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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / What are your thoughts on this song?
« on: September 19, 2014, 03:15:36 PM »

just wondering

Serious / Re: If you have to beat your kid, you're a fucking pussy.
« on: September 19, 2014, 03:13:11 PM »

And if you have a daughter.... this could happen

Serious / Re: If you have to beat your kid, you're a fucking pussy.
« on: September 19, 2014, 03:12:18 PM »
Figured it kind of deserves it's own thread, so I'm reposting.

I think anybody who has to hit a child to discipline them is a pussy. You're fucking weak person, and don't project an air of authority, so the kid disrespects you. Instead of demonstrating why the kid should listen, or just asserting your authority the right way, you have to beat a fucking child.

It's fuckin' weak, man.

If you were a real man, the kid would respect you without the need for violence.

You have to define 'Beat"

If you mean spanking, or swatting their hand, then I disagree. If you mean closed fist punching, back handing, kicking etc... then I agree.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 03:04:54 PM »


They just brought attention to 4chan. Now everyone sees what you freely admit. Guys trading illegal porn. I don't care about other forums. 4chan brought this in on themselves. They are the ones on trial.
Okay, give me objective proof that sharing naked pictures on the internet is illegal in the US where 4chan is based. Not being the original leaker, which I figure probably is, just sharing them. I am ignorant about these kinds of laws.

If it is illegal and is still posted, we can blame the mods for allowing it. The threads certainly go on for a while.

And every time I've gone on /v/ that's what I saw. I don't go there pretty much at all, because of the topics I saw. If I am wrong, and that was isolated, fine. But seeing that meant I'm not going back.
Good for you, but don't speak as if you're familiar with the board culture if you know you aren't. /v/ is the largest and fastest-moving board, everything is bound to show up there at some point or other.

Anyways, its been real. It doesn't matter what you or I think. My applause and your loud weeps mean nothing since he's already pulled the trigger on purging 4chan of the less desirables.
Moot is doing absolutely nothing about non-celebrity nudes or shitposting on /v/

Literally the only things he has cracked down on are gamergate discussions and celeb leaks

Hardly the most undesirable of anons.

The celeb leaks are calling every nude into question. JLaw may be the one getting the press, but what is being investigated are the age and consent of every amateur nude on the site.

And while you guys keep trying to distance your actions at the start of gamer gate, those actions are the only reason there is a story at all.

Gamergate and the Fappening painted a target on 4chan. Now the authorities are looking at the site under a microscope.

You don't realize, he's trying to save what he can. The excesses of that community are what called down the lightening, and now you have to deal with the consequences.
Nigga the authorities have been eying 4chan since like '08. FBI has been watching for years. This is nothing new. Difference is now the media is blowing things out of proportion, acting like 4chan is some dangerous hacker nest, the Mos Eisley cantina of the internet, and that's just not true.

And the media only gives a shit, because famous people are involved.

And again, we didn't do shit even at the start. It was about Quinn at the start, yes, but we didn't do anything illegal or fucked up.

Quinn was pulling down videos that called her and the journalists she slept with into question. When people found out, they reacted as one would expect.

So Quinn and her pals began accusing people of harassment, and doxing themselves while placing the blame on her critics. False flag shit. Quinn did the same thing back in December when people were complaining about DepressionQuest being on steam despite not being an actual fucking game, and there is proof she lied then.

Stop believing the shit people like Kotaku and TYT will tell you about this. We didn't do it.

OK, believe a faceless mob over an established company, that a woman pretended to be hacked, harassed, her family and friends harassed, just to make a point?
Yes, she did, because all eyes were on her, and she wanted to garner sympathy and make her critics look like sexist goons. That's her MO. She's done it in the past. She's also pals with most of these writers and they have a history of taking her side on every issue.

No. Own up. /b/ and /v/ went too far, and were surprised when you got called out on it. After all, this isn't the first time 4chan has gone on the warpath. This is a repeating pattern of behavior.
No, get your fucking facts straight. /b/ wasn't a center for gamergate. It was /v/, and /pol/ decided to join in as well because they are always anti-SJW. Not just anons, by the way. Reddit and tumblrfags were in on it from the beginning as well.

But go ahead, keep eating the shit you're being fed.

And it's widely known that the feds keep an eye on there. But now with the media paying attention, the FBI is being forced to do its job. That's what you guys are failing to see. You forced the authorities into action.
They did their job anyway. That's why CP isn't really a problem anymore

You keep trying to do that "it wasn't us, it was them" routine. That didn't work on my mom when I trashed the house, and it doesn't work for you.

The worst elements are being encouraged to leave 4chan. Moot is purging any and all who fucked up. And good for him. You guys will all go to ultra-chan, or uber chan or whatever. It doesn't matter. The process will keep repeating. And every time someone will make this thread: ________ is ruining ____chan by censoring and killing free speech yadda fucking yadda.

How about you guys act like sensible human fucking beings, and NOT threaten people. NOT post revenge-porn. NOT post gore for the lulz of it. Maybe if you grew up a day you could still have 4chan. But no. You will continue to not accept responsibility, and you will just move on to a different site to do more of the same.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:54:41 PM »
Didn't reddit do more to spread the Fappening than /b/?
They did, but the pics were initially released on /b/.

Supposedly a Russian hacker, a part of a celebrity porn trading ring, either sold the pics to a /b/tard or released them himself. Either way, the pics got posted, and they spread from there.

The Flood / Re: How long until Comms comes back on a proxy?
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:53:01 PM »
Probably when he gets the dicks out of his mouth, ass and hands. I swear, there is no more a gay whore than him. Two dicks in his ass, one in each hand, and then a dick in his mouth. The boy is a dickaholic.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:50:41 PM »


They just brought attention to 4chan. Now everyone sees what you freely admit. Guys trading illegal porn. I don't care about other forums. 4chan brought this in on themselves. They are the ones on trial.
Okay, give me objective proof that sharing naked pictures on the internet is illegal in the US where 4chan is based. Not being the original leaker, which I figure probably is, just sharing them. I am ignorant about these kinds of laws.

If it is illegal and is still posted, we can blame the mods for allowing it. The threads certainly go on for a while.

And every time I've gone on /v/ that's what I saw. I don't go there pretty much at all, because of the topics I saw. If I am wrong, and that was isolated, fine. But seeing that meant I'm not going back.
Good for you, but don't speak as if you're familiar with the board culture if you know you aren't. /v/ is the largest and fastest-moving board, everything is bound to show up there at some point or other.

Anyways, its been real. It doesn't matter what you or I think. My applause and your loud weeps mean nothing since he's already pulled the trigger on purging 4chan of the less desirables.
Moot is doing absolutely nothing about non-celebrity nudes or shitposting on /v/

Literally the only things he has cracked down on are gamergate discussions and celeb leaks

Hardly the most undesirable of anons.

The celeb leaks are calling every nude into question. JLaw may be the one getting the press, but what is being investigated are the age and consent of every amateur nude on the site.

And while you guys keep trying to distance your actions at the start of gamer gate, those actions are the only reason there is a story at all.

Gamergate and the Fappening painted a target on 4chan. Now the authorities are looking at the site under a microscope.

You don't realize, he's trying to save what he can. The excesses of that community are what called down the lightening, and now you have to deal with the consequences.
Nigga the authorities have been eying 4chan since like '08. FBI has been watching for years. This is nothing new. Difference is now the media is blowing things out of proportion, acting like 4chan is some dangerous hacker nest, the Mos Eisley cantina of the internet, and that's just not true.

And the media only gives a shit, because famous people are involved.

And again, we didn't do shit even at the start. It was about Quinn at the start, yes, but we didn't do anything illegal or fucked up.

Quinn was pulling down videos that called her and the journalists she slept with into question. When people found out, they reacted as one would expect.

So Quinn and her pals began accusing people of harassment, and doxing themselves while placing the blame on her critics. False flag shit. Quinn did the same thing back in December when people were complaining about DepressionQuest being on steam despite not being an actual fucking game, and there is proof she lied then.

Stop believing the shit people like Kotaku and TYT will tell you about this. We didn't do it.

OK, believe a faceless mob over an established company, that a woman pretended to be hacked, harassed, her family and friends harassed, just to make a point?

No. Own up. /b/ and /v/ went too far, and were surprised when you got called out on it. After all, this isn't the first time 4chan has gone on the warpath. This is a repeating pattern of behavior.

And it's widely known that the feds keep an eye on there. But now with the media paying attention, the FBI is being forced to do its job. That's what you guys are failing to see. You forced the authorities into action.

As long as Moot and the mods banned the overtly illegal stuff (CP) then there was no reason for the FBI to do anything. After all, most of the girl's never pressed charges about their images being posted. The FBI sure as hell wasn't going to go polling for that info. Then /b/ went full retard and allowed those pics to be spread. Like I said, it doesn't even matter if the hacker was a one time member, or a founder. The nudes originated there. Now you have celebrities leading the charge against the site.

4chan brought this on itself. Moot had to make changes. If not then it is likely that he would be shut down and charges pressed against him.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:33:45 PM »


They just brought attention to 4chan. Now everyone sees what you freely admit. Guys trading illegal porn. I don't care about other forums. 4chan brought this in on themselves. They are the ones on trial.
Okay, give me objective proof that sharing naked pictures on the internet is illegal in the US where 4chan is based. Not being the original leaker, which I figure probably is, just sharing them. I am ignorant about these kinds of laws.

If it is illegal and is still posted, we can blame the mods for allowing it. The threads certainly go on for a while.

And every time I've gone on /v/ that's what I saw. I don't go there pretty much at all, because of the topics I saw. If I am wrong, and that was isolated, fine. But seeing that meant I'm not going back.
Good for you, but don't speak as if you're familiar with the board culture if you know you aren't. /v/ is the largest and fastest-moving board, everything is bound to show up there at some point or other.

Anyways, its been real. It doesn't matter what you or I think. My applause and your loud weeps mean nothing since he's already pulled the trigger on purging 4chan of the less desirables.
Moot is doing absolutely nothing about non-celebrity nudes or shitposting on /v/

Literally the only things he has cracked down on are gamergate discussions and celeb leaks

Hardly the most undesirable of anons.

The celeb leaks are calling every nude into question. JLaw may be the one getting the press, but what is being investigated are the age and consent of every amateur nude on the site.

And while you guys keep trying to distance your actions at the start of gamer gate, those actions are the only reason there is a story at all.

Gamergate and the Fappening painted a target on 4chan. Now the authorities are looking at the site under a microscope.

You don't realize, he's trying to save what he can. The excesses of that community are what called down the lightening, and now you have to deal with the consequences.

« on: September 19, 2014, 02:29:40 PM »

Ah god, I can't can *vomits*

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:10:03 PM »
You can cry all you want, but the 4chan user base brought this on itself. How many times could they spoof the news and make everyone believe someone is dead? How many times could they be used as an army to go after someone online? How much child porn is too much? You are missing the point about 4chan and Gamergate. Had they brought attention to what happened, her trading sex for favorable reviews and downplaying her competitors, then things would be good. That isn't what they did. They attacked her. They figured out how to get on her social media feeds, they threatened her family and friends, they threatened her with violence and sexual assault.

What they did was worse than what she did. No other way to say that.

They had a slam dunk situation. Take down someone who is fucking up her own cause, and they could have improved gaming reviews while they were at it. And they fucked it up by acting like kids.

Then the Fappening. They could have kept that shit quiet. Just enjoyed it for themselves. But by spreading it around like a bunch of fools, they called down the lightening. Painted a giant target on their site.

Then the regular posting of child porn. Over and over again. Even if they got immediately banned, how is this making that site look in the eyes of the law?

Something had to give. If Moot hadn't done something then others would have stepped in and done it for him. They would have shut it down.

4Chan isn't a human right. Not by a long shot. It is the asshole of the internet. Most places would be happy to see it gone, if they even knew it existed in the first place.
Gamergate isn't about Quinn anymore, stop trying to make it that.

Gamergate is about the rampant corruption within the gaming press. Money is fucking changing hands between journalists and developers. That is absolutely unacceptable.

We did NOT threaten Zoe, her family, or her friends, that is a lie. We learned a long time ago not to do that, it just makes us look bad. Anyone making threats is either on their own, or it's a false flag.

This movement is bigger than 4chan, but /v/ was, until now, a safe haven for it.

CP gets posted all over the internet. Moot does not support it and the mods clean it up as soon as it pops up. You cannot hold him, or us, accountable for that.

Fucking really? "asshole of the internet"? What, did you spend an hour on /b/ and then never come back? Anons say faggot and nigger pretty often, but the discourse is generally much more intelligent than any of the shit you'll find elsewhere.

"The Fappening" was not 4chan organized. It was a deepweb network of hackers who sold celebrity nudes to each other. One of them decided to come forward and share it, and they chose /b/ to do it. 4chan is populous enough that of fucking course word is going to spread.
Then, the people involved, having no understanding of the Streisand effect, tried to suppress it. And we all know what happens when you try to suppress information on the internet.
Quit trying to brush what happened to quinn under the rug. /b/ and /g/ broke the law in what they did. It was by no means justified.

And I don't give a shit who the actual hackers were. The pics were released on /b/. They were spread by /b/.

And stop trying to paint the other forums as any better. /pol/ is either communist wannbes or neonazi recruitment drives. /v/'s posts are half "cod is ruining the world" and half "this unknown indie game will save it." The other forums are little better.
Guys dump their girlfriends' nudes on /b/ every fucking day. This has been going on for years now.

But once it happens to some famous people, suddenly everyone cares?

No, fuck that, and fuck them. If it was really important to them, people would have started throwing a fuss before now.

Nobody likes /pol/, they're a containment board moot made to keep the political shit on one board.

Clearly you don't know shit about /v/, either. CoD is hardly talked about, and /v/ fucking hates indie shit.


They just brought attention to 4chan. Now everyone sees what you freely admit. Guys trading illegal porn. I don't care about other forums. 4chan brought this in on themselves. They are the ones on trial.

And every time I've gone on /v/ that's what I saw. I don't go there pretty much at all, because of the topics I saw. If I am wrong, and that was isolated, fine. But seeing that meant I'm not going back.

Anyways, its been real. It doesn't matter what you or I think. My applause and your loud weeps mean nothing since he's already pulled the trigger on purging 4chan of the less desirables.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:58:32 PM »
"cod is ruining the world" and half "this unknown indie game will save it." The other forums are little better.
Confirmed for never having gone to /v/ once in his entire life.

Well, you have fun with that autism. 4chan as you knew it is dead. And good riddance.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:56:02 PM »
You can cry all you want, but the 4chan user base brought this on itself. How many times could they spoof the news and make everyone believe someone is dead? How many times could they be used as an army to go after someone online? How much child porn is too much? You are missing the point about 4chan and Gamergate. Had they brought attention to what happened, her trading sex for favorable reviews and downplaying her competitors, then things would be good. That isn't what they did. They attacked her. They figured out how to get on her social media feeds, they threatened her family and friends, they threatened her with violence and sexual assault.

What they did was worse than what she did. No other way to say that.

They had a slam dunk situation. Take down someone who is fucking up her own cause, and they could have improved gaming reviews while they were at it. And they fucked it up by acting like kids.

Then the Fappening. They could have kept that shit quiet. Just enjoyed it for themselves. But by spreading it around like a bunch of fools, they called down the lightening. Painted a giant target on their site.

Then the regular posting of child porn. Over and over again. Even if they got immediately banned, how is this making that site look in the eyes of the law?

Something had to give. If Moot hadn't done something then others would have stepped in and done it for him. They would have shut it down.

4Chan isn't a human right. Not by a long shot. It is the asshole of the internet. Most places would be happy to see it gone, if they even knew it existed in the first place.
Gamergate isn't about Quinn anymore, stop trying to make it that.

Gamergate is about the rampant corruption within the gaming press. Money is fucking changing hands between journalists and developers. That is absolutely unacceptable.

We did NOT threaten Zoe, her family, or her friends, that is a lie. We learned a long time ago not to do that, it just makes us look bad. Anyone making threats is either on their own, or it's a false flag.

This movement is bigger than 4chan, but /v/ was, until now, a safe haven for it.

CP gets posted all over the internet. Moot does not support it and the mods clean it up as soon as it pops up. You cannot hold him, or us, accountable for that.

Fucking really? "asshole of the internet"? What, did you spend an hour on /b/ and then never come back? Anons say faggot and nigger pretty often, but the discourse is generally much more intelligent than any of the shit you'll find elsewhere.

"The Fappening" was not 4chan organized. It was a deepweb network of hackers who sold celebrity nudes to each other. One of them decided to come forward and share it, and they chose /b/ to do it. 4chan is populous enough that of fucking course word is going to spread.
Then, the people involved, having no understanding of the Streisand effect, tried to suppress it. And we all know what happens when you try to suppress information on the internet.
Quit trying to brush what happened to quinn under the rug. /b/ and /g/ broke the law in what they did. It was by no means justified.

And I don't give a shit who the actual hackers were. The pics were released on /b/. They were spread by /b/.

And stop trying to paint the other forums as any better. /pol/ is either communist wannbes or neonazi recruitment drives. /v/'s posts are half "cod is ruining the world" and half "this unknown indie game will save it." The other forums are little better.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 11:39:32 AM »
You can cry all you want, but the 4chan user base brought this on itself. How many times could they spoof the news and make everyone believe someone is dead? How many times could they be used as an army to go after someone online? How much child porn is too much? You are missing the point about 4chan and Gamergate. Had they brought attention to what happened, her trading sex for favorable reviews and downplaying her competitors, then things would be good. That isn't what they did. They attacked her. They figured out how to get on her social media feeds, they threatened her family and friends, they threatened her with violence and sexual assault.

What they did was worse than what she did. No other way to say that.

They had a slam dunk situation. Take down someone who is fucking up her own cause, and they could have improved gaming reviews while they were at it. And they fucked it up by acting like kids.

Then the Fappening. They could have kept that shit quiet. Just enjoyed it for themselves. But by spreading it around like a bunch of fools, they called down the lightening. Painted a giant target on their site.

Then the regular posting of child porn. Over and over again. Even if they got immediately banned, how is this making that site look in the eyes of the law?

Something had to give. If Moot hadn't done something then others would have stepped in and done it for him. They would have shut it down.

4Chan isn't a human right. Not by a long shot. It is the asshole of the internet. Most places would be happy to see it gone, if they even knew it existed in the first place.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:30:37 AM »

Something tells me that you guys don't know what free speech is. It is not being able to say anything and get away consequence free. I know it was mostly /b/, but threats, illegal porn, gore, and such are bot really protected.
If any form of expression is banned, then there is NOT free speech.

Now threats and CP I can understand, but gore should not be restricted.

That depends on the gore and why it's posted.

Post the soldier toying with the corpse to protest a war? Not banned.

Show a dog eating a baby with hue next to it? Banned.

This is my point, free speech is nuanced. Its not a "It's everything or its nothing" type of situation

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:06:33 AM »
Something tells me that you guys don't know what free speech is. It is not being able to say anything and get away consequence free. I know it was mostly /b/, but threats, illegal porn, gore, and such are bot really protected.

The Flood / Re: So... otthild pooped out an anti christ
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:04:35 AM »

Is she still giving it up?
I believe so.

The bio daddy bailed, so.

at least the kid will actually know its biological parents though

We've spoken off line, she got what its like from the adopting parents' side.

The Flood / Re: So... otthild pooped out an anti christ
« on: September 18, 2014, 08:50:17 PM »
Is she still giving it up?

The Flood / Re: Bad Dadrock thread
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:16:16 PM »
ITT I'll explain which dadrock bands are shit:

Motley Crue
Guns n roses
Van Halen
Iron Maiden

any others I've missed?

Do everyone knows, OP found his mom's diary. She has been gang banged by every one of these bands.
My impression is that my mom was probably quite the prude in her youth

You think she wants you to know that she has had 6 penises in her at one time? That Vince Neal made her give him a Rusty Trombone while the drummer for White Snake did a line of coke off her ass?

The Flood / Re: Bad Dadrock thread
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:12:52 PM »
ITT I'll explain which dadrock bands are shit:

Motley Crue
Guns n roses
Van Halen
Iron Maiden

any others I've missed?

Do everyone knows, OP found his mom's diary. She has been gang banged by every one of these bands.

The Flood / Re: Best Motley Crǖe song?
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:06:56 PM »

Motley crue sucks

Your mom sucks...Motley Crue. Seriously. Monsters of Rock, 1984. She met them back stage and sucked each band member off.
My mom was a journey fan

After getting bukakid by the roadies I'll bet she is.

The Flood / Re: Best Motley Crǖe song?
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:06:16 PM »

Motley crue sucks
Fuck you, Crue is the best Dadrock ever.

You have wounded me. Yes, I listen to Crue. And Yes, I am a dad. But calling it "Dadrock" makes me feel fucking ancient. Like I need to make sure the nursing home has good wifi so I can post...

The Flood / Re: Best Motley Crǖe song?
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:05:04 PM »

Motley crue sucks

Your mom sucks...Motley Crue. Seriously. Monsters of Rock, 1984. She met them back stage and sucked each band member off.

The Flood / Re: Reasons why the South is better than the North
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:03:35 PM »
Alright bitches, I've been seeing a lot of talk from some of you northfags about how the south is so bad and everything about it sucks. Well, as a full-time southerner, I'm here to prove you fuckers wrong. Here's my comprehensive list of reasons why the south is superior to the north:

1) Southern hospitality. It's possible to strike up conversation with almost anyone you run in to, because we're generally nicer than you northern city folk. Hell, you get smiles and warm greetings from everywhere. What do you get if you try to start conversation with the typical city hipster? A smug expression and a weak "hello."

2) Real barbecue, not that hamburgers and hotdogs bullshit that northerners call barbecue. I'm talking about beef brisket slow cooked for hours, ribs, baked beans, coleslaw, pulled pork, barbecued chicken. Top all of that off with an endless variety of homemade BBQ sauces and you're in food heaven.

3) Warm weather pretty much year round. This one depends on where in the south you are, because some southern states can experience some rough winters. However, places like central Florida, which barely get temperatures below 60 degrees, is paradise. Anyone who'd rather sit inside a dingy basement because it's too cold to go outside than chill at a beach and watch hot babes in bikinis is clearly suffering from a mental illness.

4) Cleaner air and environments. Big cities are fucking disgusting compared to the southern countryside. I'd much rather breathe in clean air than choking on car exhaust-poisoned air in a city.

5) Sweet tea. I can't stress this enough, sweet tea is possibly the greatest southern drink to exist, and it's a shame that northfags either never experience it and just stereotype, or they've had some knock-off mass produced shit and associate that with all sweet tea.

6) We don't live in fear of wildling raids or white walkers.

That's all I've got so far, but please, try and challenge me northfags. I dare you.

1) Unless the people are white to black. Then Stand Your Ground Laws come into play (protip the white people shoot the black people and get away with it)

2) I will grant the BBQ statement. Carolina Pulled Pork is god tier food.

3) Warm Weather yes. Except from May to October, the heat and humidity inspire the Christian notion of Hell.

4) Not very developed. True. The same can be said of most 3rd world countries.

5) Sweet Tea is vile. No other way to say that.

6) OK...

The Flood / Best Motley Crǖe song?
« on: September 18, 2014, 06:57:25 PM »
My Submission:


The Flood / Re: Favorite type of punch
« on: September 18, 2014, 03:31:24 PM »
Cunt punch.
I just googled this... with safe search off.

I wasn't disappointed.

The Flood / Re: GG Californians
« on: September 18, 2014, 03:30:28 PM »
The Apocalypse is on us.

Freak storms, a 20 year long drought. Santa Annas and the largest fire risk in decades. Most regions are 200-500 years overdue for a 8+ earthquake...

Yeah, for all its natural beauty... California is now a ticking timebomb ready to kill any human in her borders.

With the new gun restrictions, people won't be able to defend themselves from the inevitable mobs that will be roaming looking for food and water. Your only hope is to join one of these mobs and have to submit to the predators that invariably control them.

Californians... How will YOU survive the Earthquakes, Freak Storms, Mudslides, Fires and Collapse of Social Order?

By enabling god mode.

SV_Cheats 1
God 1
Bind "z" Impulse 101

The Flood / Favorite type of punch
« on: September 18, 2014, 03:28:28 PM »
I don't mean a mixture of fruit juices.

I mean making a fist and hitting something.

I have recently fallen in love with the right hook.

I have a 100lb bag in the basement, and when I do my workout routine, I beat the shit outta this. I do jabs, 1-2 combos, body blows, uppercuts and hooks (20 each, 3 sets)

My favorite are those hooks. I feel like a badass when the frame my bag is on starts moving around, And I wail on it like a ton of bricks.

What's your favorite?

The Flood / Re: Cleansing—A test.
« on: September 18, 2014, 03:23:00 PM »
"ayy lmao"

Do you find the above message funny?
Do you post it on a regular basis?
If so, why?

Answer wisely.

Even though I am sure that you have cleansed me already...

No. I do not post that. It makes me want to punch the person who posted it so hard that their eyes go out of alignment.

The Flood / GG Californians
« on: September 18, 2014, 02:32:16 PM »
The Apocalypse is on us.

Freak storms, a 20 year long drought. Santa Annas and the largest fire risk in decades. Most regions are 200-500 years overdue for a 8+ earthquake...

Yeah, for all its natural beauty... California is now a ticking timebomb ready to kill any human in her borders.

With the new gun restrictions, people won't be able to defend themselves from the inevitable mobs that will be roaming looking for food and water. Your only hope is to join one of these mobs and have to submit to the predators that invariably control them.

Californians... How will YOU survive the Earthquakes, Freak Storms, Mudslides, Fires and Collapse of Social Order?

The Flood / Re: Would you talk him in from the ledge?
« on: September 18, 2014, 12:19:40 AM »

Y'all are some morbid motherfuckers.

Yes, I would try to help him, because I believe that suicide is taking the easy way out of problems.

So you would force him to the harder path? Who's the dick now.

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