:34:45 PM »
I get that you usually need intelligence to then create well being, but creating well being is still your ultimate goal, is it not?
Yeah I didn't realize it was an irrelevant point to make until a little later.

Serious / Re: Does moral responsibility require free will?
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:31:29 PM »
I'm under the impression that objective morality exists, but I don't believe morality is a product of human intelligence
It's a product of human complexity, and our ability to suffer--which is correlated with intelligence, I would think.
Humans aren't the only species that can suffer. I mean, any animal that lives in a group essentially lives by rules to benefit the group a a whole.

I think it's a matter of (cultural) evolution.
Then it's not objective. It can't be objective if it's cultural.
Cultural meaning passed down information, not cultural as in Chinese festivals and Italian pizza.

Serious / Re: Scientist and engineer mentalities
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:25:10 PM »
What exactly is so intrinsically valuable about intelligence? If you're not gathering intelligence for hedonistic purposes, why else would you bother with it?
Nothing is intrinsically valuable. I could conceive of several pieces of information which ought to be kept from the people at large.

The point is that all sorts of advancement--moral, medicinal, neurological, societal, political, economical--rely on solid foundation of information, and in pursuing objectively correct information then we are, by definition, on the way to better understanding how such things function and then supplying a greater level of well-being for conscious creatures.
I get that you usually need intelligence to then create well being, but creating well being is still your ultimate goal, is it not?

Serious / Re: Does moral responsibility require free will?
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:21:16 PM »
I'm under the impression that objective morality exists, but I don't believe morality is a product of human intelligence, I think it's a matter of (cultural) evolution. And if morality is based on evolution, then morality's purpose is to further a society's dominance, NOT to further human well-being. If this is the case, then it would explain how determinism and morality can coexist.

I just don't like the sentiment that human intelligence has 'broken free' from the system. Our actions have a physical purpose and it is determined by the second law of thermodynamics; the expanding and retracting universe being the system.

Serious / Re: Scientist and engineer mentalities
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:11:07 PM »
Knowledge comes above all else, and I have no respect for fideism or hedonism.
Why exactly is that?
Why the fuck should I?

A virtuous or otherwise decent life isn't properly obtained by subjecting yourself to a sort-of informational starvation or negligence.
What exactly is so intrinsically valuable about intelligence? If you're not gathering intelligence for hedonistic purposes, why else would you bother with it?

Serious / Re: Scientist and engineer mentalities
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:03:19 PM »
Knowledge comes above all else, and I have no respect for fideism or hedonism.
Why exactly is that?

Serious / Re: Does moral responsibility require free will?
« on: January 15, 2015, 11:50:13 AM »
Determinism is almost irrelevant unless you can actually predict the future.

Serious / Re: Scientist and engineer mentalities
« on: January 15, 2015, 11:47:24 AM »
You seriously expect us to have a philosophical discussion based on The Matrix?
The Matrix only prompted the discussion asshole.

I had a relative who was riding a bike and got his rear rammed into by some woman who clearly sucked at driving. He was a nice guy so he decided to let it go because his injuries were minor, but it turned out he got a lawsuit a few weeks later for giving the woman "emotional distress" by rolling over her windshield when he got hit, so he counter-sued her and won.

NSFW Dog maliciously mauls baby NSFW

The Flood / Re: Are you single, in a relationship, or married?
« on: January 15, 2015, 08:50:49 AM »
Single. Last time I was in a relationship was three years ago, if it could even be considered one. It was very one sided and only lasted three months.
Hey that's still better than nothing.

Serious / Re: Congress Again Buys Abrams Tanks the Army Doesn't Want
« on: January 15, 2015, 08:41:15 AM »
Another reason why I don't support democracy, especially American democracy.

Serious / Scientist and engineer mentalities
« on: January 15, 2015, 08:27:40 AM »
I was watching the Matrix a couple days ago and a line really stuck out to me. It was when the Oracle said to Neo that there would come a time when he would have to choose between saving his own life and saving Morpheus' life. She told Neo his future; factual knowledge. But later we find out that the Oracle didn't tell Neo his future, she told Neo what he needed to know in order to make the best out of their situation.

I'm thinking about these two mentalities and how they would fit on a religious issue: whether or not heaven exists. The scientist will know that there is no real evidence for it, save maybe for a few small possibilities, and he would disregard it as of having any significance. But an engineer would look at that problem differently. He's aware that there's a possibility, even if small, that heaven exists, but he instead thinks in terms of what he can achieve, what will make him happy. The engineer decides to take it on faith that heaven is real and because of that choice he lives a happier life. You have the pursuit of happiness on the one hand, and the pursuit of knowledge on the other.

What exactly is the benefit to having a scientist mentality over an engineer mentality?

And what mentality do you fit better into?

"My rights don't end where someone else's feelings begin."

The Flood / Re: ITT autistic threads you found on Bnet.
« on: January 15, 2015, 08:15:36 AM »
Being brainwashed by the definition of the word would mean I'd support them completely.
No it doesn't challenger. It's because you think that you don't have to support them completely is what allows you to be unbeknownstly brainwashed.

The Flood / Re: ITT autistic threads you found on Bnet.
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:47:15 AM »
The obsession is real.
Should we call him "Methew" now? Also does that guy still post on Bnet?
Maybe autistic isn't the word to describe that thread. Politically brainwashed may suit better IMO.
Politically brainwashed by a party I don't vote for or even fully support.

"I don't support everything this party says, therefore I'm not brainwashed."

The Flood / Re: ITT autistic threads you found on Bnet.
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:44:12 AM »
The obsession is real.
Should we call him "Methew" now? Also does that guy still post on Bnet?
Maybe autistic isn't the word to describe that thread. Politically brainwashed may suit better IMO.

Septagon / Re: Suggestion: Make Serious a "non-shitposting/autism" board
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:32:02 AM »
but seeing how I'm not wrong
2+2=5 mentality

Seeing how I have tons of discussions in Serious, no I'm not wrong.

What is your obsession with me anyway? Out of the blue you just randomly started talking shit about me all the time. What exactly are you so butthurt about?
"I post in serious, therefore I'm not wrong"

Challenger, you literally called me out at the top of the thread. Stop playing innocent.

Septagon / Re: Suggestion: Make Serious a "non-shitposting/autism" board
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:28:01 AM »
but seeing how I'm not wrong
2+2=5 mentality


Septagon / Re: Suggestion: Make Serious a "non-shitposting/autism" board
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:22:54 AM »
But then Kinder and Dustbin wouldn't be allowed to post there and I don't think it's fair we single them out like that.
classic 2+2=5 mentality, gg challenger, gg
That doesn't even make sense. Damn your insults are lame.
That wasn't an insult. 2+2=5 mentality means that you constantly state things that are wrong over and over again. For example when you said that genetic traits don't have evolutionary purposes, which was just flat out wrong, you continued to insist that you were right. And in reference to this thread, all you do in Serious is post memes, scream "LOL", and insult other users and yet you claim that I can't have a discussion, but you're the violent one.

nigga muslims are not an ethnic group
Religion falls under the official definition of Ethnic Cleansing even though they aren't actually an ethnicity.
You actually shouldn't use the term "ethnic cleansing". It's as if there's something that's "dirty" or wrong being cleansed. There isn't.

We as a society shouldn't adopt the terms of mass murderers.
The reason the term was coined was because if they called these kinds of acts genocide, other nations would be obligated to do something about it.

Septagon / Re: Suggestion: Make Serious a "non-shitposting/autism" board
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:17:40 AM »
But then Kinder and Dustbin wouldn't be allowed to post there and I don't think it's fair we single them out like that.
classic 2+2=5 mentality, gg challenger, gg

The Flood / Re: Rocketman's skin and bodies thread.
« on: January 15, 2015, 04:46:49 AM »
For some reason I first read this as "Rocketman's nudes leaked"

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