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Messages - Pippen

Pages: 1 ... 848586 8788 ... 219
Gaming / Battleborn is actually...pretty fun.
« on: April 17, 2016, 01:32:59 PM »
Sure it's just a beta. However i'm having a blast playing through the available story missions and maps.

Very interesting mechanics, kinda like a wierd version of a MOBA.

I'm gonna be playing it for the day or two on xbone if ya need me.

The Flood / Re: Required drugs to make a successful kids show
« on: April 17, 2016, 10:02:03 AM »
Probably a mix of LSD and cocaine.

Weed makes the new shit shows.

Gaming / Re: Holy shit Gravelord Nito is difficult
« on: April 17, 2016, 09:47:35 AM »
Literally simple once you dodge his ground swords.

The Flood / Re: Most kawaii member
« on: April 16, 2016, 07:33:29 PM »
You didn't spell Pip correctly.

Gaming / Re: Recommend me a $20 steam game
« on: April 16, 2016, 12:23:19 PM »
Hey! I got $20 too!

Someone find us some games.

Gaming / Re: A Stroll in the Dark (Currently at; Part 1)
« on: April 16, 2016, 10:56:14 AM »
Didn't expect you to sound like that. Huh.
Don't judge me senpai :c

(Is it like....a good or a know, for science?)

I expected a more uptight voice...or i'm thinking of BC.

Probably thinking of BC.

Anyways, your mouse was in the top right.

Gaming / Re: A Stroll in the Dark (Currently at; Part 1)
« on: April 16, 2016, 10:51:02 AM »
Didn't expect you to sound like that. Huh.

because the game is about dead at this point.

Fucking LOL
Well my last journey through....which was about......2 years ago? Wasn't exactly populated, that was on PS3, is there a larger community on the PC and or 360 still? I assumed by that time they all left for DS2, and following suite here for DS3.

Backwards Compatibility helped bring it back up, I still got 3-4 summon signs average at each main bonfire. And invaded every once and awhile on the One.
Oh that right, on the do they play on the same server as 360 users?

Yep, you're just playing 360 through the One(on specific games.)

because the game is about dead at this point.

Fucking LOL
Well my last journey through....which was about......2 years ago? Wasn't exactly populated, that was on PS3, is there a larger community on the PC and or 360 still? I assumed by that time they all left for DS2, and following suite here for DS3.

Backwards Compatibility helped bring it back up, I still got 3-4 summon signs average at each main bonfire. And invaded every once and awhile on the One.

because the game is about dead at this point.

Fucking LOL

The Flood / Re: What's your internet speed
« on: April 16, 2016, 09:15:22 AM »

Well it ain't THAT bad considering aussie.

The Flood / Re: What's your internet speed
« on: April 16, 2016, 08:54:48 AM »

God damn Fedorekd I'm jealous

Gaming / Re: Ratchet and Clank
« on: April 16, 2016, 08:41:46 AM »
It seems good, I would get it but Xbone.

Gaming / Re: Pip Reviews: Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin.
« on: April 15, 2016, 10:44:42 PM »
I'll add this.

You should proofread a little bit before posting these.

I literally made this on a whim.

I am no professional reviewer.

Gaming / Re: Pip Reviews: Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin.
« on: April 15, 2016, 10:24:14 PM »
Heide's Tower of Flame's enemy placement is BS. Such artificial difficulty.

However I will say that because of the heide knights it's ridiculous to get through the first bonfire because there is 2 heide knights and one big guy. Definitely a pain to newcomers.
The Dragon is cool though.

The Flood / Re: Has anyone ever tried to cut their own hair?
« on: April 15, 2016, 10:01:52 PM »
When I was 7.

Guess how that went.

Gaming / Re: Pip Reviews: Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin.
« on: April 15, 2016, 09:59:30 PM »
Heide's Tower of Flame's enemy placement is BS. Such artificial difficulty.

Probably the easiest area IMO. Even with Heide Knights now. Probably because I had great crowd control doing ultra greatswords.

Gaming / Pip Reviews: Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin.
« on: April 15, 2016, 09:45:14 PM »
Heeeeeello all! I'm back! And this time I am going through one of my favorite game series of all time.

Dark Souls...

Anyways, this grim and challenging RPG has kept ahold of me for years, and as I have completed Dark Souls multiple times and have completed Dark Souls 2 Vanilla once, I thought why the heck not?

Well, Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin changes itself from vanilla Dark Souls 2 a LOT, to the point where I liked it much more than vanilla(my score for vanilla would be a 7/10.)

Now, what changes are made?
-Small graphical improvements(equipment mostly affected.)
-Item locations changed to better fit the world(DLC keys now scattered throughout the world.)
-60 fps(mainly for PC users.)
-1 new boss and NPC.
-Enemy placements almost completely redone, to the point where it felt like a whole new experience for me.
-DLC accesible without extra purchase.

Now, I love ALL of these changes, because they improve from the vanilla by a huge amount.
However, I do have to work go ahead and talk about everything, so I shall.

Now, I won't be discussing the story exactly, because you won't have a clue what's happening in your first playthrough. However once you become seasoned and know what to do in Souls games, you'll begin to understand piece by piece the whole entire story.
Begin to check item descriptions, pay close attention to dialogue and the world, and finally think. The more time you put into it, the more rewarding it is.
However, to ruin the experience of learning it would really suck. So I am going to refrain from speaking about the story here, as text truly does not do it well. I would give the hidden story an A.

Gameplay: is the big one...

As everyone knows, Dark Souls 2 is HARD. A challenge that promises you will die. And it pulls through everytime. Even the best players in the game will slip up at some point. However the whole point is to work your way forward, trying your hardest to take down the enemies that scatter the world. Working to the next bonfire or the next boss. You will find yourself holding your head time and time again in your first playthrough, however that feeling when you see the next bonfire or see that "You Defeated" pop on screen is so friggin good.

The gameplay in dark souls 2 is...very good. I love a bunch of it however there is things I have to address.

I'll get through the negative first...

Level design sucks...a lot.

The first area you go to, The Forest of Fallen Giants, makes sense, but how they attack is just...dumb.
However, level design is MUCH better in the enemies, in vanilla there would be an area in the forest that would completely gank you with axes, broken swords and firebombs, with it being frustrating only. SOTFS is much smarter that now in that area all the enemies are fake dead, and only if you run straight through will they gank you. However if you be careful you can take them out one by one. That is much better.

However, one thing that Dark Souls did well was connection, everything felt like it should be connected, and connected well.
Dark Souls 2 doesn't.

Here is a great example, you go to a place called Harvest Valley, a poisonous swamp that you work your way through. Then after you get through that area you get to [insert windmill area here, can't remember the name]. You work your way through there go up an elevator to...

((By the way, fuck.the.smelter.demon.))
Yeah....the fuck?

Then another is Heide's Tower of Flame, sunk into the water and as far as the eye can see. Then you work your way down INTO the water and somehow you end up here.


Probably my least favorite thing is the level design.

HOWEVER, weaponry in Dark Souls 2 is great, with so much variety in magic, ultra weaponry and small sneaky weapons thatfacestabyoueveryfuckingtime.
Probably my favorite enemies are invaders, since you are almost always equal in capabilities and pure skill to win. That is more satisfying than even a boss fight to me.

Plus, the pure exploration of the game is so good. Even with the poor design just exploring can be...dangerous but rewarding if you're lucky. I enjoy checking every crevice even if it means death.

However, multiplayer was a mixed bag as well.

The biggest problem with multiplayer is something called Soul Memory, which is a new addition in Dark Souls 2 and a bad one.
A problem in DS1 was something called "Twinking" which is when a player runs through the game, without leveling up, working towards an end game weapon at early game. Which then they would invade and kill early game players just because they could one hit K/O them.
So Soul Memory was the fix in DS2, which would keep track of ALL souls you have collected, even ones you lost, and match you with players with similar soul memory. So if I had 100000 soul memory I would only match with people who were around 100000 soul memory....this became a problem for anyone who would try to continually assist players in cooperation for sunlight medals or for anyone trying to duel in pvp. The only way to control how much you can get is to take away a ring space for one that will stop soul memory.
I'm so glad DS3 changed this, it's a pain in the ASS to work with the soul memory, I was in The Iron Keep and fuck the Smelter Demon my melee build kept getting wrecked and because I kept collecting souls I would lose any chance to bring in help as I get past the average soul memory for the area. Without actually having those souls because I died. It indirectly punishes you.

I could go on and on, but one thing I like to do is keep discussion open, so i'm going to stop here and if you want me to add anything I will in another post. This is already quite long.

Anyways, I find that when you take the time to endure through the challenge and rage and take the time to learn the story it is a great game. However level design, limitations in multiplayer and other small things I haven't named hinder it from being as great as the original.

However, Scholar of the First Sin makes the changes that are more than capable of making this better than the 7/10 I would give vanilla. ESPECIALLY since the DLC areas that you can go to are SUPERB.

So in the end, I give Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin an....


Go ahead and discuss below what you think. I would have made this DS3 but I don't have it yet. I enjoyed SOTFS and will recommend it to any dark souls fan.

Gaming / Re: DOOM Thread: Open Beta on the 15th
« on: April 15, 2016, 11:48:16 AM »
Why not

PC is a fucking ToasTer, and i'm currenTly addicTed to Dark Souls and don'T wanT To sTop ;-;

Gaming / Re: DOOM Thread: Open Beta on the 15th
« on: April 15, 2016, 10:16:34 AM »

The Flood / Re: ITT make gimmicks only you can use in your posTs.
« on: April 15, 2016, 10:15:31 AM »
Do you really want that?

*sips tea*


The Flood / Re: ITT make gimmicks only you can use in your posTs.
« on: April 15, 2016, 08:57:23 AM »
Okay, now ThaT you guys goT your gimmicks..

I challenge you To use The gimmicks you picked for the nexT 24 hours in every posT you make.

The Flood / Re: ITT make gimmicks only you can use in your posTs.
« on: April 15, 2016, 12:01:47 AM »
None of you guys are creaTive in any way.

The Flood / Re: ITT make gimmicks only you can use in your posTs.
« on: April 14, 2016, 11:13:44 PM »
Come on FruiT you can geT a new one!

The Flood / ITT make gimmicks only you can use in your posTs.
« on: April 14, 2016, 10:55:00 PM »
From now on, all T's in my senTences will be capiTalized.

Every single god damn one of Them.

Now figure ouT one for your own you gimmick lover.

I want a game playing as Ornstein in his glory days kicking all sorts of dragon ass.

Eh, I would rather have a new kingdom in the story. Just so I can experience it's lore anew.

If you have had any experience with the story of Dark Souls one or two, then you'll understand what i'm talking about. If not take some time to look it up or watch a VaatiVidya video. Great stuff.

Anyways, gonna put spoilers for a very hard to find story that is pretty cool to discover(if you can on your own). If you want to do that then don't read this, i'm about to spoil shit AND sound nerdy as hell.

Anyways, before any Souls game took place, there are was the age of dragons, where no Light, Dark, or anything but grey, huge trees and overpowered dragons stand.
However, deep below the surface, the first fire ignited, and 3 powerful figures took 3 souls found in the flame.

The Witches of Izalith.
Gravelord Nito.
And Lord Gwynn.

However, there was also a FOURTH soul found, a different one. That a small husk took for himself to create man. The Dark Soul.

The three were able to take down the dragons and bring light to the surface, beginning the Age of Light with Lord Gwynn as it's ruler.
To not make this thread way too friggin long, a bunch of other stuff happened, and finally we get to Dark Souls. I SERIOUSLY want you guys to check out the lore yourself if you like Dank Salt.
Anyways, at the end of the game you wither rekindle the first flame or let it die, beginning the age of dark or rekindling the age of light.

Either way, Dark Souls 2 happens and it happens all over again. A golden age, bad mistakes, the inevitable, back to depressing.

However one thing is certain with this constant loop, there is a golden age, and throughout Dark Souls you see the remnants of that age.

So, I wonder, could a Dark Souls game be made IN this golden age?
It would be extremely different, but imagine seeing what it was like when things were could still be extremely difficult.

Imagine this, you are a random character in this golden age, and you become one of the first to return to the undead curse. Which marks the beginning of the decline, since you are not hollow, you can still fight, however with everyone else against you and the horrors of the world returning, can you fight back to prevent the inevitable?
It would have this very depressing atmosphere like most souls games, where you know what will come, but you will do everything to fight it...or help it. Who knows, I thought it was interesting.


Gaming / Re: So I wanna playthrough all the Dark Souls games now.
« on: April 14, 2016, 11:05:35 AM »

I just thought of this

Fist/small weapons only. And a chime, staff or parrying dagger in the other.

Okay, so I'm defs going agile glass cannon, none of that slow giant dad meta. Lets make this interesting. You guys want me to include any magic?
No magic, no shield.

Parrying dagger only

The Flood / Re: Your Top 5 Favorite Pokemon
« on: April 14, 2016, 10:48:38 AM »
I didn't grow up on gen 1. Gen 3 all the way bby.

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