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Topics - Sandtrap

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Gaming / MOVED: Paypal is fucky
« on: November 22, 2014, 01:50:46 AM »
This topic has been moved to The Flood.

Don't figure Paypal is a gaming dealio.

The Flood / I'm making a bet with all of you, here and now
« on: November 21, 2014, 03:51:48 PM »
Okay folks. Here's the deal. I like christmas time with my family. I don't like christmas. The month or two preceeding christmas always blows ass. Without fail. This seems like a fact of life for me. And it seems like I've started this downward trend in luck a little early for christmas this year.

So, in conjunction with this year's theme, here's the bet.

If I should die, or I am killed before christmas, I win.

If I make it past december 25th to the next day, I will personally write every last one of you people on this site a big fucking christmas rhyme or poem, or whatever the fuck, and send it to all of you through a mass PM. That's 500 names I'll go through and enter into the PM box.

And there you have it.


Yeah Class, call this attention bait all you want. At least I don't spam half the garbage you ever put out. I need a little enjoyment too. So that's what this is. My sense of humor.

Everybody here needs to lighten up. Fuck, I need to lighten up too especially after today. That's why I made this. I suppose sarcasm is hard to spot.

I don't actually figure I'll kick the bucket any time soon. But, it simply occured to me that if I did, it'd be hella convienent and bad/good timing considering all my other past christmases. And that's funny to me.

The Flood / TFW Xcocks power brick flatlines
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:46:58 PM »

I'm trying the best I can to be optimistic today. TRYIN' REAL FUCKIN' HARD HERE.

Discuss the pile of dead xbox corpses and corpse accessories you own.

The Flood / I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:01:47 AM »
Okay folks. For starters, no, I don't want no pick me ups. I don't need encouragement of any kind. I just need to write this because it's been bugging me. It's on my head at all hours of the day. And I need to get it out. Here goes.

You folks may know that I have a sister. Around 26-27, she went legally blind when she got a serious batch of cluster headaches. The pain was so great that if the docs gave her any more morphine, it would have killed her. That pressure crushed her optic nerves.

Well, the point is, I am subject to that same condition. Violent, crippling headaches. But my circumstances are different. And a few weeks ago, I found out why. I started bugging the doctors. I thought something was wrong. Couldn't place my finger on it. But I got them to run tests. And eventually, they looked in the right place. So, here goes.

My headaches don't put pressure on my head. They are caused by pressure. The doc found a growth in my head. A dormant tumor. And it's too deep to cut out. Point is, at any time, that tumor could go active. And I wouldn't have long.

I've been dancing around this for a few weeks now. Because honestly, I'm scared. I'm worried, all the time. I mean, it's just there. It's always just there. And I can't fight it, the docs can't do anything.

I'm not so much sad, or depressed. In fact, I've grown bolder because of it. But I'm scared. Because for all I know, I'm out of time. And I don't want to go that way. I'd die with a cluster headache. And then internal bleeding and hemoraging.

That scares the shit out of me.

As I said, I don't need any kind words. I've sorted myself out. Except for the part about worrying. Feels good to say it though. I didn't tell my folks the news. Don't want that on their heads. But with you folks, I'm just a picture. I'm just a name, and a style of writing. I can talk to you because of distance. Because if I died, then you'd all move on.

So, thanks for listening.

Today Kiyo and I traversed one of the more avoided communities in Drangleic. We ventured in as tourists and quickly realized we were in way over our heads. Black Gulch was not the friendly community as advertised in the tourist brochure seen here.


Within minutes of setting foot into the neighborhood, we were beset by the less than agreeable citizens, who sought to rob us and even murder us. Kiyo got one Humanity stolen and I was harrassed and frightened when I was jumped from the shadows.


We went our separate ways, and Kiyo walked into the wrong back alley.

I nearly died when I was nearly killed by the crumbling infastructure and buildings, which were very unsafe.

At long last, we regrouped at a favorite tourist hotspot bonfire, and decided to try one last location in the hopes that we could salvage our trip. We were wrong.


We had the misfortune of meeting the area's local drug lord, who was trying to actively smuggle drugs out via statues, and was rampantly abusing the wellfare system with hundreds of bodies working for him under his command.

In the end, we had no choice but to put our boots down, and we shut down the operations of the drug lord via the dispensery of political justice.

This is your Drangleic public service announcement saying, stay safe out there folks.

The Flood / Goodnight folks
« on: November 18, 2014, 12:39:58 PM »
I've got a right rippin' fucking headache that's been tailing me since yesterday evening. Persistent little fuck is what it is. I can't function right today. So I'm calling it a day.

See ya folks.

The Flood / Santa Claus and a Snake Lady walk into a bar
« on: November 17, 2014, 04:52:24 PM »
And the ruin sentinels get fucked.


The Flood / Nothing like driving in a snowstorm at midnight
« on: November 16, 2014, 02:04:51 AM »
Just got back from some big social jamberooni thing in a little town. Went on longer than expected. A snow storm showed up. Poor visibility. Roads were practically closed up by the time I got home.

Right. Goodnight.

Septagon / The New Ad Banners keep giving me viruses
« on: November 14, 2014, 09:25:58 PM »
I'll open up the sep7agon, and automatically be redirected to a page that starts flooding my computer with shit that downloads automatically with no permission. All of it gets flagged as malware and other nice stuff.

That's not cool Cheat. You'd better have a sit down with our ad service provider.

The Flood / Bungle.Net got another update
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:19:52 PM »
Lol. Go check it out.

The Flood / Wednesday Evening!
« on: November 12, 2014, 06:39:08 PM »
Howdy Flood! Ya'll walked into an experiment of mine.

Once a day, for the sake of fun, I'm going to make some time.

To muse on these interesting days, so they don't just pass in a foggy haze.

Winter comes, it's cold as shit, and fuck, I know this ain't even half of it.

The sun still shines, in these shitty cold times.

I've got good plans ahead, to which I'll work till' I'm dead.

Call this a gimmick, a trick, you folks know I don't fake shit.

Honest and true, can do no wrong on you.

So to you I say, on this middle old Wednesday.

Have a damn good evening, and enjoy your time.

Because suddenly, I'm a little fond of ryhmes.

The Flood / You folks wanna know why I'm such a homey kind of guy?
« on: November 11, 2014, 02:14:25 PM »
Today I'm an ambulance driver. Something's up with my brother in law, and it's bad enough that he can't drive himself to the hospital.

He got set on fire last year and still had it in him to go driving himself to the hospital. So whatever got dumped on him at the moment, ain't good.

So, off I go. It's -15 outside, the wind knocks it down to -23, the roads are closed in snow and ice, and I have no snow tires because I'm poor as fuck.

Have fun with your day folks. Imma going ice skating.

The Flood / Remembrance Day
« on: November 11, 2014, 10:10:07 AM »
That's right folks. It's that time of year again. Remembrance Day. Veteran's Day for others. A day, that I think is taken for granted by many. Too many forget the meaning of this day and add it to the simple list of holidays, days to take off.

So, on this day, I give my thanks. I give my thanks, to people, both men and women who served the best they could. Men, kids even, people younger than me who signed up because they wanted to help. They wanted to help the fight. To protect something.

They didn't know what they were stepping into. World War II. And it was in World War II, that something ugly reared its head. People showed just how dark they could be, on both sides. And yet, on both sides, not all was lost. Despite the misery and the suffering some of those that fought understood, that on the other end, walked just a man, as common as you or me.

The Second World war was the first, true taste of all the ugly things we as people do. And yet it was the last true conflict, where in little sparks, like candles, that man realized what he was doing to his fellow man.

Both World Wars were ugly events on our history. Sadly, they were necessary. And sadly, the sacrifice in lives was too.

So today, I sit back, and I will remember. And I will give thanks, to the people who had the guts to go out there, and fight for something, in the name of peace. I will give thanks to those who died in fields and trenches, so far away from home, to protect another's home.

That sacrifice, that pain, that misery, was not in vain. Because if it was, I would not be here today. You people might not be either. This forum, might not be. That sacrifice, from women, men, teens, kids even, was not in vain because today all of us sit in relative comfort. It's a testament to them. A testament that they succeeded. They kept the peace. And many gave their lives to do it.

While things may not be perfect, the fact that I can say these words today, as I sit in my home, with a computer, and many other comforts, stands true that the sacrifice wasn't in vain.

And so today, I remember. I remember an old man, I knew as a child. A kind man. The pilot of a B-17. And although he's not here with me today, I keep his memory alive, and I remember that his fights, and many other fights and deaths, gave me this.

And all of you should too. Don't take it for granted. Because it can slip out from under your feet so easily.

I give a moment of silence, my thanks, my appreciation, to all who died to make this world, this lifestyle possible.

I give thanks to you, Mr. Greenhigh.

The Flood / [NSFW] Late night story poll results
« on: November 10, 2014, 04:31:15 PM »
So, you folks remember this?
Well, I honour my end of the deal, even if I was sleep deprived and could have passed for being intoxicated. So, to you five fuckers who voted for supernatural shit, here you go. I present to you,

Shades of Grey(INB4ShadesOfGay)

Cold air washed over his skin, as the night winds blew over the river. Nathan stood, on the other side of the railing, looking down to the dark waters below. The night was long. And at this hour, it was just him. Up here, on the bridge, it was only ever him. Cold metal stung his hands, as he leaned against the railing, a feeling of vertigo escaping him, as he was just on the edge.

 His hands burned and stung from the cold, and, like a clock, he knew it was only a matter of time before he'd let go to ease the freezing pain on his hands. But that was the point. He wasn't going to stop it. He wasn't going to step back. Because there was no turning back. There was no going back, and fixing everything. Not this time.

Everything was over. And he couldn't do it anymore. Couldn't fight it. Didn't want to. Everything crumbled at his feet, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep it all together. When he looked at his future, what lay in wait for him, he saw nothing. A dead end. So, why not save time? Why not skip all the pain, and save himself the trouble?

As the wind howled over the bridge, even as it whistled through, he heard them. Footsteps. Nathan closed his eyes, a sense of dread washing over him. He'd been found. Why now, of all the nights? Why, why interrupt this for him? Sure enough, as the dread grew in his stomach, it was shattered by a voice he was expecting. Words he was expecting.

"Please. Don't jump."

Nathan turned his head back, straining to keep himself steady on the edge, his hands burning from the cold bite of metal. A woman. Like any other. Nothing remarkable. Dressed for the cold, simple blonde hair in locks from under something warm over her head. Nathan shook his head. No, no, he'd played these games before. This was just another of life's insults. As he leaned over, looking back down over the water, he spoke.

"Why? Why shouldn't I?"

Wind howled in a silence across the bridge. He was expecting it. An answer. Something she thought would give him a reason.

"Because you don't know what you have to lose."

Nathan shook his head.

"Why should you care? You never even showed up until just now. If you cared that much,  you would have showed up a long time ago."

"I'm sorry. Please.... Don't jump."

Nathan chuckled.

"My hands are getting cold. Any minute now."

Nathan watched as the woman dialed a number on her phone. He laughed aloud onto the wind.

"They won't get here in time. A fall, from this height?"

Nathan laughed, something hollow inside of him.

"I'll be gone on impact."

The woman slid her phone back into her pocket, and stepped closer. Nathan only watched.

"Lady, if you think you can climb the railing and catch me, and hold me, by all means, try it."

The woman stopped in her tracks, looking at him. Her eyes were focused solely on his. Never flinching, never gazing away.

"Please.... You don't have to do this. I know.... How bad it must look. But you can't. You can't give up."

Nathan smiled, just as hollowed as before.

"There's no point. Life gave up on me before I even had a chance. I'm just finishing what it started."

The woman shook her head.

"No, please.... Come down from there. Please.... Let's just go out, sit down. I'll buy you something. No strings attached, I swear."

Nathan chuckled.

"That's funny. Because I don't have any strings anymore either."

The cold was too deep now. His hands burned, and his muscles tensed, trying to force him out. His grip weakened, as cold fingers unwrapped themselves from around the metal they gripped. Vertigo, a flutter in his stomach that registered he was falling, a brief spark of light and life inside of him, as his feet left solid purchase. A weightlessness, telling him that he was free. And then, he stopped.

 Dangling in midair, Nathan's feet hung over nothing, like he'd fallen against an invisible wall. Shock washed over him, as he looked back. There, at the railing, was the woman. Her hand was held out to him, shaking, as blood streamed from her nose. Her eyes focused on his, as she shook on the spot.

"Please....... grab on......I can't hold it......"

Nathan's mind collapsed on itself as he dangled in the air, suspended, trapped. The woman steadied herself, gripping her other arm as she gritted her teeth, blood becoming more apparent from her nose, her mouth, and her eyes. There was shock. Confusion. But he reached back, as the woman struggled, collapsing to her knees, still holding her arm out towards him.

 In the calamity of it all, sirens blared in the distance, growing close now. Visible light flashing across the night. The woman's hand shook, as she looked down the road to the oncoming vehicles. She looked back to Nathan, shaking from the struggle. The words formed on her mouth, in silence, as blood streamed down her face.

"I'm sorry."

The invisible barrier that held him back shattered, and vertigo returned as Nathan fell, no longer suspended on invisible thread. His mind, was broken. Shattered into pieces now. As he fell, plummeted towards the dark water below, through the cold winds, something ignited in him. A will to live. A single, burning question, as he came to a crashing wave of regret.


The dark waves smashed into him, bones shattered and broke, and his life, his ruined, shattered life, now finally showing him a purpose, vanished. And dark consumed him.

From the dark, Nathan emerged. The first flutters of life that returned to him was sound. The sounds of equipment. A steady pulse of electronics. Then touch. Feeling. Pain, a dullness. Constriction. And finally, he opened his eyes. A darkened room. A hospital. From the light of the hallway, as his eyes traveled around erratically, trying to make sense of where he was, he looked upon himself.

White caste material covered him, his legs, his arms, even portions of his body. He was immobile. Trapped. Even a slight attempt at movement was met with resistance and a stinging pain. But, he was alive. He was okay. He had survived. He survived..... an impossible fall. An impossible barrier that stood in his way, held him. And like a great wave, he remembered. The woman.

Blood streamed face. The struggle as her body shook, as if she had extended an invisible hand, and caught him. And, like that, a fire ignited. Nathan struggled to move, as machinery responded to his heart rate, the activity registering on monitors. He needed to find her. He needed to go. Suddenly, his life was back. There was a reason to live. A reason to fight. This woman. A mystery. Someone impossible.

Through his struggles, Nathan heard approaching footsteps down the hall, in the quiet of the night. A nurse, or a doctor, coming to see him, now aware of his recovery. The footsteps grew stronger, louder, and the telltale outfit of a nurse rounded the corner of the doorway. Nathan's struggles ceased. His fight, his fire, the need to move, died.

He looked up, to eyes he'd seen before. Eyes that bled from strain and concentration. Eyes that watched him, with such an unwavering sharpness of a hunter. Eyes that did not belong to a Human being. And, slowly, as the woman raised a hand to her lips, one single finger, he felt it. A profound still in him. His eyes grew heavy, as he grew quiet. They fluttered back and forth dangerously, as the woman, a nurse, approached him.

She loomed over him, watching him. In his sleep addled brain, Nathan struggled against the still that was spreading through his body. The woman leaned down, placing a finger over her lips, as once more, another still of silence washed over him. Her eyes were inhuman in their steadiness. They looked, like any other pair of eyes. But the fierceness in them, the command, the dominance, showed. She smiled, as Nathan closed his eyes, as sleep pulled at him like a puppet. She spoke, in the last moments he remained awake, speaking into his ear gently.

"Our little secret. Ssshhhhh. Rest now."

Nathan did as he was told, a peaceful, powerful sleep washing over him. Soothing, relaxing. Once more, he drifted off into the silence of the void. But this time, the void did not claim him. It did not surround him, and consume him. It was peace. It was relaxation. It was happiness.

In the early morning hours of the day, Nathan woke. Light streamed into his room, as his eyes fluttered open. He felt good. He felt well. He felt alive. As he looked around the room, he spotted a nurse, checking nearby equipment. His mind ignited, excitement coursing through him as he spoke. The nurse turned in surprise, revealing a face he did not know, but a smile none the less.

"Oh my heavens you're alive! Thank the stars! We were starting to think you'd never come out of it."

Nathan watched, staying quiet. The nurse moved about his room, checking things over, before she turned back to Nathan.

"Hang on just a minute dear, I'll fetch a doctor in a minute. I'm sure you have a lot of things to discuss, since you crossed paths with that lucky young lady Emile when she was coming to work."

The nurse stopped, eyeing up Nathan.

"You're very lucky she happened on you, you know that? My, even a few minutes and she might not have been there to call for help! You're a very lucky man Mr. Dominick!"

The nurse gave Nathan a smile, before promptly walking out of the quiet room he resided in. Nathan looked out to the sun streaming in through his window. Emile. That was her name. She worked here. The minutes that passed as Nathan waited for the arrival of a doctor were short, as now, Nathan knew something about this stranger. This impossible woman. She had a name.

Nathan's thoughts were brought back as a man clad in the usual clothing of a doctor stepped in. An older man, balding with age, yet sporting a smile on his features.

"Well, hello to you Mr. Dominick! It's good to see you're feeling well. I'm Doctor Thomson. Call me Jack, for short."

Nathan was immobile, but summoned the strength to speak, his jaw and neck, seemingly the only part of him that wasn't broken.

"Hello Dr. Thomson. How long was I out for?"

The doctor paced around the bed slowly.

"Roughly a week and a half now. I must say, you are a very, very lucky man Mr. Dominick. To survive a fall from that height, is, truly, extraordinary."

Doctor Thomson paced around the room, before shutting the door quietly, as he turned back to Nathan.

"Mr. Dominick, you are extremely fortunate. Both in that you survived a fall that has killed every other person who jumped from the bridge you slipped from. And, even more so, fortunate that one of our resident nurses found you on her way to work in the evening."

Nathan nodded quietly. An image returned to his mind's eye, of lips parted, a finger over them in silence. A secret. Her secret. His secret. Doctor Thomson stood at the foot of Nathan's bed, leaning down over it.

"Although, Mr. Dominick, when we called your wife to notify her of the bad news, well, let's just say that I have my doubts about you slipping off the bridge that night, even if you were drunk."

Nathan's mind raced, as the Doctor loomed over him.

"Forgive my intrusion Mr. Dominick. But I wanted to make sure of things first. Your wife, left you, recently over the span of the last few months. Court issues and hearings. Your family, your home, and up until a few days ago, your job. Full confidentiality here Nathan, you can trust me, as the doctor who took care of you on the night you arrived. Did you fall from the bridge on purpose?"

And then, it returned. That crushing feeling. Hopelessness, and despair. He wanted to say yes. Something in him, wanted to let it loose. He was at the end of his rope. But, in the corner of his eyes and mind, those lips, those eyes, returned to him. Soothed him. He looked up to Doctor Thomson.

"No. I've....been drinking. A lot. And I went for a walk that night. I guess I just wanted to sit somewhere on the railing, and I guess I wasn't thinking very straight, and now I'm here."

Nathan looked down at the casts across his body, as Doctor Thomson simply nodded.

"Okay Nathan. I believe you. But know that I'm here to do my job. If you need any help, just ask."

Nathan smiled, for once, something that didn't seem so hollow.

"Thank you Doctor. I think you've done enough for now."

The doctor chuckled as Nathan looked across the casts he was encased in. As he stood and turned to leave, Nathan had an idea.

"Doctor Thomson, wait."

The man turned at the door, waiting.

"That nurse, who saved me. Who is she?"

Doctor Thomson rubbed his chin.

"Oh, that would be Emile. She works the night shifts here. But, there are a lot of staff on hand here, and I admit, I don't know much about her or see very much either. She is very brave, and bold, I know that. She ran down to the riverbank and pulled you out when she saw you after she called the hospital."

Nathan nodded.

"Can you send her my way if you see her Doctor? I'd like to thank her very much, for saving me."

Doctor Thomson nodded.

"That can be arranged Mr. Dominick. After all, you'll be here for some time. Your bones need lots of rest and recovery time to heal. I'm sure one of these nights, Emile might have time to stop by."

The Doctor smiled as he stepped out of the door.

"Now then, get some rest, and don't be afraid to call if you need anything. Have a good day Mr. Dominick."

Nathan nodded.

"You too Doctor. Thank you."

The door closed shut behind him, leaving Nathan all by his lonesome. Looking out to the sun filled world beyond, Nathan rested his head back on the pillows that supported him. Something sparked in him. Maybe.... Just maybe, it was hope. Suddenly, everything he'd gone through seemed to wash away, just slightly.

He was alive, for starters. Not in the best of condition, but alive. And, this woman, Emile. She was a mystery. He was drawn to her. He wanted to know. Who was she? What was she? Nathan closed his eyes, resting on the soft fabric of the pillows. He hoped, in the night, answers might come to him.

In the dim light of the hospital, in the dark of night, Nathan's eyes opened. Outside in the hallway shone the lights of the hospital, as he sat in his darkened room. As his eyes adjusted to the dark, and he looked around, in the quiet corner of his room, was a figure, sitting down in a chair. Nathan opened his mouth to speak, a combination of being startled and afraid, curious and excited.

The figure emerged from the shadows, wearing the same uniform as she did last time. As she stood, a single finger graced her lips, and a calm washed over Nathan, as she closed the door to his room. Sharp eyes peered out at him from the darkness, as the woman reached out to a lamp sitting on the small table next to her chair, before sitting back down. Nathan, as excited, and frightened as he was, couldn't find the strength to speak. It was like she had a hold over him. And, in the silence, the woman, Emile, spoke first.

"Good morning to you, Mr. Dominick."

Nathan blurted some simple words out, barely audible, as the woman crossed her legs and leaned down into her lap.

"Well, night for you I guess. Morning for me. After all, the nightshift messes around with your internal clock quite a bit."

Nathan was coming to now, less drowsy.

"Who....who are you? Why did y-"

Emile held a finger up to her lips, and Nathan stopped mid-sentence. She raised her hands up defensively.

"I know, you have a lot of questions right now. Questions that I can't answer on my coffee break. So, we're going to play a game, Mr. Nathan, I believe? A question for a question. Only one. I will ask first, and you will answer honestly. Then, it will be your turn. Do we have a deal?"

Nathan nodded silently, as the nurse, this woman, Emile, smiled.

"Very good. One question per night. Okay, I'll go first. Why were you on the bridge when I found you?"

Nathan opened his lips and found that he could speak once more.

"I....I couldn't do it anymore."

Nathan paused, as the woman simply watched him. She was so, strange. Dressed as a nurse. Acted like a nurse. Was a nurse, by all appearances. But her eyes held something more. Her casual smile, and relaxed demeanor, as if she had everything under control, soothed him.

"I lost everything. My kids. I woke up, one day, like this. And I didn't want to do it anymore."

Emile nodded.

"A future not worth being alive in. How could you want to go on, when everything seemed so broken and hopeless? Now, it's your turn, Nathan."

Nathan's mind exploded with questions, but he spoke faster than his mind could choose one for him.

"Why do you care?"

Shaking his head, as he knew he screwed up, he watched as Emile smiled at him.

"I'm a nurse, Nathan. It's my job, to care. I take care of people here. And you were a man on a bridge, ready to jump to his death. I couldn't let that happen."

Emile stood up calmly, walking over to Nathan's bedside. Nathan watched her closely.

"What are you?"

Emile smiled, waving a finger at him.

"Uh-uh. Not tonight. One question only. I'm making that one off limits. You can ask whatever you want. But who I am, is a secret. Perhaps one day, you will see. But, right now, you need rest. Your body needs time to recover. Your bones need time to heal."

Emile leaned down, holding a finger up to her lips, blowing into it softly, and Nathan felt sleep begin to claim him once more. The strings beckoned and pulled him, as his eyes fluttered slowly, until silence claimed him, and he drifted off once more. Emile looked over him with a smile, nodding as she turned around to leave, opening up the door.

She stopped briefly, and looked over to the lamp on the table on the other side of the room. Reaching out her hand and gripping, a whisk of her arm and the lamp turned off as she pulled on the switch with invisible strings. She turned back to Nathan with a smile, looking over him one last time for the evening, before leaving his room, quiet as a ghost.

The Flood / Pick a story
« on: November 09, 2014, 12:04:56 AM »
Right, so you folks remember how a while back I jolly up and walked into the spot light and said "lol Imma borderline erotica writer?

Na, fuck no. Anywho, that's the point. I posted a story of mine in Penguin Party. And I want to do it again. But I ain't waitin' on PP. So, through divine Cheat intervention, I am set free.

And you all get to choose your poison. If you don't pick, you'll get something anyway. Most votes at the end of the timer wins.

The Flood / New Developments!
« on: November 08, 2014, 01:06:42 PM »
Haha! Some good news today folks! Blog news aside, I may have just found myself some land!

Talking to my Uncle, who owns 160 acres of land. He says he'd like to keep it in the family. And, he's already been talking to my mother about it. Point is, my name is up for the owner of the land.

When he's paid off the mortgage at the end of next year, he's going to add my mother into the paperwork as an owner, and if I so wish, myself as well. Shared ownership. You folks may not know the size of an acre, but know that 160 of them is fucking big. Big enough that there's a lake on the land he owns.

There's some technical loopholes to work around with laws and stuff, but for all intents and purposes, in the next year, I may have land to call my own.

160 fucking acres of it!

The Flood / Age Based Demise
« on: November 07, 2014, 04:17:39 PM »
Little more thinking here. I had a friend of mine stop by today. Stopped in town to go to the hospital because he thought he broke something. Sat down with him for a coffee, and talked a bit. And, he's feeling a little blue. Because we're looking at the inevitable here.

Let's face it, no matter what you do, who you are, death is always on your head. Always there, just waiting. But here's the thing. I'm 22. And at least once a year I bump into an event or two that has me close. Just a few ticks out of line and I'd be dead surprise big not. This year it was a respitory infection and getting hit by a truck. Last year was sliding on the ice towards an oncoming semi. I was so fucking close I could've nicked my driver side mirror against it.

Point is, I've danced around with death a little bit. And I accept that. Most of all, I'm aware that it can show up, at any time. So, I'm okay with that. But what if it doesn't? What if, I live a longer life? What if I make something, start a family, and all that, and one day I have to face the end of the road willingly?

Personally, I'll wait and see. But this friend of mine, doesn't have that option. He's 70. The average male lifespan nowadays is 80-85. So, let's say 15 years. 15 years for me is a long time. 15 years, when you're 70, isn't. It goes by like a snap.

And that's what's got him down. Because, no matter how healthy you are, no matter how non average you are, and let me tell you this guy is non-average in terms of being in shape for his age, considering he works alongside me, is the fact that random things always get you.

Personally, I don't think he'll kick the bucket anytime soon. But it still doesn't change the potential for things. 15 years, to a 70 year old isn't enough time. Especially not with what he's up to. And so the question is, why bother? Why bother fighting for that small sliver of time left, when you could just take a shortcut?

I have no answers. I have no thoughts that allow me to say anything remotely cheerful, or helpful. Because this a different inevitability than the kind that I accept. I accept being fucked over by the random throes that life has to offer. I will do the best I can, but I know that I can't keep dodging bullets forever.

But my friend, is at the end of the road, or at the very least, near it. And who wants to to face the end of the road? Who wants to turn back, on their regrets, their triumphs, their failures, and leave it all behind?

As the doc said, "as you get older, it's only going to get harder."

Good motivation there doc. But, he's right. It never does get any easier does it?


That's why I offered the best I always can. It only gets harder when you do it alone. But, so long as I'm still knocking around, being alone will not be an issue.

Remember that gentlemen. All the stubbornness in the world might do you some good. But you have to accept the inevitability that you can't do it alone forever.

So when that happens, I hope you have someone to stand with you. Or, you have the kindness to stand up for them.

Gaming / For like the two people who play Dark Souls
« on: November 07, 2014, 09:45:04 AM »

Why the fuck did I never notice this?

The Flood / The Dragonborn is just a swearing little kid
« on: November 06, 2014, 07:10:16 PM »
I mean think about it. What do you most often hear when people get into verbal fights? Swearing. So, wouldn't it be safe to assume that when dragons have a fight with one another, they're actually just cussing each other out?

The greybeards are just older men and highschool teens who've grown "meh" with swearing.

And the dragonborn is a kid in a candy shop who just discovered that "flaming fuck nugget" in dragon speech sets people on fire.

The Flood / Empathizing with the 1%
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:38:19 PM »
Just doing some thinking here. I always like to try and put my boots down into another perspective, which helps me make sense of the world, and its people. Because, primarily, people are strange. They do strange things, they do questionable things, and they do terrible things. From my perspective. From theirs, however, it's a different story.

And so I come to one of the most alien form of people I can think of. The so called, 1%. An elite group of people, scattered across the globe, who form up a circle of the worlds richest.

And, in our current society, the richest hold all the strings. All the power. And with so much power, they seem to bring nothing but trivial conflict and foolish waste, unfairness and pointless destruction with their greed.

But why? Why is that so? Well, I pose a question.

You go to sleep one night. And you wake up. In your name, in the morning, you've just gained over 100,000,000 dollars. And this happens all day. Every day. Every night. Every minute. There are, people out there int he world, with more accumulated money in their name than entire countries.

So I pose to you, what would you do?

Because our society as it stands is founded on money. Money, grants you access to things. And with so much money, everything becomes an option. Every single thing you could ever think of, becomes something you can grasp. And not only that, but it becomes effortless to attain.

So, what happens, when you can go anywhere? Buy anything? Do, literally anything you can think of? What happens, when there's no challenge? Because let's face it, we as people need a driving, life goal of sorts to keep ourselves occupied. Like a hobby, except with more intensity.

The answer is, with so much power, it becomes boring. So what's left?

Playing god. Not only that, but playing god with a select few. A board game. And, let's face it here. When you have that much power, that much sway, people on the bottom become pawns. Assets and resources. Countries become locations to own. Armies and wars, political shifts in power, collapses and new reforms, your weapon of choice to claim something on the board.

It's all one big board game. And, really, look at it. Why wouldn't it be? The only challenge remaining is the other players on the field, other wealthy people who own as much as you do.

But, the key point here, is that despite how, to me anyway, how awful that seems, it doesn't change the fact that these are people. They are subject to the same laws that you and me are. And so, this board game of theirs is simply the result of their lifestyle and their choices.

And they can't see that. And, honestly, that sucks.

However, they aren't neccessarily villains. They are people too. Likes, dislikes, hobbies, families. I've walked alongside a few rich people in my life. Nothing so grand as what I mention here. But grand enough to be one of the richest men in canada. And yet simple enough, that on time off, he comes down to my rickety old little restaurant and buys pies. These people do their thing, like me and you, and from their eyes, what they do, is their way of life.

Unfortunately, and thankfully, nothing lasts forever. At one point, this board game will end. Through revolution or total collapse, or revision and evolution.

I'm not a big fan of society as it stands today. But I don't wish for a collapse. Collapse implies the breaking of something. With breaking, comes pain, unnessesary conflict, and meaningless death and troubles.

Here's to hoping that one day, people don't demonize one another and mark one another out as a soulles machine on one end of things. A face or a mask to be destroyed, with no humanity behind it.

What the rich folks up top pulling th strings are doing isn't right. But it's in human nature, to fuck up like that.

So in that regard, take a look in the mirror first before you start flinging shit.

The Flood / Friendly Confession Thread
« on: November 05, 2014, 02:11:05 AM »
Sodding bugger locked the thread before I got a chance to say my shit. So I'm posting it here instead. Now then, how about we make this something remotely cheerful? Post confessions to users you're fond of here. Friends, buddies, compatriots, amigos. If you like em' in any capacity, share your thoughts here.

In Memorium: No, this thread ain't mine. It's the spiritual successor to Nexus's, which went down as I said it would. Faster than the Titianic riding down the atmosphere on the space shuttle Columbia. This thread is dedicated to it's fallen ancestor.

Okay, down to brass tacks here. Personally, I'm a fan of most folks here, but I'm so shitty with names to remember them. So, all I can do is recall those that have made an impact of sorts, names that are cemented into this head of mine.

First person I ever opened up to. A gut feeling of mine, that led me to trust, despite no forknowlege of who or what I would find. Listened, to all I had to say, read my stories, and helped me, in the early days with some direction in art. For that, a true friend of mine, that I owe a debt I will likely never be able to repay.

The second person I opened up a bit to. Read those stories of mine, and gave me a hand in supporting myself in my actions. Don't go dark on me like others in my past.

Common ground of sorts is shared between me and you, and it bolsters me when I feel shitty, a reminder that despite how far away I may seem from the world and people, somewhere out there, at some point, I can bump into somone whom I share common ground with in person. If I bumped into you and found a friend, then I can do it again. For that, I owe some presents one day, when the time is right.

An eye opener, appearing to me in one of my weakest points this year. Causing me to rethink my aproaches, rethink and remember my stances, and remember to look past the superficial details and spot the finer ones, hidden in the background. For that, I owe something that I cannot properly repay, but I will help, with every available grasp of power in my hands that I can muster.

For helping me in times when I jumped into the fray well beyond my simple earthly grasp of things, you added a neccessary element that was needed where I would have failed otherwise. My personal currency of sorts are favors. You need a hand, I will help in whatever way I am able.

Relatively recent on the block. But already, you've shown great support to me, and even more so, are in the process of giving me a hand in finding something that is so very hard to find for a writer of my particular caliber. I thank you for standing by me.

An anchor of sorts. Thank you admirals, for providing subjects related to one of my favorite series of all time to discuss, debate, and muse on. You are a grounder to me, somebody I can look at, and am reminded of the time that I too, was so heavily invested in the Haloverse. You remind me of what I still enjoy, despite the bumps on the road. Keep that spark of yours going.

BC dude
Offering financial aid to me in a low point. An offer I could never accept for it would not be fair. I thank you, for taking the time and consideration anyway.

Danka, for sharing your stuff with me. I'm a poor analyst, and poor on feedback, but, it's nice to read of worlds and people beyond this head of mine. I know I'm slow as fuck on getting back to ya, but give me time and I'll put things together.

I saw a picture of your eyes, you like spiders and reptillians, and then suddenly, surprise friend request. I don't know what will come of this, if anything, but I appreciate the action. Cheers to something new.

And, last but not least.

Paragon Renegade
The first person I ever talked to on when I stepped out of the shadows. You are gone now, lost to the winds of time and change. A fate that has befallen many I have called friends of mine over the years. I know not of your fate, but I know that you are gone now. And so, I carry a shard of you with me, a fond memory of a person I never rightfully got a chance to know, but none the less enjoyed myself around.

There are other folks out there, but I feel as if I don't know so much yet to really say anything of value for you. But, you know who you are.

The Flood / It's a big, buggered up mess, ain't it flood?
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:53:00 AM »
It is, isn't it today Flood? Take a look around. Take a look at yourselves. There's a lot of unhappiness around. I know that I'm not infallible. I too am subject to bouts of deep sadness. But, today, I'm going to make things different.

Some of you here, know that I work quite a bit for my family. Some of you, know that I do it for that little sick shard in me, out of self loathing and hate. But I do it for another reason. You people don't know what my family has gone through. You people don't want to. But know, that for every one of them, life was not fair. And it will never repay them for that unkindness. But I can.

This is why I stay. This is why I work. I make them a part of my life, because money can't repair them. Someone who is unbending in will, someone who cares, and loves can. I talked to my brother in law today. He's in his 70's. And this year, he seems to be really down. My sister fares better, but the fact is, he's got a million things to do, and he's running out of time.

Everybody never has enough time.

But I do. I'm 22. I can do whatever I put my head into.

So, do you know what I choose? Despite my life, as shitty as it was, as shitty as people have been to me, I choose to believe in the better parts of Human nature. I choose to go out into the world, and fight for that, in any way that I can. My family, my friends.

I sit, and I watch, all these people, falling to pieces around me. Even here, the struggle exists. And you know what I say? Not fucking today.

Years, are but a number. Money, is but a number. I can make it all back shortly, through work of mine. I'm going to take the current money in my possession, that I've scrounged up from all corners of work and couches, and give it to my brother in law. And I'm going to tell him to take my sister, and my little niece, and get the fuck out of here and go on a vacation for a bit.

I'm going to look at the people around me, that I care for, and like fucking hell am I going to let them sink. Not today folks. Not today.

All of you, in your woes, and your troubles, given to you by a world that seemingly doesn't care, by people who don't give a shit how much they hurt and bring misery, know that you're not alone. You can beat it.

And today, I'm going to change that. It's not much. It's not life changing. But, just this once, I'm going to change things. And tomorrow, I aim to do the same. And all of you folks here, should do it too. Power of choice right? You choose, everything.

I choose not to let things get the better of me, or the people I love and care for.

The Flood / [NSFW] And thus, I commit account suicide
« on: October 31, 2014, 12:49:10 AM »

And so, Flood, I post a story of mine. I figure, let's start us off on some familiar territory. Something we all once held common ground amongst. I present to you, Halo: Lost and Found.

Douglas walked along the titanium deck plating of the armoury, checking his gear along the way. As another trooper walked past, a fellow man that served in the same elite division he did, Douglas gave him a nudge with his elbow.

"Hey. You see the robot in the hangar bay?"

The man shook his head.

"What robot?"

"You know. Tall. Green armour. Doesn't say anything."

"What, you mean the Spartan?"

"Yeah. The Spartan. Why'd command send one?"

"I dunno. Maybe they thought for once the Helljumpers couldn't get the job done."

"I'm being serious here. They don't send one of those things out on normal missions. Something's up."

"Well, we're hitting a Covie outpost, right? On one of the moons in the system. Nothing's happened yet. No invasion, no ships, nothing. Command is spooked. They're sending us in to clear the place out before the covies realize we've got a world here."

"And you think they'd send a Spartan along for this?"

The trooper shrugged.

"All I know is, we're goin' down hard, fast, and we're clearing the base out before the covies know what hit them. I don't know about you, but I've heard the stories. Spartan's don't fool around. With one of them on our side, we're gonna huff and puff and blow some houses down."

Douglas checked the magazine on his assault rifle.

"Whatever you say. I know I wouldn't put any bets down on the Spartan, whatever it is."

The trooper rapped on Douglas's shoulder pad.

"Hey, lighten up. They're on our side too."

Douglas loaded the clip back into his AR.

"Whatever you say boss."

  Orbital insertion was standard business for Douglas by now. Rough, but he'd been on all the drops. Seen and lived through the worst. As their HEV pods descended through the atmosphere, revealing the gassy, thickly jungle populated moon below, and the shallow lake they were headed for, Douglas caught a glimpse of the telltale signs of a purple structure, hints of blue light emanating from it. Covenant all right.

 Like standard business, Douglas popped the hatch on his pod, stepping out into a truly shallow lake, the water barely coming up to his knees as he exited the pod, assault rifle bared. The rest of the team was mobilizing, and the Spartan stood among them, towering over them in ghostly green armour that almost could have vanished in the thick fog. Without saying any words at all the Spartan took up a position as the troopers moved out.

There was no time for talk. They knew the drill. Close the 10 clicks like the Helljumpers they were. Motion trackers were almost useless in the heat and ever moving environment of the jungle. Move fast, move quiet, eyes sharp. Find outpost, ascertain threat level, blow up outpost. Just an average day.

Douglas and the team moved through the thick jungle canopy, stepping through mud and alien vegetation as rain pattered down slightly on the lower level of the jungle. They were only a kilometer away from the outpost now. Stepping through yet another slog of mud, Douglas peered through his helmet, out amongst all the vegetation. Something wasn't right.

 Something in general was off about this mission. He didn't know what it was. But everything about this op was wrong. A Spartan. The response time about the outpost. Even the UNSC not taking evacuation action for the colony, despite its relatively small size. What was the brass planning here?

 Douglas never got a chance to finish his thoughts as gunfire suddenly erupted from multiple positions. Douglas turned to see the distinct shape of grunts emerging from the bushes and ferns, pointed backpacks and plasma pistols bared as they charged forwards. Douglas brought his rifle to bear on the nearest target when he was suddenly knocked over by something heavy.

 Fighting to roll over as a grunt began ripping at his backside with its hardened, claw like stubs for fingers as it screamed at him in a voice laced in higher tones from methane. In his vision he saw the giant ghostly figure of the Spartan step over to him, and with the strength and speed of something inhuman, it pulled the creature off Douglas before snapping its neck. Turning to the next target, the Spartan let loose a volley from their AR as Douglas rolled over onto his back to see an oncoming tide of grunts. Poorly armoured and armed with nothing but plasma pistols and their bare hands, they kept coming out of the jungle like a tide or rabid dogs.

 Plasma streamed past as Douglas opened up on the closest target, watching as the ugly creature was mowed down, blue blood spattering the jungle floor as it dropped, before another one of the thickly skinned aliens clambered over its corpse. Douglas mowed that one down too, and kept firing until nothing was left to move and his magazine was empty.

 Silence filled the jungle, as the high pitched screams stopped and the gunfire came to an abrupt end. A shadow formed over Douglas as the Spartan stood tall over him, extending a hand. Douglas looked up to the armoured soldier above him. Green painted titanium armour, fitting over every possible weak spot, etched in scars and showing a lifetime's worth of service. He couldn't even make out the faded identification tag across the chest plate. Douglas pushed the armoured gauntlet aside.

"Get off me. I'm fine!"

The Spartan said nothing, letting him rise to his feet. As Douglas turned to face the scene, what greeted him was, shocking. Mounds of corpses, grunts, hundreds of them, clad in orange and red breathers and backpacks, lay scattered across the jungle. And among them were ODSTs. Torn apart, or in their dying throes. Not all of them. But the fact that some of these men, veterans of over a 20 year long war at this point, lay dying in the jungle from the lowest of the low the Covenant had to offer, sickened Douglas. Anger held itself at bay as he looked over to the Spartan, who had reloaded their weapon and now stood over the dead or the dying, in silence.

  Douglas slammed his fist on the table, still smeared in blue blood, as the crewman on the bridge turned heads to watch him.

"Grunts, sir. You sent us, down there, to kill grunts. A methane refinery. That's all it was!"

The captain, a stern man, stood across from Douglas over a map table.

"We needed to verify before we took orbital action. Covenant build their bases deep underground. An orbital shot might not have even made a dent, or worse, bounced off the shields of the outpost if it had them."

"With some GOD DAMN RESPECT SIR, we lost a lot of men. Too many for a god damn methane plant full of gas suckers!"

"The threat was neutralized, no communications to any foreign location were picked up. You, and your men, did good work today. I'm sorry you had to lose so many. But you know what you all signed up for."

Douglas looked back, at the other troopers who were standing tall and quiet, among them, the Spartan. He was the only one stepping out of line. The captain knew it. But he never put his boot down. Because he knew Douglas was right.

Douglas pointed a finger at the captain.

"No. You don't get to say that to me, or these men. You sent, A SPARTAN."

The captain crossed his arms behind his back.

"And clearly, I was right to authorize deployment. Had you not had 028 here on your side, casualties might have been much higher. She did her best, like all Spartans do."

Douglas clenched his teeth and fists, biting back his anger. He couldn't hold it.

"You son of a-"

Douglas was interrupted by the Spartan, as she stepped forward, speaking for the first time since Douglas had seen her.


The man looked across the table to Douglas, ice in his veins and a hard face. He looked over to the Spartan, who stood out among all aboard the bridge, tall and imposing. He looked into the orange visor of the soldier, and then to all the other ODSTs standing at attention.

"Dismissed. Get some rest, all of you. We're going to stay on alert for the next few days. You all might need the sleep soon."

Douglas said no more, but kept his white knuckled grip as he and all the other soldiers left the bridge. As he and the others stepped out, the Spartan strode by, silent as ever. Douglas reached out, rapping against the back armour plating of the Spartan as she strode by.

"You. Turn around god dammit. I want a word with you."

The Spartan stopped, turning to face him. Douglas didn't really believe there was a woman under the suit. She was almost twice his size in height and her shoulders alone looked practically wide enough to be the same width as he was tall. She spoke, from under her orange visored helmet, cold, monotone.


Douglas shook his head.

"Don't you sir me. Don't you goddamn sir me! I have a name. I'm a person. I am not an objective, or a goddamn target!"

The Spartan stood, silent, arms at her sides, looking down at Douglas. Douglas held back every insult he wanted to shout right now, pointing at the Spartan.

"The UNSC makes you out to be some kind of hero. Some kind of, unstoppable weapon. They give you all this fancy gear, and this treatment, while us, the god damn grunts slog through the mud and take all the hits. If I had that suit of yours right now, jesus fucking christ I would've torn those rabid fucking dogs down on that moon apart! Why didn't you save them!?"

The Spartan stood, silent. Douglas pushed against the green chest plate of the Spartan, attempting to shove her.


The Spartan stood, like a wall, looking down at him. Douglass shook his head, turning around to leave.

"You know you, and every last one of whatever you are, are a god damn disgrace!"

Douglas took one step on the metal decking, as a green gauntleted hand gripped his shoulder from underneath the black under suit that fit all over the Spartan's body. The hand that gripped his shoulder pad was powerful, enormous in strength as Douglas was halted on the spot. He turned on the spot in anger, coming around with the strongest uppercut he could muster, into the helmet that he could barely reach.

 The punch impacted off the Spartan's helmet as she didn't even so much as flinch. Douglas's hand rebounded off the helmet, as the Spartan continued to stare down at him. Another gauntleted hand came up, so fast that Douglas barely even had time to see it. But instead of a punch, it stopped short. In the armoured fingers of the Spartan sat a small data chip.

"Take it. My HUD cam."

Douglas reached out, swiping the chip away with his now injured hand. The Spartan nodded.

"You should have that looked at, sir."

Douglas gritted his teeth, but turned around and began to walk away. The Spartan let him go.

   In the twilight hours of the ship, as Douglas sat in his bunk, he held his helmet in his hands. The blue stains of blood didn't come out easy, and still persisted even now. He held the data chip in his hands, turning it over and over, watching as he did. He should have thrown it away. Crushed it on the spot. But he didn't. He sighed. May as well get it over with.

 Sliding his helmet on, listening and watching as it connected to his neural lace, he slid the chip into the back of his helmet, laying down on his bunk in the process. He scrolled through the options his HUD brought up with his eyes, selecting the play option on the chip which made itself known on his helmet's network. His visor tinted to black, and the recording started to play.

 He skipped through the early parts of the recording, past the drop, the shallow lake, and the trek through the jungle, until he saw the familiar clearing they had been ambushed in. Playing the recording normally, he watched the scene play out. The Spartan scanned the area as she walked, looking and watching. Douglas saw himself, only briefly as he raised his weapon. It was funny, watching himself through another's view. And then, like lightening, it happened. The camera shifted so fast that the next images were a blur across his eyes, a flash of gunfire, green, blue, black. He couldn't make anything out. And as the fight went on, and slowed, and things became more visible, enough that the camera could properly record, he saw himself.

 A green gauntleted hand extended out to him, as he lay on his back in the mud. A mound of Grunt corpses lay at his feet and all around him. He watched as he pushed the extended hand away, and then the camera turned, surveying the aftermath of the battle. Douglas paused the recording. This didn't show him anything at all. He was about to pull his helmet off when he had an idea.

 Douglas rewound the recording, to just before the fight started. Selecting through the options, he decided to slow the recorded frames. 5%. The fight started, still a blur. 15%. Rewind. Blurs. 25%. Something more noticeable. Rewind. 50%. Almost recognizable. Rewind. 75%. Douglas watched, as each frame played. Upping the resolution, he watched, as things suddenly became clear. And then he understood.

 The Spartan's eyes were faster than the camera itself. He watched the beginning moments of the fight, frame by frame. The Spartan had her rifle raised, and was already firing, just as the tip of the first of the grunt's backpack broke through the fern like plants. As the frames rolled by, for an agonizingly long time, every ODST in sight had not acted yet.

He watched, as a body fell through the bushes, and the Spartan was already firing on another target. Another body falling, as her rifle shifted aim, passing by a trooper without so much as a single round fired, and then in the next frame, more fire on another target.

 By now, all the ODSTs in the frames had their rifles raised, and were beginning to fight. Douglas watched as they fired on the oncoming tides of grunts, frame by frame. And then the camera shifted once more, showing how fast the Spartan's eyes and reflexes were. As the camera turned, the Spartan had already begun moving towards a trooper who had been overwhelmed by a wall of aliens scrambling overtop one another. Their chitenous, stubby claw like fingers reached out for the trooper, trying to rip him apart.

  In what seemed like only two short steps, the Spartan was at the trooper's side. A burst of fire into the closest grunt, and then another, while one arm lashed out, punching the nearest grunt on top of the ODST, shattering the alien's breathing mask and skull like it was paper. As they fell, Douglass watched as the Spartan reloaded her AR, and then reached out, passing her weapon to the fallen ODST, who had his own rifle knocked away from him.

  She was already turning before the man had barely even started reaching out for her weapon, and he watched as she let the weapon slide free of her fingers with such grace that it would fall right into the trooper's hands. She surged forward once more, to another trooper that was still standing, bleeding from his side as plasma singed and burned him.

  He watched as she stepped in front of the trooper, surging forward towards the oncoming grunts, with a knife drawn. One was stabbed in the head, another, punched in the chest as its armour buckled and bent inward, breaking ribs and shattering everything. One, two, three, four. Douglas watched the timer. Three seconds had passed since she had engaged the four oncoming grunts. And four were dead.

 Douglass watched, entranced by the frames as they rolled by. Speed, and power, and strength. And then he came to himself. A grunt lay over top of him, threatening to rip into his backside with its powerful arms that were inhumanly stronger than even some of the top trained, physically strongest humans alive. As the Spartan moved, her knife was thrown, landing square in the head of a grunt as it bore down on one of the fallen ODSTs, beating on the practical corpse of the man.

  And she reached out, grabbing the alien by the head, crushing it's skull with her grip itself, but she twisted, snapping its neck as with one arm extended she pulled the alien off Douglas, and spun around, once more, her eyes faster than the camera, and threw the alien into another tide of oncoming grunts. He watched the frames, as he had barely even rolled himself over at this point, as the Spartan continued, reaching out for an assault rifle at her feet. He stopped the recording.

  Sliding his helmet off, Douglas set it down on the material of his bunk beside him. He looked at the back of his helmet, where the chip was inserted. He sighed, almost painfully. He needed to rest. Laying down on his bunk, he closed his eyes, and let sleep claim him.

15 Years Earlier

 Bodies littered the streets, as all around him, gunfire, and the sounds of alien weaponry could be heard. In the skies alien aircraft sped past, bombing buildings with green blasts of destructive energy, as Human fighters scrambled after them in tow. In the sky, an immense ship hung, as if from invisible wires, as thousands of dots streamed and poured from its hangar bays.

 Douglas walked the streets in a daze, covered in dust. People were running in all directions, vehicles struggled to pass each other on the road, only adding to the chaos as they crashed into each other or drove forwards into people regardless of whether or not they were in the way. Douglas walked out on the streets, screaming his lungs out, struggling to be heard.


Above his screams a sound could be heard, louder than even the commotion on the street. It was as if the air was crackling and burning, screaming even. And then Douglas watched as a ball of light, as bright as the sun, landed in the middle of the road. He was sent flying off his feet from an explosion, as heat waves blew over him, singeing his skin.

 Cars, people, the road itself, vanished and turned into a crater where the ball had fallen. Vaporized instantly. Anything outside of the crater was blackened and burned, on fire. People, cars, anything. Douglas lay down in the street, crying and screaming, as something alien, huge and purple, hovered down the street. It pushed through the remains of cars and trucks like they were toys. He could only watch as the alien craft turned on him, baring a massive cannon on top of it, humming with energy. He held his hands over his head, preparing for the worst, when another shockwave rippled through the streets.

 Douglas's ears were left ringing, as he looked up. The purple craft turned, back down the street it had come from, as another shell impacted against the craft, tearing through the alien armour plating. The purple craft moved backwards, past him and down the street, as it discharged another ball of energy. Another shell slammed into it, ripping through its damaged armour plating and exploding violently.

The craft sputtered and died, and fell to the ground, lifeless. As fire rained down from the sky, and aircraft screamed overhead, a tank, something Douglas only knew as a Scorpion, thundered down the road, rolling over cars and trucks as it sped down the street. Behind it, a large number of troopers, army, marines, and even police officers ran.

 Douglass got up, despite his ringing ears and the shock in his body as the ground shook from impacts every several seconds. He ran towards the troopers, screaming at the top of his lungs.


The troopers responded, rushing over to him, struggling to yell over the noise.

"Sir! We're clearing a landing zone! A pelican will be here in three!"

Douglas clutched at the troopers desperately.


His cries were cut off as the marines shouted over him.

"Banshees incoming!!"

Douglas was thrown to the ground by one of the troopers as two alien craft screamed through the air above. They targeted the Scorpion as it thundered down the streets, unleashing torrents of plasma on it as they passed. The vehicle stopped dead in its tracks as the troopers charged forward.

"Get that damn tank back up now!"

Douglas was helpless in all the chaos, and left to his own devices, as he stood in the streets. As he looked down the street, on the path of destruction that the alien tank had made, he saw a warthog, speeding down the road. He ran out in front of it, waving his arms frantically.

The jeep stopped, skidding to a halt on the ruined roads. He ran against the hood, screaming at the top of his lungs and pounding on the hood to the occupants for help. And then he watched, as someone stepped out. Not like the other soldiers. They towered over everything, clad in green armour, fully encased. Douglas was already too afraid and shocked for pausing. He ran towards the immense soldier.


The armoured titan before him nodded. The armoured soldier looked back to the troopers in the jeep. They nodded. Douglas scrambled around the armoured soldier, thanking them as he turned back and broke off in a run as fast as he could manage back to his apartment. The green armoured giant kept in stride with him the whole time.

 Douglas closed the gap into the lobby, running through its shattered glass doors, and up the stairs with the soldier in tow. He scrambled past rooms and hallways, as the building shook and crumbled. Light streamed through the ceiling as he entered the part of the building that had collapsed, finding his home and running through the doorway. He ran to the pile of rubble, concrete and rebar as it filled almost the entirety of his home.

  In a frantic madness, he gripped one of the concrete pillars, trying to pull it aside. The soldier placed a hand on his shoulder, pushing him aside gently, but firmly. Douglass watched, as the giant stepped forward, and gripped the slab of concrete with both hands. Pulling it aside as if it were cardboard, revealing more rubble underneath it.


The soldier began ripping through concrete slabs and rubble, pulling them out piece by piece, until at last, a young boy was revealed. Douglas surged forward, pushing past the giant soldier. His hands shook, as he looked, and he knew. There, in the rubble, was his son. Covered in dust. Unmoving. Dried blood from his eyes and nose. Douglas collapsed onto the rubble, reaching forward, a cry escaping him as he broke. The soldier stood beside him, speaking.

"Sir, we have to move now. There's an evac poin-"

Douglas screamed out.


The building shook on its foundations as an explosion rocked the apartment nearby. The soldier spoke once more, before acting.

"Sir, we need to go now. It's not safe here."

Douglas felt an armoured hand on his shoulder, as he was pulled back forcefully against his will. He screamed and fought with all of his strength, but was picked up by the giant and hefted over their shoulder. With even more speed than before, the soldier broke away from Douglas's home. Douglas reached out, trying desperately to pull himself away from the soldier's grip, calling out to his son.

 He screamed and fought up until the last, as the soldier stepped up to the warthog, and sat him down into the passenger seat, strapping him in with a seatbelt as Douglas struggled, but was held against the seat. The soldier held him down and spoke to the driver, who looked on with worried eyes.

"Get him out of here to the closest evac point. I'll stay here on the ground."

The driver nodded.

"Yes ma'am."

As the warthog's engine revved, Douglas tried up until the very last to break free, before the jeep backed up and rolled forwards, gaining speed quickly. He yelled, cried, and beat his fists on whatever was in reach, trying to go back. But it was no use. The last he saw of the armoured soldier was the bright white numbers on their chest plate.


The Flood / Just a little bit of thinking...
« on: October 30, 2014, 01:00:20 PM »
Birthdays are fun. Birthdays are like clocks really. An end to a period of time in your life, and a start to time that is yet to come. Birthdays are, or should be a reminder to you of things. A reminder of where you come from, an anchor of sorts.

I'm 22 now. And I can look back on the last year and say I'm satisfied with what was done. Physically, by all outward appearances, not much was accomplished. No home, no, real-world major alterations. But, internal. Self reflection, identification, and evolution as a person.

I can only hope that the up and coming year holds more strides, more progress. Because that's what it should be. You take one step, and then you take another. But, it's a reminder. Physically, today, I feel terrible. I pushed myself too hard yesterday, and I'm paying for that. But, overall, the day is happy.

But, what this day, over all the others is, is a reminder of why I'm here. Why I've chosen all of this. It's a reminder about time.

I'm 22 now. My mother, my sister, her husband, are all growing old. Some of them are breaking down in age. But, I choose to stay here and help them the best I can. I'm sure, if I put my head into the game, I could move off to some big city. Start something in higher education. Start a job, something, to earn real money.

But time is important to me. And what time means is, that no matter what I do, one day, these people, these people that I'm doing the best I can for, will die. I will have to bury them. Every last one of them. And then it'll be just me.

So, not only for me, do I hope that I can make the next upcoming year special. But I hope that in the coming years, in the time that's left, I can make something special for all of them too. Progress, for more than just me.

So, here's to a brand new year! Let's see what I can do, with not only this new year, but this second chance of mine as well. Let's see, just how fun I can make things.

To the other folks with birthdays today, or ones coming up in the near future, I wish the same to you all.

The Flood / Is it just me?
« on: October 30, 2014, 11:56:47 AM »
Or did the ads disappear? Cheat's pushing buttons and playing with wrenches.

The Flood / I'm not normally one for parties.....
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:48:35 AM »
But, it's my birthday today. Want some cake?


The Flood / You reap what you sow
« on: October 28, 2014, 01:52:10 PM »
So, yeah. That title. Relevant right now. I just got broadsided across the head by like three tall fucking orders of business. But, I'll tell you all about one.

So, I guess my name is going around a bit, for the miscellaneous work I've done in the area. And, it was passed down to some guy building a house. And they're looking for laborers. But, I'll give you the catch.

The head honcho walks into my shop, and we talk for a bit. Says I start work at 8:00 in the morning. Gives me his card and number. So apparently, whoever spoke about me assumed I wanted to sign up automatically. So here's the fucking catch.

It's concrete work.

Fuck me sideways I hate concrete work.

Let me explain why.

1. If it's a small house, it's wheel barrow work, done by hand. Tight quarters, lots of manuvering. If it's a big house, then you need a truck the relative size of a semi, with a big damn crane.

2. Concrete work is messy, hard, and fast. Because it's constantly drying. They ask for the utmost speed from you, but the damn precision of a sniper in your measurements. With speed comes the potential for fuck-ups. And there always are.

3. It's cold. -5 to be exact. That means the other two things I mentioned? You move double time.

So, I start tomorrow. And the thing is, if I refuse, then my reputation around the area is shot because technically I've already signed up. And I don't need that. I need that little piece of reputation to give me a hand in odd jobs around here. But fucking concrete work? God fucking dammit.

The Flood / Thoughts on Cybernetic Military Implements
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:03:17 PM »
Just doing some thinking here. So, no doubt, some of you folks here can see where the threads lead correct? The strings pull and tug towards a future in synthetic body parts. It'll start slow at first. Medical reasons first. The military. And then, finally, when the practice is refined to an art, it'll go mainstream.

Now, I don't oppose the implementation of synthetic replacements for those who have lost something. But, let's just stop, and think about things for a moment here. Take an average military soldier right now, and let's say you sit him down, and say, "We can surgically remove a body part of yours, and replace it with a machine that will outperform what your old limb could do."

The soldier would take it. Without question. But there's an irony in all this. Soldiers are indoctrinated to a degree. And they have to be. Because their sole purpose exists to be a defender, and an offender. And on both fronts, life must be taken.

In order to maximize this potential, a soldier needs to be close-minded. Less likely to question the who and why, and instead, ask when and where the fight is. As such, the military is not a place for those who are different. In the past, and the future. Blacks. Gays. Women. Trans-gendered.

But, I want to take one of these particular groups. Trans-gendered. When you break things down on a simple level, who is a tran-gendered person? Somebody, in most cases, who has gone through some body modification to match what they feel fits them as a person.

Very much like tattoos, and piercings, and other body modifications. That's all it is really. And yet, for some reason, it holds such stigma against it. Now, here's where we get to the really, really good part.

Remember this soldier I talked about earlier? Imagine it.

He'd be willing to hack off a perfectly functioning body part, something that's not broken in any regard, and replace it. Body modification.

My point to all this stands now, that I think it'll be a pretty fucking sad day when our soldiers would be willing to hack off bits of themselves and replace them with copies consisting of soulless metal and wire. And yet, they would likely still continue to hate trans-gendered folks.

No better of an example of not sitting down, and looking in a mirror I believe.

The Flood / Travels Across Saskatchewan Picture thread(This afternoon)
« on: October 25, 2014, 09:24:07 AM »
Link to first picture thread:

So, took some more pictures yesterday as I traveled to and from work. You folks wanna see some interesting light and dark contrasts?


I tried to get a shot in the evening but the sun goes quickly, and I missed the best part of it. But even still, I got something somewhat nice.


Edit: The results of my vain attempts to do something today. Pretty pictures of fields. And a lake. Looks like I missed all the coloured leaves at the lake. Last day of sunshine before the bad shit rolls in I hear.


The Flood / So, uh, bad night I guess
« on: October 25, 2014, 12:55:36 AM »
I don't even really know what to call it. The day was bad. But tonight. I don't even know why I should do this. But it's stuck in my head. I can't get it out.

It's fall, and at night, there's a lot of animals around. Deer and stuff. And, this night, I found one on the road. Somebody ran it over, and either didn't give a fuck or didn't see that it was still alive. And I found it. Broken back and mangled legs. Insides outside.

I don't have a gun. But I wouldn't leave it. I wouldn't turn my back on it. I tried. I swear to god I did. I took an axe out of the back of my truck, and I tried. I missed. I missed, and I made it worse. And it tried so hard, to get away. And I tried again, and I made it worse.

I had to stamp my boot down on its head, and on the third swing, that was it. I threw my coat away because it got everywhere. And I just had a shower, scrubbed my hands, and I can still smell it. I have never taken any life on purpose. With a gun, you can close your eyes and steady your aim. But I watched all of it. And I can't forget its eyes, or how hard it tried to get away from me, after I made it worse. Pain and fear. I was a monster, coming to kill it, coming ot hurt it. And I did.

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