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Messages - Pippen

Pages: 1 ... 186187188 189190 ... 219
Serious / Re: I swear I hate people.
« on: September 18, 2015, 02:41:21 AM »
Yeaaahhh...every single sect of society has those people that would rather hear nothing than 100% support, or you're a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, Satanic-worshipping mooselimb Communist.


I have NOTHING against the LGBT and (good)Feminists.

But this shit pisses me off

Gaming / Re: The Silent Cartographer: Evolved review.
« on: September 17, 2015, 11:28:51 PM »
Looks like everyone's doin reviews today,

Not that I mind

Gaming / Re: Sep7agon Game Reviews
« on: September 17, 2015, 11:19:35 PM »
Shadows of Almia review is up.

Won't be great review but I tried

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia review
« on: September 17, 2015, 11:09:16 PM »
Wow this thread dissapeared fast

Serious / Re: I swear I hate people.
« on: September 17, 2015, 11:07:42 PM »
You need me to check your privilege bro?

I'm in a bad mood, leave me alone

Serious / Re: I swear I hate people.
« on: September 17, 2015, 11:07:22 PM »
Reported for promoting your anti-liberal agenda.

Okay Fagicle

Gaming / Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia review
« on: September 17, 2015, 11:05:57 PM »
WARNING!: I lost my copy of Shadows of Almia a long time ago, so I am merely working off of memory in this review. I have played through the game 5 or 6 times so I have a good idea of the game overall.

So hey everybody! I'm making another review, the last one I did was Dragon Age Inquisition, so lets go from killing demons to drawing circles shall we?

For anyone who hasn't played a Pokémon Ranger game, you play as a....pokémon ranger, duh, using your capture rod thing(been awhile okay?) to temporarily befriend a pokémon and have him help you in battle, clearing obstacles, etc.
So let's get started shall we?


Story:'s predictable, meant to be simple so that younger fellas can understand.
You start off as a Ranger in training, moving to the region of Almia to go to Ranger School. Yes, the first parts of the game start in school...yay. However it does let you learn the game at a somewhat decent pace, just a quick tutorial to learn the story and gameplay.
I won't spoil too much this time around, but basically stuff happens, you become cool, you become a ranger, etc.

After all the school silliness, you get to the place you'll be operating from, the Ranger place in small town, Almia, which happened to be the place your family moved to! There you meet your ranger team for the next parts of the game and do some simple quests, again teaching you a little bit more.
One quest has you go into a cave to deal with the pokémon inside, but instead find wierd machines that influence the Pokémon and make them go nuts, when they are like this you can only free them, you cannot befriend them.
Then that whole thing is broken when you come out the cave and find a munchlax, pachirisu and a starley going nuts. Which then you have to go ahead and choose who to befriend.((ALWAYS CHOOSE PACHIRISU)). Then when you befriend them they become your first permanent companion.

The rest of the game has you climbing up to the top of Ranger elite, learning about the machines and stopping the evil guys. Nothing special at all here.


Gameplay: This is basically the two things you'll be doing as gamplay.

Capture: Draw circles around pokémon.
Use captured Pokémon: Use the pokémon you capture to clear the way and beat an objective....

Yep, that's it. That's all.
Sure there is some puzzle bits, some parts you can kinda call platformers, etc. but this is the main two things you do.
And it's repetitve.

HOWEVER, just because it's repetitive doesn't mean it can't be fun!
As Shadows of Almia actually has some interesting boss pokémon to capture(Drapion always kicked my ASS!) and even little mini-bosses that can be just as difficult. As they use different tactics to break your circling and deplete your capture meter, or whatever it's called. When the meter is empty it's game over.

Again, the puzzle and platformer bits are fun, but the only time the MAIN part of the game is really challenging and unique is the boss fights.


I can't remember, leave me alone, just look it up yourself.

Nostalgia Verdict: 8/10
Unbiased Verdict: 6.5/10

Serious / I swear I hate people.
« on: September 17, 2015, 10:37:51 PM »
So offsite, I was talking to some friends online about LGBT, feminism, etc. I know it was a horrible idea now.

All of my friends on that site are avid supporters of all of those, and then I said.

"I don't support any of them."

Next thing I know, i'm reported, blocked and told i'm a homophobe degenerate.
They didn't even give me the chance to say "but I am not against it either, I just don't care."

Talk about annoying Supporters of LGBT, feminism, etc.

The Flood / Re: New name for Psy
« on: September 17, 2015, 04:33:24 PM »
Wish he was Dr. Psychiatrist so I can get drugs.

Of course

The Flood / Re: New name for Psy
« on: September 17, 2015, 03:10:36 PM »
I'm outraged. Fox Clan expects better than this, Pip :/

It's for the better of fox clan I promise.

Psyduck allies are best allies
We'll see. These are delicate times.

We already have relations with the lenny kingdom, all we need is a Psyduck.
Get him to join Fox Clan and it's a deal.

You heard the fox Psy.

The Flood / Re: New name for Psy
« on: September 17, 2015, 03:08:16 PM »
I'm outraged. Fox Clan expects better than this, Pip :/

It's for the better of fox clan I promise.

Psyduck allies are best allies
We'll see. These are delicate times.

We already have relations with the lenny kingdom, all we need is a Psyduck.

The Flood / Re: New name for Psy
« on: September 17, 2015, 03:06:13 PM »
I'm outraged. Fox Clan expects better than this, Pip :/

It's for the better of fox clan I promise.

Psyduck allies are best allies

The Flood / Re: New name for Psy
« on: September 17, 2015, 03:04:16 PM »
The poll isn't deciding anything, what with the way it's been run. My vote, along with others, got pushed onto 'Psyduck', when our real choice was 'other'.


You've seen to much

The Flood / Re: New name for Psy
« on: September 17, 2015, 03:03:33 PM »
I feel like locking the poll soon.

I'll let it stay up until after dinner.

Psy you better change your name to Psyduck if it wins.

EDIT: I can't lock the damn poll? That's dumb.

Can someone lock the thread at around 7 pm CST? Will that work?
Well I mean, I'd be looking to change it in like two years time so you have a bit longer >_>

Psyduck is the one I'd look at though.

It better be

I didn't rig this thing for nothing

The Flood / Re: New name for Psy
« on: September 17, 2015, 02:56:11 PM »
I feel like locking the poll soon.

I'll let it stay up until after dinner.

Psy you better change your name to Psyduck if it wins.

EDIT: I can't lock the damn poll? That's dumb.

Can someone lock the thread at around 7 pm CST? Will that work?

The Flood / Re: People you automatically hate
« on: September 17, 2015, 02:18:45 PM »
A little story on this.

So i've been going to the gym every morning. Working out to look better.
It's a rule that you MUST clean up the machine you used after you finished it.
I automatically hate the people who DON'T do this, because it's disgusting.

I'm one of those people.

Fuck you
now now, that's not very nice. It's not my fault they don't provide me with a way to wipe down the equipment.
Even though my gym has spray bottles galore, I never use them unless I sweat profusely or am coming off a sickness. I actually rarely see anyone wipe down their shit.

It's common courtesy to go ahead and at least wipe it down lightly
You want I should wipe it with my sweaty towel?

I'm talking to Starch, kys.
My b, tapatalk ain't the easiest to follow

Don't worry, just have this glass of bleach and go over there please

The Flood / Re: People you automatically hate
« on: September 17, 2015, 02:16:51 PM »
A little story on this.

So i've been going to the gym every morning. Working out to look better.
It's a rule that you MUST clean up the machine you used after you finished it.
I automatically hate the people who DON'T do this, because it's disgusting.

I'm one of those people.

Fuck you
now now, that's not very nice. It's not my fault they don't provide me with a way to wipe down the equipment.
Even though my gym has spray bottles galore, I never use them unless I sweat profusely or am coming off a sickness. I actually rarely see anyone wipe down their shit.

It's common courtesy to go ahead and at least wipe it down lightly
You want I should wipe it with my sweaty towel?

I'm talking to Starch, kys.

The Flood / Re: People you automatically hate
« on: September 17, 2015, 02:13:02 PM »
A little story on this.

So i've been going to the gym every morning. Working out to look better.
It's a rule that you MUST clean up the machine you used after you finished it.
I automatically hate the people who DON'T do this, because it's disgusting.

I'm one of those people.

Fuck you
now now, that's not very nice. It's not my fault they don't provide me with a way to wipe down the equipment.
Even though my gym has spray bottles galore, I never use them unless I sweat profusely or am coming off a sickness. I actually rarely see anyone wipe down their shit.

It's common courtesy to go ahead and at least wipe it down lightly

The Flood / Re: People you automatically hate
« on: September 17, 2015, 02:10:45 PM »
A little story on this.

So i've been going to the gym every morning. Working out to look better.
It's a rule that you MUST clean up the machine you used after you finished it.
I automatically hate the people who DON'T do this, because it's disgusting.

I'm one of those people.

Fuck you
now now, that's not very nice. It's not my fault they don't provide me with a way to wipe down the equipment.

Maybe you should bring your own cleaning supplies, or ask an employee if they have anything to clean up with.


Serious / Re: Are school officials too jumpy recently?
« on: September 17, 2015, 02:07:35 PM »
I get the kid, and how unfair this situation was for him. Wanting to show off his cool clock he made, I would too, and being mistaken for a 14 year old bomber. It's dissapointing to say the least.
Plus who the fuck shows off their bomb to everyone? Seriously?! Did they think about that?

Anyways, I was at the gym and they had this story, and PRESIDENT OBAMA invited the kid so that he could see the clock....WHAT?!
Google saved him a spot on the fair...WHAT?!
Plus Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft commented.

I get WHY they did it, but seriously, overkill much? It was a false alarm situation, not national or international news worthy.

I take my 60fps back.
damn right

what a silly choice that would have been

I still think my idea's better. Fixes either microtransactions or dlc

The Flood / Re: People you automatically hate
« on: September 17, 2015, 01:31:45 PM »
A little story on this.

So i've been going to the gym every morning. Working out to look better.
It's a rule that you MUST clean up the machine you used after you finished it.
I automatically hate the people who DON'T do this, because it's disgusting.

I'm one of those people.

Fuck you

The Flood / Re: People you automatically hate
« on: September 17, 2015, 01:31:13 PM »
A little story on this.

So i've been going to the gym every morning. Working out to look better.
It's a rule that you MUST clean up the machine you used after you finished it.
I automatically hate the people who DON'T do this, because it's disgusting.

Yeah, back when I used to go to the gym I always made sure I cleaned my machine when I was done with it. The state some machines were left in was awful.

My gym is far from yucky, but there is a reason I never go at night, because from between 5-10 pm the gym is jam packed with sweaty muscle heads who can't figure out how to use a spray bottle.
A couple of them are good and fun to talk to, but most just...uugh.

But in the morning you got this one guy, comes in every once and awhile. Does the treadmill and some weights, sweats so bad there is a small puddle on the machine, and he NEVER CLEANS UP! I accidentally went on the treadmill he used and UUUUUUGH!
There is also showers at the gym, and you are supposed to wash out the shower before and after you take a shower. This guy does neither, as I had the pleasure of taking a shower after him one day! -_-
 I will never forget finding his damn body wash in the shower....

Okay rant over

The Flood / Re: People you automatically hate
« on: September 17, 2015, 10:11:34 AM »
A little story on this.

So i've been going to the gym every morning. Working out to look better.
It's a rule that you MUST clean up the machine you used after you finished it.
I automatically hate the people who DON'T do this, because it's disgusting.

The Flood / Re: New name for Psy
« on: September 17, 2015, 09:47:37 AM »
Psyduck looks promising.

I didn't add that in as an afterthough, placing it where "other(comment)" was to get it voted on.

Definitely didn't rig this.

Good question....

I would say choose your own adventure stories, but imagine doing that in a game like Mario...doesn't make sense.

So, how about cosmetic only microtransactions like in DOTA, LOL and SMITE.
Or get rid of "dlc" and have the return of the amazing EXPANSION PACKS!
((Not Destiny's expansions, two of those suck))

The Flood / Re: New name for Psy
« on: September 17, 2015, 09:31:24 AM »
Psyduck is a pretty good one tbh fam

Holy shit yes

Please say I can edit the poll and add that...

The Flood / New name for Psy
« on: September 17, 2015, 09:28:23 AM »
So Mr Psychologist has said that at some point in the future, he will be either changing his name, or shortening it.

So let's choose a name for him shall we?

Gaming / Re: Destiny: The Taken King
« on: September 17, 2015, 09:23:39 AM »
I got this game with my PS4, I sold it about 2 months ago after having not played it since January

If the Taken King really does make the game a lot better, I might buy it again, since I only played the vanilla game, probably more worth it now that there's actually content in the game

Probably a good idea to stay away from #Destiny still
Play the game or not, that is a hellhole

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