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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: So now I need a different kind of girl help
« on: April 06, 2016, 04:59:06 PM »
I say meet her. Why? It's good practice for other women later on. It's not like you are going to fuck her the first night and marry her the second. Just go out, have coffee and talk. You get to see how to talk later on with someone you would be interested in.
'Cause I'm not going to waste any time pity dating her. I have too much going on to deal with that.

How do you get better at anything?


Besides, at this point you don't have any idea of where this'll go. She may find you just as much of a pity date as you find her. On top of that, there could be something here your missing. She may be perfect, and you're judging on a picture.

My point here is that you don't have much to lose, and you could gain something here.

The Flood / Is today CRITICAL ROLE day?
« on: April 06, 2016, 04:21:34 PM »
It seems to be gaining traction

The Flood / Re: So now I need a different kind of girl help
« on: April 06, 2016, 02:28:25 PM »
I say meet her. Why? It's good practice for other women later on. It's not like you are going to fuck her the first night and marry her the second. Just go out, have coffee and talk. You get to see how to talk later on with someone you would be interested in.

It becomes a problem when people you're in a relationship with expect anger that would be good for you. In the instance above, I was completely justified in my would be anger. The people who love you stand around almost begging you to react. You come off as apathetic to them because it's like you don't stand up for yourself.

I do stand up for myself, it's just emotionless. A measured response with no passion behind it. Cold. I should be yelling and screaming, but I don't. I just say, ok, to get this, you have to do that, and yes it's wieghted in my benefit.

You may also be suffering from depression.

If I am, it's not really effecting any other area of my life. I feel happiness, and I don't really have down days. I'm not saying you're wrong, though.

Remember that episode of South Park where Cartman burned his funny fuse? It's like I blew my angry fuse.

Getting mad over general problems is normal. It means your emotionally well rounded.

Is being mad a good thing??

I don't see how having rage at more things would benefit you in any way

Which is why I made this thread. Where others have a justified reaction, I simply weigh the outcome and act accordingly. I know that I used to have strong emotional reactions. Now there's just a void. It's felt when others expect you to react one way, and you don't react at all.

Example, ex-Mrs Charlie just dumped the kids on me for 12 days for a last minute trip. Al Baghdadi expected me to be pissed and pick a fight. Instead I didn't react emotionally and reorganized the calendar in a way that benefited me. She was correct. I should have reacted with anger. I didn't even have the capacity for it.

The Flood / A question: dating someone with kids
« on: April 06, 2016, 12:53:02 AM »
Al Baghdadi has a son. He has a father that, let's be honest, is a deadbeat. I spend more time in two days than he does in a month.

What, in your opinion, is my relationship with the kid?

Al Baghdadi remains fiercely protective of her time and that she is the mommy. But my role is a little ambiguous. I help potty train him, watch him on my own from time to time, even take custody from the dad on occasion when she is tied up at work.

I don't know where I stand. 

I hope one day they realize how much I love them and how much I sacrificed and will sacrifice for them. But, even as I type that, I know that I truly don't care. They will know every protection I can grant, and every once of energy I can to make them good.

But I do feel the loss. The absence and void of what I had. Maybe I'm being selfish in putting this to words.

But, if I had a chance to do it all over?

I'd change nothing.

The Flood / Re: Why do Americans call fuel 'gas'?
« on: April 06, 2016, 12:38:23 AM »
i love it when people try to make americans sound dumb, but end up making themselves look even dumber in the process

No. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Especially if it involves getting angry. Anger has it's uses but more often than not it's used in the wrong place at the wong time, and letting it dictate your actions for you so freely, well, that's not something I've ever been into very much.

Use your head first. Logic is your best friend. Emotions come second to help add the boost you need for things.

And you? Well, you're older. I don't know how old exactly, but I know that as people age they tend to mellow out a fair bit.  Even guys who used to be fighters. As you age you can't afford to get angry. You get into fights and you can't take hits like you can when you're in your 20's. And the recovery time is longer.

I'd say nothing's wrong with you charlie. It's the people who let their fists swing first and think after, or likewise, people who let their lips do the talking and say shitty stuff before thinking that have it fucked and wrong.

I worry I lost my passion. The only thing that could send me into a rage is a real threat to my boys. The only thing that matters is their well being and that I am there to ensure it.

It sounds cold when I type that, but it's truth. Strong emotions are lost when I consider my sons. Everything else seems pale and transparent when my children are factored in. 

This was one of the biggest complaints that ex-Mrs. Charlie had and Al Baghdadi had/has with me. I choose my emotions. Both say I lost my capacity for rage. Ex-Mrs Charlie wanted to pick a fight to feel something l, anything after 17 years. Al Baghdadi worries that I am too cold when dealing with ex-Mrs Charlie and others who cross me.

I think I lost my capacity for strong emotions.

Does this make me broken or wrong?

The Flood / Re: How would you like to die?
« on: April 05, 2016, 09:29:08 PM »
Oddly I was talking about something really similar to this thread with a buddy at work.

Now they think I'm a sick fuck

The Flood / Re: Which is harder to survive in? Mad Max or Fall Out?
« on: April 05, 2016, 07:04:06 PM »
I never saw Mad Max as a complete fucking depressing wasteland like Fallout is. Everything in Fallout is just shitty and depressing and broken. At least Mad Max has people with decently stable societies and what seems to be a greater potential for survival.

I think you should watch Mad Max before saying that.

The Flood / Does Immortan Joe lead Trolls or Mods?
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:20:53 AM »
I can't tell

The Flood / Re: LOL
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:18:23 AM »

The Flood / Re: Just Watched God's Not Dead AMA
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:17:06 AM »
Uuuuugh. More persecution porn. A justification of extreme behavior by painting something as an extreme threat. God is Dead II is the stuff that Christian survivalists masturbate to.

You want honest persecution? Google how ISIS treats Christians it comes across. That's real persecution. In the West it's nothing more than weak, bitch ass Christian wannabes begging that they not be debated.

You want to go somewhere where your faith is actually tested? Go to fucking Syria.

The Flood / Which is harder to survive in? Mad Max or Fall Out?
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:11:24 AM »
Take these two post apocalyptic scenarios.

Which has a setting that is least conducing to survival?

You might be tempted to say Fall Out just because of the mutant beasts. But take into account the fact of all the technology left around for you to find. In game, you do eventually level up and find stuff that make you a badass.

Then you say, Charlie: it's clearly Mad Max. Sure there's no monsters, but the world's devolved to warlords and no one survives. But, people do. Around every one of those warlords are people who either follow them or are oppressed by them.

In my mind they are equal. But you are different. So, in your humble opinion, which universe would you think is least likely to promote your survival?

The Flood / Re: Bernie supporters in a nutshell
« on: April 04, 2016, 11:41:17 PM »
Aaaand here are the Trump supporters

The Flood / What if you found out John Cena was your father?
« on: April 04, 2016, 11:37:53 PM »

The Flood / Re: Just Watched God's Not Dead AMA
« on: April 04, 2016, 11:13:43 PM »
How many IQ points did you lose?

The Flood / Re: TWD Season 6 Finale Thread
« on: April 04, 2016, 11:06:56 PM »
Knocking up maggie is the biggest death flag of any thrown out in the show so far. Glenn's gotta be the one.

He also died in the comics here too.

Might as well have said he was retiring in 3 days and bought a boat to live the easy life while putting on his read shirt and leaving for the easy mission to check the safe area the vietcong never go to after having sex in a horror movie.

The Flood / Re: Would you eat a chihuahua?
« on: April 04, 2016, 03:34:53 PM »
Yes, then I would slowly torture a pig to death and eat its butt.

Slow day at work?

Yup. Corporate just rolled out the new comp plan. Everyone's sitting around reading it trying to figure out how badly we got fucked
Comp plan?

Compensation. It's how we get paid.

The Flood / Re: Would you eat a chihuahua?
« on: April 04, 2016, 03:07:32 PM »
Yes, then I would slowly torture a pig to death and eat its butt.

Slow day at work?

Yup. Corporate just rolled out the new comp plan. Everyone's sitting around reading it trying to figure out how badly we got fucked

The Flood / Re: Batman v Superman: My ass is numb
« on: April 04, 2016, 03:06:19 PM »
Acting was meh to crap tier. Affleck did an acceptable job. Cavill was like watching paint dry and Eisenberg was outright terrible.

The story was over-complicated and underwritten. We don't really see anyone's full plans. What we are shown doesn't make sense. Batman's motivations aren't clear, Superman taking off after the explosion and feeling guilty for something that happened after he left, and Luthor's plan are all misses.

The special effects and cinematography were good. Well... except Doomsday. He looked like a Ninja Turtle crossed with the Abomination.

The pacing was stop and go, and didn't have a flow.

All in all... I'll give it a 3.5/10. There were just too many missed opportunities.

The Flood / Would you eat a chihuahua?
« on: April 04, 2016, 02:45:55 PM »
You're not starving to death or anything. It's just on the menu. They would walk it out, let you scratch it between the ears before strangling it in the kitchen and cooking it.

The Flood / The carrot,the egg and the coffee bean
« on: April 04, 2016, 09:49:05 AM »
Which are you?

The Flood / Re: What is holding you back in life?
« on: April 04, 2016, 12:55:47 AM »
To be honest, overcoming the challenges in front of me.

The divorce put me $49k in the hole. My job was one I knew could just pay the bills and the kids put a strain on the time I have.

I'll get it done. I always do. But this is some hard shit to face.

The Flood / Re: Give those three chickens abortions
« on: April 04, 2016, 12:51:11 AM »
Nihilism isn't that nothing matters. It's that there is no externally defined meaning. It's that you set the definition of what matters and doesn't.
Nope, that's anti-nihilist. A true nihilist would laugh at the notion of humans trying to give life a meaning that they'd consider arbitrary.

Are there "true" nihilists? It seems to me that you are setting the goal posts here. I consider myself a nihilist. No being set my meaning. I set it.

I think you set an impossible standard and are saying nothing fits except your narrowly defined standards.

The Flood / Re: Give those three chickens abortions
« on: April 04, 2016, 12:34:16 AM »
Nihilism isn't that nothing matters. It's that there is no externally defined meaning. It's that you set the definition of what matters and doesn't.  Hedonism is following what gives pleasure. Your grandma making you cookies because she likes the way you smile when you eat them could be said to be hedonistic.

The Flood / Gethype
« on: April 03, 2016, 07:40:16 PM »

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