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Messages - Pippen

Pages: 1 ... 111112113 114115 ... 219

I tried to make mine pretty balanced.

Everyone else is OP as FACK.

>Damage Control

Plus, text doesn't translate well.

*Sits patiently to see finished product of mah card*

Gaming / Re: The req system RNG is officialy a nightmare from hell
« on: January 29, 2016, 02:08:01 PM »
Did you get Gjallarhorn yet?

The Flood / Re: Alternate Realities: Story Thread
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:48:43 AM »
If anyone actually checks this thread, and i'm not just posting them myself, would you want me to post each chapter seperately. As more of an episodic style, or all at once?

Yep, i'm talking to myself.

The Flood / Re: Captain Stardust: A sci fi story in progress
« on: January 28, 2016, 08:48:04 PM »
Do you make these in a couple hours or do you have a bunch stashed up?

I had it all stashed up. I'll start updating it if people are into it.

I'll try reading it up tommorow, if I don't keep writing chapter one of Alternate Realities.

The Flood / Re: Captain Stardust: A sci fi story in progress
« on: January 28, 2016, 08:41:46 PM »
Do you make these in a couple hours or do you have a bunch stashed up?

The Flood / God damnit Vien
« on: January 28, 2016, 08:00:32 PM »
I don't like licorice.

The Flood / Re: Alternate Realities: Story Thread
« on: January 28, 2016, 07:51:07 PM »
And all done with writing for today. Hopefully i'll have the first chapter done soon and continue working on this story.

Actually, let me remake mine.

ARG: 35
RT: 35

Ability: Whenever this user is in play, all enemy cards lose 5 RT per turn, and every American user on your side gains 5 RT per turn.

"Say whatever the heck you want idk."

The Flood / Re: Alternate Realities: Story Thread
« on: January 28, 2016, 06:46:11 PM »
I only got about half of the first chapter's been 6 hours.


The Flood / Re: Alternate Realities: Story Thread
« on: January 28, 2016, 05:47:37 PM »
By the way, so far I only have one suggested character from Vivi

Crius the Hornless. He will appear sooner or later in the story. And any characters I approve of will too.

Just a suggestion, so that you can have a better chance against mods/admins.

Make it so that if the Rage Threshhold is too low, they have an "outburst" and mods are allowed to ban the user. Admins still will be able to ban anyone though.

"When on the field, all enemy users lose 5 RT, and continue to due so once every turn."

"I'm not an airhead!...okay maybe a little bit."

The Flood / Re: Alternate Realities: Story Thread
« on: January 28, 2016, 04:27:19 PM »

The Flood / Re: Alternate Realities: Story Thread
« on: January 28, 2016, 04:00:19 PM »
I'll read yours if you read mine


But i'm writing atm >.>

Gaming / Re: GwG February
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:52:21 PM »
Oooh I wanted to try hands of fate

The Flood / Re: Alternate Realities: Story Thread
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:48:30 PM »

Gaming / Re: The Division Beta OFFICIAL THREAD.
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:38:09 PM »
Is it the open beta or the one that spety got us to sign up for from the wrong country?
XB1 codes arent region locked, but from what i see online i think PS4s are.

good, hopefully it works then >_>
are you downloading it now? its out for Xboners
i probably should

trouble is I'm gonna be so bloody busy until the 3rd that I doubt there is much point in me downloading it

yeah im not going to play the full weekend either. which sucks, but im committed to the plans already.

Just so you both know.

There is only two short main missions to do, then a bunch of side stuff and the Dark Zone PVP area.

I've been doing all of that and am almost at level cap already...

sounds quite bitesized then

are they doing a meatier beta later on?

also what was the DL size?

I don't know about any new beta with more content. Dark Zone is fun as hell though.
tbh, most of my time will be spent in DZ being a giant asshole.

I was surprised how many people were friendly in DZ, we had five guys working together at an Extraction Point as 3-4 rogues came to attack.

Awesome fight that we won.

The Flood / Alternate Realities: Story Thread
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:36:12 PM »
Alternate Realities

Yes! I'm finally starting to write this bitch, I got the main plot down, some characters made and a small Prologue/Teaser created for you guys to see what kind of story i'm creating.

However, let it be known. I AM NOT A GREAT WRITER. I will try my best in this story but don't expect perfection. However if something does sound wrong in anything I post feel free to point it out so I can fix it.

I also want you guys to give me ideas on what to do, maybe you want a certain type of character, or some sorta location. Feel free to post what you would want to see.
However if you do suggest something I prefer character ideas or locations.

Anyways, i'll be answering questions and posting info on this thread, for now, here is the Teaser/Prologue for Alternate Realities!


    Wake up, take a shower, brush my teeth and eat breakfast. These are the first things I do during the day, a boring day just like the rest of them. After that I would find some nice clothes to wear during classes, then talk to my roommate until classes start. Nothing changes in College, the same routine every morning, the same classes teaching me what I need to know for the "future" as if going to a College like this one was really note worthy for businesses.
    My roommate, Cody would say our see ya laters then walk off to his classes. Then I go off to learn more in computer science. I didn't mind learning more about computers and what goes into them, or what I can do with them. However I always had the same teacher, who had to scream our ears off to teach and made sure to make everything more difficult than it needed to be. His lectures lasting longer than they need to and the work afterwards taking a week to finish. To say I didn't like the guy would be an understatement.
    The rest of the day would move along normally. With the couple of odd occurrences that are never truly interesting, and end just as fast as they begin. By the end of the day I finish all the work I can and get ready to sleep. However Cody always seemed to appear then, and always had to say, "you putting that thing on again?" Which I would always say, "yep".
     After that he would go out to party with some Fraternity like usual, it makes you wonder if he ever sleeps. However I never cared enough about him enough to take too long thinking on it. So like usual I got ready to sleep.
     Going into my closet, I would grab a small white box and bring it out, taking the lid off showing large amounts of foam padding and bubble wrap. After moving all of the covering to the side showed a headpiece, large enough to cover the entire top of my head. On the side of the headpiece had a tag on it, "VR Life" it read. This high tech headset was a virtual reality headset, capable of much more than previous creations for virtual reality. The previous VR pieces ended up becoming old fast, and the advancement of the technology was trumped by the creators of VR Life, Alternate Reality studios. Only 15 VR Life headsets were made, and I have had one of them for almost six years now.
     Turning it on is as simple as turning on a gaming console, just push a button and it is on. Once it's on I place it on my head, using the straps to hold it in place and lay in bed. As soon as I do this I already start to get drowsy, and not moments later my eyes closed for the night. A shift in the headpiece bringing down a metal screen covering my face, and I am out.
    Now, I wake up in a different place. Stone covering the walls and roof and a wooden floor covering the ground. The bed i'm in made of solid wood and covered in sheepskin blankets, sitting up and stretching. Small birds singing a tune outside as I stand. Walking to a small desk covered in clothing.
    I put on my underclothes, a wool shirt and pants. Then over that I grabbed my chainmail, covering my underclothing in ringed armor. Above that was my uniform, a green cloak cut shorter than most, coming closer to the abdomen. Black pants covering my legs with padded leather. Finally I put on my chest strap, commonly known as a Sam Browne belt back in the normal world. The strap holding the insignia of what I am. A dragon with it's wings spread high.
   Nomanis, a medieval land, was the VR Life for me. Where magic was strong and the people a little different. Where swords clashed and arrows flew high. The best part though..
    As soon as I finished dressing, a roar could be heard just outside. Making me put on my boots rather quickly and grab a sword inside a leather sheathe then hurry outside. Where you could see that my house was just disconnected from a large manor, with the servants moving out of the way of a special something in the sky...
    A huge, red, winged beast dived down to land in an open patch of grass. The human servants fleeing out of the way of the creature as it stared straight at me, it's face somehow smiling. I already was smiling myself.
    In my mind, I heard a deep growling voice, only asking one thing, "Ready to go, Gared?"

"Yes, yes I am."

Gaming / Re: The Division Beta OFFICIAL THREAD.
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:12:30 PM »
Saw some gameplay of The Division and it just looks boring and uninteresting. I'm tired of seeing open-world games in New York already.

But I dunno, a few friends of mine want to get it so maybe I will pick it up. At least I'll get some enjoyment while playing with friends.

It's pretty much a "I got an hour or two, why not pass the time" type of game.

Gaming / Re: The Division Beta OFFICIAL THREAD.
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:07:57 PM »
Is it the open beta or the one that spety got us to sign up for from the wrong country?
XB1 codes arent region locked, but from what i see online i think PS4s are.

good, hopefully it works then >_>
are you downloading it now? its out for Xboners
i probably should

trouble is I'm gonna be so bloody busy until the 3rd that I doubt there is much point in me downloading it

yeah im not going to play the full weekend either. which sucks, but im committed to the plans already.

Just so you both know.

There is only two short main missions to do, then a bunch of side stuff and the Dark Zone PVP area.

I've been doing all of that and am almost at level cap already...

sounds quite bitesized then

are they doing a meatier beta later on?

also what was the DL size?

I don't know about any new beta with more content. Dark Zone is fun as hell though.

Gaming / Re: The Division Beta OFFICIAL THREAD.
« on: January 28, 2016, 02:38:50 PM »
Is it the open beta or the one that spety got us to sign up for from the wrong country?
XB1 codes arent region locked, but from what i see online i think PS4s are.

good, hopefully it works then >_>
are you downloading it now? its out for Xboners
i probably should

trouble is I'm gonna be so bloody busy until the 3rd that I doubt there is much point in me downloading it

yeah im not going to play the full weekend either. which sucks, but im committed to the plans already.

Just so you both know.

There is only two short main missions to do, then a bunch of side stuff and the Dark Zone PVP area.

I've been doing all of that and am almost at level cap already...

The Flood / Re: I'm designing a Sep7agon card game
« on: January 28, 2016, 02:16:32 PM »


Why does my card in the set still say Pipsqueak?

Gaming / Re: The Division Beta OFFICIAL THREAD.
« on: January 28, 2016, 01:43:17 PM »

Gaming / Re: The Division Beta OFFICIAL THREAD.
« on: January 28, 2016, 01:17:33 PM »
Is it the open beta or the one that spety got us to sign up for from the wrong country?
It's closed, you should've gotten a key in your email if you are signed up with a code.

Gaming / Re: The Division Beta OFFICIAL THREAD.
« on: January 28, 2016, 12:51:40 PM »
Just got my PS4 code

I've been playing it for awhile. Definitely not outstanding and a lot of walking but with a group of friends I can see this being good.
Well I have it on Xbox too
I may run around in the Dark Zone for a bit if you  wanna,

Gaming / Re: The Division Beta OFFICIAL THREAD.
« on: January 28, 2016, 12:08:38 PM »
Just got my PS4 code

I've been playing it for awhile. Definitely not outstanding and a lot of walking but with a group of friends I can see this being good.

The Flood / Re: I'm designing a Sep7agon card game
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:55:03 AM »
Oh wow 6000 posts

In 17 pages?

Holy shit.


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