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Topics - Sandtrap

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Well folks, I've started a little project. I'm taking pictures of the area around me, for some friends of mine. And I figure, why not show them to you all as well?

I'm no photographer, and this camera doesn't do justice to what my eyes see. But I can write. So I'm going to show you a piece of my world now. And I'm going to bring to life what lives in the air on a day like today. Keep in mind, this is a fall morning. Sometimes, you get entire days like this. This is a piece of the world I live in. And all I did was drive south down one single road for 5 minutes.

The start of my little trip, at 8o'clock

So, got those pictures fresh on your mind? Okay then. Just sit back, and listen.

You wake up in the morning, to cold. It's not a piercing cold, but one that surrounds you, clings to you. A dampness in the air as the fog is almost rain. You look out to the grey skies, and the fields and trees, and you just don't feel like anything. So, you huddle up, and make a fire. This is a heat you've probably never known before. It's not nourishing like the sunshine. It's not dry like electric heat. It's pure, simple fire. It burns, consumes, and generates a warmth so pure, a limited aura around the fireplace that all you want to do is just sit there, close to it, never wanting that feeling to end.

But, you get up, and you go back to bed. Pull the blankets over you, and let the heat fill up the space around you. And you go back to sleep. Because you can.

Or, you wake up, and in a quiet space, in the heat and shelter of a little home, you sit down at a table, stretch your legs out, turn on some music, and you draw. Or read. Do some paperwork for something. Stop by your favorite internet places. Play something on your good old game console. And outside, in the chill, and the fog, all day long, with bits of rain coming down on the metal roof that you can hear, and the sound of water on windows, you're safe. You're in this little place, and you can do whatever you want.

Or, if you're feeling adventurous, you get in your car or truck, and you drive. Listen to your music, the sound of rain on the roof of your vehicle, crank up the heat, and you just go, out into the fog.

And suddenly, you spot a patch of forest. And you get out of your truck, and you go out there into the quiet woods, to the sound of birds, and rain on the trees, while the fog surrounds you, clings to you, makes your clothes damp.

And then, when you're done, you go home. You go home to that little fire, and that little space, that's always there. Safe, and warm.

That's my life. This is what I can almost.... almost just reach. You can do all of what I said above, just because you can. This is my world. I know that maybe it sounds a little too easy. And yes, that's true. A lot of work is needed up here to survive. But there are days like this for me.

And so, we come to the end of our ride.

I leave you, with the best picture I took today.

The Flood / I'm crying right now
« on: October 22, 2014, 10:40:58 PM »
But not sad crying, oh no. Ya'll just have to listen. So, tonight, I called up my brother in law, and started talking about the snail.

This right here, is the snail.

Now, I asked him, how much it would cost to insulate it. And there's two ways of doing it. One is internal. But it weighs down the frame, and in the end is expensive and not worth it. The other, is external.

You build a shed, overlapping the motor home by a few inches. Put two big doors in it, and cut out holes that match the exact position of the windows on the motor home. Put windows in, and boom, double pane windows. Insulate the shed thoroughly, like a house. And drive the snail into it. In the future, if I wanted more space, I could build extensions on the shed.

Only 1000 dollars.

What about the inside?

See all that ugly fake wood? Rip it out, and glue genuine hardwood in place. It wouldn't cost much, because the snail doesn't take up a lot of space.

Now then, what about heat? Rip a cuboard out, and put a small woodstove in. But get this. Just get this.

My brother in law has one. And he doesn't use it. And he's given it to me for free, chimney and all.

And, last but not least, what about power?

Motor homes use two batteries, one for powering the engine, and one for what most call the "house."

My brother in law as a metal tower, and a special wind vane, along with an alternator meant for charging batteries from the wind vane. And he'd give that to me for free.

Make shed, move snail, set up tower, use one battery, and when it's out, use the vane to charge it while you use the other. In one shot, I'd have everything.

All I need is property. But it's all right there. By next year, my life, could be upside down.

I can't. It's too much. Can't stop laughing. Can't stop crying.

All I've gotta do is reach out and make it.

The Flood / Epic Street Figher Crossovers
« on: October 22, 2014, 07:19:39 PM »
Enjoy such great matches like Obama vs Charlie Sheen and Snowden vs Waldo.


The Flood / Good morning to you Flood! I wish you all a good day!
« on: October 22, 2014, 09:17:09 AM »
Haha, feels like I got hit by a truck this morning. My lungs burn, give me shit this morning. Can feel all the stiffness in my legs, lifted something heavy yesterday, put a little too much strain on them. Arms and fingers are sore, can feel something up by my shoulders. And a headache! Right there in the back of my head, just waiting to spike up. And cold! All the sunshine's gone now and it's dark. Oho this'll be an interesting day!

But a good one. And that's what I empart upon all of you today. Have a good day folks! Make it something nice! Feel that livelyness in your bones and that pupose in your step! Make it fun. Make it strange. Make it a day worth remembering.

The Flood / So a contractor came by my restaurant this morning
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:50:58 AM »
Walks in the door. Gives me a face like


Imma gonna have a good day Flood. Oh yes indeed. I haven't moved my legs with work in a long while. I can feel all that life in me bones. I wanna move. Oho you don't even know what I've got planned.

To make this half assed relevant, discuss your good days.

The Flood / Quilly Willy
« on: October 19, 2014, 06:40:25 PM »
Yes, people of the flood. This is the epitome of perfection. My town's mascot.

His name is Quilly Willy.


The Flood / You know who's my besf friend today Flood?
« on: October 19, 2014, 10:13:28 AM »

This cup. For in this cup, is damn good coffee.

Woke up with no motor skills, half a functioning noggin, and really, I don't think I woke up at all.

Discuss your favorite coffees.

The Flood / To all of you here....
« on: October 19, 2014, 12:22:21 AM »

I've still got it!

The Flood / Enterovirus D68, The outbreak nobody gives a frack about
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:12:14 AM »
So you folks are worried about Ebola right? Let's talk about Enterovirus D68. A rare little respitory infection that's making its way across Canada and the states in droves. This virus spreads like the common cold, shows symptoms like the common cold until the advanced stages, and targets children more than adults.

In BC the virus claimed it's first adult victim today, a man with asthma.

Cases are also beginning to pop up in Ontario, Alberta, Nova Scotia, and several potential cases have been noted in Quebec. In the states, there's a party as well. From mid-August to October 17, 2014, CDC or state public health laboratories have confirmed a total of 825 people in 46 states and the District of Columbia with respiratory illness caused by EV-D68.

Most of the victims are children, as the virus has a higher chance of infecting them, with roughly 15% of infected being put into intensive care. Kids and adults with respitory and heart problems have a higher chance of death and severe reactions to it.

So, basically, wash your god damn hands people. It's cold and flu season.

The Flood / I've got nothing to lose
« on: October 16, 2014, 01:18:01 AM »
I've been doing a little bit of thinking tonight Flood. And I'd like to take a moment to talk about something of mine. It's something I've worked on for years. Learned and grown with. It's a part of me, and I can't change it. I would never trade it for anything. It's the fact that I'm a writer.

But what do I write? What have I spent three years of my life writing? What kind of short stories do I make?

It's a good question. Because honestly, I don't know what they are. It's a question I've worked on for years. And I've done my best to find other people like me. But I can't. I search everywhere. And finding anybody, any person at all who walks a blurred line like I do, has proven nigh impossible.

So you know what? I've got nothing to lose. Nothing to hide. Whenever Anarchy rolls in, I'm going to post one of my stories. Just one, for every Anarchy.

And, for the most part, I think I'm making a mistake. But I just don't give a fuck anymore. I'm tired of waking up to the life that I live. So I'm going to change things. Even if that means from here on out I get the weird stares and the flak from all the sacks of old sacks that dwell here.

So I'll say it.

A simple person, would try to shunt me into the category of "A writer of erotica." And you know what? They'd be partially right. But over the years it's changed. I put something more into it than just simple, mindless sex for the sake of sex.

And that's it folks. This is my last little secret of mine. No longer a secret now. I am strange by nature, and I can't change that. Nor will I fight it. And, if there's a chance that even one person here would enjoy what I write, then why the fuck not?

One life to live. One shot, one chance at everything. So, I'll be seeing you in Anarchy when it arrives folks. You ready to get a little strange?

The Flood / Obama and Thailand's(Ex) Prime Minister
« on: October 15, 2014, 01:25:46 PM »

You can't tell me something's not there.

The Flood / Anybody see Sentra lately?
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:24:16 AM »
Just a quick question. Haven't seen a peep from him since I got back. Any of you folks see him on at all lately?

Back home now. Getting settled in after saying hello to everybody. But, I'd like to say something. Talk about what happened with me in the hospital. Because a lot did. I need this off of me. I need this, out of my head. So I'll tell all of you, here and now, what I see, what I realize, and what I know I have to do.

First, let's start with why I ended up in the hospital. You could say it was bad luck. Weakened lungs. Puking up food that damaged my throat. You could chalk it up to me not washing my hands at the right time. But the truth is, it was me. It's always been me. At my core, I've always been broken. And I'll tell you why. I work. Some of you know that. Maybe you even know that I push myself. But you don't know why I work. You don't know why I push myself against physical injuries, and debilitating things. And that's why I ended up in the hospital. Because I waited too long. I pushed my body, myself, to the breaking point. I added funds to my personal savings, until I had 10,000 dollars. And then I gave it all away to stabilize my mother and her debts.

Why would anyone do that? Why would I do that? 10,000 dollars, enough to bargain for a piece of land, that I took years to save up for, gone, in an instant. Why would I work so hard, when I needed rest to help fight the sickness in me? I'll tell you why. It's because of my base foundation. My entire reason for living, and my entire life. Years back, when I was depressed, a few days from jumping off my town's radio tower, a thought occurred to me. I realised, that if I jumped, I would be hurting the people who loved me. And then I saw it. I had already hurt them. These people, they loved me. Cared for me. Put their trust in me. And I slipped. I let them down. And so I realised, that if I jumped, I truly would be a bastard, truly selfish, worth nothing. And when I looked at the mountain I would have to climb, I wanted to jump. It would take so much work. And I was lazy and selfish.

But one thought, one alone changed my mind. Do it for them. If not for yourself, then do it for them. Take back every year, every month, every week, day, hour, minute, right down to the last second. Take it all back, and return it to them. Fight for them, and make something better for them, because as people, they were the ones that deserved it. And that's exactly what I did. I pulled myself up, alone, out of my depression. And I did it for them. Not for myself. And that's how it's been ever since. I work so hard, and push myself a little further to the grave each time because I believe I'm a failure. And I will work to make up for the time that I wasted and took from them.

But I realise it now. This needs to change. I need to care about more. I need to care about the one thing I never cared about. And that's me. I need to realise, that I have something to lose. But I also have something to gain. And I need to fight not just for them, but for me. For the days that I can live for, and enjoy.

Second, is related to my friends, who I address here and now. It's related to Smiggles, Floppytub, Noelle, Vien, and now, at the late endgame, Admirals. These five people have helped me define myself a little better over the past six months. Smiggles was the first person I opened up to. Shared with something of mine that I kept a secret. She gave me the power and the guts to leap forward. Floppytub, has read a lot of my stories. He gave me the power and homeliness of familiarity. I became more attuned to what I did and wrote. Began to like what I did. Vien gave me the comfort of knowledge. Knowledge that I wasn't alone out there in my tastes. If I wasn't alone, and there was even one person out there even a fraction like me, then there could be others. Noelle gave me the power of realisation. The realisation of how special every one of our minds is, an appreciation for who and what we are, which is something that we cannot change, no matter how hard we fight it. And Admirals, taught me acceptance. Accepting the affinity for oneself, and letting yourself go, to work and do what you truly love.

So where does this all lead? It leads to the fact that I am alone. I enjoy my quiet, and my solitude. But I don't want to be alone anymore. I want to look into the eyes of another, and see behind them, a mind that is like mine. Most of all, I want somebody to look at me, and accept me for who and what I am, and share it with me, my dreams and my good days, all of it. I want to share the experience. I want a friend. And, in time, maybe someone who is more than that. Smiggles, Floppytub, Vien, Noelle, and Admirals, you have all been the closest friends I've ever had save for Quiet. But that's the problem. I met all of you over the safety of the internet. The internet, a place where any and all could give voice to their thoughts without repurcussion. A place where I could set my mind free, without any insecurities. But that's the problem. All of you, are thousands of miles away from me. You are all great people. But you can't ever substitue for real physical and social interaction. The internet can never do that. And that's what I lack. I need to step out into the world, and look for somebody who I can interact with on a level like all of you.

And now I know I need to turn a bit more of myself away from the internet, and search in the real world around me for somebody. And it will be hard. Because I'm an introvert. I don't travel. And I will live in close proximity to my family, to take care of them. But most importantly, I need more than just the base that I have. I need to have something to show, and something to anchor somebody to me. And the best chance is art and writing. I need to grab them, study them, and push them as far as I can take them. Through these interests, I will have a better chance of meeting somebody like me. And when I see them, I'll have to make the first step. Take the initiative. Because if they're like me, they won't take the first step.

And third, and finally, I realise that I have a responsibility, as a writer. When I write something, whether it be a paragraph, or a story, somebody will read it. And through my words, emotions will come. People will feel something. Think something. These emotions, and these thoughts that come out of what I have written are not fake. They are real. They are physical things that affect the reader on the other end. And so I must take care of what I write. I must take care, not to produce negative impacts on people. The same applies to my art, which I admit, is so hard to start because it competes with my writing, but I know it's there. With some practice, direction, and dedication, in time, it will grow, just like my writing. But I need to find out where to start, and latch on to an aspect of it that I enjoy, and go from there, just like my writing.

If you've read all of this, then thank you. This was my time in the hospital. Pages and pages of stories crammed onto paper, and thoughts about who I am and what I need to do with myself. Know that even though I need to expand myself as a person, I will never diminish from talking to any of you people, whether you be the five that I mentioned, or just a forum goer that I don’t know much about yet. But there is a lot of work to be done. But you know what the best part is? All of this happened in six months, from the very first time I spoke to smiggs. I'll be alive and turning 22 on October 30th. Let's see just how far I can reach in the next year.

I want to thank you five people, and the other people of this forum for what you’ve all shown and done for me.

I go to rest now. Long day. And this needed to be said. I wake up to a new day tomorrow. New person. New life. Let’s see what I can do with the second hand that fate has given me.

The Flood / I missed all of you
« on: October 13, 2014, 04:04:41 PM »
Well, hello to every last one of you, once more. Been a while hasn’t it? Couldn’t stand the hospital, and for the most part, the flu’s all gone and I can breathe well enough on my own now, so I checked myself out. I can take care of things from here and the doc back home can too. I can’t say much at the moment. Too much on my head and I’m tired. But, I figured, rather than just bump into somebody’s thread and say howdy, I’ll make something to collect all the hellos and whatnot.

So hello again Sep7agon! What did I miss? Tell me some stories.

I’ll be around in the meantime. But currently I’m at a friend’s house. Still have to make the last leg of the trip back home. It’s good to see this place again. Feels like it’s been too long. Anywho, cheers folks. It’s good to be back home in two regards.

Aha, one last thing. Quiet says some of ya’ll doubt his existence as a Human being. Not nice guys. He took care of all my shit that I dumped on him and you doubt his merit as a person? Ya’ll are just a bunch of sacks of old sacks. So here you go. An ugly me after a four hour long ride, bright sunshine in the eyes, and windswept fabulous Quiet in front of his home. I’ll see you folks around in a bit.

The Flood / I realize something now, in the twilight
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:15:33 AM »
I never did say goodbye to you folks. I am, so very tired. But I've done it. If I complete my day of work tomorrow, combining my earnings with my own personal savings, I'll have around 10,000 dollars. The here and now debts will be paid, and the strain of the coming winter will be slack. Can't say I'll be dying a failure.

But I don't think I've got much longer after this. Can't speak. Started hacking and coughing shit up. Can hardly eat. And there's a fever somewhere, in all of this. But I have something to say to you all, before I go. I've said this to my friends, but I realize, it is fitting, for all of you.

I was never anything special. Probably won't amount to much either. But I took the life that was given, and I did what I could. Maybe I could have done things better. Maybe not. But I'm here now. And I wouldn't trade back any of the days spent. And if given more, I will continue to do what I've always done.

For all intents, this is goodbye. But you can't have a goodbye
without a hello. Whether or not it's in life, or death, one way or
another, I will say hello again. And no matter what side of the coin it
rests on, it will be a new day.

I wish you all the best in whatever you do. Sometime soon, maybe later
rather than sooner, I will greet you again, just like I did before, on
the first day I decided to take a new step.

And it'll be an adventure. That's what life should be right? An adventure.

Make your life an adventure. And maybe one day, you can tell me some
stories. I do like stories after all.

Goodnight, to all of you.

The Flood / To Sentra, with love
« on: September 27, 2014, 09:57:12 PM »
I'm going to be brief about this. Frankly, I'm not even really sure what I can say. I don't even know what to say really. But I'd like to try, before I can't.

A few days ago, I picked up the flu. And I had a mild sore throat. And then I ate some bad food. Puked it all up one night, and went to the hospital because there was blood in my puke. Found out the stomach acid was hard on my sore throat and did a number on it. But that's not the point.

Last night, I was feeling horrible. And I went to the hospital. I have some bad news.

The wounds in my throat have become infected, despite all the drugs the doc gave me. The infection's gone respitory. And the doc gave me the bad news last night.

My chances are bad. My lungs are already damaged from work prior in my life, and they will likely be unable to handle this. The doc's given me a huge cocktail of shit to fight this, but it's only a matter of time before I end up in the hospital bed.

My will's breaking down. I claw and tear at myself with depression. And I know, when you become sick like this, your outlook on things can really help you along. Happy people can fight better. And I'm not happy.

I've signed up for a job. It's only a matter of time before I end up in a hospital bed. And I don't know if I'll survive this. But I'm not going to lay down and wait to die. If I'm going to leave my family and this world, I'm not going to leave them to the ravages of unfairness.

I'm going to try and post here, for the sake of it, as long as I can. But I will be gone for long periods of time. And when the infection puts me down in a bed, I won't be seeing any of you anymore. When it does, I'm going to hope for the best. But luck can be cruel.

I don't really know what else to say. Thank you all for the time you've given me.

Edit I left you a present Sentra. Enjoy.

The Flood / I could use a hand tonight flood
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:14:33 PM »
I am mentally exhausted. I need sleep. But I can't sleep at the moment. I'm on about 3 or so different drugs that the doc threw at me and I just took some sleeping shit an hour ago and I'm still up for some reason. I'm too weak physically to tire myself out, and it feels like I have a foot in the grave tonight.

All I'd like, is the company of somebody. Talk or no, I don't care. But I can't sit here all alone like this tonight.

GT is Sangheili Merc for any that care. Xbox 360 because I'm poor as shit.

The Flood / On Sunday I will be employed again
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:29:29 AM »
Contractor came knocking on my door this morning, asked if I wanted to sign up. Could start working today. But too sick at the moment. But I can't wait around on my ass otherwise I might lose the position. So regardless of how shitty of a condition I'm in, I'll be hauling around 32ft long trusses to build a roof on Sunday.

Discuss money coming in and money going out.

The Flood / Sapient Cactus
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:32:28 AM »
An idea occured for me a little while back when I was thinking about an arid location, and looking at a cactus. Everything's a little rough at the moment, and keeps changing, but I guess it leaves some room for interpretation right?

So, for starters, whatever these plant critters are, they have a basic humanoid frame, two legs, arms, ect. Their head's got stiff leaves, shaped in the manner for catching water, pooling it down at the top of their head so they can absorb it. The leaves fold up into a bundle when not in use to protect them. It'd be like a ponytail of sorts. There's no dicernable facial features on them, except for two beady black eyes. I figure if you're going to have a mobile sapient plant, you need limited vision of sorts. But I don't know what their eyes are made out of yet or what exactly they are. They're not exactly what you would call eyes.

The feet(toes) and hands are a tougher material, like roots. At the base of their hands, where your knuckles would be, are transparent sacks showing through their "skin" which is a combination of intertwined vines and a tougher outer layer that wraps around them. These sacks are filled with water, and tend to protrude from jointed areas, or in particular, where certain muscles would be on humans or other bipeds. It's not organized, and not symetrical however. These sacks, when pressed on, or expanded and contracted by the vines, act like muscles so the plant critter can move, walk, somewhat run, pick up stuff and so on. Plants by themselves are capable of moving, but not fast. With those water based sacks, movement is much faster when organised into a special system.

But because of this, physically, these plant critters aren't very strong. No muscle bound beings here.

So, I got to thinking. How would a sapient, bipedal mobile plant like this defend itself? Well, for starters, plants are naturals at regeneration. So long as enough mass remains, they can regenerate rather quickly. And second is where the cactus comes in. Underneath their tougher patches of skin that cover their vines and water-muscles, are cactus like spines. Over their arms, legs, and torso. These barbs can be shot up through the skin and stay there, or they can be shot out, like a dirty bomb using nails. When their skin is breached by the barbs, it ejects a bright purple liquid, a bright warning and toxic poison to most lifeforms. So if their attacker is wounded by their barbs and gets that stuff in their system, it's trouble.

And there you have it. A sapient cactus plant.

The Flood / Sandtrap's Dump Thread
« on: September 25, 2014, 09:52:03 PM »
Edit: I'm turning this into my own little space to set loose all the shit I spin up in my head concerning my supposed endless and random acts of creativity. I'll be dumping down my idea and shit in here when I have them and I need to clear my head. You can take a peek if you want, or discuss what I dream up. But for all intents and purposes, this will be me talking to myself.

Links to Other Threads

Sapient Cactus Plant

I need to put my thoughts down somewhere tonight folks. But it seems like I have nobody to discuss things with. So I'm going to throw some shit out into the wind here just because. Don't mind me.

So, I'm working on another little project of mine. But, I've got to do some revisions. Partially because I now realize that the particular idea I have in mind requires some outside the box thinking.

So, we have this species. The galaxy at large knows not too much about them, for two reasons. The first is, they are very hard to find. And second is, they're reclusive in their records. Their name, in their own language, roughly translated into Common, the base spoken language of all in the galaxy, is Chimera.

Chimera's are biologically unique in that they are the only known organic species in the galaxy to have nearly total control over their atomic structure. Roughly speaking, they're shapeshifters. Anything they've ever touched, is remembered in a photographic memory by their body.

As such, their limitations are only based on three things. How far outside the box they can think, the particular material they phase into, and their very short lifespan. No Chimera has ever lived past 15.

Over the course of their life, Chimeras can undergo forced changes at random. The galaxy attributes this to the fact that they exist in a state of quantum uncertainty. But, what it really is, is their bodies breaking down as they age. Past 15, they become unstable, and it's only a matter of time before they break down on the atomic level, and turn to dust. Even less than dust.

Death, in their culture is the most frightful thing to them. In their natural form, which isn't seen often because they only reveal it to those that they trust absolutely, they can become sick, break bones, and take lethal damage, just as any other species. But their unique biology makes them god like, able to go anywhere, do anything. And yet, even they aren't immune to death.

I was trying to think of what a particular species of this types technology would be like, and came to the conclusion, that they build empty vessels and contraptions. And using their own natural biology, they power their devices in a highly coordinated group effort. Reclusive, cooperative, loyal, and very secretive to the outside galaxy.

They come from a pocket of space known as the warped regions. The unstable center of the galaxy. The closer you get to the center, the more volatile it becomes. Stars twist and warp around each other, feeding off each other and colliding. Black holes devour anything in reach, and gravity warps and bends like a child's plaything.

Most life forms that survive long enough in these regions are representations of hyper adaptability or intelligence, able to survive where any other species would die, or escape their chaotic region of space before they are consumed.

There you have it. I've dumped my head empty for the time being. Now lets see if I can write something constructive and un-cluttered.

The Flood / Fuck me sideways(Medical Results good/bad news)
« on: September 25, 2014, 01:06:38 AM »
Not ded. I had some bad food and puked it all up. All that blood came from my throat however. Had a sore throat since yesterday.

Who knew stomach acid was good for a sore throat?

Yogurt's going to be mah nigga for a few weeks now. Very god damn hard to speak.

The Flood / You know what would go good right now?
« on: September 24, 2014, 01:07:05 PM »

Fucking home made cinnamon buns. You put a little bit of chocolate on them too for good measure.

The Flood / Who Knew Camnator had Pokemon based off of him?
« on: September 23, 2014, 08:06:39 PM »

I sure didn't.

The Flood / I'd like to tell you a story tonight, Flood
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:10:17 PM »
I've been doing a lot of thinking today Flood. And I realize something I've been missing. Something I'd forgotten, as I'd grown semi comfortable with all these years. My one reason. The sole reason I wake up every morning, and continue to beat my head against this endless wall of troubles, and my own vices that are pulling me along on strings.

This something, this reason, is a person. My better half. My sister. I'd like to tell you her story, because of all the people that deserve to have someone talk about them, and perhaps listen, it's her. Most of all, I'd like to remind myself of why I keep going. Why I wanted to, at least. She never asked for what life handed her. But all the same she got it anyway. So, here we go.

My sister was 10 by the time I was born. And even by then, she'd gone through a hellish childhood. She was born with relatively poor vision, and donned those ancient, thick, goggle like glasses that folks used to wear. Mistakes that the doctor made early on landed her with the wrong kind of glasses, and over the years, it only damaged her eyes further.

And, once, she had crooked teeth. Braces fixed it, but again, at a cost. The braces gave her crippling headaches, which in turn put strain on her optic nerves, damaging her eyes even more.

And, naturally, my sister, being shy, quiet, and wearing goggle glasses and braces, was a target. And she was defenseless. Kids, in their unthinking cruelty, mocked and teased, with no end in sight. And the more vicious ones did more. Threw basketballs and footballs at her. Tripped her, kicked her down, broke her glasses.

Was it any wonder why she never finished school?

By the time I was five, it was just me, her, and my mother. The two of us witnessed my father, one night, after one of many arguments, lash out and break my mother's jaw. This left it's mark on me for years. Nightmares every night, long after my father was gone. I was too young at the time to recognize what was going in with my sister, but she was always there for me. I'd wake up in the night, terrified. And she'd lead me along to the couch, sit me down, and we'd stay up and watch TV all night until we fell asleep.

But, being a dropout, and partially blind, she had no future. And it took it's toll on her. Depression set in, just like it has for me in the past and right now. Self inflicted harm, and when things were the worst, a noose.

The years after this, are one long, bad memory. But despite this, my sister managed to recover. Even grow and overcome things. And through it all she was there for me. And as I grew older, I became her best, and only friend. But, everything ends at some point or another.

In her early 20's, after years of troubles plagued us, my mother's fighting with men and her own issues, my sister took a backpack, and left. She hitchhiked across Canada, two provinces over. And it was there that she found her husband. And, for some time, things were going well. For once in her life, something was looking up.

And then the headaches came. Powerful, crippling headaches. Painful headaches that were so bad that she had to be taken to the hospital, and put on morphine. And the doctors found out what it was. Headaches that were affecting and putting enormous amounts of pressure on her optic nerves. And, they acted. Gave her drugs to treat it. But the doc that gave the drugs gave the wrong kind. And it was only years after that we learned about it.

My sister lost her vision because of it. One eye, completely dead. If you close one fully, and keep one of your eyes open by less than half, that is the effective vision of my sister today. And despite her husband's efforts in court, they lost.

But my sister continued on anyway. She had a baby with her husband. And she lives on a farm, oh so far away from my little town. She hauls firewood, navigates the house and area around it, cooks, cleans, and goes so far beyond what her limited vision allows.

This is my sister. Never once, in my life, have I ever heard her complain about any of it. Never once, has she said anything ill of mind towards what happened. And despite her vision, she keeps going. Raising her daughter alongside her husband, and taking each day as it comes.

Of every person I've ever met in my life, my sister was the only one I could trust, absolutely. Of all the people I've seen, met, and passed by, my sister never once betrayed me, hurt me, or did anything to harm me.

But I did. I failed her. And I work everyday in the hopes that I can make up for it. She is stern and hard when she has to be. But she never said anything to me, other than the fact that she understood, and she forgave me. But all the same, I will make up for my mistakes.

My sister is peaceful, content, caring, and most of all, braver than I could ever hope to be. But she can't do everything by herself. And that's why I still get up in the morning. Because I hope, that in the future, I can give her what life never did.

She never asked for the life that was given, but she took it anyway, and against all odds, she did it. I can only hope that in the future, I can emulate the wonderful person that she is. Most of all, I hope I'm there to hold things up when life will no doubt, come knocking on her door once more with bad news.

The Flood / Goodnight folks
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:55:09 AM »
Strange night. Went for a walk. Stood at the edge of town, at the last lamp post. Looked out to the pitch black road out there. Starry night though. Wanted to to just walk out there, see how far I could go. Figured against it. Came back, don't feel any better. Bed's comfy though.

Have a good sleep, in your cozy part of the world folks. Turn the lamps on and burn away that night time darkness through those small little windows. Goodnight.

The Flood / Not cool life, not fucking cool
« on: September 19, 2014, 08:52:22 AM »
I got sucker punched today folks. Personally, I'm amazed that I didn't just fucking break down then and there. I'm going to tell a story. I'll keep it short, if I can.

A few years back, in the middle of my first depression, I was feeling pretty shitty. And, as usual, I wasn't thinking right. But I went digging through old phone numbers. And I called an old friend of mine up, asked if they could drop by, if they were in the area.

This friend of mine, at one time, was a good friend. The kind of person you'd hang around with every single day. But as we went further along into highschool, we just quietly drifted apart.

So, much to my surprise, my friend actually shows up. I wasn't expecting this. And I messed up. They had other friends with them, and I seized up. Made some excuse, and they want on their way. And that was it for about a month or so.

And then I called them up again. I really, really, just wanted one person to talk to. And I got insitent about. Called a little bit too much. And, one day, I got their father on the phone. And, not in their words mind you, the equivilant of what was said was, "fuck off, they don't want to see you no more."

I'll give you 10 bucks if you could guess what happened after that.

Anywho, so today, I'm going about my business and who should walk into my shop? Yeah, that's who. And they've changed over the years. But I'd know that person anywhere. I remember that awkward smile. And they come up, and ask, "Hey, how's it going?"

After all these years. And after that. After completely destroying me, sending me spiraling down, of all the fucking times there was, it had to be this one.

Thanks life. Appreciate it.

The Flood / The Official TL:DR Wikipedia Thread
« on: September 18, 2014, 02:09:31 PM »

Post your best finds.

The Flood / This is it gentlemen. Goodbye.(Made my decision)
« on: September 16, 2014, 11:15:23 PM »
For some of you folks, you'll already know what I'm talking about. I'll explain things. I've come to a crossroads in my life. My family is on the verge of collapse because our debts are climbing higher than we can pay them off. I have two choices. I can stay here, and keep helping them, because they sorely need it. But I won't be able to make the money neccessary to pay off all that needs to be paid. Or, I can take a contract with an old company of mine that I worked for. I will be separated from my family, and I'll work on a shitty job as a laborer for five years. But I'll be able to pay off everything.

I don't know what I'm going to choose yet. But In the next few days, I have to do something, because things are critical now. But I'd like to confess something before I go.

A few years back, I went through a heavy depression. In fact, a few more days, and I probably would have been one of those people that are laughed at over the internet for suiciding. But I turned things around. But I never did it for myself. Truth be told, I never really gave a fuck about myself. And it's only through the past few years, that I barely started to do things that made me as a person happy.

But if I take this job, those five years will destroy me. I can't stand being trapped. And that job is the very definition of it. But I'll be doing it not for me, because this is all bigger than I am. As a person, my needs have always come second. But, even if I choose to stay, I can't win.

Because lately, there's been too much for me to handle. In fall, I become naturally depressed until winter rolls in. And because of all this shit, my own depression has started back up. And it's feeding off everything. In a few days, a week even, I've fallen so far down the hole that I can't even stop it.

If I go, I'll break. I know that. And if I stay, I will too. My depression will fucking eat me alive. It already is. But whatever I choose, I'm going to try my fucking hardest to hang on for the sake of my family. I don't know if this is a fight I can win. But I'm going to try.

The point is, if I go, you won't see me for five years. And if I stay, my depression is going to pull me along on strings. I'll close up to the world, and I'll vanish from this site for some time, until I either lose my fight and off myself, or I start climbing back out of it.

So I have this to say to every one of you here. Thank you for the good times you've given over the years. I hope this place stays alive and well over the years. For good or bad, all of you here are a good bunch. You've made my time here enjoyable, given me stories, and new perspectives to look at.

And to all the people who I got to know a little better, you know who you are. I would be proud to call you all friends of mine if you ever showed up on my doorstep. I would give my life for you if need be. And I would help you if I had it in my power.

I have little to say that I haven't said before. So I'm just going to leave off with this.

Make your life better than mine.

Update on things:

I talked with my family last night and this morning about things. They left the choice up to me since it is my life and that they'd stand by me with whatever I picked. But I know them. The amount of times I've been there when things got bad alone this year is something they couldn't work around. They all need me more than any money could provide. We could be broke and on the streets but at the very least we'd still have each other's backs. Better than one of them getting injured or in trouble while I'm out there and they're here alone.

So I'm going to stay. But I know what's coming. This winter isn't going to be easy. And I'd be a fool to think that everything will be fine and dandy. I'm going to try and see if I can find some work in the local area to do what I can. But I'd like my peace and quiet now. If you ever want to talk to me, I will be here. But my head's going to go down into some dark places. I'm going to try my best to keep my head straight but fighting this is like trying to walk up an avalanche.

I'd sincerely like to apologize right now for anything that I might say later on if you speak to me. I grow bitter, resentful, spiteful, and unkind when I fall far enough and my temper comes out. This is not me and it's not who I ever want to emmulate.

The Flood / You Have a Choice
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:31:15 PM »
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately folks. Things are falling apart on my end, and now's the time I believe I'll have to make a decision. And there's no easy way out. Whatever one I'm going to pick won't be easy. I'm going to give you the scenario, and you, from your standpoint, will pick what you think you would do in my shoes.

Scenario 1: Stay.

My family has worked their dues. But if only it were so easy to just put things to rest and have an easy going life. My mother owns a restaurant. I am the partial owner beside her, and for cooking in the mornings, and being there and present at all times, 7 days a week roughly 12-16 hours a day, and being the guy who fixes what breaks because it's an old building, room and board is free for me. But we've done the math. In order to to pay off our 60,000 dollar debt to the bank and officially make this place ours, we'll have to work 15 years. Assuming this place can operate for that long, by then my mother will be 70 years old. I'll be 36. Personally, I don't think she could manage that. So one day, I will have to step in and do what she can't.

Because this debt is so enormous, I have taken it on my shoulders to find my mother a home or property, as well as finding myself my own place to call home. Even the smallest amount of land that you can sell or buy, 10 acres, can go for up to 150 thousand dollars minimum.

And then there's my sister. Her husband is older, and has a long history of work related injuries. But he's stubborn, and works regardless. But in his age, it's only a matter of time before things break down. And they have even more to worry about than my mother does. He can't do all that he has to alone, and so I am there to step in when one person isn't enough.

If I choose to stay, I will be able to help them physically when they can go no longer.

Scenario 2: Leave.

Money is hard to make up here. And right now, things are starting to fall apart for both my mother, and my sister and her husband. I am the second youngest in my family, in front of my little niece. The only option I have would be to leave, and travel far, out to one of the bigger cities. I only have my grade 10 to work with, so that leaves the shit jobs. I know my way around words, and no doubt I could find work as a construction laborer in the city easily. But that's all I have.

If I did travel to the city, I would have a chance to make money. I have a motor home that I could live in, so rent would be cheap for me. Any money I made would be split into helping my mother and my sister, and the rest would be for using myself to survive with the bare minimum. But I know the construction jobs around here. I would forfeit years of my life to make enough to pay for everything that needs to be paid. But if I could have that chance to make that much of a dent in our money problems, I would take it. But the cost would be my life, my personal time, and the few meager dreams I've only started to scratch, as well as my absence from my family that so very much needs my help.

So, I ask you all, what would you choose? Because right now I'm considering things. And no road I travel is going to be fun, or easy.

Gaming / Dark Souls done on Rock Band Guitar
« on: September 15, 2014, 08:02:07 PM »

The dude beat it as well.

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