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Messages - Pippen

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The Flood / Re: What is making your hobby?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:40:50 PM »
(Sfw)Roleplaying, Games and crafts I guess.

Been working on my costume for the past week

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing right
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:46:39 PM »
Miranda Keyes.

The Flood / Re: Free DAS
« on: October 09, 2015, 10:03:36 AM »
RIP DAS 2015
Best man on Furry Month

Gaming / Re: Tales from the Borderlands Episode 5 releasing 20th October
« on: October 09, 2015, 09:49:42 AM »
There is a HUGE sale for TellTale RIGHT NOW ON STEAM.

$180 worth of games in a $50 DOLLAR BUNDLE.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: October 08, 2015, 07:22:04 PM »


The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: October 08, 2015, 07:12:09 PM »
Kenny from twd was the biggest shitord* ever.


He saw his son and Wife killed in front of him, one he/or you, had to shoot and the other shooting themself. I don't think any man can be the same after that.
If you were a good guy to him, he was your best friend till the end. If you weren't he saw you as just another guy, who could put his family in dang- oh, yeah, they're dead.
Then in season 2, he tries to get back what he lost with a new girlfriend, Clementine and the baby. So when what's her face decides to hide the baby, he finally snapped. All the pent up rage coming out.

But if you see Kenny's ending in Season 2 at Wellington, you see what he truly is, a father. He wants to be a father and to keep Clem and the baby safe, that's all he wanted.

The Flood / Re: Describe the user above you with a seven word sentence
« on: October 08, 2015, 06:51:23 PM »
i dont know why mlp still exists

I don't know why furries still exist

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong
« on: October 08, 2015, 06:50:29 PM »
Kenny from Walking Dead, spoilers ahead.

Okay come on, this guy is a family man, who looks out for his own family and close friends instead of everybody. We all would do that when it comes to a Zombie Apocalypse. So if you killed him in Season 2, no matter how much he was provoked or messed up in the head. You are one motherfucker

The Flood / Re: Describe the user above you with a seven word sentence
« on: October 08, 2015, 06:46:01 PM »
I don't know who this person is.

A guy who really likes napalm bombs.

The Flood / Re: Describe the user above you with a seven word sentence
« on: October 08, 2015, 05:29:59 PM »
He's the princess of phaggot pony fuckers
He is definitely on my friends list

4 and above is preferable

The Flood / Re: Describe the user above you with a seven word sentence
« on: October 08, 2015, 05:07:08 PM »
no i don't

He needs to sleep when shitposting, boom.

They already did stuff like that in the Black/White series
What sutff are you refering to?

I can't find any references atm but I believe it was something about Pokémon equality with the Verizion, Cobalion and what's his name being involved.

They already did stuff like that in the Black/White series

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:19:58 AM »
The real question is why you went with a Celestia avatar rather than objectively the best ponies that are Fluttershy and Rarity.

Because Princesses are better, obviously.

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:19:11 AM »
That's a problem though, because now look what's being posted?

By limiting the Serious section to that it makes any other topic turn into this shit.
I agree. Nothing you can do, though. Just try to ignore the trolls, that's all. It's still possible to have a good honest discussion in the Flood if you just ignore the shitposters.

But considering the topic at hand, there's gonna be a lot of shitposters.

I think i'm just gonna stop trying to discuss it, Challenger and the rest of em love doing this shit and truthfully I don't have the patience this morning.

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:13:13 AM »
Because it's shit
You're shit
The fans are shit
Kill yourself
Just making sure, you do know this is in Serious right?
Not anymore. It was moved, because this sort of thing doesn't really belong in Serious.
Why, exactly?
These are the permitted topics of discussion in Serious:

Guns (When relating to politics/technological development not post your raifu threads)
Sexuality/Gender related threads

That's a problem though, because now look what's being posted?

By limiting the Serious section to that it makes any other topic turn into this shit.

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:06:09 AM »
Great...this isn't in serious anymore.


Now my question is basically useless. I'm done here

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:59:36 AM »
Because it's shit
You're shit
The fans are shit
Kill yourself

Just making sure, you do know this is in Serious right?

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:56:31 AM »
The show isn't even good. If it was good, I could understand. But its literally a second rate childrens show. At least obsess over a good childrens show like Hey Arnold or Doug.

Also, The adult male fans are 99.9% weirdos. I mean, its cool that you watch the show, but to go ton conventions specifically for a pony show, its fucking weird. Like half of y'all are over 25, shouldn't you have responsibilities by now?

Huh, i've never been to any convention now that I think about it...
And wierdos? Should we really be talking here? Everyone on Sep7agon is a wierdo.

Some people on here are weird, but after having conversations with a lot of people here, most are just normal people.

But if you see pictures from a pony convention, you can easily tell the vast majority aren't normal.

"Normal" can be objective sometimes.

But I do get what you mean, I won't be wearing a Rainbow Dash outfit in this lifetime >.>

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:55:15 AM »
You want to obsess over it, thats cool. But don't deny you aren't obsessed over it. Look at your avatar...

What? It's a funny meme.

I changed my theme very often anyways. This'll probably be gone in a week.

Its not like I'm even saying its a bad thing. I'm just wondering why you deny it.

I never said that you said it was bad.

And this is just the theme I picked this time.
People pick different avatars all the time, usually on something they like. I find this funny and used it.
It doesn't mean i'm obsessed.

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:45:28 AM »
You want to obsess over it, thats cool. But don't deny you aren't obsessed over it. Look at your avatar...

What? It's a funny meme.

I changed my theme very often anyways. This'll probably be gone in a week.

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:44:28 AM »
The show isn't even good. If it was good, I could understand. But its literally a second rate childrens show. At least obsess over a good childrens show like Hey Arnold or Doug.

Also, The adult male fans are 99.9% weirdos. I mean, its cool that you watch the show, but to go ton conventions specifically for a pony show, its fucking weird. Like half of y'all are over 25, shouldn't you have responsibilities by now?

Huh, i've never been to any convention now that I think about it...
And wierdos? Should we really be talking here? Everyone on Sep7agon is a wierdo.

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:40:51 AM »
Yeah I understand i've been a little....defensive, apologies.

I tend to get defensive when I enjoy something, whether it be Halo, Ponies or just project i'm doing.

Plus it's the morning and i'm cranky. I'll try and refrain from being so aggressive

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:38:53 AM »
What the fuck are you talking about Morality?
However Bronies have done great things, there are multiple charity funds raising money for different causes.
youre kind of illustrating my point here. you feel the need to legitimize being a brony by establishing that bronies are moral up holders of good by donating to charity, even though just liking a show shouldn't require anything but liking the show.

I said multiple, not all.
I understand that some people in the fandom definitely spoil the bunch. I really wish people didn't see the show or the people who watch it like that. However you clearly see it that way and I hope you can see the goods side at some point.

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:36:38 AM »
I still hate the brony community as a whole, though, for a variety of reasons.

- They're huge hypocrites (and not the permissible kind of hypocrites). They talk about how much their precious show preaches valuable concepts like love and friendship and tolerance, and that's all well and good, until you meet the bronies who try to bully people into watching their shitty show. They think that watching a show for little girls makes them masculine, because they're not "constrained by social norms" and that anyone who doesn't watch the show is obviously an insecure gayboy on the inside. Sorry--not everyone has to like your show, bronies. It doesn't mean they're weak as men.

- They're fucking everywhere, and they never shut the fuck up. I remember when the fandom was getting so bad, they would replace the example image for almost all the trope articles on TV Tropes to something My Little Pony-related. They just had to let the entire world know how cool and tolerant they are for watching a show that wasn't originally meant for them. This, right here, made them the most insufferable and fanbase there ever was.

- The porn. Uhhh, yeah. A lot of bronies are very open about their sexuality, and that a whole lot of them are sexually attracted to the ponies themselves. Nobody--literally nobody--wants to know about this. Some of the most cringeworthy shit I've ever seen is the result of brony cringe compilations.

Those are the biggest reasons. Say what you will about the show--I've seen the first season a number of times myself, and I can honestly tell you that I hated every second of it--but your fanbase really is terrible, and I hope you realize that.

I don't know what side of the fanbase you saw then.

When I started watching the show, all of the bronies I met were "oh cool, what episodes do you like?" And such, just small chit chat and casual, friendly conversation, we didn't always talk about ponies either. We'd talk about games, current events, history, etc.
As I got more into it, I never really tried to make anybody watch the show, anybody who tries to force people to watch it is just as bad as anyone who tries to make someone a certain religion.

I get why you see it in a bad light though Verb, I just never saw the fandom in that light even when I didn't watch the show.

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:31:10 AM »
You're in a fandom that has an obsession with a children's show about ponies.

Pretty fucking weird.
Obsession would me that it's the only thing I ever do.
Not once did I ever bring up ponies in those Halo Game Nights.
I can count 3-4 times i've brought ponies up on the forums....and I am almost at 1500 posts. This is the first pony avatar i've ever used out of fandom specific sites. I have ONE Pony related item in my home.

Why the fuck do people count it as an obsession?

Because bronies tend to defend this shit with so much zeal

I'm defending it because i'm being accused of obsessing over it.
Are you obsessed with a certain Politician cause you defend him?
Or obsessed with a religion since you defend it?


I didn't even say you were obsessed. I said the fandom was obsessed.

Even than you made a whole thread in serious because of some banter. Seems kind of obsessively defending it to me.

It's the morning, i'm not in the greatest of moods.

I really shouldn't be defending it as much as I have been.
I was hoping to get some honest opinions, and show people what the community from what i've seen is all about in this topic.

Buuuut that's really really stretching it..

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:29:25 AM »
The Fandom creates a self-fueling obsession with letting it dominate areas of your life that watching a fun show shouldn't. Bronies as a culture have just primed everyone's reaction in a way that makes it easy for it to be outright disgusting. And the more bronies feel persecuted, the more the fandom takes over their personality.

 Doesn't help that leaders and content producers in the community are either just exploiting the fad because pony anything garners fans no matter how mediocre, or are autistic sperglords who don't understand how to manage popularity.

Pretty much anyone from Bungle used to be a brony, and we all cringe at the thought of it.

So you're saying that all Bronies are obsessed with the show?

All of the friends I have made in the community have not had the show take over them. Actually, most of us enjoy the show and actively interact with the community, but that's about 10% of the time I use on ponies. The other 90% goes to a lot of other stuff.

Most Bronies enjoy the show and keep active with the community, that doesn't mean we are all brainwashed sheep following ponies.
You really don't need to preach to me man I've been there done that.

I've spent enough time on EQD, youtube, IRCs,, whatever that shit board is on 4chan, and reddit to have a sufficient gauge the core of the brony fanbase.

When you defend things like this it just proves the point, "brony" has become part of your identity, but unlike other fandoms of media like dr.who or some shit bronies have this weird sense of morality they like to act like they have, or that they're a friendly loving community for good. The reality is the fandom is wrought with drama, circlejerking, and backstabbing.

What the fuck are you talking about Morality?
However Bronies have done great things, there are multiple charity funds raising money for different causes.

The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:25:29 AM »
You're in a fandom that has an obsession with a children's show about ponies.

Pretty fucking weird.
Obsession would me that it's the only thing I ever do.
Not once did I ever bring up ponies in those Halo Game Nights.
I can count 3-4 times i've brought ponies up on the forums....and I am almost at 1500 posts. This is the first pony avatar i've ever used out of fandom specific sites. I have ONE Pony related item in my home.

Why the fuck do people count it as an obsession?

Because bronies tend to defend this shit with so much zeal

I'm defending it because i'm being accused of obsessing over it.
Are you obsessed with a certain Politician cause you defend him?
Or obsessed with a religion since you defend it?


The Flood / Re: Serious Question for you guys.
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:21:09 AM »
You're in a fandom that has an obsession with a children's show about ponies.

Pretty fucking weird.
Obsession would me that it's the only thing I ever do.
Not once did I ever bring up ponies in those Halo Game Nights.
I can count 3-4 times i've brought ponies up on the forums....and I am almost at 1500 posts. This is the first pony avatar i've ever used out of fandom specific sites. I have ONE Pony related item in my home.

Why the fuck do people count it as an obsession?

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