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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: Is it bad that I'm starting to like Negan?
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:56:06 PM »
I liked how he killed Spencer because he was a coward and snitch.
I took it more that Negan legit liked Spencer and how subservient/accomodating he was being then felt a bit "betrayed" when he learned Spence was only acting like that for his own personal gain

It's part this, and part Negan only wants to be around and break the strong. Being above a little bitch like Spencer is expected and therefore brings no challenge. Rick is the type he enjoys breaking.

I've known a few Negan types in my years. Part of them is that they only run with the big dogs. The bigger part is that they lead them.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 15, 2016, 07:51:25 PM »
I heard it's Call of Star Wars

The filming schedules could allow for it. I know TWD films all of their episodes back to back,  like a long movie. I think it's like 6 weeks a year. If the new Star Trek is like that, then it's easier

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 15, 2016, 03:29:51 PM »
Well... now that I think about it, aside from bounty hunters, I can't remember any minorities in any of the other movies in the Empire.

The Flood / Re: Is it bad that I'm starting to like Negan?
« on: December 14, 2016, 08:16:18 PM »
He's a bad guy because he likes the evil shit he has to do to. At this point in the show, humanity needs a strongman to sit at the mouth of the cave and keep everyone safe. They need someone to slap around the slackers and malcontents to maintain a social contract.

But he doesn't do it because it's the right thing to do. He does it because he's an asshole and he just loves being an asshole.

He's the contrast of Rick at the start of last season. Rick took over Alexandria because he had to. He didn't enjoy it, in fact he had to work himself up to do it.

Negan is the dark Rick.

The Flood / Re: Is S7 of TWD retelling Greek History?
« on: December 14, 2016, 06:41:05 PM »
I-is she right, Sep7agon?

lmao her argument lost any value when she said abusive behavior is normalized. these people shouldn't be allowed out of their safe space.

Her argument didn't have value to begin with. Negan's wives were given the option to live a life above everyone else in exchange for sexual servitude. They didn't have to be there. They could work just like everyone else or they could live their lives being fucked by Negan. He made a point to tell them that they were free to go at any time. Some did, since there were attractive women on the work floor and in the ranks of Negan's soldiers.

The Flood / Is S7 of TWD retelling Greek History?
« on: December 12, 2016, 11:11:21 PM »
The Kingdom is Greece/Athens proper
The Hilltop is Arcadia
Alexandria (Rick's Crew) Sparta
The Village of women Lesbos
The Saviors? Maybe Persia.

Maybe a hairbrained theory. Dunno 

The Flood / How does this cartoon make you feel?
« on: December 12, 2016, 07:48:50 PM »

I didn't say they were. I said if it goes that far. There are a lot of ifs right now.

What I find confusing is that people are OK with an adversarial foreign power meddling in our election just because their guy won.
It's not confusing at all.

Some people clearly place a higher value on having their chosen president than they do on having a 'clean' election. Like when the Bolsheviks dissolved the National Assembly in 1917 after losing.

Dodgy? Sure. Confusing? Not at all. People just value things differently. And it's pretty evident that a lot of Trump voters believe a Clinton presidency, rightly or wrongly, would be worse for America than Russia leaking some emails.

Pretty much hit the nail on the head. Though, it's actually pretty surprising that the Congressional Republicans are pushing for a formal investigation - they have no need to allow it, they control both chambers and could prevent it if they want.

It depends on how deep it goes. If it's limited to a propaganda campaign, then they may be doing it because they hate the idea of Trump or they're like me in thinking any foreign meddling is bad. If it's all the way up to hacking our voting machines? And they knowingly benefited from inaction? That's treason.

What I find confusing is that people are OK with an adversarial foreign power meddling in our election just because their guy won.

Reverse the situation. Say they backed Hillary and she won. What would you be posting then?

I know what I would be posting. The same things I am now. I am not a Republican or Democrat. I am not a liberal or conservative. I am an American.

This should be having you worried that it's even a possibility.

The Flood / This is what it sounds like
« on: December 11, 2016, 01:49:51 PM »
When doves cry

It's always been liberty

The Flood / Ahem
« on: December 11, 2016, 12:09:40 PM »

Serious / Re: Obama orders investigation in Russian hacking
« on: December 11, 2016, 12:00:28 AM »
No. Never will.

A foreign power interfered with our election.

To me? Anyone who defends that may as well move to that country. I refuse to ride Putin's cock
>when you have zero evidence but believe it anyway

this is why I use the word cuck unironically

Believe what you will in the face of evidence. Maybe you shill for Trump. I don't care. Our election was tampered with. If you're ok with that, then there's little I can do to change your mind. Just gotta ask: when you ride Putin's cock, is it reverse cowgirl or do you look into his eyes when he cums in you?

The Flood / Re: Pineapple Sculpin is THE BEST BEER EVER
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:56:45 PM »

m drinking pinapple gin

Bro shit there. Straight or cutting it with pineapple juice?

The Flood / Re: Pineapple Sculpin is THE BEST BEER EVER
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:42:00 PM »
You gotta remember, San Diego has a lot of great beer

The Flood / Re: Pineapple Sculpin is THE BEST BEER EVER
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:41:17 PM »
Try Victory at Sea

It was good. Don't get me wrong. But against a pineapple IPA? No contest.

The Flood / Re: Just found this in the bathroom
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:38:15 PM »
That's a true playa.

Aqua Velva? That's some real Bro shit right there. His cock must resemble a fist

You missed the sarcasm?

The Flood / Re: Pineapple Sculpin is THE BEST BEER EVER
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:22:19 PM »
Oh fuck all of you.

The Flood / Re: Just found this in the bathroom
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:21:17 PM »
That's a true playa.

Aqua Velva? That's some real Bro shit right there. His cock must resemble a fist

Serious / Re: Obama orders investigation in Russian hacking
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:19:27 PM »
No. Never will.

A foreign power interfered with our election.

To me? Anyone who defends that may as well move to that country. I refuse to ride Putin's cock

Serious / Re: Obama orders investigation in Russian hacking
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:16:00 PM »

When every single news source, when our own government, when every single non-affiliated group says "Russia spread fake news" you still defend it?

I think you should put the tinfoil away.

Look, taking the adage of "never trust anyone over 30" is cool, but come on.  Stop denying the literal Everest of evidence in front of you.
>"advocating skepticism of claims made without evidence makes one a tinfoil hatter"


I'd like to see this "Everest of evidence," thank you very much.

You post sn Alt Right Blog?

Way to prove me right, bro.


Gleen Greenwald is not alt-right by any stretch of the imagination.

Make that font as big as you want. It doesn't prove you right.

Russian shill.

I may be s drunken troll, but I am an AMERICAN drunken troll
Alcohol has clearly left you with permanent brain damage.

Booty. Halo Wars. Nutella. Info Wars.

Serious / Re: Obama orders investigation in Russian hacking
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:12:52 PM »

When every single news source, when our own government, when every single non-affiliated group says "Russia spread fake news" you still defend it?

I think you should put the tinfoil away.

Look, taking the adage of "never trust anyone over 30" is cool, but come on.  Stop denying the literal Everest of evidence in front of you.
>"advocating skepticism of claims made without evidence makes one a tinfoil hatter"


I'd like to see this "Everest of evidence," thank you very much.

You post sn Alt Right Blog?

Way to prove me right, bro.


Gleen Greenwald is not alt-right by any stretch of the imagination.

Make that font as big as you want. It doesn't prove you right.

Russian shill.

I may be s drunken troll, but I am an AMERICAN drunken troll

The Flood / Re: My Lord of the Rings DVD is busted
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:10:52 PM »

Serious / Re: Obama orders investigation in Russian hacking
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:09:24 PM »

When every single news source, when our own government, when every single non-affiliated group says "Russia spread fake news" you still defend it?

I think you should put the tinfoil away.

Look, taking the adage of "never trust anyone over 30" is cool, but come on.  Stop denying the literal Everest of evidence in front of you.
>"advocating skepticism of claims made without evidence makes one a tinfoil hatter"


I'd like to see this "Everest of evidence," thank you very much.

You post sn Alt Right Blog?

Way to prove me right, bro.

The Flood / Re: I just had a pumpkin spice late
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:08:21 PM »
When you tasted it, did you have the urge to post on facebook your favorite things about Fall? How about wearing yoga pants? Uggs?

I read that even a single sip is enough to turn the blackest, most playa G into a lily white ginger chick from Vermont.

The Flood / AMA Pineapple Sculpin is THE BEST BEER EVER
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:05:09 PM »
I don't even care that Constellation bought Ballast Point. THIS is some delicious beer.

Serious / Re: Obama orders investigation in Russian hacking
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:02:07 PM »
So more claims as undeniable proof from news outlets that have admitted a bias in the campaign?


Oh, I don't know...


When every single news source, when our own government, when every single non-affiliated group says "Russia spread fake news" you still defend it?

I think you should put the tinfoil away.

Look, taking the adage of "never trust anyone over 30" is cool, but come on.  Stop denying the literal Everest of evidence in front of you.

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