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Messages - Pippen

Pages: 1 ... 323334 3536 ... 219
Be sure to do all the loyalty quests for every character and ASAP.

Idk why but I haven't gotten a single one yet, gonna try to talk to everyone I have so far and see.

Well I woke up...Grunt. Pretty interesting. Luckily persuasion is still a thing so I got him on my team little trouble.

Also went to Horizon...which was a bit of a shitshow. Sure learned a lot, but I just saw my friend Kaidan from ME1 hate me.

I CAN RECRUIT TALI!!!!!!!!!!!!


I got all four of the crew members.

Wat do with the Krogan?

About the only reason i'm mining these planets is because I wanna stockpile for later upgrades.

Idk why else you would.
Don't forget to probe Your Anus

Pic is borked

Damn it Kotaku.

About the only reason i'm mining these planets is because I wanna stockpile for later upgrades.

Idk why else you would.
Don't forget to probe Your Anus

About the only reason i'm mining these planets is because I wanna stockpile for later upgrades.

Idk why else you would.

lmao at all these people bitching about the decision when the literal alternative is a Trump presidency

It's not about her presidency.

It's about the fact that people in power are deemed above the law. So much that the friggin FBI DIRECTOR clearly explains what Hillary did wrong and tried to cover it up with "oh I bet she didn't mean it!"

The Flood / Re: post your favourite "mainstream" music
« on: July 05, 2016, 03:14:24 PM »

i think this could be classified as my "jam"

Ooooh baby
Good taste me friend

This particular area of science doesn't affect or interest me personally in the shot term therefore its pointless ECKS DEE




Stop trying

If you're supposed to be the next generation Desty. I fear for humanity.

I really find it hilarious how he said that Hillary did not properly handle classified information and even said she was reckless. You'd think that would bring up some red flags about her being a good president

I asked a question to start a debate and discussion about the Jupiter probe and learn in the process. Not discuss my age.

Where does he answer this?

NASA's whole deal is literally "For the benefit of all" That's their motto.
A great deal of things you take for granted in your own home have come because of the advancements made by the people looking to make human life sustainable aboard tin cans in a place where there is literally nothing to breathe. So even if the mission does not directly make your life easier, it's a worthwhile thing to do.

And it isn't NASA's job to make your life easier either. That's just a caveat of their discoveries. Their job is to make humans better and help us survive in outer space. They're not some humanitarian organization.

May not have been what I was expecting. But it was better than most of the responses.

The reason we're doing it now is because some very smart people decided this would be a worthwhile expedition to make and would advance our knowledge of the universe.

Pip mentioned Venus or Mars, presumably because they're closer and we might be able to go to them at some point. The thing with that is Venus is nearly impossible to study due to the composition of the atmosphere. (We've only gotten a handful of pictures of the surface because of a Russian probe that landed and subsequently burned away in sulfuric rain. It only lasted 30 minutes or so). For Mars, we know plenty about it and as much as we learn about the planet it doesn't really advance our ability to travel there, nor does NASA have the money for such an undertaking. More work has to be done in order to make a Mars Human expedition a reality.

Also 1 billion isn't that much on the scale of space travel. Hell, every space shuttle launch costed around half of that amount and they did over 130 of those!

^^ this is what I was looking for.

Thank you for explaining something that actually got the point I was looking for and countering my points.

But he didn't even answer your question?

But he did

Gaming / Re: I Never Liked Tmartn But This Is... Well...
« on: July 05, 2016, 11:31:31 AM »

Posting this here because of relevance.

I like how he never actually explains the context of what he's talking about. Had to go on the subreddit after watching this morning to find out.

I thought it was obvious

Desty, I was asking for someone to give me a good, practical reason and explanation for the money being put into Juno and Jupiter. Instead of other planets closer to us. What could humanity benefit from it?

You all didn't get the point of that. TBlocks was the only one(and Inglorious kinda) who got the idea. No i'm not the all knowing god of space, that was the point.

If you can't figure that out, then you're the one that has to "Get Educated".
I'm not even angry after reading this. It's like talking to a bot that can't accept logic. I mean, it's a fault that lies in you, and only damages you. To be mad is to care, and I honestly don't care about you. I get it though, you can't be helped, and you can't learn.

I think you said that to a Mirror and not me.

And the water was an example. Not a definite thing Desty.

Desty, I was asking for someone to give me a good, practical reason and explanation for the money being put into Juno and Jupiter. Instead of other planets closer to us. What could humanity benefit from it?

You all didn't get the point of that. TBlocks was the only one(and Inglorious kinda) who got the idea. No i'm not the all knowing god of space, that was the point.

If you can't figure that out, then you're the one that has to "Get Educated".

Serious / Re: All races are equal.
« on: July 05, 2016, 11:20:09 AM »

It was expected though.

Still frustrating and a big fuck you to the US law system, but all we can do is see if the Department of Justice does something.

NASA's whole deal is literally "For the benefit of all" That's their motto.
A great deal of things you take for granted in your own home have come because of the advancements made by the people looking to make human life sustainable aboard tin cans in a place where there is literally nothing to breathe. So even if the mission does not directly make your life easier, it's a worthwhile thing to do.

And it isn't NASA's job to make your life easier either. That's just a caveat of their discoveries. Their job is to make humans better and help us survive in outer space. They're not some humanitarian organization.

When I meant benefit humanity. I meant possible resources we could get to or discoveries that could further our technology in many different ways.
So mining an asteroid for minerals or water? That sort of deal?

Discoveries are made sometimes by accident as well.

Yeah but like I said with Shelf, the chance of a discovery that could change a lot(like water on Jupiter) has a 1 out of 1 million chance of happening.
Of course, if something crazy like that happens. I will fully retract my statement and proceed to do an alien dance out in the street.

NASA's whole deal is literally "For the benefit of all" That's their motto.
A great deal of things you take for granted in your own home have come because of the advancements made by the people looking to make human life sustainable aboard tin cans in a place where there is literally nothing to breathe. So even if the mission does not directly make your life easier, it's a worthwhile thing to do.

And it isn't NASA's job to make your life easier either. That's just a caveat of their discoveries. Their job is to make humans better and help us survive in outer space. They're not some humanitarian organization.

When I meant benefit humanity. I meant possible resources we could get to or discoveries that could further our technology in many different ways.

Batarians were mentioned in ME1. They're even in the Codex and the BDTS DLC has them as the antagonists.

tl;dr: they're a race that achieved FTL around the same time as humanity but they got butthurt and left the citadel alliance or whatever when humanity started to get preferential treatment by the council when it came to things like colonization rights for worlds that were in disputed territory between the two races.

Ah, I didn't have the DLC so I didn't know that.

The reason we're doing it now is because some very smart people decided this would be a worthwhile expedition to make and would advance our knowledge of the universe.

Pip mentioned Venus or Mars, presumably because they're closer and we might be able to go to them at some point. The thing with that is Venus is nearly impossible to study due to the composition of the atmosphere. (We've only gotten a handful of pictures of the surface because of a Russian probe that landed and subsequently burned away in sulfuric rain. It only lasted 30 minutes or so). For Mars, we know plenty about it and as much as we learn about the planet it doesn't really advance our ability to travel there, nor does NASA have the money for such an undertaking. More work has to be done in order to make a Mars Human expedition a reality.

Also 1 billion isn't that much on the scale of space travel. Hell, every space shuttle launch costed around half of that amount and they did over 130 of those!

^^ this is what I was looking for.

Thank you for explaining something that actually got the point I was looking for and countering my points.

Juno is going to within 3000km of Jupiter's cloud layer. Provided all goes well, this is the first time we've sent anything this far into the atmosphere of a giant. We can expect more detailed atmospheric samples, a better understanding of how the planet formed, advancements in our understanding of how magnetic fields and radiation work, a better look at the planet's van allen belt, and a bunch of other stuff that advances our understanding of the universe and the ever slim possibility of discovering microorganisms living in the upper atmosphere and more. To assume we wouldn't learn anything from it just belies how you have no idea what you're talking about.

When did I say learn?
I meant HELP.
How does it HELP us right now?
Learning more about the gas giant is good, i'm fine with that. However they are putting a lot of money into something that could only go three ways.

1: We learn a lot more about Jupiter, yaaay.
2: It was a complete waste of time.
3: We have a huge discovery which could benefit us greatly.

That 3rd is has a 1 out of 1000000 chance of happening, while the 1st and 2nd options Have a 60/40 chance of happening respectively.
Even if we discover more about Jupiter, what could we possibly gain from that? More Knowledge? Okay, knowledge is fine, but can't help us if it's a 5 year probe trip away.
Just trying to think practically here.

No, you're not. You want to know how it affects you, right now. You don't actually have any interest in knowing about any of this, you just want to know how it will benefit you now, and if it doesn't? Well then it's pointless amirite?

You guys aren't getting what I mean.

What POSSIBLY can humanity gain, not me, from doing this? Sure. Setting the foundation and all is good. However I clearly said I could get if it was Mars or Venus.
Mars or Venus still have a lot that is unknown about them. However we are capable of actually GETTING to that point. Why not push for Mars or Venus research instead of the gas giant 500 million+ miles away?

Might be a daft comparison but it's probably just dependant on your mindset. Do you do your homework the night you get it or five minutes before you need to hand it in kind of thing.

Not a great comparison. Since doing your homework early most of the time benefits you.

I'm on my phone and that one out of a million chance is coming up as a phone number.
Gawd damnit.

Juno is going to within 3000km of Jupiter's cloud layer. Provided all goes well, this is the first time we've sent anything this far into the atmosphere of a giant. We can expect more detailed atmospheric samples, a better understanding of how the planet formed, advancements in our understanding of how magnetic fields and radiation work, a better look at the planet's van allen belt, and a bunch of other stuff that advances our understanding of the universe and the ever slim possibility of discovering microorganisms living in the upper atmosphere and more. To assume we wouldn't learn anything from it just belies how you have no idea what you're talking about.

When did I say learn?
I meant HELP.
How does it HELP us right now?
Learning more about the gas giant is good, i'm fine with that. However they are putting a lot of money into something that could only go three ways.

1: We learn a lot more about Jupiter, yaaay.
2: It was a complete waste of time.
3: We have a huge discovery which could benefit us greatly.

That 3rd is has a 1 out of 1000000 chance of happening, while the 1st and 2nd options Have a 60/40 chance of happening respectively.
Even if we discover more about Jupiter, what could we possibly gain from that? More Knowledge? Okay, knowledge is fine, but can't help us if it's a 5 year probe trip away.
Just trying to think practically here.

It helps with advancements in the astrological field. Obviously.
Yeah, which is a good thing. However putting millions into it and not knowing you can get anything out of it can be a HUGE issue for some people.
If the Jupiter research comes up with little to nothing than think of how much was wasted.

This is a more justified use of money than throwing money at Africa hoping that the continent will magically get better.

Oh boy here we go

Trying to debate with Zesty is a waste of time.

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