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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Did you know Nathan Fillan is in Saving Private Ryan?
« on: November 19, 2016, 12:09:31 AM »
He was the first Ryan that had the brothers in grade school. Right before the church scene



One good pick does not instill total confidence.

Specially slif his chief strategist is from Breitbart.

And the shooter isn't the problem, it's the gun.
this doesn't even make sense you dumb old cunt

I will speak slowly and use small words:

Saying it is not Trump, but the people he chooses is like saying it is not the shooter but the gun he or she is shooting.

And the shooter isn't the problem, it's the gun.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 18, 2016, 02:51:30 AM »
Risey, you're pretty spot on. My boys are converts by way of ex Mrs Charlie. That's how're their treated.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 17, 2016, 09:56:03 PM »
The scope of ehat the Nazis were doing wasn't fully apparent until the camps were uncovered. Once they were FDR started, and Truman continued both allowing free immigration, and the beginning of what would be the creation of Israel.

Now, aside from finishing Truman's work, or just supporting Israel, what have Republicans done? The Camp David Accords were under Carter. 

The Flood / Re: hey you guys can make a thread about winona if you want to
« on: November 17, 2016, 09:45:42 PM »

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 17, 2016, 04:10:27 PM »
When has a democrat protected Jews or Israel?

Please tell me this was just a brain fart.

Umm... WWII?

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 17, 2016, 02:43:53 AM »
You still don't get it.

You aren't trying to prove me wrong. You're trying to prove them wrong. And you can't.

Trump scares them. Enough that they are partnering with Muslims. You keep trying to keep the focus on us. That isn't where this fight is.
My entire point is that is that anyone who says Trump is even vaguely like Hitler, be they Jewish or otherwise, is being delusional since all evidence points to him being a philosemite. Of course I'm going to be talking to you about this, you started the damn topic and keep replying to me. Now if the Jews are still scared after seeing this evidence then they are irrationally paranoid, I hate using the word to "irrational" to describe human behavior but in this case it fits; They may as well be saying that Benjamin Netanyahu himself is Hitler for supporting Trump, and that's completely retarded.

You're entitled to your opinion. Just don't say that they're not entitled to theirs. You may think it irrational. But they earned that particular worldview from ovet six million of their relatives being turned to air pollution because of similar rhetoric. Like I said above: I truly hope he proves me wrong.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 17, 2016, 02:18:30 AM »
You still don't get it.

You aren't trying to prove me wrong. You're trying to prove them wrong. And you can't.

Trump scares them. Enough that they are partnering with Muslims. You keep trying to keep the focus on us. That isn't where this fight is.
Honestly the real demographic that could have issues is Muslims. Today it surfaced the Trump camp is considering a Muslim Registry. Not to say their worry is misplaced in Trump, but I don't think it's the Jews that should be worried about him.

After how many programs do the Jews get a pasd when they can say they don't trust ANYONE who talks like this?

Believe it or not, some people act to their morals and not their self interests.

Yeah, Trump is pro Jew. Everyone gets that.

But Jews are ALWAYS anti ethnic cleansing. They've been through it.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 17, 2016, 12:58:11 AM »
You still don't get it.

You aren't trying to prove me wrong. You're trying to prove them wrong. And you can't.

Trump scares them. Enough that they are partnering with Muslims. You keep trying to keep the focus on us. That isn't where this fight is.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 17, 2016, 12:03:51 AM »
And what have you gone on about? Hmm?

Trump is ok because I was taught white guilt and my dad said Ireland was just as bad.

I have maintained throughout my posts why these Jewish groups have a right to be concerned. That's it.

Find a single instance that I say otherwise
Why are you deliberately ignoring the post I just mentioned:
Anyway, on the campaign, Trump delivered a major speech for AIPAC, meanwhile in alt-right circles this image circulated pretty much the entire campaign, and let's not forget that Bibi is good friends with Trump

The only way you could say Trump is against Jewish interests is if you interpret his Florida speech in a particular way.
It's pretty weaselly for you to act like you're just impartially reporting on what those groups are saying, and then turn around and use their exact rhetoric against me when I prove evidence that they're being paranoid for no good reson. And I brought up my experience with history because you mentioned it yourself.

Really, how is this:
Trump is ok because I was taught white guilt and my dad said Ireland was just as bad.
Any different from this:
Trump is bad because I was taught holocaust guilt and my Jews said Trump was just as bad as Hitler.
Because these are the arguments I'm critiquing.

And you still haven't addressed my argument directly.

Do the Jews have a very real, and justified, genocide trigger?


 Are they justifiably concerned, given President Elect Trump's campaign rhetoric?


Has my OP, and evey subsequent post, been from this point of view?


This isn't about me, or even you. It's about their reaction to him. They're scared of him. Scared enough that many are burying a hatchet that's existed for generations. Why? He tied populism to race. That never ends well.

Look, I'm enough of a American Exceptionalist that I still have hope we'll be the one and only country that proves the centuries old trend wrong. But I will not say the one group that's alive today that received the shit end of the stick is unjustified in their paranoia.

Good day sir

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 10:09:10 PM »
Except I am not yelling holocaust, dummy.  Several Jewish and Muslim groups are. I am saying that I understand.


Anyway that's a small difference given that you said this:
I would think modern history is still being taught. But maybe I am incorrect in this assumption. You see, a man a fee decades ago blamed all his country's problems on the Jews. He said they were a drain on society, taking jobs and money from "honest" workers, and that they were a threat. Things didn't end well for them.
Which does amount to saying:
Trump is bad because he minds me of Hitler, and we all know who did the holocaust
Despite my first serious post in this thread being evidence that Trump is quite fond of Jews.

And what have you gone on about? Hmm?

Trump is ok because I was taught white guilt and my dad said Ireland was just as bad.

I have maintained throughout my posts why these Jewish groups have a right to be concerned. That's it.

Find a single instance that I say otherwise

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:45:10 PM »
Except I am not yelling holocaust, dummy.  Several Jewish and Muslim groups are. I am saying that I understand.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:25:49 PM »
You realize that you are comparing being taught white guilt and an actual genocide. I just want to be clear about this. In your mind 6,000,000 deaths are exactly the same as you being told grandpa did some bad shit and you should feel guilty for it.
No, I'm comparing being told to feel guilty about something my family/ancestors never participated in, to being told to ignore all evidence, because a group of people are being paranoid about something my family never participated in. I come from a long line of bumfuck poor Irishmen (my grandfather actually compared living in poverty in Belfast to being like a Jew in Germany), and since we weren't involved in the IRA or either war, we've never done anything to feel guilty over.

So tell me, why should I ditch the facts I presented earlier?

I'm not telling you to feel guilty about anything. I am saying that Trump did use language that was similar to Hitler's. I am saying that when ANYONE uses racially incendiary language in a populist movement, everyone should take note and caution. History tends to repeat itself when people don't take note of the lessons.
I'll give you that anyone promising to solve your problems with a simple solution should be held to a high level of scrutiny, but Hitler comparisons are a dead horse. Nothing devalues an idea more than crying wolf about it, just look at how impotent Christianity has become in the modern world.


Trump ran his campaign based in populism. He demonized Muslims and Mexicans, while promising to re empower the working class in white areas.

His message was received this way by nearly every white supremacist group. That's why they all endorsed him. Am I saying he is Hitler?


Am I saying that his behavior thus far is reason for one of the few groups in human history to be on the receiving end of a genocide to be concerned? Absolutely

The Flood / Re: Soulless chinks begin human genetic manipulation
« on: November 16, 2016, 08:57:23 PM »
We didn't bomb China.  We bombed Japan.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 08:55:38 PM »
You realize that you are comparing being taught white guilt and an actual genocide. I just want to be clear about this. In your mind 6,000,000 deaths are exactly the same as you being told grandpa did some bad shit and you should feel guilty for it.
No, I'm comparing being told to feel guilty about something my family/ancestors never participated in, to being told to ignore all evidence, because a group of people are being paranoid about something my family never participated in. I come from a long line of bumfuck poor Irishmen (my grandfather actually compared living in poverty in Belfast to being like a Jew in Germany), and since we weren't involved in the IRA or either war, we've never done anything to feel guilty over.

So tell me, why should I ditch the facts I presented earlier?

I'm not telling you to feel guilty about anything. I am saying that Trump did use language that was similar to Hitler's. I am saying that when ANYONE uses racially incendiary language in a populist movement, everyone should take note and caution. History tends to repeat itself when people don't take note of the lessons.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 08:08:28 PM »
You're missing the point. Having been on the receiving end of such rhetoric, more than once, Jews are kinda sensitive to the whole ethnic cleansing direction. It's kinda a trigger. There are still living people who know first hand what happens when this door is open. Just because they aren't on the receiving end this particular time means they're cool with it.
I'm not going to mollycoddle them just because they're paranoid, if they see hitler in a man who's in bed with them on several levels, then that's their neurosis.

If there's any group of people that earned the right to be paranoid, it's the Jews
The is bordering on Judeo-Christian wanking over "the apple of god's eye"

I would think modern history is still being taught. But maybe I am incorrect in this assumption. You see, a man a fee decades ago blamed all his country's problems on the Jews. He said they were a drain on society, taking jobs and money from "honest" workers, and that they were a threat. Things didn't end well for them.

Not everyone solely acts in their own personal best interests.
Funnily enough, the high school I went to only taught us about "the crusades were bad and you should feel bad, apartheid was bad and you should feel bad, slavery was bad and you should feel bad, colonialism was bad and you should feel bad". We got everything in the white guilt starter pack except for the shoa, but my younger brother who's attending the other high school right now just had an exam on ww2 and the current syrian conflict. So i've never felt compelled to cater to paranoia even if it's coming from one of god's chosen.

Perhaps you should be the one to explain to me why I should set aside all standards of discourse whenever something superficially reminds someone of something?

You realize that you are comparing being taught white guilt and an actual genocide. I just want to be clear about this. In your mind 6,000,000 deaths are exactly the same as you being told grandpa did some bad shit and you should feel guilty for it.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 07:44:08 PM »
You're missing the point. Having been on the receiving end of such rhetoric, more than once, Jews are kinda sensitive to the whole ethnic cleansing direction. It's kinda a trigger. There are still living people who know first hand what happens when this door is open. Just because they aren't on the receiving end this particular time means they're cool with it.
I'm not going to mollycoddle them just because they're paranoid, if they see hitler in a man who's in bed with them on several levels, then that's their neurosis.

If there's any group of people that earned the right to be paranoid, it's the Jews
The is bordering on Judeo-Christian wanking over "the apple of god's eye"

I would think modern history is still being taught. But maybe I am incorrect in this assumption. You see, a man a fee decades ago blamed all his country's problems on the Jews. He said they were a drain on society, taking jobs and money from "honest" workers, and that they were a threat. Things didn't end well for them.

Not everyone solely acts in their own personal best interests.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 06:55:39 PM »
You're missing the point. Having been on the receiving end of such rhetoric, more than once, Jews are kinda sensitive to the whole ethnic cleansing direction. It's kinda a trigger. There are still living people who know first hand what happens when this door is open. Just because they aren't on the receiving end this particular time means they're cool with it.
I'm not going to mollycoddle them just because they're paranoid, if they see hitler in a man who's in bed with them on several levels, then that's their neurosis.

If there's any group of people that earned the right to be paranoid, it's the Jews

The Flood / Re: The future Donald Trump destroyed (why I am mad)
« on: November 16, 2016, 03:19:20 PM »
Disgusting faggotry

The Flood / Re: Hey Sep7agon, you guys should check out this website.
« on: November 16, 2016, 11:38:03 AM »
It was shut down. So, what was special about it?

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 12:52:24 AM »
You're missing the point. Having been on the receiving end of such rhetoric, more than once, Jews are kinda sensitive to the whole ethnic cleansing direction. It's kinda a trigger. There are still living people who know first hand what happens when this door is open. Just because they aren't on the receiving end this particular time means they're cool with it.

The Flood / Re: The future Donald Trump destroyed (why I am mad)
« on: November 15, 2016, 11:59:14 PM »
Oh boo fucking who. Just get a mail to order bride like Trump did and shut up.


Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 15, 2016, 10:12:52 PM »
Pro Israel =/= Pro Jew.
His daughter converted to Judaism and he comes just short of bragging about it. Nobody is buying this "Trump is a nazi" meme.

Also, the Jews have heard similar rhetoric to Trump's before.
This is the Serious board.

And that's a serious statement. His rhetoric could easily have been taken for ethnic cleansing. And some people did take it that way.

You're gonna sit there and tell me David Duke, and the Klan, supported Trump because of his fiscal policy? Trump's campaign rhetoric, sincere or not, opened some very dangerous doors.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 15, 2016, 09:49:15 PM »
Pro Israel =/= Pro Jew.

Also, the Jews have heard similar rhetoric to Trump's before.

Accept he's in power? Not like I have a choice in that.
Sure you do. "Accept" doesn't mean "allow."
And trade places with the anti-Obama nutjobs I've spent 8 years making fun of? Not likely.
I mean, you've already said that you don't respect him, so you're basically already there. You just don't like the word "accept" for some reason.

Embrace the nutjob--it's the only way to be.

Ready to point out every failure and oppose every policy that I see as anti-American? Sure. But I believe in the USA, and that we'll survive him.

Accept he's in power? Not like I have a choice in that.
Sure you do. "Accept" doesn't mean "allow."

And trade places with the anti-Obama nutjobs I've spent 8 years making fun of? Not likely.

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