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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / AMA My son had a seizure tonight
« on: August 24, 2016, 01:13:12 AM »
I'm fucked up.

I'm gonna be honest here tonight. I outwardly was all business b but inside it was hell.

Das, the drills they teach you are no shit. You go all business and it helps.

If you must know, it was a Fibro Seizure. He's sick and his temp put him over the edge. He seized for six minutes. Luckily Al Baghdadi is a nurse. An RN. She was the Angel on my shoulder. Whispering what needed to be done to see my son through.

He's okay. Temp dropped and we watched Angry Birds while we waited to be discharged.

Go ahead and AMA. I might answer. I dunno

The Flood / Re: Oh cool, they're covering that Disturbed song
« on: August 23, 2016, 06:32:19 PM »
Who cares?

At first they didn't come for the bronies
But I didn't care about bronies
Then they didn't come for the weebs
But weebs didn't bother me
Then they didn't persecute hipsters
But I didn't care about hipsters
Then the only normie left was me

The Flood / Re: Oh cool, they're covering that Disturbed song
« on: August 23, 2016, 05:17:56 PM »
Did you know "Hurt" is actually by Nine Inch Nails, but everyone thinks Johnny Cash's version is the original?

People are stupid like that.

Really? They believe that shit?

The Flood / Oh cool, they're covering that Disturbed song
« on: August 23, 2016, 04:57:10 PM »
It was the original Simon and Garfunkel Sound of Silence.


The Flood / Hey Das, look at this
« on: August 23, 2016, 02:41:29 PM »

The Flood / Re: need a reliable fuck for the winter
« on: August 23, 2016, 02:39:09 PM »
Hmmm.... I recommend a nerdy, just ok looking college student. Go with super skinny or slightly chubby. The thing about a winter fuck is them not having any plans. You want her on call when you gotta fuck. So low self esteem is a must.

The Flood / Re: losing my mind etc
« on: August 23, 2016, 02:29:10 PM »
Deep breaths bro.

Get a pen and paper, draw a circle. Just focus on drawing a perfect circle.

Then go for a walk, and just let your mind go blank.

I never understood why someone else would even care. It's your body. It doesn't effect them in the slightest. It's nothing more than a person reaching for any reason to feel superior.
because only caring about things when they personally affect you is selfish as fuck

You act like it's pulling him out of the way of a bus. You may as well be telling him how to eat, where to live and what to drive.

I never understood why someone else would even care. It's your body. It doesn't effect them in the slightest. It's nothing more than a person reaching for any reason to feel superior.

The Flood / Re: What movie should I watch
« on: August 22, 2016, 12:43:56 AM »
Drop three hits of acid and watch 2001.

What could go wrong?

The Flood / Re: Your favorite movie quotes
« on: August 22, 2016, 12:43:00 AM »
I am nearing retirement. I feel too aged for this conflict.

Black guy in Deadly Firearm

The Flood / Why is the "Red Pill" only for the Alt-Right?
« on: August 21, 2016, 10:07:43 PM »
Is it possible that feminists, socialists, BLMers, Gay Rights, etc... all have woken up to the painful truth too?

Maybe the Pastafarians took the Red Pill. Who knows. Maybe the militant Mormons are in possession of the painful truth.

Personally, I think the Hollow Flat Earthers know what's really going on. We live on a hollow sandwich that the government flies over spewing Chemtrails to make our children get autism and believe the moon landing happen so they can finish work on HAARP before the Cern Large Hadron Collider opens a black hole to destroy the aliens that really control the government.


You think that having meth-heads at your carwash would be a great idea. Wrong.

I got my car washed today. The guy doing rag duty left my car running while drying it. I calmly walked over and shut my vehicle off and sat back down to wait. A woman in front of me asked if my car took premium.  Before I could answer, he turned around and started yelling if she had something to say, say it to his face.

The owner walked over and asked if there was a problem. Before the woman or I could say anything, meth mouth started yelling at him that "he fucking heard him, he NEEDS his share of the tips." All three of us stood there and stared at him. The owner gave him his share of the tips and told him not to come back.

Now, so this isn't a blog, in what capacity could tweakers be employed?

The Flood / Re: How can you be arrested for resisting arrest?
« on: August 21, 2016, 05:45:16 PM »
The woman last night allegedly was trying to make a phone call while her boyfriend was being arrested. The cops wanted her full attention, I guess they were trying to question her, and she was hysterical trying to call a family member or something
Are you sure it was resisting arrest and not hindering apprehension

The news report is clear on resisting arrest. Now if they got it right is another story. From what I heard, he was pulled over for expired tags, they arrested him on a warrant, while she was in the car she called someone while the cop was questioning her. She refused to comply on hanging up and answering him, so she was arrested for resisting arrest.

Now BLM is involved. Hence the news coverage.

The BF followed instructions and was arrested without incident.

The Flood / Re: How can you be arrested for resisting arrest?
« on: August 21, 2016, 04:06:20 PM »
The woman last night allegedly was trying to make a phone call while her boyfriend was being arrested. The cops wanted her full attention, I guess they were trying to question her, and she was hysterical trying to call a family member or something

The Flood / Re: How can you be arrested for resisting arrest?
« on: August 21, 2016, 03:09:12 PM »
Resisting arrest usually isn't a wild manhunt across the country so it isn't that hard

I understand that. How is it possible in the first place. To resist an arrest, you have be be in the process of being arrested.

It's stacks on another charge

There was a woman last night arrested in San Diego. It made the news today. The sole charge is resisting arrest. As a part of the story, the anchors highlighted two other cases. One was a black guy in Florida and the other was a woman in San Francisco.

I'm asking why this is even an option for police to use.

The Flood / Re: How can you be arrested for resisting arrest?
« on: August 21, 2016, 03:03:28 PM »
Resisting arrest usually isn't a wild manhunt across the country so it isn't that hard

I understand that. How is it possible in the first place. To resist an arrest, you have be be in the process of being arrested.

The Flood / Re: How can you be arrested for resisting arrest?
« on: August 21, 2016, 02:57:27 PM »
It's an add on charge, bro.

No, I'm talking about actually being arrested for resisting arrest

The Flood / How can you be arrested for resisting arrest?
« on: August 21, 2016, 02:50:26 PM »
I've heard this on the news a few times now. The only only way to resist an arrest is if you're being arrested. So how can you be arrested for resisting arrest?

The Flood / Re: I put the penut butter and jelly in the ass,
« on: August 20, 2016, 11:24:56 PM »
Tom! Come out and plaaaay

The Flood / Re: You know, I never went to bed with an ugly woman
« on: August 20, 2016, 10:05:48 PM »
What would you consider a women that is 6ft 1, brown hair and medium muscular build?

Potentially a dude. Don't get me wrong, I advise to take the gamble, but there is a non-zero chance of dong.

The Flood / Re: You know, I never went to bed with an ugly woman
« on: August 20, 2016, 09:08:36 PM »
This is why I'll never partake in the Devil's nectar.

Waking up in a bear trap builds character

The Flood / You know, I never went to bed with an ugly woman
« on: August 20, 2016, 09:07:10 PM »
But I have certainly woke up next to some.

These are the words of wisdom of Charlie. Shitposter, drunk, dirty old man and drunken philosopher

The Flood / Re: Idiocracy was right
« on: August 20, 2016, 08:58:25 PM »

I've gotten to a point where I don't plan on on voting.
vote Gary Johnson tho
We need our 5%

If only to press home that we need a new party. The shinier of two turds still leaves you with a turd

The Flood / Re: Idiocracy was right
« on: August 20, 2016, 08:54:51 PM »
Trump spent less than an hour in Louisiana. He showed up unannounced. Obama and Clinton were asked not to go because a presidential visit would strain needed local resources. And what was Trump unloading from that truck? Playdoh. Fucking playdoh.

If you want to pretend you're "red-pilled" then realize that no politician or politician hopefule has any other desire beyond serving themselves. Stumping for Trump or supporting Clinton just means you are still a shill.

The Flood / Are College "safety zones" still a thing?
« on: August 20, 2016, 03:00:42 PM »
I remember reading about this a while ago. I'm wondering if it's still a thing

The Flood / Re: How do you make bland dishes a bit more zesty?
« on: August 20, 2016, 02:52:34 PM »
Hot sauce.

Das, it was the Angry Birds movie that redpilled you, wasn't it. You used to be a SJW, didn't you? 

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