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Messages - Pippen

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Gaming / Re: SHIT WENT DOWN(Mass Effect Playthrough Thread)
« on: July 03, 2016, 03:26:05 PM »
inb4 TL;DR

The Flood / Re: um... hi everyone
« on: July 03, 2016, 03:10:45 PM »
Will you participate in Furry July?
What's furry July?

An old holiday where we are furfags for a month.
You just have a furry profile image.
  Ehhh I don't want to offend you but I have little to no knowledge about furries. I noticed only about 6 of you have some sort of anime picture.  It's my 1st day I don't want to anger or offend anyone yet.

Find me a picture of a electrical furry or something really none furry but is and I might consider it

I'm not a furry. But really the only person you'll piss off is Verbatim. But everybody pisses him off.

Gaming / Re: SHIT WENT DOWN(Mass Effect Playthrough Thread)
« on: July 03, 2016, 03:09:47 PM »
Mission Update: The Matriarch on Noveria.

My next mission after dealing with Chorban and Jahleed was a big one. There was possible sightings of Geth on the planet of Noveria. A frigid world where powerful corporations go to avoid The Council's laws. Basically a hub of powerful men and women avoiding the law. Oh how happy they are going to be to see a Spectre.
So, we flew in, allowed to land in port and as soon as my team(Garrus, Liara) left the Normandy we were greeted by three guards. All with weapons out asking for identification.
I asked for they're names first, which was responded to by a snarky response to one of the female guards. A true bitch that one. Then the leader responded, explaining that her name is Captain Maeko Matsuo and the bitch was Sargeant Kaira Stirling. After introducing myself as a Council Spectre Miss Bitch replied with suspicion. Then the Captain asked for us to give our weapons to them, even having Kaira move in to grab them from us. Which we responded by pulling our weapons out and having a little standoff.
Before any triggers were pulled however, over a speaker we heard a woman respond and confirm that I am a Spectre and am allowed to carry weapons. Captain had her group stand down and let us through straight after.

After entering the building, an alarm goes off and the woman who confirmed my identity appeared. Explaining that the alarm was a weapon detector.
She introduced herself as Gianna Parasini. Who explained that we landed in the small port of the Noveria Development Corportation. A company that leases off labs and other workspaces on the normally uninhabitable planet. Basically they help people avoid the law. I honestly didn't care though, so I got straight to the point and asked Parasini if she saw any strange activity in the port at all. Right away she gave me exactly what I needed, Matriarch Benezia passed through the port, carrying heavy crates that passed inspection and had a group of Asari Commandos with her.
For anyone who doesn't know, Matriarch Benezia was confirmed to be working with Saren, a former Spectre working to resurrect the Reapers and find the "Conduit". Also Benezia is Liara's mother, which she goes ahead and explains that she is worried to meet her mother here. The little info I got from Liara on Benezia was that she was a bad parent. So she'll be trustworthy either way. There was ONE problem though, and that was that to get to where Benezia went, the Binary Helix lab called Peak 15. I had to get a pass from Administrator Anoleis, no exceptions. She gave me directions and I went to go find him.
Apparently word travels faster than an elevator in this game, as by the time I was finished going up one I entered a room full of business men and women, all trying their best to avoid me at all costs. Probably because they are doing some shady shit. However I honestly didn't care and moved straight to Anoleis.
Also, somehow Gianna Parasini can move to the assistant desk of Administrator Anoleis' office before I got up an elevator. When I got there she greeted me and helped give me access to Anoleis's office. As soon as I greeted to Anoleis he already wanted to be done with me.
A salarian, not even standing up. Said straight up that he will only help with what he has to, and other than that he would not help me. So when I requested access to Peak 15 he denied and I could not do anything. Asshole.
Nothing I could do though, so I left. In which Parasini greeted me once more. This time she didn't have the formal corporate voice, she was more than willing to help get me out of this Port Hanshan and to Peak 15. So she sent me in the direction of a Turian by the name of Lorik Qui'in. In the Hotel lounge. Other than that no details were given other than that he can help me get to the garage.
So I went to the lounge and met with Lorik Qui'in, a manager of Synthetic Insights on Noveria. Who was recently kicked out of his own offices and explains how Synthetic Insight's offices are being ransacked right now. He also tells me how Anoleis, the leading member on the Port. Was corrupt, disrupting the companies on Noveria for personal gain. Also how some of the security force on Port Hanshan was being bribed under Captain Maeko's nose to do his dirty work. All the evidence of this was on Lorik's computer. All he needed was help getting that information.
I agreed to get that evidence and clear his offices, in return for a garage pass. He agreed and made sure to point out not to get his carpet bloody.
Heading up to the Synthetic Insight's offices, I was right away greeted by a security force, saying how Lorik was "under investigation" for breaking NDC rules, I convinced them to move out of the way. But the rest of the corrupt security force there didn't feel like moving. So I shot em all up and got to Lorik's office. Easy enough. Got the evidence, and least we got close to leaving.
Remember Sargeant Bitch? Well apparently she was corrupt as well, and with a small group of thugs behind her she wanted to get rid of us. That did not work out so well and now the cleanup crew has more to clean up. NOW I left. The first thing I saw when I left the offices was a particular woman who gave us the lead in the first place. Asking what the "commotion" was about upstairs. Right after that she explains to meet her for a drink at the lounge before meeting Lorik.
As soon as I met her Parasini's attitude completely changed, turning from a formal corporate girl to a blunt tomboy. I liked it. Now that we were in a spot where we could talk she told me how she was undercover for 6 months for Noveria Internal Affairs. Investigating Anoleis' corruption. We just got her the evidence she needed, but she needed one more thing. For Lorik to testify against Anoleis in front of the NDC board. Me being a Paragon at this point was all for it. As soon as I met Lorik I got him to change his mind on blackmailing him and instead testify.
As soon as I come back to Parasini, she has the salarian in handcuffs giving him his rights. Thanking me for the help and giving me the garage pass I needed. So I headed on out.
Remember those heavy crates that Benezia was carrying around with her Commandos? Apparently all those crates were stuffed with Geth. As that is the first thing I see when I enter the garage. Trying to make sure I can't leave. As soon as my team dispatches the Geth Captain Maeko appears surprised about it all, having her team clear the area. However I had to get somewhere.

As soon as I leave the garage in the Mako I am greeted by a huge friggin Blizzard. Making it difficult to step out of the Mako at any time. However luckily the Mako had a big friggin gun on it which is what I needed for the heavy Geth forces blocking my way. Moving up the Blizzard all the way to Peak 15 came with it's challenges, but luckily the Mako is a fucking beast that nobody can defeat. However just like everything in video games I was forced out of my Mako as soon as I made it to Peak 15.

Unsurprisingly, Geth filled the labs, and while they took awhile to take care of they never truly were any threat. However as soon as we cleared an area we found something quite...surprising. Instead of Geth attacking us next, it was these wierd...bug things. Which for some reason my mind didn't connect the dots yet, however they were enough to make me check my body for bugs. And want to kill them VERY quickly.
Apparently I wasn't the only one who had no clue on what they were, both Liara AND Garrus told of there surprise to see those things. And as we move forward we find a LOT more of them. We also find a power conduit that looked shut down. I turned it on and was immediately given the response of a speaker, a Virtual Intelligence by the name of Mira turns on explaining that the state of the facility is critical and that she has been shut down by protocol. Luckily the way to turn her back on was right in front of me.
Heading down into her core alone, I was told I can repair her memory core manually or use 100 OmniGel. I decided to do it manually and I was given this puzzle.

At first I had no friggin clue what I was doing, and just moved around those blocks trying to hopefully get it right. Soon it clicked in my head. How it worked was that all of the blocks HAD to be in one column that wasn't column 1. However, a block can only be moved to a spot that has nothing above it, and you can only move the highest block in a column at a time, so after shuffling some things around I finally got it onto column 3. Turning her back on.
Once she was on I was given the info I needed. The comms and main reactor were damaged and without them on the tram could not be activated. However Benezia was already past the tram and that's where I needed to be. Next up was the Comms and main reactor.
The reactor was being protected by Geth, which made me think that Benezia had them stationed there to keep from anyone getting to her. A lot of those creepy stalker drone things were there too, so this was actually a pretty interesting fight. With 2 juggernauts there to take on too.
The comms on the roof were infested by the bugs, assuming Benezia was okay with the fact that the bugs kept comms from contacting anyone. Repairing that gave full access to the station, which meant access to the tram. Which I sprinted for. I was sick of the bugs.
However going to the tram meant more bugs, because I first had to get through the decontamination chamber...and all the decontamination chamber was is a cage of bugs....luckily there was a way to burn them all at once...I did so.

I made it to the tram right after and got to Rift Station. Which as soon as I enter I am greeted to guns and men standing down as they see me. The person in charge, Captain Ventralis, greeting me and explaining that the bugs have overrun the entire place and they had a small holdout here in Rift Station. He asks for help in clearing the Hot Labs, a lower area of Rift Station. Which has been overrun by the bugs, oh wait, he didn't say bugs.
Again, for anyone who doesn't know. Rachni are an alien race of buglike creatures who helped killing millions in the Rachni wars. Until finally they were thought to be eradicated. As far as I knew anyways.
So now I know that the researchers here were messing with RACHNI. That didn't mean anything good, and at this point I basically said fuck you to the guards. Heading into their little holdout, ignoring everyone there and finding an EXTREMELY secure doorway, which I opened to find guards and turrets trying to kill me.
If my trust in these fellows was already small, it now went subotomically small. They were hiding something and didn't want anybody to find it, even fighting a Spectre to protect it. So time to explore!
It didn't take long for me to snoop around long enough to find what I was looking for, Matriarch Benezia, hidden by the guards.
Benezia, even with Liara there. Did not care for our lives, watching over what she says is a Rachni Queen, there was no peaceful way to decide this. She was the right hand woman of Saren. She needed to die.
However Benezia was too much of a bitch to fight herself. Instead she brings in her Geth and Commandos to fight. So now instead of Benezia I am stuck going from cover to cover in a square room with a Rachni Queen in the middle, fighting off Asari Commandos and Geth Juggernauts. Fun.
However, each time she brought in a new wave Benezia got weaker. And soon she was out of Asari and Geth, with us still standing.
As she stood on her knees she plead to let herself be heard. Claiming she is free from Saren's grasp long enough to speak. Explaining that she was capable of holding a part of her mind free from Saren's mind control. Probably the most disturbing part of her story worth mentioning is Saren's ship, the Sovereign, was capable of controlling the people aboard. The longer you stay on the ship, the more Saren's will seems true. She stayed on that ship too long.
With the little bit of freedom she had, she gave us the info we needed to get an idea of where Saren is, and told her daughter Liara how proud she was of her. Until finally the control took hold once more and we were forced to kill her.

I would end this here, since this is a long ass post, but I have one more thing to mention. Before we left my Shepard took a little bit too long staring at the Rachni Queen left in a cage, and a tentacle came lunging at me. Making me move out of the way, and a dead Asari Commando going up against the window instead. Speaking right after...
The Rachni Queen was using the Asari as a way to speak. Telling me how her kind was being made an army without her, and how she wishes to be free so that she can "sing to her kind once more" or some shit like that.
Honestly, I had outside knowledge of the Rachni and knew what they do. So I knew they kinda weren't a threat. The Council wasn't happy with my decision, but I had to do it. I freed the queen. Allowing her to go someplace new to live. I wasn't gonna kill them.

This, took too damn long to make.... God damn.

The Flood / Re: um... hi everyone
« on: July 03, 2016, 01:01:53 PM »
Will you participate in Furry July?
What's furry July?

An old holiday where we are furfags for a month.
You just have a furry profile image.

The Flood / Re: um... hi everyone
« on: July 03, 2016, 12:05:03 PM »
Will you participate in Furry July?

Gaming / Re: SHIT WENT DOWN(Mass Effect Playthrough Thread)
« on: July 03, 2016, 11:49:18 AM »
Fuck now I want andromeda

Kinda dissapointing that I can't play as Turian in Adromeda. But yeah friggin hyped.

Gaming / Re: SHIT WENT DOWN(Mass Effect Playthrough Thread)
« on: July 03, 2016, 11:48:03 AM »
Playing this again years later, I changed my opinion on 2 things

1. Udina isn't as bad as I thought in the past. Sure he can be a little hard, but he has to deal with a lot of shit. He's still got humanities best interest out there and fights hard for you in the beginning of the game, raising his voice at the Council and what not.
until 3.
OP hasn't beaten it, so please no spoilers.

I got that far, but this is Mass Effect 1, not 3.

Gaming / Re: SHIT WENT DOWN(Mass Effect Playthrough Thread)
« on: July 03, 2016, 11:21:55 AM »
Playing this again years later, I changed my opinion on 2 things

1. Udina isn't as bad as I thought in the past. Sure he can be a little hard, but he has to deal with a lot of shit. He's still got humanities best interest out there and fights hard for you in the beginning of the game, raising his voice at the Council and what not.
until 3.


The Flood / Re: do you talk in your sleep?
« on: July 03, 2016, 12:40:43 AM »
More like incoherent mumbling
aww, that's cute

Stop creeping on Ender.

Gaming / Re: SHIT WENT DOWN(Mass Effect Playthrough Thread)
« on: July 02, 2016, 11:14:18 PM »
Character Update: Tali is still bae

This is where i'll be updating relationships and such, I wanted to bring something out before Noveria update comes. Which is gonna be huge.

Kaiden: Overall i'm okay with this guy, he is a little bit of a whiner but at least he is aware of it and tries not to be sometimes. His story is pretty interesting. Even if I half listened. He is most likely gonna live.

Ashley: Sorry Ashley, you're a goner. I have literally tried to avoid Ashley as much as possible so that I don't grow any attachments. I don't think I would've anyways. She came off very quickly as someone who doesn't work with other....kinds of people immediately. Yeah she has the bad backstory with the geth and the Turian war and all but seriously. She just doesn't care. Every other outsider joins the team with little to no issue. But yeah, sorry Ashley.

Wrex: Indifferent. I like his attitude. But I don't find him interesting at all. Plus I don't use him at all in combat. So I can't really say I like him or don't. He definitely can stick around though.[/b]

Liara: I like her, not as much as Tali but I like her. She is adorable and still capable in a fight. Brought her along for Noveria. Learned quite a bit about her. Not bae material but worth keeping in mind.[/b]

Garrus: BEST FRIEND MATERIAL RIGHT HERE. Friendly, always there to help, and damn good in a fight. He has a nice attitude over everything, and even if we disagree on things he works with it and moves on. Just a likable guy. He probably has offered more advice than anyone else as well, and when it comes down to it he can save my ass. So Garrus is more than welcome. He recently talked about a case he was working on when he was in C-Sec. A Salarian by the name of Dr. Saleon was doing some rather...morbid things and just before Garrus could catch em he fled off planet with some of his..."employees" he wanted to finish what he started and in the next Side Mission Update you'll hear all about how he got revenge.

Tali: I think it's well known by now how I feel about Tali. SHE IS BAE. It still infuriates me how I can't romance her in ME1. However at least I get to see her quirky personality in full action here. She is interesting, friendly and good for some technical advice. She also can take quite some hits in a fight as she starts off with 3 shields. Even though her personality takes a bit of a dive in ME2 I am sure as hell romancing her. No way to change my mind.
She also asked for some help with her Pilgrimage. More on that(possibly) during the next Side Mission Update.

Plus I need to make a Character update and friggin talk about all the shit in Noveria.

Verb I feel your pain.

Holy shit so much happened on Noveria...

This'll take awhile.

Glitches galore though. Finally getting the habit of quicksaving.

Well i've been liking Noveria so far... But I got an event to go to so no update yet.

The Flood / Re: "everything happens for a reason"
« on: July 02, 2016, 06:59:44 PM »

I just found out that you could have sex with the Consort.....missed it.


All she did was give my Shepard a hug!


Serious / Re: Muh heritage
« on: July 02, 2016, 06:34:00 PM »

I'm as white as possible

Gaming / Re: Tfw I meet a qt masked alien
« on: July 02, 2016, 06:19:22 PM »

By the way, since i'm starting to discuss story elements, should I tag this as spoilers or is it old enough to not have to worry?

The Flood / Re: "everything happens for a reason"
« on: July 02, 2016, 05:52:48 PM »
I like "everything happens because of a reason" better than that.

I just found out that you could have sex with the Consort.....missed it.


And the game decided to crash and I didn't save at all again.


Never crashed once on Xbox 360 and you can use a controller. Muh graphics don't mean shit when the game doesn't run smooth.

Not here to debate Challenger

Side Update: A Fan, a Consort and The Keepers.

Here is my first side update, which will be a quick recap of side missions and character developments. I won't be going into as much detail here as I will main missions.

-While on the Citadel, I met a salarian named Chorban acting quite odd when I saw him messing with a Keeper. When asked about it he explained he wished to learn more about the Keepers, which little knowledge is known of what they do. He asked if I would want to assist. Initially I turned him down, i'll return to this later.

-Also while I was on the Citadel, I kept hearing about this figure called "The Asari Consort". Asking around I learned her location and headed over there. I was honestly expecting it to be some sort of Brothel, however I learned that some people had issues with The Consort, so I wanted to investigate. I was greeted by something...somewhat expected. A Consort Acolyte greeted me and explained I had to make an appointment to meet with the Consort...once giving her my name she said it would take 3 months. I was ready to say fuck off and leave but then the Acolyte told me that the Consort has "taken an interest in me" and has requested to speak. How surprising.
After going into her chambers she introduces herself as Sha'ira....and apparently instead of waiting a month she would be "very pleased" if I help her out with a Turian she is having problems with. A guy by the name of General Septimus. Which I had to go through loading hell to get to Chora's Den...or just used the fast travel, to get to him. After talking to him apparently Septimus wanted Sha'ira so badly that when she denied him he started spreading lies about her. He went so far that he spilled diplomatic secrets from an Elcor political figure who dealt with Sha'ira to smudge her name. However after some convincing on how he is a General and shouldn't be this fucking petty he straightened out and gave the datapad holding the Elcor's secrets. I went ahead and gave back the secrets to the Elcor and explained the whole thing. That got me some bonus points from the Elcor ambassador too. Then after headed back to Sha'ira. Who was thankful and gave me some words of assurance as her "service"....was hoping for more tbh. But I thanked her and left.

-After the whole Consort deal, I got contacted by Lieutenant Girard from the Normandy about a girl in the Docking Bay. Apparently she came from the same Colony I did that was raided. However she didn't escape, she was enslaved for 13 years and now ended up there. So now I rushed over to the docking bay.
Girard, whowasmostdefinitelyfeelingsomethingforthegirl, explained the situation and gave me a sedative to put her to sleep so that they can get her to somewhere safe. However...she had a gun and is also willing to kill herself. So the next conversation was me trying to convince the girl to put the weapon down and let me come close. Eventually after talking about some of the stuff that happened she calmed to the point where she was willing to take the sedative herself. That was an extremely odd experience to be honest, really puts things in perspective as well. Shepard may have survived the raid unscathed, but not everyone did.

-Once I helped the girl I headed over to C-Sec Academy to talk to the requisitions officer there, however I was first confronted by a certain reporter. Khalisah Al-Jilani, who was hoping for an interview. From everything I learned so far I had to be careful what I did, but being too brash could affect things poorly. So I warned her I couldn't answer everything and accepted an interview. Right off the BAT I hated this bitch, I was so close to wanting to end it there and punch her but I had a reputation to keep. So I did my best to keep formal and if I couldn't answer a question I didn't. The bitch ended it after and left, fuck her. At least I got a message from Alliance Fifth Fleet saying I did a good job.

-Something else that happened at C-Sec connects with the first thing that happened. A Volus by the name of Jahleed was begging for a C-Sec officer to help him. We intervene and talk to him and he explains that a friend of his, a Salarian named Chorban, is plotting to kill him. Even following him home. Deciding to help him he explains that Chorban asked to meet Jahleed at the lower markets of the Wards. So I headed over there. While I was there I met someone who was really REALLY excited to meet me, Conrad Verner. Asking for an Autograph and exclaiming how if I ever head back to Earth he'd buy me a beer. Wonder what he is about.
After that I got to the Lower Markets and found Chorban, who stopped me from a little bit away at gunpoint. Asking for the Data. After telling him I didn't have any data he brought his goons out to help him fight. And the battle lasted a whole of 5 seconds before he gave up, asking for mercy. Hearing him out(at gunpoint) he explained that Jahleed told him I would be coming, and thought that Jahleed was gonna betray him. I explained that Jahleed thought that as well and Chorban told me the same thing he did before, about he was scanning the Keepers, however the date he gained from the scans wasn't usable until Jahleed, Chorban's partner, analysed it. I decided to help the scannings this time and was willing to talk to Jahleed to fix the issue. After dealing with Jahleed both of them were willing to talk again and the issue was dealt with.

Other than that, all I need to do now is head to Noveria. Better bring some Winter Coats.

And the game decided to crash and I didn't save at all again.


Tali is currently fused with all of my teammates in the squad menu..

She doesn't want to leave me I knew it.



I'm starting to see a pattern in one of my main issues with this game...

All the hurdles you have to get through.

Whether it be loading screen to loading screen or cutscene to cutscene. Mass Effect can take you out of the action very quickly sometimes. Which is especially annoying in the Citadel.

I'm gonna play as Fem Shep so I'll keep Kaiden alive. Haven't seen how he acts much in the 3rd one. I assume boring, but yeah.

Nice. Bros befor- oh yeah Fem Shep.

Update: The Liara edition.

So this will be a type of recap of what has happened before I continue playing. I'm not gonna type out the whole friggin story as I know that most of the people here will know it. So instead i'll just talk about my own experiences.

First off, my Shepard is a Vanguard who was born and raised in a colony off of Earth. However soon after a raid was launched on the colony, enslaving or killing most of the people there. Including my dadda and momma, I barely escaped alive. Soon after I enlisted in the Alliance Military.
However what really kicked off my Shepard's story is the fact that he protected a whole entire colony from invaders alone. Rallying the people and defending themselves long enough for the Alliance Fleet to come in and blast them, counting me as a War Hero.

Now let's actually get on to the story stuff.

My current team setup is:

Which makes for a ridiculous tech and combat capabilities...but I am the only one capable of biotic abilities. However I tend to last pretty well anyways.

The first thing to happen in my game was the journey to find Liara, and my god that was interesting.

As soon as I entered the fiery planet and start moving around in the Mako a huge Geth ship flies overhead, dropping down Geth forces for me to deal with. Me being in the Mako didn't have much of an issue luckily, however after that got a little bit harder...
Thanks to amazing game design, I was forced out of my Mako and had to bring the team forward on foot to a Prothean dig site. And THIS is where I had my first true challenge in combat.
You meet two new enemies as a cutscene plays. The first being a small, slithery thing called a Geth Assault Drone, and the second being a big motherfucker called a Geth Armature....fuck Geth Armatures.
Me, not being smart enough to figure out to move the frick out of the way. Stayed out in the open first, dropping my health down to a quarter already. By the time I was in cover Garrus and Tali already were dead, and all the enemies were still alive. So as I try to run out of the way of the Assault Drones I....
Got blown to bits by a Geth Armature...
Ya know what the icing on the cake is though? I happened to have forgotten to save throughout that whole thing. So now I had to do it ALL OVER AGAIN....fuck my life.
So, finally getting back there and figuring out what a quicksave is, I killed the fuckers and moved into the Prothean Dig Site.

Didn't take long for more Geth to appear.
Fighting our way forward, my team had to clear a good chunk of Geth Troopers before finally reaching an elevator...fml fml fml fml.
While waiting what seemed to be forever for the game to load, I happened to notice something, actually notice the absence of something....

For some reason Garrus was left back at the TOP floor, and was despawned once we reached the bottom....oh.

However, I did not want to deal with the fucking mess that is elevators again so I stuck with Tali till we came to Liara...
Trapped in Prothean Security, begging for help. Apparently when the Geth came she decided to turn on the ruin's security measures and got herself trapped in the process. GG.
Also, for some reason after talking to Liara Garrus popped back up, how you doin big boy.
So me, being the knight in shining armor, decided that the only way I could get to her was to blast a hole through the dig site with a mining laser. Luckily it worked and I got her out...but it also made the rest of the Prothean ruins kinda fall apart. Woops. I kinda would wanna go back and try to find a seperate way to do it, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the only way. Nothing can be changed now though, as the place was falling apart quickly and we had to GO.

So now Liara lead the way back up to the top. Which is where we were confronted by Geth, and a Krogan who was leading them.
Even though I REALLY wanted this Krogan to not try to fight us in the middle of a collapsing ruin, this fucker loved the idea. So here we go...
It took literally less than a minute to take care of that Why was the mini boss that kicked my ass previously easier than the BOSS of the level? It boggle my mind how that makes sense.

However, we needed to get the hell outta there. So even though I wanted to spit in the Krogan's dead face we skedaddled. Barely getting out alive and Joker bringing the Normandy down to pick us up. Which he decided that he wanted a medal Joker.

Victory at last bitches!

Kinda hurried this update because I wanna get playing again. But I thought I should at least post something.
By the way, tell me if you want to learn about the side stories and character developments as well. I'll make some updates about those too then.

Okay, gonna hop on in a bit. I'll try and make a Verb tier update. No promises.

YO video gaem aint nut nuthin unless u can fuk dat alinz pussaaaaayyyyyy

am i right or am i RiTE??

👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit

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