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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: 2016 IS DEAD
« on: January 01, 2017, 02:12:48 AM »
*kicks 2016's body*

Fuck you. You sucked

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 31, 2016, 12:17:30 PM »
35 intelligence agencies
Sorry, how many?

Thirty five. I knew of four. CIA, FBI, NSA and the Secret Service. Each has it's own duties. As for the other thirty one... yeah no idea
Deniability. Same with PMCs.

PMC's are another matter. Just didn't know we had that many. Obama kinda threw away deniability when he said the number.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 31, 2016, 12:00:03 PM »
35 intelligence agencies
Sorry, how many?

Thirty five. I knew of four. CIA, FBI, NSA and the Secret Service. Each has it's own duties. As for the other thirty one... yeah no idea

Serious / Re: Considering a master's degree
« on: December 31, 2016, 02:43:40 AM »
Go mechanical. Aerospace is sexy right now, but is bloated by baby boomers. Plus aerospace is being dominated by india. I keep in touch with the guys at GA and Boeing, and there's no jobs yet.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 31, 2016, 02:08:10 AM »
Find it funny how the same people who would lambaste Alex Jones for this /pol/ tier conspiracy meme are now engaging in the exact same conjectural behaviour.

"The Russians did it" is the new "my dog ate my homework".

Alex Jones didn't have 35 intelligence agencies backing him up. (Though I am still tripping we have 35 intelligence agencies)

The Flood / Re: ATTENTION KNIFEFAGS: What do I need to sharpen my Mora
« on: December 31, 2016, 02:05:38 AM »

*whispers* OC, Silent kill

You tapped the MILES gear to save ammo, didn't you

The Flood / Re: ATTENTION KNIFEFAGS: What do I need to sharpen my Mora
« on: December 31, 2016, 02:03:56 AM »
A whetstone and a shit ton of patience. Practice on a kitchen knife before you do one you care about.

The Flood / Re: Which is a darker story: Children of Men or The Road?
« on: December 30, 2016, 08:27:26 PM »
The Road, by miles.

In CoM, people are suspicious but largely civil, with the odd little resistance group or two causing trouble. In TR, everyone is suspicious of everyone to a point that it's easier to just shoot and rob/eat them first and save the trouble of talking to them, short of "WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING US?"

CoM - Medium level dystopia where reproduction is (almost) non-existent but you can still live in relative comfort until death (food,water, utilities, a system of government, etc). The (almost) is the game changer though, making this whole scenario reversible. The sight of a fucking baby crying stopped fighting.

TR - Looks like some nuclear armageddon peaked sometime a few years ago, and now shifting through the ashes and raiding others keeps you alive. Comfort is finding a good shelter and food for the night, or finding valuables on a couple worth robbing, maybe eating or raping for later. The only thing a crying baby could do here is add another mouth to feed, a noise to get you caught whilst hiding, or a portable meal.

So yeah, The Road is very much fucked in comparison to Children of Men.

Only Britain is stable. The rest of the world is like the Road. It's stated explicitly. That's why the trouble is with the Fish. They want to let the refugees in. On top of all that, no babies.

The Flood / Re: I really can't stand rape victims
« on: December 30, 2016, 07:16:16 PM »
Loaf, I likes ya, and I wants ya. We can do this the easy way or the hard way, the choice is yours. Now, what's it gonna be?

I see he's choosing the hard way.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 30, 2016, 05:26:23 PM »
How on Earth did this thread go from Russian operatives to Ian's ability to live in the Alaskan wilderness?

Russia is in the north. Alaskan wilderness is in the north.

Ian confirmed russian spy.

Or he can see Russia from his front porch

The Flood / Re: I really can't stand rape victims
« on: December 30, 2016, 02:56:28 PM »
Loaf, I likes ya, and I wants ya. We can do this the easy way or the hard way, the choice is yours. Now, what's it gonna be?

Serious / Re: Is having a small percentage of unemployment a good thing?
« on: December 30, 2016, 01:38:48 PM »
1-3% is healthy.
Not quite. Natural rate for the U.S. is ~5.3%.

Depends on what you count in it. If you have disheartened searchers in, that sounds about right.

The Flood / Re: I just learned that clownfish change sex
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:54:45 PM »
I guess all clownfish have a mental disorder.

Nothing that can't be fixed by the Pence™ ECT system.

Serious / Re: Is having a small percentage of unemployment a good thing?
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:28:34 PM »
1-3% is healthy. It represents people being fired/quitting and getting another job. When it gets above this, it means consistent unemployment.

The Flood / Re: I just learned that clownfish change sex
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:26:30 PM »
sea flatworms penis fence

It turns out that the ocean is a much kinkier place than we think

Serious / Re: Sorry, Liberals, bigotry didn't elect Donald Trump
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:12:08 PM »
Oh shit. Black people sometimes make jokes about "light skinned niggas".

You got me. Niggers are hateful filth.
apparently there actually is a problem with the really dark skinned black people, particularly girls, being treated like shit by lighter skinned blacks

though it seems to be a problem exclusive to younger people

That's sad. I prefer dark skinned women.

The Flood / Re: I just learned that clownfish change sex
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:08:05 PM »

The Flood / I just learned that clownfish change sex
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:03:55 PM »
When there are only two of the same sex left of a population. For breeding.

It changes my outlook on Finding Nemo.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 30, 2016, 10:28:51 AM »
Basically Obama, the CIA, NSA, FBI and 32 other intelligence agencies (I didn't know we had that many) confirm Russia influenced our election by leaking damning emails and fake news stories to tip the vote for Trump.
Those stinking commies! How dare they inform American voters?

They didn't do it for altruistic reasons. It's not like this showed everyone's dirty laundry. It just showed one side's. selectively revealing the truth is as bad as lying.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 30, 2016, 01:27:29 AM »
>Someone should die for keeping what they earned.

Wew lad.

Legally, anyone who does anything selfish should probably be shot.

Altruistically Verb is right. I yearn for the day we're that evolved. When we choose to be our brother's keeper because it's the right thing to do. The only place I disagree with him is how culturally advanced we are. Culturally speaking we're toddlers. He believes we're adolescents.
This is not a post-scarcity society.
Untill then, ayy lmao, resource wars all around in all scales.

Buts it's for the best, really. Semi-restricted and guided capitalism is the fasted road to a post-scarcity world.

Here's why I agree with Verb, I think we're there or very close. The US produces enough food to feed the world, yet we pay farmers to let fields go fallow to keep prices artificially high. It's blind adherence to our system that keeps us from achieving our potential.
Infrastructure is a very big problem that raw production numbers cannot alone overcome.

I am just saying we could do it. Yet we don't. If the US said the world would be fed, we could make it happen.
That's gonna take a lot of militaristic manpower to ensure the resources reach their intended destination in poorer countries (or rather, basically all of Africa) unlike the way modern foreign aid is given to corrupt state, provincial, or tribal governments that hoard.

And a lot of JP8.

Do we even have enough petroleum for sustained ops of this scale?

Does the USAF and Army Aviation branch have the budget for this?

Fedex does. Remember, I am not saying the US Military or government. I am saying the US.

Serious / Re: Sorry, Liberals, bigotry didn't elect Donald Trump
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:21:18 AM »
Have you ever seen the way minorities are treated in East Asian cultures? Have you heard the way black people talk about pretty much every other ethnic group including blacks of a different shade?
It's like we're completely ignoring the 250 years of suffering they had in our country. Same with other minorities like the Irish, Chinese, etc. As if them talking down a bit about whites suddenly invalidates everything else that goes the other way.

It's like white people have the shortest memories and they have never done any wrong.
Isn't slavery still a thriving business in Africa?
It isn't state sponsored though.
Was it truly in America though? State permissible, yes, but did the free market did the importing.
The Dutch brought the first load to what was then the British in 1619. Slavery was state sponsored by every government until the US Civil War. Does it matter which states sponsored it?

Serious / Re: Sorry, Liberals, bigotry didn't elect Donald Trump
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:15:01 AM »
Have you ever seen the way minorities are treated in East Asian cultures? Have you heard the way black people talk about pretty much every other ethnic group including blacks of a different shade?
It's like we're completely ignoring the 250 years of suffering they had in our country. Same with other minorities like the Irish, Chinese, etc. As if them talking down a bit about whites suddenly invalidates everything else that goes the other way.

It's like white people have the shortest memories and they have never done any wrong.
Isn't slavery still a thriving business in Africa?
It isn't state sponsored though.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:13:15 AM »
>Someone should die for keeping what they earned.

Wew lad.

Legally, anyone who does anything selfish should probably be shot.

Altruistically Verb is right. I yearn for the day we're that evolved. When we choose to be our brother's keeper because it's the right thing to do. The only place I disagree with him is how culturally advanced we are. Culturally speaking we're toddlers. He believes we're adolescents.
This is not a post-scarcity society.
Untill then, ayy lmao, resource wars all around in all scales.

Buts it's for the best, really. Semi-restricted and guided capitalism is the fasted road to a post-scarcity world.

Here's why I agree with Verb, I think we're there or very close. The US produces enough food to feed the world, yet we pay farmers to let fields go fallow to keep prices artificially high. It's blind adherence to our system that keeps us from achieving our potential.
Infrastructure is a very big problem that raw production numbers cannot alone overcome.

I am just saying we could do it. Yet we don't. If the US said the world would be fed, we could make it happen.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:11:49 AM »
Russia interfering in our democratic process
I don't politics Charlie, give me the whole shebang.

Pick any mainstream news site. It will be in the top 5 stories.

Basically Obama, the CIA, NSA, FBI and 32 other intelligence agencies (I didn't know we had that many) confirm Russia influenced our election by leaking damning emails and fake news stories to tip the vote for Trump.
I thought Trump winning was due to people abstaining from voting since they didn't like either, which left Hillary out to dry.

That's part of it. In a democracy only close elections can be stolen. She ignored her "firewall" and allowed it to happen. My belief is that the Russians wanted a isolationist US, so they could persue Russian influence and tipped a close election.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:08:10 AM »
>Someone should die for keeping what they earned.

Wew lad.

Legally, anyone who does anything selfish should probably be shot.

Altruistically Verb is right. I yearn for the day we're that evolved. When we choose to be our brother's keeper because it's the right thing to do. The only place I disagree with him is how culturally advanced we are. Culturally speaking we're toddlers. He believes we're adolescents.
This is not a post-scarcity society.
Untill then, ayy lmao, resource wars all around in all scales.

Buts it's for the best, really. Semi-restricted and guided capitalism is the fasted road to a post-scarcity world.

Here's why I agree with Verb, I think we're there or very close. The US produces enough food to feed the world, yet we pay farmers to let fields go fallow to keep prices artificially high. It's blind adherence to our system that keeps us from achieving our potential.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:04:02 AM »
Russia interfering in our democratic process
I don't politics Charlie, give me the whole shebang.

Pick any mainstream news site. It will be in the top 5 stories.

Basically Obama, the CIA, NSA, FBI and 32 other intelligence agencies (I didn't know we had that many) confirm Russia influenced our election by leaking damning emails and fake news stories to tip the vote for Trump.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:00:20 AM »
Sharing and showing compassion for individuals that did nothing but ensure your life is hard and miserable is illogical. I was taught to share at MY discretion, because the adults (as awful as they were) knew asking me to share with kids that did nothing but pick on me was just fucking stupid.

Doesn't retract from my point. We train kids to share and to handle our own shit. It's one of the first lessons we teach.

Anarcho-Communism is the human ideal.

That's the difference between the overt and implicit message. Which carries more weight? That's a question for another thread

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 29, 2016, 11:58:53 PM »
Literally what happened.

Obama announced the US is taking action against Russia for interfering in our democratic process. Then he expelled 35 Russians from the country and announced sanctions against Russia.

The Flood / Re: Carrie Fisher's mother now in the hospital
« on: December 29, 2016, 11:56:54 PM »
She just passed away a few minutes ago. I'm in complete shock.
Fuck dude, that is such a shame

Apparently her last words were "I want to be with Carrie"

Gotta be honest. If my oldest died before me, those may well be my last words. (With his name of course)

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