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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 454647 4849 ... 260
The Flood / Re: Bates Motel Episode 8 tonight!
« on: April 11, 2017, 01:30:31 AM »
Wait, Chick dies?

The Flood / Re: Is Das the conservative Charlie
« on: April 11, 2017, 12:18:29 AM »
I'm the you that didn't drink fluoridated city water.

If it helps, I do believe in chemtrails now. SD has been a focii lately. Criss cross trails and then overcast. 

The Flood / Re: Is Das the conservative Charlie
« on: April 11, 2017, 12:16:17 AM »
Not sure why this happened but around November I started imagining you as a 40 year old black man

I am as confused as you. I am 42, but I am mixed. White and Native American. My adopted kids are mixed. But there was a point where Al Baghdadi stopped watching horror movies with me because I couldn't stop yelling "fucking white people" at the TV when the white family moved into a creapier house after they just went through a demon possession at their last creapy house. Let's be honest, only white people do that.

The Flood / AMA Is Das the conservative Charlie
« on: April 11, 2017, 12:10:16 AM »
Or is Charlie the liberal  Das?

WTF, I am drunk on a Monday

The Flood / Re: Alright I'll do one too.
« on: April 11, 2017, 12:05:46 AM »
Wait... There is a glitch in the matrix.

I have seen this before.

if I thought they were crazy they could just prove that they're omnipotent

That's the crux of the show. We're really good at fooling ourselves. You teleport yourself to somewhere else and you chalk it up to a memory loss. You know everything that's going on around you and you say it's the voices. You cause a massive disaster and say that you caused it and are delusional. It blurs what is real and what's not.

Trust me on this, it is NOT capeshit.

superhero stuff is lame tbh

I was going to watch jessica jones but then I remembered this^

I agree and disagree.

But, this ain't your normal superhero show. I am not convinced he counts.

If someone had actual god like power, I am talking omniscience and omnipotence, would  you think them crazy? Would they think they're crazy?

The Flood / I retract my statement on Luke Cage, Legion is the best
« on: April 10, 2017, 11:54:08 PM »
I am on Chapter 5, so don't fuck it up for me. This is fucking GOOD.

If you haven't watched it, WATCH IT

The Flood / Re: Thor: Ragnarok
« on: April 10, 2017, 11:51:36 PM »
Unfortunately it's Golden Corral at this point, the food was once tolerable but it's slowly been going downhill. Age of Ultron was trash because it had all of the nonsense that made the lowest common denominator movie, and revved up to 11. But it sold like hot pancakes so Disney took that as a cue as to what makes a good movie and now here we are.

It's like Godzilla 2014 vs. Shin Godzilla (2016). Shin is superior, not because it's a Japanese made movie and because it had more of actual Godzilla. It's superior because it had underlying message of disaster and a nation coming together under a seemingly unstoppable force; whereas 2014 was just mindless action and military recruitment overtones.

Those are few and far between. The MCU can't show that level of maturity. Marvel/Disney has mastered the fine art of delivering the highest quality of the lowest common denominator. They are the intellectual equivalent of a good all you can eat buffet. Is it the best food? Fuck no. But it's good enough that hundreds go back for seconds. Yup.

They have their high points. The Captain America movies turned out ok. Guardians rocked (even if that was an accident)

I think of it as the dinner buffet at a good Vegas hotel. Sure, several of the dishes will put you on the toilet for hours. But the ham and lamb are pretty good. Not as good as the chop house right off the blackjack tables, but pretty good. They only need to land a few of the movies for people to realize that we can't predict what will be the fun one. After First Avenger, who thought that the next two would be good?

The Flood / Re: Thor: Ragnarok
« on: April 10, 2017, 11:42:53 PM »
The big question is should I drink heavily before watching it, and ask Al Baghdadi to be my designated driver?

If drunk enough, my maturity level drops to the point that I love the film. But Al Baghdadi is pissed at me. Not drunk enough and the movie is just another Thor movie. Even at its best it will be in the bottom half of the MCU movies. 

The Flood / Re: Thor: Ragnarok
« on: April 10, 2017, 11:38:06 PM »
Hasn't Marvel already used this song in a trailer before
oddly, no.

The Flood / Re: Thor: Ragnarok
« on: April 10, 2017, 11:37:33 PM »
You can have a comic book movie with some level of depth. And I'm not asking for the comic book version of a Kubrick film, but having a more serious toned non-cookie cutter comic film is preferable to the smut we've been getting. I'd rather have a movie that tried to make the audience think than one that's just mindless action and "dude jokes lmao".

It's a movie based on a comic book. You're expecting a great movie? Watch indie movies

Those are few and far between. The MCU can't show that level of maturity. Marvel/Disney has mastered the fine art of delivering the highest quality of the lowest common denominator. They are the intellectual equivalent of a good all you can eat buffet.  Is it the best food? Fuck no. But it's good enough that hundreds go back for seconds. Yup.

The Flood / Re: Thor: Ragnarok
« on: April 10, 2017, 10:40:59 PM »
Yes because it's what normies like Charlie want: casual flicks with not even a puddle of depth in it.

are they going to take the redditors of the galaxy approach with all their movies now

It's a movie based on a comic book. You're expecting a great movie? Watch indie movies
"stop expecting something other than the same run-of-the-mill garbage we've been getting spoonfed for the past decade now"

You know it's entirely possible to have a comic book movie with depth that doesn't follow the standardised business formula, right? See: V for Vendetta, Dredd, Sin City, Road to Perdition, History of Violence etc.

With the exception of Dredd, those are all graphic novels.

What makes a comic book different from a gaphic novel?

How the story is approached and the target audience. When the artists do graphic novels they have a finite story arc. Think Frank Miller's work. Characters die, shit goes down and there's an end to the story. It doesn't matter if the protagonist lives, because his or her story is finished. Secondly, comics are written for an older people. Comics are written for kids, teens and adults. Graphic novels are for late teens and and adults. That means a more mature story.

The Flood / Re: Ozymandius is not a villain
« on: April 10, 2017, 08:46:44 PM »
I agree. Millions vs billions. The math on this is clear

The Flood / Re: Thor: Ragnarok
« on: April 10, 2017, 08:44:02 PM »
Yes because it's what normies like Charlie want: casual flicks with not even a puddle of depth in it.

are they going to take the redditors of the galaxy approach with all their movies now

It's a movie based on a comic book. You're expecting a great movie? Watch indie movies
"stop expecting something other than the same run-of-the-mill garbage we've been getting spoonfed for the past decade now"

You know it's entirely possible to have a comic book movie with depth that doesn't follow the standardised business formula, right? See: V for Vendetta, Dredd, Sin City, Road to Perdition, History of Violence etc.

With the exception of Dredd, those are all graphic novels. They're written better and are for an older audience. The MCU draws its stories from the mainline comics. There's a MASSIVE difference.

Complaining about the MCU is pointless. It's like berating Nikki Minaj for not performing serious music. It's pop-cinema. Don't go in expecting serious acting or believable stories. You go in to turn your brain off, suspend your disbelief and eat your popcorn. It's ok to be just entertained and not be put into total awe at the spectacle in front of you.

The Flood / Re: Thor: Ragnarok
« on: April 10, 2017, 08:34:29 PM »
Its basically Marvel's cartoon movie Planet Hulk but now Hulk is the "final boss" in the colosseum and Beta Ray Bill is exchanged for Thor
except that movie was actually a hulk movie lmao and possibly better

Except Beta Ray Bill wasn't in the comic

The Flood / Re: Thor: Ragnarok
« on: April 10, 2017, 07:59:20 PM »
Yes because it's what normies like Charlie want: casual flicks with not even a puddle of depth in it.

are they going to take the redditors of the galaxy approach with all their movies now

It's a movie based on a comic book. You're expecting a great movie? Watch indie movies

The Flood / Re: Thor: Ragnarok
« on: April 10, 2017, 02:18:36 PM »
I think it looks decent. The story lines they used as source material are pretty dark. Sure, if they stuck to the sources tightly the fanbois would jizz all over themselves in delight. But we'd have had a DC style dark and brooding film. Dark and brooding superhero movies suck. The ONLY two that pulled it off were Batman Begins and the Dark Knight. The rest blow.

Now, what did we see? Ragnarock hapens and Asgard is destroyed. Obviously Loki had a hand in that. But what was he trying to achieve? Thor somehow escaped and ends up on Sakaar. Now, it's interesting because it looks like Thor took Hulk's place as the savior and Hulk took Silver Surfer's. Interesting. Jeff is the Red King, which is also curious. Goldblum is a big star to have as a small role. This may mean the Red King controls more than Sakaar.

They should've used The Immigrant Song for the first film. Marvel has always had a hard on for classic rock. I'm kinda surprised they waited till the third movie to use it. Thor's a viking, and it's about vikings. But oh well.

The trailer shows it may be the best Thor movie, but it still will be bottom half when ranked against the rest of the MCU.

The Flood / Re: Umm..., Panda Style?
« on: April 09, 2017, 07:25:09 PM »
Ooohhh... This is a sort of charity thing. Scientists are showing the videos to pandas in hopes that it will get them to breed. least that's what the "official" reason is. It may well be the scientists are furries though. But, Pornhub is donating $100 per video upload to panda breeding programs. So some good does come from this.

The Flood / Umm..., Panda Style?
« on: April 09, 2017, 11:06:16 AM »
Pornhub has a panda style category. 

If Jews have Jeff Goldblum?

Could Batman with preptime win against Jeff?

The Flood / Re: Are we gonna be /fallout/ IRL soon?
« on: April 08, 2017, 01:35:39 AM »
Great. Desty and the rest of us get ghoulified and spend our immortality posting on Sep7...

Maybe I will go feral and the protagonist will put a bullet in me.

Was getting fucked in your ass part of your plan?

The Flood / Re: What is the final redpill?
« on: April 06, 2017, 08:35:41 PM »
The universe is deterministic. Nothing you've ever done has been a choice.
If the many universe theory is correct, then this is true.
It isn't, yet it's still true.

I forgot about your dual degrees in quantum physics and advanced theoretical physics.

Oh, how did that interview go at that lab? Black Mesa I think it was?

That's a shame. I read the plot, and it sounds pretty good. It's been a while since I saw a good drama

The Flood / Re: What is the final redpill?
« on: April 06, 2017, 03:28:02 PM »
The universe is deterministic. Nothing you've ever done has been a choice.

If the many universe theory is correct, then this is true.

Serious / Trump finally did something I agree with
« on: April 04, 2017, 11:53:43 AM »
He's cracking down on the H1-B Visa

If you're a programmer or other STEM guy, this means less competition from overseas.

The Flood / Does your fleshlight get jealous of your GF?
« on: April 04, 2017, 10:12:50 AM »
After all, you take her out for drinks and dancing before you fuck her silly. And SHE picks fights, fakes headaches etc...

But your fleshlight? Always ready to go. It doesn't pick fights and it's never too busy to bang out a quickie. It's done all this and you've never taken it dancing or to dinner.


Serious / Re: New vending machine BTFO fatties
« on: April 02, 2017, 06:08:07 PM »
People still use vending machines? Huh.

The Flood / Re: Cats are for alpha males
« on: April 02, 2017, 03:20:28 PM »
Wrong. True Alpha Males raise king cobras

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