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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 313233 3435 ... 260
The Flood / I have given up faith and hope in humanity
« on: July 12, 2017, 08:03:27 PM »
I think we all need to die. I just want to live long enough to see the second to last die before I off myself

The Flood / Re: Das, did you know about this?
« on: July 12, 2017, 05:00:49 PM »
Fucking pirate hunting

The Flood / Re: Se7agon national anthem?
« on: July 12, 2017, 05:00:08 PM »
Huh. I expected weebshit songs. I am pleasantly disappointed


Even though written for LA, it pretty much sums up my view on humanity

Serious / Re: Jews and world domination
« on: July 12, 2017, 10:29:53 AM »
There isn't an overarching Jewish conspiracy to control the world, but there should be. TBPH, after a few centuries of Nord/Saxon/Germanic rule, the world is pretty shit.

Maybe we should just let the Jews have a go. Can't get worse from what we have

The Flood / NSFW Did you know about David Parker Ray?
« on: July 11, 2017, 11:35:58 AM »
This is some fucked up shit.

He was an American serial killer who kidnapped young woman and essentially turned them into sex slaves for months before killing them. They would be drugged and wake up in a box with a recorded message playing. Here is the transcript:

The Flood / Re: Terminator 3 deleted scene with Sgt. Candy
« on: July 11, 2017, 10:59:23 AM »
My cringe is visible from space

The Flood / Should I join MS13, the Crips or the Bloods?
« on: July 10, 2017, 07:38:16 PM »
I feel it's time I really commit to something other than work or home. I have read that all of these organizations can help make money while having fun.  Any input?

The Flood / Re: back from my california trip
« on: July 10, 2017, 07:35:28 PM »
Did you join a gang?

Again, anti Trump doesn't mean pro Hillary

Admit it guys, there was some shady shit going on with the Russkies, but it wasn't election meddling.

Some meetings, some negotiations, some fact exchanges but to hack the electorate (people who vote) is pure sci-fi.
It wasn't hacking the machines. It was a concerted effort to smear Hillary. Hacking the DNC servers were just a part of it.

Putin wanted a less hostile US so he could pursue Russian interests in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. What did he and Trump agree to at this last meeting? Oh yeah, a "cease fire" in Syria...
Not seeing how this shows any wrongdoing on Trump's part.

He took help from foreign espionage to get elected to the highest office in the nation.
*2 shekels have been placed in your bank account*

It's funny how many Trump supporters use blatantly antisemetic language or phrases.

Admit it guys, there was some shady shit going on with the Russkies, but it wasn't election meddling.

Some meetings, some negotiations, some fact exchanges but to hack the electorate (people who vote) is pure sci-fi.
It wasn't hacking the machines. It was a concerted effort to smear Hillary. Hacking the DNC servers were just a part of it.

Putin wanted a less hostile US so he could pursue Russian interests in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. What did he and Trump agree to at this last meeting? Oh yeah, a "cease fire" in Syria...
Not seeing how this shows any wrongdoing on Trump's part.

He took help from foreign espionage to get elected to the highest office in the nation.

Admit it guys, there was some shady shit going on with the Russkies, but it wasn't election meddling.

Some meetings, some negotiations, some fact exchanges but to hack the electorate (people who vote) is pure sci-fi.
It wasn't hacking the machines. It was a concerted effort to smear Hillary. Hacking the DNC servers were just a part of it.

Putin wanted a less hostile US so he could pursue Russian interests in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. What did he and Trump agree to at this last meeting? Oh yeah, a "cease fire" in Syria...

the russian obsession is the 2nd most pathetic liberal fad as of late, overshadowed only by hillary's pathetic candidacy

Being anti Trump isn't a default pro-Hillary. I know it's something hard for Drumpettes to understand. Being anti Trump is being pro American

The Flood / Re: Say something intelligent
« on: July 10, 2017, 04:16:37 PM »
Responsible procreation in non agrarian societies should be limited to two or less children. Developed societies are being irresponsible if they allow the population to exceed available resources

My only worry about Charlie is he'll blackmail me by threatening to release my private information if I post a gif in one of his threads

Dimitri Aliyev
Nizhegorodskaya ul., 80, Moskva, Russia, 109052

he is your president tho

Президент Путин будет гордиться вашими усилиями по подъему матери-россии на этом форуме







"Comrade Trumpovich, we have information that can benefit your campaign, interested da?"

*meeting happens and Trump wins*

*people find out*

Drumpettes: "Nothing to see here, Trump Jr talked about the adoption law, he even said so..."

Trump's son met with a Russian attorney under the pretext of getting dirt on Hillary

3 Whitehouse aides leaked this independently. Now, he may not have solicited the help, he still accepted it. Is it giving aid or comfort to the enemy? Not really. Russia's status as an enemy is in question. They're more of a competing economic power. Hopefully this exposes Trump as a globalist instead of the populist he ran as.

The Flood / Was H H Holmes Jack the Ripper?
« on: July 09, 2017, 09:30:36 PM »
Holmes' whereabouts during Jack the Ripper's murder spree is unknown. Also, 2 separate handwriting analyses have a 95+% match between Holmes' and the famous Ripper letter. 


Serious / Re: United Airlines is at it again.
« on: July 09, 2017, 10:27:28 AM »
United's CEO's statement on this:

The Flood / Your opinion on Cajun food
« on: July 08, 2017, 12:44:24 PM »
Mine? It's god tier

The Flood / Jive... did you see Get out?
« on: July 07, 2017, 11:46:58 PM »
Would you date a white girl who's mom likes tea?

The Flood / Re: Love or money?
« on: July 07, 2017, 11:42:29 PM »
By "never make enough money", do you mean as in "never enough money to meet my life goal (i.e. decent house but not enough to fix it's problems, my car is from the 2000's and always needs repairing, my lavish holidays are camping trips in the local countryside)", or do you mean "never enough money to do anything except to survive (i.e. visits to the food bank, I share my tent with some homeless dudes, my car is a rusty bike and ticket-jumping buses)".

Because if the former, love sounds pretty good. It's a nice distraction from the inconveniences in life. The latter however would lead me to taking the money - no amount of love can divert your attention to the serious financial problems surrounding you, and dragging someone down with me just because they are madly in love with me wouldn't be fair.

Either scenario, you don't really win. Shit life with love is still a shit life, being that money is so bound to the quality of life. Money improves my quality of life, but then not being able to enjoy that with anyone serious wouldn't maximise my quality of life.

I suppose there's always gold-diggers.

She took my money, when I'm in need
Yeah she's a triflin' friend in deed

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