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Messages - Pippen

Pages: 1 ... 333435 3637 ... 219
The Flood / Re: So....what does Juno orbiting Jupiter help us atm?
« on: July 05, 2016, 08:42:30 AM »
Pip, this isn't Quora. If this were Quora I'd say google it.

Why can you understand if it were Mars or Venus, but not Jupiter? I swear, sometimes it feels like there's too little inside your head.

Nicked from Nasa:
Goal: Understand origin and evolution of Jupiter, look for solid planetary core, map magnetic field, measure water and ammonia in deep atmosphere, observe auroras.

Because Mars and Venus have the capabilities to be travelled to in this lifetime.
It took 5 years for one probe to get to Jupiter, why would we decide to pool the money together for something that can't benefit us right now?
Earth has enough money issues as it is. We don'r need to put money towards Jupiter.

The Flood / So....what does Juno orbiting Jupiter help us with atm?
« on: July 05, 2016, 08:21:31 AM »

I don't get it, they spent THIS much money on this huge risk to study the composition of a gas giant?

If Juno was instead starting to orbit say, Venus or Mars which are closer to us I can get that. But Jupiter?

Somebody explain.

By the way.

Can anybody explain where the hell Batarian and Vorcha came from? Did I miss them in ME1?

Batarians are a bunch of asshole space-cholos who don't really show up much at the citadel even tho their welcome there.

Vorcha don't have their own spaceships and everyone hates them so they only show up where they can smuggle too

Got that.

But I don't even remember anything MENTIONING them. Kinda like the Collectors.

By the way.

Can anybody explain where the hell Batarian and Vorcha came from? Did I miss them in ME1?

I got matched on tinder with a ridiculous bio. Feels good.


Gaming / Re: I've started Dark Souls 3
« on: July 05, 2016, 05:24:00 AM »
Guide to literaly the only viable PvP stratagy

40 viggor
40 Dex
40 Strength
40 Endurance

Thorn set
Grasscrest sheild

Chloranthy ring
Ring of favor
invisible roll ting

any of the following weapons

Dark Sword
Any Katana
Carthus Curved Sword

Buff with Fire, Bleed, or Lightning before every fight.

 If your opponent cannot parry you R1 Mash. If they can parry just switch to the biggest weapon you can. It dosnt matter how slow it is, the latency paired with hyper armor will play the game for you.

If your opponent is a sorcerer and manages to sucessfully space you by some miracle of god just throw knives or firebombs. You will outshoot them garunteed. You can also just sidestep and they will literaly never hit you

Dont bother timing rolls. your stamina meter is really just one long invincibility frame meter, roll as long as you want and you will never get hit.

Alternatively you can switch any of these weapons with the Farron great sword or  Gundyr's halberd and spam their special attacks instead. However this costs some of that blue bar, but who cares you;re getting better use out of it than the mages.

Your obsession is pathetic.




Decided to use the red head since ME3 has it, only I won't be using that face. It looks better in this one than ME1 thanks to mods for the eyelashes and textures.


Look up mass effect 4's new lead


Decided to use the red head since ME3 has it, only I won't be using that face. It looks better in this one than ME1 thanks to mods for the eyelashes and textures.


I started playing again.

My god I love Mordin

The Flood / What device can you type the fastest on?
« on: July 04, 2016, 09:45:46 PM »
Curious. Since for the longest time i've been the fastest typing on my phone, but recently i've gotten a lot faster typing on computer. So I was wondering what you all thought you were the fastest on.

Gaming / Re: I've started Dark Souls 3
« on: July 04, 2016, 09:35:48 PM »
Know. You'll get items like "Fading Soul" or "Soul of a Crestfallen Knight" these types of souls can be used or "consumed" for more souls.

I want to continue  the game

But I can't


Gaming / Re: I've started Dark Souls 3
« on: July 04, 2016, 08:48:22 PM »
I must say though, I'm thoroughly enjoying the combat. It's like Arkham's but turned up to 11 and on Hard mode with no Spidey-sense. Very cool.

The rest of the game I'm kind of overwhelmed with. There's a lot of things that just straight up aren't explained (like what the entire premise is ot what stats do) but im thankful there are no obnoxious tutorials and such. And character customisation is fun, I made my guy look like Rhaegar Targaryen. The game is also clearly dripping with thematic atmosphere. Looking forward to more boss introductions like the last one.

Once you start getting further you'll start getting a grasp.
It definitely doesn't help that DS3 basically expects you to know DS1...and a little bit of DS2. There is so, so many references to the original.

Gaming / Re: I've started Dark Souls 3
« on: July 04, 2016, 08:41:48 PM »
Be sure to cry on here when you get invaded by someone having fun with their game :D

Cant you turn that off

Offline mode

How do

Look at dem settings boi

Gaming / Re: I've started Dark Souls 3
« on: July 04, 2016, 08:40:18 PM »
Be sure to cry on here when you get invaded by someone having fun with their game :D

Cant you turn that off

Offline mode

Now. I really don't mind spoilers at this part.

How do I recruit Tali?
Mid game mission

Is their a fast way to unlock? I need bae.
Nope, gotta recruit the first four first

Now. I really don't mind spoilers at this part.

How do I recruit Tali?
Mid game mission

Is their a fast way to unlock? I need bae.

Now. I really don't mind spoilers at this part.

How do I recruit Tali?

Gaming / Re: I've started Dark Souls 3
« on: July 04, 2016, 07:09:39 PM »
What about parrying? i cant seem to time it right

Useful if you got the timing of your enemy down. However ONLY then, if you parry and miss you can get either heavy damage or a partial...which can be punished.

Oh god I forgot how shit the new galaxy map is

Idk why they made it that way tbh. Makes it really wierd to traverse.

Same in ME3. I prefer ME1.

The Flood / Re: Strangest thing you've seen on public transit.
« on: July 04, 2016, 06:33:21 PM »
Fits the holiday tbh

Yeah the combat isn't a chore now
Combat was great in ME1. It's not even that different in 2.

Hell I'd say it was even better because no ammo.

ME1 combat was pretty clunky and the AI was not the greatest of them all. However the no ammo was very nice.
ME2 cover to cover combat and team abilties are much better imo. The only thing I don't like is the ammo issue.

I hope you didn't like the 80s sci-fi of the first game

I was REALLY surprised how drastic they changed the design honestly. It's like KOTOR to KOTOR2. The UI is completely different, now you have ammo to deal with and abilities are actually more satisfying now. The lighting is wierd and all of the characters have better facial animations.
I've just started again last night, and it hit me just how much of a tonal shift the game had.  I really miss the old Normandy, and the old music in general.  ME is kind of all over from game to game, and it always feels off to me when anything from ME, like Saren, is mentioned in ME2.. Almost like ME2 is more of a reboot than a sequel.

Yeah, it really felt wierd. It doesn't feel bad in any way. Just odd.
Yeah, you'll like ME2 once you get passed all the daddy issues.  It's not a bad game, just different
The Keyboard controls are wierd too. However after some time with them they are extremely superior to ME1. I actually command my team to do shit this time

I hope you didn't like the 80s sci-fi of the first game

I was REALLY surprised how drastic they changed the design honestly. It's like KOTOR to KOTOR2. The UI is completely different, now you have ammo to deal with and abilities are actually more satisfying now. The lighting is wierd and all of the characters have better facial animations.
I've just started again last night, and it hit me just how much of a tonal shift the game had.  I really miss the old Normandy, and the old music in general.  ME is kind of all over from game to game, and it always feels off to me when anything from ME, like Saren, is mentioned in ME2.. Almost like ME2 is more of a reboot than a sequel.

Yeah, it really felt wierd. It doesn't feel bad in any way. Just odd.

Gaming / Re: I've started Dark Souls 3
« on: July 04, 2016, 05:56:47 PM »
Temple it called High Wall of Lothric?

There was a throne room with an engraving saying "Holy King Lothric, Last Hope of hi Line" or something

It felt like a hub world because there was a smith and a handmaiden in the basement area

Yeah, that is Firelink Shrine. A hub where NPC's tend to go to after you talk to them. You can level up at the Fire Keeper by the middle, buy stuff from the Handmaiden and at the Andre the Smith you can upgrade your Estus Flask and weaponry.

The middle of the shrine has an unlit bonfire, light it and you can travel to the next area you need to explore.

I hope you didn't like the 80s sci-fi of the first game

I was REALLY surprised how drastic they changed the design honestly. It's like KOTOR to KOTOR2. The UI is completely different, now you have ammo to deal with and abilities are actually more satisfying now. The lighting is wierd and all of the characters have better facial animations.

Gaming / Re: I've started Dark Souls 3
« on: July 04, 2016, 05:46:05 PM »
Temple it called High Wall of Lothric?

Anyways. By the time I was finished playing today I only got to Omega, was REALLY pissed I couldn't find Tali from the get go but oh well.
The first person I looked for my team was Archangel, a Turian who has been a thorn at the gang groups in Omega....little did I know it was Best Friend Garrus. So now from where I left off i'm helping him get through gang groups.

Also, Jacob is okay, Miranda is meh and Kelly freaks me out.

Why didn't you just add this on to there to the other thread?

Because that was for ME1.

This is for ME2.

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