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Topics - Pippen

Pages: 123 45 ... 12
The Flood / Anyone here have a cowlick?
« on: May 23, 2016, 11:02:34 AM »

You know, this shit?

Usually a cowlick has certain parts of your hair grow differently than the rest, which makes it look stupid and it's close to impossible to hold that hair in place without putting 10 pounds of hairspray on.

I happen to have one right on my roots, which makes large parts of my hair potrude on the top and it's a pain in the ass to deal with.

The Flood / The Wikipedia Challenge
« on: May 22, 2016, 11:55:30 PM »
Now there is a thing called the "Wiki game" but we're gonna ignore it and do this.

The Wikipedia challenge goes as follows:
-Begin at a starting point(example: Nicolas Cage)
-Choose an end point(example: Mcdonalds)
-Try to work your way from the starting point to the end point without EVER going backwards, searching it up, using Control-F, etc. Only clicking links to other pages.

Now, go ahead and give some challenges, and post what you had to go through to get to it.

Here is everyone's first challenge:

Start at Halo: Combat Evolved
Get to Dwayne Johnson


Gaming / Hey Ender
« on: May 21, 2016, 03:58:02 PM »
I got Dark Souls 3 again.

I wanted your attention to tell u that :(

The Flood / You are drinking in a Tavern
« on: May 21, 2016, 02:25:41 PM »
As you are drinking, you see 5 people around you.

The Bartender
The liar
The thief
The wizard and his celestial

As you are drinking, you find your gold pouch pickpocketed from you.

"The thief did it!" Says the Liar
"He's lying!" Says the Thief
"The Liar did it!" Says the wizard
"I agree with my master." Says the Celestial
"The wizard is lying, and his celestial is actually a fiend!" The liar says
The bartender shrugs, not knowing who did it.

Who do you think did it?

The Flood / AMA I'm heading back to High School after summer AMA.
« on: May 19, 2016, 07:14:02 PM »
As many of you know, I am still in High School.

What many of you don't know that since my first year in middle school I have been home schooled.

However, thanks to various reasons i'll be going back to high school next school year.

Let me quickly point something out, I HAVE BEEN HOMESCHOOLED SINCE MY FIRST YEAR OF MIDDLE SCHOOL. Which means I actually have not learned the way schools work past elementary. Everything from lockers, schedules, etc I skipped

So, go ahead and ask me questions on my schooling and such, and maybe help me out to get prepped ;-;.

Gaming / Fun Facts: Dark Souls edition.
« on: May 17, 2016, 07:15:17 PM »
1: Did you know that the Butcher at the start of the Depths.

This one^
Is Female?

This is an easy one, but pretty interesting. The reason why this enemy is a female is because it's a reference to the invader "Maneater Mildred". Who looks familiar to the Butcher.
And that moves us to Fun Fact #2.

2: Did you know that Maneater Mildred was a character made by the devs during test builds?

One of the Devs when testing Dark Souls made a female character that was bare naked except for the butcher bag on her head and the butcher knife. And would go through the test builds like that.
Eventually the team decided to add in Mildred as in invader in everyone's favorite area, Blighttown.
Maneater Mildred also ends up appearing in Dark Souls 3 as an invader.

3: Did you know that the motherfuckers called Basilisks,

Don't actually have huge yellow eyes?

Their actual face and eyes are just below the two yellow orbs.

4: Did you know that Crossbreed Priscilla actually was meant to play a different role in Dark Souls?

Hidden in the game files is different positions for Priscilla to be idle in, one of her sitting down, and a couple of her standing positions. Much like the Emerald Herald in Dark Souls 2. Priscilla was meant to be a sort of heroine character that would help the player, how is not known but most likely Priscilla would have been like the Emerald Herald or Fire Keepers.
Speaking of Priscilla, she currently resides in the Painted World, here is a fun fact on that.

5: Did you know that the Painted World was going to have another part to it?
In the area where Priscilla is standing, there is actually an area below it. Much like the Undead Asylum the floor under Priscilla was meant to break apart and have you fall below, there is even models of the floor breaking apart and being left as rubble. What would be down there is unknown but there was even models of a staircase letting you back up to the top.
As the Painted World was one of the first areas that the team worked on, it's most likely they planned on doing the Stray Demon there instead of in the Undead Asylum.

6: Did you know that far inside the Catacombs, there are caskets that you can lay in if you wish.
However that isn't the fun fact, the fun fact is that there are special animations if an invader tries to hit you inside the casket, showing them stabbing inside the casket. You can try it out with a friend if you wish.

7: Did you know that in the Gwyndolin Boss Fight, there is actually an end to the "endless hallway"? Just run past Gwyndolin and run forward for around 5 min.

And that's all I got! Do you have any? Did you learn anything? Hope you enjoyed reading!

The Flood / I need a PC, what should I do?
« on: May 17, 2016, 02:00:52 PM »
I want to get a new PC that is capable of running all newer games at High as a minimum. However I wanna see what I can get with that.

As a PC noob, I need suggestions.

Now, here are the details:

Budget: $1,000, preferably kept under $800.
Type of PC: For Gaming purposes, one seperate from any work.
My ideal PC: Can run any game at Ultra High with 3 monitors.
What I expect: A one monitor PC that can run almost all games.
Build or Premade?: Preferably Build, but if a Premade one catches my interest then sure.

Can any of you PC Master Race people help me here?

The Flood / Post your tabs
« on: May 16, 2016, 06:21:25 PM »

Do it, no deleting.

Gaming / Would you play a Dark Souls styled Star Wars game?
« on: May 15, 2016, 03:40:59 PM »
I'm curious.

With lightsabers, blasters, and fashion souls from robes to Stormtrooper.

Would you play it?

Gaming / Dark Souls 3 Builds.
« on: May 13, 2016, 05:40:27 PM »
Show them to me!

I am currently building mine, but here is an idea of what it will be like.

Build Name: Holy Reaper

Soul Level: 100-120

(When I get the build finished i'll place stats.)

Weapon(s): Great Scythe, Saint's Talisman, Target shield.
Spell(s): Force, Lightning Blade, Tearful.
Armor: Fallen Knight Helmet, Herald armor, (gloves and leggings pending, fashion souls and all)

Show em to me!

The Flood / Post here and I will give my opinion of you....
« on: May 10, 2016, 10:45:15 PM » the morning.

I'm heading to bed, may give some opinions today. But other than that sleep.

But yeah, following the trend lemme judge you people.

The Flood / Fsfsfsfsfsfsfssfsfsfsfsfsfsfss
« on: May 08, 2016, 02:21:38 PM »

The Flood / D&D Campaign group info/discussion.
« on: May 05, 2016, 11:35:15 PM »
So, I decided to make a thread on this since fuck it.

DM: Me I guess

-Big Boss
-Vien's friend Rachel

Edition we are using: 5th, unless most of you guys don't want that.

How will we play?: Roll20 site, unless most of you guys want something else.

Campaign: Hoard of the Dragon Queen.


Crius the Hornless
Dragonborn Paladin
Evil, Lustful, Telepathic

Deprivan Siridar
Tiefling Rogue
Attracted to everything, loves hugging, Claustrophilic, strangly funds an orphanage.

Hargen the Wizard
Gnome Wizard
Gay, Fat, gluttonous, possibly attracted to Crius.

Big Boss:
Glyndwr Staros
Human Fighter
Pyromaniac, not very smart, loves his big sword. Really likes kids and white wagons, also can shapeshift.

Vien's friend Rachel:
Ariella Sunseeker
Half-Elf Bard
Arrogant, Charitable?, can eat fire and is Manic Depressive.

ALSO, from now on we have 2 days we play. 9pm EST Friday, 8pm EST Saturday!

The Flood / I'm interested in Warhammer 40k...
« on: May 04, 2016, 09:41:34 PM »
But know nothing about it.

What is the system like?

What is the lore?

Any way to try it out?

Tell meh nerds

The Flood / Question for the folks here.(D&D)
« on: May 04, 2016, 07:25:48 PM »
What's your experience with Dungeons and Dragons?

Have you DM'd games?

Played many characters?

I'm curious now, I did a little bit of D&D with a huge amount of loose room to work with(as in cutting a lot of the complicated shit.)
Played 2 characters before leaving the group. I would love to do another game like that, but I probably have a lot to learn.

So, are you a nerd like me?

The Flood / Opinion on Users thread.
« on: May 04, 2016, 05:46:44 PM »
Post in this thread and I will give you 3 users of Sep7agon.
Post your opinions on the users and give them a rating of 1-10. The more detailed the opinion the better.

I am genuinely curious what people think of eachother. So have at it.

The Flood / I'm bored, so here is a game.
« on: May 02, 2016, 12:48:04 PM »
Pick any letter from the alphabet, i'll give you a user with that letter somewhere in their name.

And you have to make a meme out of them.


The Flood / I need a new color scheme.
« on: May 01, 2016, 12:53:54 PM »
Not a semi-impersonation thread this time. Just asking for opinions.

Atm I use the gray background of Sep7 as my nameplate color....getting bored of it.

You guys got any ideas for me?

Gaming / God Damnit Bethesda.
« on: April 29, 2016, 02:32:48 PM »

The Flood / I dare you.
« on: April 27, 2016, 06:18:39 PM »
Post in the thread.

I'll give you a dare.

You can say fuck you or do the dare. Or both. Up to you.



Anyways, so we aren't clogging other threads. Here is a place to discuss the episodes as they come.

Game of Thrones, Season 6, Episode 2 Airs TONIGHT. At 8pm EST, 9pm Central.


Gaming / Anyone in the Mirror's Edge: Catalyst Beta?
« on: April 23, 2016, 12:56:57 PM »
If so, got any codes for X1?


The Flood / "There is a good reason you aren't a ninja."
« on: April 22, 2016, 05:47:29 PM »

It has turned into members running for ninja 2016.



While I will agree that last night was an enjoyable mess with Verb sperging and all of that. In the end, what else did I do?

For the past couple of days i've been...odd. I've lost a lot of reasoning to get on here or make threads, and while I was trying to get ideas it went from trying to make something worth chatting about into turning into me being an idiot.

My reasoning for making the thread yesterday was that I was bored, that was true. I wanted to do something on here but didn't know what. So I thought of something I did back when I started off on Sep7...when I was fresh out of B.Next.
So, my bored and silly mind decided "hey, why not?" And made the thread that currently has 6 pages for some reason. And ended up like this.
All throughout that day I was...odd. Looking back i'm honestly confused with myself WHY I thought that was a good idea. It took me looking back at the thread to realize that.

And then I thought of some of the other ideas I had for making a thread.
-Game Night
-Youtube video
-Discussion on a thought I had(may make that thread later.)
-Possible Q&A, since i'm pretty anonymous on here.

But for some damn reason, my mind thought that doing all of THAT was the best idea. Without realizing it I went straight back to and thought it would be good enough. And while I still find making Verb mad funny everything else was just...dumb.

So, i'm gonna switch back my name, take off the avatar, and say I'm Sorry Verbatim. Probably not gonna do this shit again.

I was a dumbass yesterday, sorry verb, switching back.

The Flood / Well.shit.
« on: April 22, 2016, 09:53:23 AM »'


The Flood / Welp, let's do this again.
« on: April 21, 2016, 09:05:14 AM »
So if people remember, awhile back I made a thread saying I would change my name to (semi)impersonate another user. Last time it was Fruit(Fruit Pip). So this time i'm doing it again with limited choices.

Pick my name bitches.

The Flood / ITT make memes about the person above you.
« on: April 19, 2016, 11:59:20 PM »

Gaming / Battleborn is actually...pretty fun.
« on: April 17, 2016, 01:32:59 PM »
Sure it's just a beta. However i'm having a blast playing through the available story missions and maps.

Very interesting mechanics, kinda like a wierd version of a MOBA.

I'm gonna be playing it for the day or two on xbone if ya need me.

Gaming / Pip Reviews: Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin.
« on: April 15, 2016, 09:45:14 PM »
Heeeeeello all! I'm back! And this time I am going through one of my favorite game series of all time.

Dark Souls...

Anyways, this grim and challenging RPG has kept ahold of me for years, and as I have completed Dark Souls multiple times and have completed Dark Souls 2 Vanilla once, I thought why the heck not?

Well, Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin changes itself from vanilla Dark Souls 2 a LOT, to the point where I liked it much more than vanilla(my score for vanilla would be a 7/10.)

Now, what changes are made?
-Small graphical improvements(equipment mostly affected.)
-Item locations changed to better fit the world(DLC keys now scattered throughout the world.)
-60 fps(mainly for PC users.)
-1 new boss and NPC.
-Enemy placements almost completely redone, to the point where it felt like a whole new experience for me.
-DLC accesible without extra purchase.

Now, I love ALL of these changes, because they improve from the vanilla by a huge amount.
However, I do have to work go ahead and talk about everything, so I shall.

Now, I won't be discussing the story exactly, because you won't have a clue what's happening in your first playthrough. However once you become seasoned and know what to do in Souls games, you'll begin to understand piece by piece the whole entire story.
Begin to check item descriptions, pay close attention to dialogue and the world, and finally think. The more time you put into it, the more rewarding it is.
However, to ruin the experience of learning it would really suck. So I am going to refrain from speaking about the story here, as text truly does not do it well. I would give the hidden story an A.

Gameplay: is the big one...

As everyone knows, Dark Souls 2 is HARD. A challenge that promises you will die. And it pulls through everytime. Even the best players in the game will slip up at some point. However the whole point is to work your way forward, trying your hardest to take down the enemies that scatter the world. Working to the next bonfire or the next boss. You will find yourself holding your head time and time again in your first playthrough, however that feeling when you see the next bonfire or see that "You Defeated" pop on screen is so friggin good.

The gameplay in dark souls 2 is...very good. I love a bunch of it however there is things I have to address.

I'll get through the negative first...

Level design sucks...a lot.

The first area you go to, The Forest of Fallen Giants, makes sense, but how they attack is just...dumb.
However, level design is MUCH better in the enemies, in vanilla there would be an area in the forest that would completely gank you with axes, broken swords and firebombs, with it being frustrating only. SOTFS is much smarter that now in that area all the enemies are fake dead, and only if you run straight through will they gank you. However if you be careful you can take them out one by one. That is much better.

However, one thing that Dark Souls did well was connection, everything felt like it should be connected, and connected well.
Dark Souls 2 doesn't.

Here is a great example, you go to a place called Harvest Valley, a poisonous swamp that you work your way through. Then after you get through that area you get to [insert windmill area here, can't remember the name]. You work your way through there go up an elevator to...

((By the way, fuck.the.smelter.demon.))
Yeah....the fuck?

Then another is Heide's Tower of Flame, sunk into the water and as far as the eye can see. Then you work your way down INTO the water and somehow you end up here.


Probably my least favorite thing is the level design.

HOWEVER, weaponry in Dark Souls 2 is great, with so much variety in magic, ultra weaponry and small sneaky weapons thatfacestabyoueveryfuckingtime.
Probably my favorite enemies are invaders, since you are almost always equal in capabilities and pure skill to win. That is more satisfying than even a boss fight to me.

Plus, the pure exploration of the game is so good. Even with the poor design just exploring can be...dangerous but rewarding if you're lucky. I enjoy checking every crevice even if it means death.

However, multiplayer was a mixed bag as well.

The biggest problem with multiplayer is something called Soul Memory, which is a new addition in Dark Souls 2 and a bad one.
A problem in DS1 was something called "Twinking" which is when a player runs through the game, without leveling up, working towards an end game weapon at early game. Which then they would invade and kill early game players just because they could one hit K/O them.
So Soul Memory was the fix in DS2, which would keep track of ALL souls you have collected, even ones you lost, and match you with players with similar soul memory. So if I had 100000 soul memory I would only match with people who were around 100000 soul memory....this became a problem for anyone who would try to continually assist players in cooperation for sunlight medals or for anyone trying to duel in pvp. The only way to control how much you can get is to take away a ring space for one that will stop soul memory.
I'm so glad DS3 changed this, it's a pain in the ASS to work with the soul memory, I was in The Iron Keep and fuck the Smelter Demon my melee build kept getting wrecked and because I kept collecting souls I would lose any chance to bring in help as I get past the average soul memory for the area. Without actually having those souls because I died. It indirectly punishes you.

I could go on and on, but one thing I like to do is keep discussion open, so i'm going to stop here and if you want me to add anything I will in another post. This is already quite long.

Anyways, I find that when you take the time to endure through the challenge and rage and take the time to learn the story it is a great game. However level design, limitations in multiplayer and other small things I haven't named hinder it from being as great as the original.

However, Scholar of the First Sin makes the changes that are more than capable of making this better than the 7/10 I would give vanilla. ESPECIALLY since the DLC areas that you can go to are SUPERB.

So in the end, I give Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin an....


Go ahead and discuss below what you think. I would have made this DS3 but I don't have it yet. I enjoyed SOTFS and will recommend it to any dark souls fan.

The Flood / ITT make gimmicks only you can use in your posTs.
« on: April 14, 2016, 10:55:00 PM »
From now on, all T's in my senTences will be capiTalized.

Every single god damn one of Them.

Now figure ouT one for your own you gimmick lover.

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