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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 383940 4142 ... 260
The Flood / Should Trump be allowed to resign?
« on: June 09, 2017, 08:50:25 PM »
Or should he be forced to remain in office to be the first and only president to be executed for treason?

The Flood / Re: Every step I taaaaaake
« on: June 09, 2017, 10:47:01 AM »

The Flood / Re: If you could start again, a million miles away...
« on: June 09, 2017, 02:15:11 AM »
Nah. I love my patch of dirt here. I wouldn't be me without it.

Sometimes it's like you and Verb are the angel and devil on my shoulder

What a surprise, communists making deals communists.

Until you realize that life is more than a collection of memes and people work towards an actual better future
Better dead than red.

Ok memelord

Better dead than red is a meme
Calling memes is a meme on of itself.

Only a memelord would know that.

Memes are known by another word: cliche
Aha, only a memesmith would classify them as such. You just outed yourself.

Bitch my generation created the internet. The Great Flame War of '99? That was my people.

You may have been born into it, but it's my world.

Memes are a Gen X tool
Ah yes, the great old ones. How could've I've forgotten.

I kneel before your mastery over the memes of old, oh old one.


State your thoughts on the topic at hand.

CA said fuck Drumph and toed the line for the future. Are those of us who side with Brown traitors or patriots?
Traitors. Circumventing the federal government with the mentality that the states can just jump into the international stage all by themselves is foolish.

Is an Accord a Treaty? I don't know. We aren't promising aid in conflict. We are holding ourselves to a standard.

That's one for the SCOTUS.

You and I have our opinions. But the law may be different

The Flood / Re: If you could start again, a million miles away...
« on: June 09, 2017, 02:07:11 AM »

I'd rather start again a million miles away as someone else. No point in starting over if you just make the same mistakes.
until you realize that no one else is any different
I am curious. When and how did you experience ego death?
i'm not sure if i have—i've had dreams where i may have experienced something similar to it, but i don't think experiencing "ego death" is necessary to understand the idea that our sense of "self" is ultimately illusory, and we're all here playing the same game together, and there's really not a great deal of difference between how we experience our individual lives

I am confused by you, Verb.  I have been for a while. You have an ego as it pertains to life, but as you post, not to yourself. This indicates ego death. Yet you have none of the other experiences. I admire it. I always have. But I have trouble understanding you.

What a surprise, communists making deals communists.

Until you realize that life is more than a collection of memes and people work towards an actual better future
Better dead than red.

Ok memelord

Better dead than red is a meme
Calling memes is a meme on of itself.

Only a memelord would know that.

Memes are known by another word: cliche
Aha, only a memesmith would classify them as such. You just outed yourself.

Bitch my generation created the internet. The Great Flame War of '99? That was my people.

You may have been born into it, but it's my world.

Memes are a Gen X tool
Ah yes, the great old ones. How could've I've forgotten.

I kneel before your mastery over the memes of old, oh old one.


State your thoughts on the topic at hand.

CA said fuck Drumph and toed the line for the future. Are those of us who side with Brown traitors or patriots?

The Flood / Re: Petition To Limit Class's Posts To One A Day
« on: June 09, 2017, 01:58:05 AM »

What a surprise, communists making deals communists.

Until you realize that life is more than a collection of memes and people work towards an actual better future
Better dead than red.

Ok memelord

Better dead than red is a meme
Calling memes is a meme on of itself.

Only a memelord would know that.

Memes are known by another word: cliche
Aha, only a memesmith would classify them as such. You just outed yourself.

Bitch my generation created the internet. The Great Flame War of '99? That was my people.

You may have been born into it, but it's my world.

Memes are a Gen X tool

What a surprise, communists making deals communists.

Until you realize that life is more than a collection of memes and people work towards an actual better future
Better dead than red.

Ok memelord

Better dead than red is a meme
Calling memes is a meme on of itself.

Only a memelord would know that.

Memes are known by another word: cliche

What a surprise, communists making deals communists.

Until you realize that life is more than a collection of memes and people work towards an actual better future
Better dead than red.

Ok memelord

Better dead than red is a meme

The Flood / Re: If you could start again, a million miles away...
« on: June 09, 2017, 01:49:14 AM »
I'd rather start again a million miles away as someone else. No point in starting over if you just make the same mistakes.
You're under no obligation to continue as yourself, because yourself doesn't exist as anything more than a concept

srs ~

You couldn't realize that unless you viewed it from your frame of reference. The only way you can seeit is from your unique view. Hence my question to Verb. He may actually see reality for what it is.

What a surprise, communists making deals communists.

Until you realize that life is more than a collection of memes and people work towards an actual better future

The Flood / Re: If you could start again, a million miles away...
« on: June 09, 2017, 01:44:13 AM »

I'd rather start again a million miles away as someone else. No point in starting over if you just make the same mistakes.
until you realize that no one else is any different

I am curious. When and how did you experience ego death?

Grey jedi = Based Jedi

The Flood / If you could start again, a million miles away...
« on: June 09, 2017, 01:40:01 AM »
...and you could keep yourself, would you find a way?

Serious / Re: Anyone making fun of McCain needs to check themselves
« on: June 08, 2017, 10:46:36 PM »
McCain is a good man who served his country. When he had the opportunity to go back home early, he didn't and he stuck it out and was tortured for years. Anybody who insults him can suck a big fat dick. I don't like his politics and I'd never vote for him but he's an honorable man.

Well said

The Flood / Re: Great shows with terrible fandoms
« on: June 08, 2017, 10:41:44 PM »
The people who followed the Grateful Dead were pretty chill. I did security for the Dead in DC in 1994. They were peaceful, welcoming and pretty much kept to themselves. They partied the night away in the parking lot, cleaned up after themselves and then left. They werelike a self contained city that moved with the band.

I talked to one guy who said he started a business with a single hot dog.  He bought it at the show from a concession stand. Someone offered him $5 for it. He took the $5 and bought a pack of hot dogs and buns. Sold those for $5 a go, now he owns a successful catering business in Arizona. All from selling that first hot dog during the concert and following them for a few years. Not many fandoms claim success stories like that

With the increasingly militant rhetoric from the right (it's more than just on this forum) I am wondering if we're seeing the start of the second American civil war. California signing this accord could be seen in a hundred years as the historical equivalent of California's ratification as a abolitionist state. 

First the Zimmerman Telegram, now this.

Can we just fucking drone Merkel already?

Ignoring the warmongering in your post, this is pretty interesting in that so many leaders are just writing off Trump and those who support him.

I think Oergon and Hawaii did too.

Gonna be interesting to see how the GOP reacts. It puts them in an ideological bind. They are big on state rights and are big constitutionalists. This goes against the the Supremacy Clause in that they are opposed to the fed on this, but on a state's rights view it's almost an extreme take. Conversely the Democrats will be weakened by this as they are strong federalists, but are taking action on a hot button issue.

What a topsy turvey world we live in

The Flood / Re: going to be in cali for the week of july 4th
« on: June 07, 2017, 12:30:47 AM »

The Flood / Re: going to be in cali for the week of july 4th
« on: June 06, 2017, 11:37:52 PM »
If you're in San Diego, can I fuck your mom?

The Flood / Re: Imma leave this right over here
« on: June 06, 2017, 06:51:50 PM »

But he used to put a wooden sign saying don't try this at home all the time. So did all the Looney Tunes.

Umm.  No he didn't.
Yeah they would. Kids weren't immune to stupidity in the 1980's as opposed the rest of human history.

The Coyote never had a sign that read Don't try this at home.
If it wasn't that it was something else, Bugs Bunny used to say it all the time, all the Looney Tunes had some form of thing like that.

Neither did Bugs.

Animaniacs probably did. But that's a 90's kid thing.
Yes they did dude lmao. What the fuck is animaniacs?

I'm with Charlie, I don't remember them ever saying don't try this at home, or warning against the behavior at all.

That has more to do with people being overly litigious now, not that 80s kids knew any better.
That's cause both of you are like 90 years old and can't remember anything

Maybe you're remembering something that didn't happen?
maybe you're all part of the CIA psyop to alter and remove memories

Tell me challenger, what's your first memory?

DiMa? Is that you?

The Flood / Re: Imma leave this right over here
« on: June 06, 2017, 09:42:34 AM »

But he used to put a wooden sign saying don't try this at home all the time. So did all the Looney Tunes.

Umm.  No he didn't.
Yeah they would. Kids weren't immune to stupidity in the 1980's as opposed the rest of human history.

The Coyote never had a sign that read Don't try this at home.
If it wasn't that it was something else, Bugs Bunny used to say it all the time, all the Looney Tunes had some form of thing like that.

Neither did Bugs.

Animaniacs probably did. But that's a 90's kid thing.

The Flood / Re: Imma leave this right over here
« on: June 06, 2017, 09:17:13 AM »

But he used to put a wooden sign saying don't try this at home all the time. So did all the Looney Tunes.

Umm.  No he didn't.
Yeah they would. Kids weren't immune to stupidity in the 1980's as opposed the rest of human history.

The Coyote never had a sign that read Don't try this at home.

The Flood / Re: Imma leave this right over here
« on: June 06, 2017, 08:10:44 AM »

But he used to put a wooden sign saying don't try this at home all the time. So did all the Looney Tunes.

Umm.  No he didn't.

In Flames: Colony album and The Jester Race album

Pantera: Cowboys From Hell album

Ozzy Osbourne: The Ultimate Sin album, No More Tears album, and No Rest For The Wicked album

Metallica: And Justice For All album and Hardwired album

Iron Maiden: Somewhere in Time album, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son album, Powerslave, album and The Number of the Beast album

Slayer: Seasons in the Abyss album and South of Heaven album

Megadeth: Rust in Peace album, Countdown to Extinction album, and Peace Sells album

Per fucking fection.

Only band I'd add is Sepultura.

The Flood / Re: Your son reveals to you that he's gay
« on: June 05, 2017, 08:40:20 PM »
Loaf, just tell them. They're your parents. Introduce them to Fabían, I am sure your mom will love him.

The Flood / A-10 vs AC-130
« on: June 05, 2017, 08:36:07 PM »
Which would you rather have giving you close ground support?

The Flood / Re: 14 year old boy's intestines get sucked out in a pool
« on: June 05, 2017, 12:14:43 PM »
Why would one do that?
kids don't know the deadly dangers of delta p.

Obviously. But what's the point of doing this to begin with?

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