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Messages - Pippen

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The Flood / Re: Libraria, Roleplay Thread.
« on: December 07, 2015, 06:58:21 PM »
Basic Statistics

Meaning of name:
Origin of name:
Astrological sign:
Chinese zodiac:
Sexual Orientation:
Current status (marital/dating):
Birth date:

Physical Characteristics

Describe their smile:
Ambidextrous, left or right handed?:
Distinguishing features:
Style (Elegant, shabby, etc):
Jewelry and/or other accessories:

Other Characteristics

Is s/he generally balanced or clumsy?:
Do they curse, and if so, to what extent:
Describe their house/dwelling:
Describe their bedroom:
Describe their daily rituals:

Psychological/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Intelligence level:
Long-term goals/desires in life:
Secret desires:
How self-confident is s/he?:
How do they see him/herself?:
How do they believe s/he is perceived by others?:
What is the character most proud of?:
What does s/he like least about his/herself?:
How do they express themselves?:
Is this character generally dominant or submissive?:
Describe their level of patience:
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?:
Most at ease when:
Describe his/her sense of humor:
If granted one wish, what would it be and why?:
Character/Personality/Mental/Social Strengths:
Character/Personality/Mental/Social Flaws:
Biggest Vulnerability (non physical):
Optimist or pessimist:
Greatest fear:
Other fears/phobias:
Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities:
Biggest regret:
Other regrets:
Character's darkest/deepest secret:




Place and why:
Music genre:
Greater pleasures:
Where does this character hang out?:
Where is this character's dream place to live?:
Mode of transportation:
Most prized possession and why:

Emotional Characteristics

Describe character's sense of morals:
Describe character's sense of self-control:
How does this character act in public?:
How does this character act in privacy?:
How does this character act around strangers vs. how they act around friends?:
How does this character act around family?:
How has this character most changed from youth?:
How have they remained the same?:
Has this character dealt with the loss of someone they knew?:
How has it affected them?:

How does this character deal with or react to...

Being insulted (superficially: name calling, etc):
Being loved:

How does this character express...

Love (Consider the 'Five Languages of Love'):
Dislike (of a person, thing, or idea):
Approval (of a person, thing, or idea):
What does this character think/feel about...

Friendship/Other relationships:
The opposite sex:
The same sex:
Their past:
How does the character view life?:
How does the character view death?:
How does the character view society?:
What does the character want out of life?:
What motivates this character and why?:
What discourages this character and why?:
What makes this character happy and why?:
What makes this character sad and why?:
What makes this character angry and why?:
What most describes this character's personality?:
Psychoanalysis (Describe why they act the way they do):
Does it stem from childhood or an event, or chemical?:

Relationships with Others

Relationship skills:
What kind of person would s/he consider to be the perfect partner?:

Here's a template.

Holy fuck, I feel like I just went through a survey.

While I do like and appreciate the detailed sheet, could you have a more simplistic version? It does seem a little excessive, I do like the sheet though.

General Information



Physical Features:


General Traits:


Childhood Summary:
Adulthood Summary:
Romantic Relationship:

Additional Info:

Better, i'll update the OP with this.

The Flood / Re: Libraria, Roleplay Thread.
« on: December 07, 2015, 06:44:03 PM »
Basic Statistics

Meaning of name:
Origin of name:
Astrological sign:
Chinese zodiac:
Sexual Orientation:
Current status (marital/dating):
Birth date:

Physical Characteristics

Describe their smile:
Ambidextrous, left or right handed?:
Distinguishing features:
Style (Elegant, shabby, etc):
Jewelry and/or other accessories:

Other Characteristics

Is s/he generally balanced or clumsy?:
Do they curse, and if so, to what extent:
Describe their house/dwelling:
Describe their bedroom:
Describe their daily rituals:

Psychological/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Intelligence level:
Long-term goals/desires in life:
Secret desires:
How self-confident is s/he?:
How do they see him/herself?:
How do they believe s/he is perceived by others?:
What is the character most proud of?:
What does s/he like least about his/herself?:
How do they express themselves?:
Is this character generally dominant or submissive?:
Describe their level of patience:
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?:
Most at ease when:
Describe his/her sense of humor:
If granted one wish, what would it be and why?:
Character/Personality/Mental/Social Strengths:
Character/Personality/Mental/Social Flaws:
Biggest Vulnerability (non physical):
Optimist or pessimist:
Greatest fear:
Other fears/phobias:
Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities:
Biggest regret:
Other regrets:
Character's darkest/deepest secret:




Place and why:
Music genre:
Greater pleasures:
Where does this character hang out?:
Where is this character's dream place to live?:
Mode of transportation:
Most prized possession and why:

Emotional Characteristics

Describe character's sense of morals:
Describe character's sense of self-control:
How does this character act in public?:
How does this character act in privacy?:
How does this character act around strangers vs. how they act around friends?:
How does this character act around family?:
How has this character most changed from youth?:
How have they remained the same?:
Has this character dealt with the loss of someone they knew?:
How has it affected them?:

How does this character deal with or react to...

Being insulted (superficially: name calling, etc):
Being loved:

How does this character express...

Love (Consider the 'Five Languages of Love'):
Dislike (of a person, thing, or idea):
Approval (of a person, thing, or idea):
What does this character think/feel about...

Friendship/Other relationships:
The opposite sex:
The same sex:
Their past:
How does the character view life?:
How does the character view death?:
How does the character view society?:
What does the character want out of life?:
What motivates this character and why?:
What discourages this character and why?:
What makes this character happy and why?:
What makes this character sad and why?:
What makes this character angry and why?:
What most describes this character's personality?:
Psychoanalysis (Describe why they act the way they do):
Does it stem from childhood or an event, or chemical?:

Relationships with Others

Relationship skills:
What kind of person would s/he consider to be the perfect partner?:

Here's a template.

Holy fuck, I feel like I just went through a survey.

While I do like and appreciate the detailed sheet, could you have a more simplistic version? It does seem a little excessive, I do like the sheet though.

The Flood / Re: NEVER FEAR
« on: December 07, 2015, 05:41:14 PM »
Who the fuck are you?
>shitty degenerate who likes MLP asking who the fuck am I

No seriously, who the fuck are you? I don't know who you are.

The Flood / I'm at 2,222 posts
« on: December 07, 2015, 05:17:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: NEVER FEAR
« on: December 07, 2015, 05:17:03 PM »
Who the fuck are you?

The Flood / Re: mcdonalds on fleek with the new pokemon toys
« on: December 07, 2015, 05:15:42 PM »
MLP toys, of course. I have the Fluttershy one.

I got the Celestia one.

did they ever sell Celestia?

The Flood / Re: Libraria, Roleplay Thread.
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:18:35 PM »
What is a good way to come up with a character? Like guidelines

You're allowed any type of character as long as it isn't rediculously overpowered.

I should add to the OP that you'll be from a new story and have just joined Libraria. So you won't have any prior knowledge of Libraria.

The Flood / Re: Libraria, Roleplay Thread.
« on: December 07, 2015, 01:02:56 PM »
I have to pull up the really old character sheet.

You really don't need a character sheet for it, just post a good amount of details for me to look over and all approved characters will go in the OP.

I have a template for creating characters.

That's fine, thought you were talking about D&D or Pathfinder

The Flood / Re: Libraria, Roleplay Thread.
« on: December 07, 2015, 12:37:19 PM »
I have to pull up the really old character sheet.

You really don't need a character sheet for it, just post a good amount of details for me to look over and all approved characters will go in the OP.

The Flood / Re: Libraria, Roleplay Thread.
« on: December 07, 2015, 12:36:20 PM »
So is there any vegitation in Libraria, or is just a complete concrete jungle?

The city grows as more gates to stories open, each major story will affect the environment it is in.

So if one major story takes up an entire area of the city, it will reflect the story's enviremient(Example: Futuristic space ships and skyscraps of Halo in one area and maybe Kings Landing style castle of Game of Thrones in another area)

The Flood / Re: Libraria, Roleplay Thread.(WIP)
« on: December 07, 2015, 08:22:00 AM »
Updated OP, everything should be good now. However if everyone still has questions don't hesitate to ask.

The Flood / Re: Libraria, Roleplay Thread.(WIP)
« on: December 07, 2015, 07:41:32 AM »
I thought the title said Liberia.

I'm kind of disappointed now

Damnit DAS

oh and I updated the OP with new info.

The Flood / Re: Libraria, Roleplay Thread.(WIP)
« on: December 07, 2015, 07:22:04 AM »
Okay! I'm awake, time to figure this out.

The Flood / Re: Libraria, Roleplay Thread.(WIP)
« on: December 07, 2015, 12:20:38 AM »
I'm always down for a good RP, but how do you plan to reconcile the conflicting elements of different stories? I think a unique, original world or singular story world would work better.

Most of the "stories" will be fictional and not actually real stories. Letting me control it.
I have to think about it more in morning honestly

The Flood / Libraria, Roleplay Thread.
« on: December 07, 2015, 12:13:14 AM »
So! Finally made this, and decided to make a custom fantasy world to play in.

Libraria is kind of like...a hub of all the stories, comics and fairy tales. Which the characters and worlds come to life in different sections of Libraria.
You will be able to create a character with his/her's own backstory. Then group up with other Librarians for the journey ahead.
As each story is created in the real world, gates in Libraria are created, connecting the fictional world to the hub. All of the stories in the gates have been completed, and won't be affected by other story characters if entered.

Now, you may be asking, what does Libraria LOOK like?
Libraria itself is a city, a huge one. With many different eras of construction that really shouldn't be together. From futuristic skyscrapers and flying cars to midieval homes and castles. Each part of the city is created when a new gate is open, as each story is categorized. The higher level the story is depends on how much space it creates in the city for it.

Major stories(Commonly known books)(A whole district for the story)
Average stories, Most common(Comic Books and any normal book)(A large building/patch of land.
Minor stories(small fairy tales and short stories)(Only a gate in an area matching up with their era of time.)

Now that I got all the basics down, let's get to characters.

The character you create must be an Original Character starring in it's own story, the story could only be a minor to average story but please be detailed on it.
You must detail about your character's...
Name, Sex, Personality, Physical Appearance, backstory and if it is an average or minor story.

Everything else you add to your character is optional, however any powers or skills given to your character CANNOT be overpowered, and I will judge whether or not it's okay to have any abilities or skills. You are allowed to have powers or special skills, but they will be questioned.
As far as stories go, your character's story will be a relatively new one and your character will enter Libraria from his/her's story gate with no prior knowledge of the world.
Here is a template if you need it.

General Information



Physical Features:


General Traits:


Childhood Summary:
Adulthood Summary:
Romantic Relationship:

Additional Info:

Now, how the roleplay will work is in a TURN ORDER, each person posting in a specific order to ensure everyone can go. You are allowed to go do your own thing with other players, but when you see this color, make sure to pay attention, as this is important.
I myself will be the GM, making sure everything runs smoothly and any big roleplays or NPC characters are done by me. There is a story line throughout this rp that you will be able to help create.

So, who wants to come to Libraria?

-Timothy, thepanzieman. Minor story.
General Information

Name: TImmothy (tim) Anderson
Race: Human
Age: 31
Career: Janitor, adviser, knight.
Residence: Carries a campset in his overstuffed backpack, no longer has a home.


Physical Features: Dull brown hair and unimposing features. Sometimes wears his normal uniform, generally wears the suit of half-plate given to him by a king. The uniform is a dull brown jumpsuit with a lot of wear, the armor is a dull silver and well maintained with fine chain mail, a grey gambeson (sometimes worn as regular clothes), and a symbol of a raven on a blue field and a green tree is displayed on the accouterments.
Height: 6,0
Weight: 200, in armor 240

Personality: Dull and sarcastic, but cares for people.

General Traits: Due to his being thrown around time, Tim has learned to adapt to many different situations.
Strengths: Is very, very flexible when dealing with situations, Trained by a master court swordsman in the shield and broadsword(arming sword), mace, spear, and halberd. Can speak English, french, latin, and limited greek. Proficient with modern firearms, technology. Proficient with ancient engineering. has some devices considered "magical".
Weaknesses: No inherent powers, Doesn't understand why he is sent through time or how. Easily led. Doesn't have exhaustive knowledge in any engineering or electronics skills. Can use guns, but does not own any. Has never traveled forward in time.
Quirks: Often laments being unable to control where he can go in time.
Desires: Would like to actually have saved the kingdom and people he helped, wants to visit the expansion age, Beef jerky.


Childhood Summary: Tim had a fairly normal childhood, doing well in early school, but slacking off in the later years. He had some interest in sports, but it never went further than school teams. Ultimately did not go to college.
Adulthood Summary: Having slacked off in school, Tim could only manage to get a job as a janitor in a large company. When cleaning the CEO's office, discovered a magic device and opened a portal. Device fused with his hand and seems to throw him around time to places in need. First adventure was staying alive during the stone age, but most important historical visit was to an aquitanian kingdom during the early middle ages. His knowledge of modern tech allowed him to become the advisor to the king. He was knighted and trained in as many fields as he could get into, but was eventually moved out. He later found out that kingdom fell shortly after.
Family: Has an extensive Family from original time frame of the late nineties.
Friends: many throughout sections of history.
Romantic Relationship: none currently.
-Hubris, Korra. Average story.
General Information

Name: Hubris
Race: Human
Age: 29
Career: Gun-for-Hire
Residence: Blood Fields


Physical Features: Wears worn steel plate armor, has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, fair skin color. The armor is covered in dried blood. The worn armor is magically laced together by the forces of the chaotic deity that blesses Hubris with the murderous powers of hate. The helmet is horned, gold trims on each side of the shoulder pieces, and red (maybe blood) colored breastplate, and the rest of the armor is colored dark grey.
Weight: 180 lbs (no armor), 220 lbs (with armor)


General Traits: Having been tainted by the mark of the God of Blood, Hubris seeks destruction and battle constantly. While not dumb enough to murder everyone this blood knight encounters, the job as a mercenary keeps the rage dormant.
Strengths: Unrelenting will, Bloodthirsty, Loyal
Weaknesses: Emotionally scarred, Fearful of Failure, Tactically inept prefers to charge at the enemy head on.
Quirks: Likes to play with her hair.
Desires: To read books.


Childhood Summary: Before the name of Hubris was befallen onto her, Hubris was the daughter of a farmer in the Fertile Fields. Life was simple with little to no events happening that interrupted the kid that would grow up to be a killer. That is, until the king of a nearby kingdom sent out the fearsome Deathknights to flatten the Fertile Fields and occupy it so he could invade a neighboring kingdom. The little girl hid below the floor boards of her home as her family was butchered by the Deathknights. The blood of her parents bathe her as it dripped in between the wooden floor.

Adulthood Summary: She was rescued by a traveling band of Legionaries, the commander of the group, Knight-Captain Sephalus took her under his wing and took the young farmer girl to his Tower-Monastery where she learned the arts of battle so she could defend herself. Now grown up, the woman took part of several raids of supposedly enemy villages, the Knight-Captain, now much older, noticed how the young woman smiled as her sword slashed several defenseless villagers. In her room, they young woman began to get messages from a deity, the patron god of all killers, and asked her if she wanted to have her vengeance. She accepted. And received the mark of Blood, but one condition was given. The only way to control the crazed rage that came with the mark, she needed to kill. The Tower-Monastery burned that night. The Blood Fields were born. Survivors called her their...Hubris.

Family: None.

Friends: None.

Romantic Relationship: None.

Additional Info: The Blood Fields sits within a valley, the ruins of a former Legionary tower decorate the valley, along with crucified trespasser that sought the head of the only resident of the sanctuary of death.

The Flood / Re: LC chabge your name.
« on: December 07, 2015, 12:05:48 AM »
Locked requesting

The Flood / Re: If I were to set up a roleplaying thread.
« on: December 06, 2015, 04:51:41 PM »
Fuck forgot about this..

The Flood / Re: Post YOUR wallpaper and other rate.
« on: December 06, 2015, 02:35:24 PM »

*expecting the hate*

The Flood / Re: What color would you say this is
« on: December 06, 2015, 02:24:53 PM »
Oh my lord get this bullshit out of here.

IT'S BLACK AND BLUE, if you see White and Gold you are seeing an illusion.

The Flood / Re: If I were to set up a roleplaying thread.
« on: December 06, 2015, 09:35:07 AM »
Eeeh fuck it, i'll try it out and see what happens. I have to go do some stuff first, probably will have something setup by 1 pm EST.

In the meantime, give me ideas on the world and scenario.

Gaming / Re: So even Marty has turned his back on Xbox...
« on: December 06, 2015, 09:29:55 AM »
Umm, I don't believe MS has any kind of VR for the xbox. Which is fine because VR is a gimick.

So was the motion control for Wii, but look what happened there.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 06, 2015, 08:49:34 AM »

For someone like Pip, who isn't as much into the Fallout series (At least, that's the impression I got from OP), Fallout 4 is an excellent introduction to the series. It gets you into the general style of a Fallout game, and (from the combat perspective) is an easy transition from other shooters, and it means the subpar shooting mechanics of 3 and Vegas would be an easier transition.

It's not that Vegas or 3 were bad in my eyes, but the art style drew me away.

I more meant that you hadn't played much of them >.>

What do you mean by the art style? Do you mean the 50's retro-future look or the less-than-amazing textures or something else? It's never  complaint I've heard about Fallout before.

The fact that it's always cloudy and gloomy, there is little to no reason for it to be always cloudy. Weather should still be happening. So sunlight should appear!

That's my main issue, the other is the VATS system in 3 and New Vegas.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 06, 2015, 08:33:37 AM »

For someone like Pip, who isn't as much into the Fallout series (At least, that's the impression I got from OP), Fallout 4 is an excellent introduction to the series. It gets you into the general style of a Fallout game, and (from the combat perspective) is an easy transition from other shooters, and it means the subpar shooting mechanics of 3 and Vegas would be an easier transition.

It's not that Vegas or 3 were bad in my eyes, but the art style drew me away.

Gaming / Re: So even Marty has turned his back on Xbox...
« on: December 06, 2015, 01:59:17 AM »
A: Already a thread for this

B: If it's VR, they can't do anything on xbox because the hardware isn't ready, only kinect could possibly do it(horribly).
PS4 already has VR support ready to go and who knows what else. If i'm being honest, if I had to work with either Xbox or Playstation i'd pick Playstation.

Gaming / Re: Golem - Highwire Games (Marty O'Donnel)
« on: December 06, 2015, 01:44:27 AM »
You guys would have known for months that Highwire was trying for VR if you checked their site.

It being PS4 exclusive sucks though, but makes sense due to hardware.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:17:50 PM »
Damnit, debates ended up happening.
front page has more than enough info to answer your OP

Mostly negative stuff sadly, kinda wished for more positive outlooks with genuine discussion on what some of the best parts in Fallout would be.

But this is Sep7.
well you asked for what to expect. im not going to sugarcoat the game's shortcomings. even for all its flaws its still a perfectly serviceable game that you'll get plenty of mileage out of.

I forget sarcasm doesn't translate well..

The Flood / Re: 16 Year Old Male Looking For First Sub Experience
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:16:31 PM »
Why don't you take a seat over there?

The Flood / Re: If I were to set up a roleplaying thread.
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:14:22 PM »
But only 3-4 people is...decent. However some of you may ditch later on and bring it down to 2. So unless more people are interested i'm not going to.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:12:20 PM »
Isometric gameplay is boring, that's why
A lot of old school peeps would disagree. Pillars of Eternity got nothing but rave reviews (funnily enough, that was from Obsidian too. Their first like... unrushed game in forever) and it was Isometric.

Holy fuck I just remembered Pillars of Eternity.

I want that game.

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