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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: What happened to Mad Max?
« on: June 01, 2016, 08:28:43 PM »
He comes back every so often. No one ever truly leaves. Only the dead know escape from this wretched place

The Flood / Re: My ex-ladyfriend just confided in me
« on: June 01, 2016, 08:27:21 PM »
It's harder than many of you think. You can't just call the cops on him. Unless she actually decided to tell them, which isn't a guarantee, the cops will at worst arrest and release him. Now all you've done is escalate an already bad situation. I would stand by her, and encourage her to talk to friends and family about it. When she feels confident enough, she has to call the cops herself. Then you still stand by her to make sure she sees it through. All the while you can't try to start your relationship again, as she could take your help as manipulation to get him out of the way. Then she'll make you the enemy and go back to him. So you have a very delicate path to walk. You truly have to be selfless and supportive.
tldr version, most PEOPLE  are dumb and return to their abuser or defend them if someone else calls the cops.


It's not just women. I've known a few guys to get abused by their girlfriends and do the exact same shit.

The Flood / Re: My ex-ladyfriend just confided in me
« on: June 01, 2016, 08:23:22 PM »
It's harder than many of you think. You can't just call the cops on him. Unless she actually decided to tell them, which isn't a guarantee, the cops will at worst arrest and release him. Now all you've done is escalate an already bad situation. I would stand by her, and encourage her to talk to friends and family about it. When she feels confident enough, she has to call the cops herself. Then you still stand by her to make sure she sees it through. All the while you can't try to start your relationship again, as she could take your help as manipulation to get him out of the way. Then she'll make you the enemy and go back to him. So you have a very delicate path to walk. You truly have to be selfless and supportive. 

Serious / Re: Who will Trump pick as his VP?
« on: June 01, 2016, 05:22:11 PM »
Hillary Clinton

The Flood / Re: A simple question: what is the speed of gravity?
« on: June 01, 2016, 01:14:38 AM »
pretty sure its c

If you look it up, scientists say that they don't have any data, but estimate between 1.2 and .8 C

The Flood / Re: If you can't swim
« on: June 01, 2016, 12:44:10 AM »
I'm praying for rain

I'm praying for tidal waves

I want to see it all give way

I want to see it all go riding down

The Flood / A simple question: what is the speed of gravity?
« on: June 01, 2016, 12:41:57 AM »
We know what terminal velocity is. We know what a G is.

But what is the speed of gravity? We build devices that supposedly can measure gravity waves. But what do we really know?

When scientists get in front of crowds, they say what is and isn't possible. But such a basic force eludes them. When two celestial bodies interact, they don't really know when one interacts with the other. They can estimate, quite closely to observation, but not the exact moment.

This is my question to the more science minded: what is the speed of gravity?

The Flood / Re: >be 17-year-old 400-lb silverback gorilla
« on: May 31, 2016, 08:37:16 PM »
I work with a black guy who hit play in the video saying "please don't be black please don't be black" and then he saw and was all "ah man mutha fucka.  Damnit we bring it all on ourselves." And he just walked away

The Flood / Hanging, electric chair or gas chamber
« on: May 31, 2016, 08:26:50 PM »
You are wrongly convicted of setting an orphanage on fire, which resulted in the death of over 100 children. No one believes you. No one will ever believe you.

You are given how you will be executed

1) Gas Chamber. The person will only use half the needed cyanide. It will be agony

2) Electric Chair. Ever see the Green Mile? Yeah, no sponge soaked in brine.

3)  Hanging. Short drop. No broken neck.

The Flood / Re: >tfw Red Skull is redpilled af
« on: May 31, 2016, 02:52:13 PM »
I never expected them to make such a subtle swipe at Trump.

The Flood / Re: GoT S6 episode 6 discussion - Radmure Tully edition
« on: May 30, 2016, 07:09:04 PM »
dany is going to ruin westeros with her culturally enriched dothraki army


The Flood / Re: What would you do with an Orgazmorator?
« on: May 30, 2016, 12:21:04 PM »
Cut it off. I would rather  have a prosthetic or automail arm
your hand is inside, it isn't a prosthetic

The Flood / Re: What would you do with an Orgazmorator?
« on: May 30, 2016, 12:20:21 PM »
I'd follow around one of the men in the Westboro baptist church, and shoot him with it every time he looked at a guy. He'd eventually think he was totally gay.

The Flood / NSFW What would you do with an Orgazmorator?
« on: May 30, 2016, 12:11:39 PM »

When shot with it the person feels a powerful orgasm that lasts 15-60 seconds.

The Flood / Spoiler Did Marvel jump the shark, or is this awesome?
« on: May 29, 2016, 11:08:23 PM »
In the most recent Captain America comic, it is revealed that
Cap has been a double agent for Hydra the whole time.


Mine is that
Cap is playing a role to fool someone to infiltrate Hydra and destroy it

The Flood / Re: Moral Dilemma
« on: May 29, 2016, 08:35:00 PM »
It all depends on your particular point of view. Is the basis of capitalism more important than human rights. This isn't a hypothetical scenario, this happens nearly every day. There are several organizations (I hesitate to call them companies) that knock off AIDS drugs that are sold at cost in Africa. It comes down to the same thing. Stealing another's property to save lives.

Now, where do I personally come down on this issue? It's hard. On one hand, without the drugs people die. That seems cut and dry. But, if the formulae are always stolen and the inventors not compensated, only the altruistic ones would remain. Meaning there would be far fewer of these drugs created, and even more die. 

Ha I read that last bit as in prison first. In all seriousness though I'd take the spa treatment then leave.

Through the chimne... I mean of course you can.

I don't know why I watch them, I just do

They're the Tyler Perry movies for white males. Blacks have Madea, Whiteboys have Transfomers.

The Flood / Re: Did Roman kill himself?
« on: May 29, 2016, 05:39:43 PM »
This thread should be locked. As much as I chided him to grow a pair on pg 1, the guy is going through a hard time (though if you read this, Roman, I still say you need to fucking relax) and this sort of petty shit saying you hope he killed himself doesn't help.

The Flood / Re: Good places for a first date?
« on: May 29, 2016, 02:46:53 PM »
Chuck E Cheese

My mother's began getting in to some crazy wicca type shit lately.
I straight up told her she's fucking nuts and that burning some candles and reciting some bullshit doesn't make things happen.

Don't be shocked when some of it does work. It's about focusing mind and will on a goal. Like the placebo effect. Tell yourself there's an external reason you can do something and suddenly you can.

Now, for obvious reasons this will be in huge demand. So I am setting up a luxurious camp for you to stay at while you wait your turn. It's in exotic Poland. You'll arrive by train, our staff will take your luggage and you'll be treated to a luxurious spa/shower treatment that ends with you meeting your waifu.

Who wants to come?

Oh, the best part? It's free!

(this better work Das)

That's called Agnosticism.

No. Agnostics are unsure if there is a god or not. They play the middle. I'm saying there isn't a god, not in the sense of religions anyway. I'm absolutely an atheist in that. But there are energies and forces  that atheists say don't exist, that I think may

The Flood / Re: Did Roman kill himself?
« on: May 29, 2016, 01:52:48 AM »
I hope not.


There are things science has yet to explain. It's incredibly arrogant to assume that after 116 years since we discovered flight that humanity can say what does and doesn't exist. Does this mean I believe in a god? No. But the idea that there are beings that exist beyond our current senses? I do believe that. I think our sentience means we do jave a noncorporal form. That some part of us transcends death. What part and how far we trancend is very much in question. But something does separate humanity from the other life forms on this world. Some of us do hone the will to achieve what should be impossible. Some are sensitive to forces that defy science. There is a shared arrogance in theists and atheists alike. That they hold the ultimate truth of the human spirit. Both sides claim to know the answer absolutely. I reject both and say that an answer is impossible at this time and that I choose my own beliefs.


A year? Not gonna lie, that's hard.

Is the mil tax free?

They're also talking about making a GI JOE / Transformers shared universe

The Flood / Re: Furries came from weebs
« on: May 28, 2016, 06:52:46 PM »
No, furries come from an overdose on Disney cartoons.
Pretty much this, and LooneyTunes.

No. Cartoon furries are straight outta anime

The Flood / Do you think these questions sum up your state?
« on: May 28, 2016, 06:51:08 PM »

Sorry for the Facebook tier post. But this is funny

So, is Bernie Sanders vegan?

The Flood / Furries came from weebs
« on: May 28, 2016, 06:40:37 PM »
Look at all fursonas. They are based on characters from anime.

Blame weebs if you hate furries

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