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Messages - Logicbot

Pages: 123 4
The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:49:10 PM »
I act however the fuck i act, ive no clue
Then maybe you don't have your definition of a man, or maybe it's vague, and thus not so important.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:48:04 PM »
it's a non-concept
Are you responding to True Turquoise? Otherwise I've already said that our definitions of it may differ. This is me assuming that a non-concept is a concept which can't really be made into a concept due to different factors where in this case it's because our understanding of the concept are different.

The Flood / How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:43:23 PM »
Your definition of a man could be different from mine, so follow yours, and I will mine.

The Flood / Re: Give an opinion of a user, but don't say who it is
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:40:03 PM »
Alright, but the OP imitated (or at least tried to) a user,
no, he didn't

he described them

so he wasn't following the rules of his own title
Yeah, you're right. That was poor wording on my part, but I'm glad that we both reached the same conclusion.

The Flood / Re: Give an opinion of a user, but don't say who it is
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:37:26 PM »
I was open to correction, but then I noticed your wording of the text. "extremely pedantic and annoying user". This tells me that you're telling me that I'm right in some sense, but that the OP can also be right.

Care to explain?
"impression" isn't incorrect the sense that it's synonymous with opinion, but it can also mean "imitation"

"opinion" is less ambiguous
Alright, but the OP imitated (or at least tried to) a user, so is that giving an opinion, or is it making an impression?

The Flood / Re: How can I change my picture?
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:31:13 PM »
Glad to see you found out how to do it.

The Flood / Re: Give an opinion of a user, but don't say who it is
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:29:30 PM »
An opinion? Don't you rather mean an impression?
uh, no

unless this is your impression of an extremely pedantic and annoying user
but that's a little too all-encompassing
I was open to correction, but then I noticed your wording of the text. "extremely pedantic and annoying user". This tells me that you're telling me that I'm right in some sense, but that the OP can also be right.

Care to explain?

The Flood / Re: Give an opinion of a user, but don't say who it is
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:22:34 PM »
An opinion? Don't you rather mean an impression?

The Flood / Re: Okay guys...
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:20:45 PM »

I believe that humans are badasses, and enjoy the feeling after taking a beating of some kind. We want to show off our wounds and joke about them. This pride might be what you feel after exercising, but that's just what I feel.

I've never enjoyed exercising. I put my mind on a default mode, and then I reap the feeling above and feel good about myself. Remember, it's the journey, or rather what one goes through that matters, and not the goal. The goal is the most important part as in that it shows you what direction you're heading in, but never ever ignore the path to it, because every step should be enjoyed.

I haven't gotten to actually running outside yet... I have bad hips, a busted knee, and an ankle that likes to sprain itself (I've sprained it over 15 times)... so I run on the elliptical, because it's easier on my knees plus the arm movement helps with my fucked up back/shoulders, and actually helps with freer movement.
Ouch, that sounds painful. You're a strong person for still considering exercising

aww thanks! I'm just sick of being out of shape. I am on my feet all day at work and I have to climb up three flights of floors to get to my apartment, so you would think that would be enough to be in shape but it's not. Also, it's not the problem of being a consistent binge eater either. I hardly eat and I can't loose weight, but I guess since if I go a while without eating much I do find myself eating a lot like today where I ate almost an entire pizza...
I'm sorry if I sound a bit rude or annoying, but standing all day isn't very ergonomical. You should shift your weight distributions as to not tire one, or a few muscles.

Don't worry about your weight from your appearance, concern youself with numbers, and only look at your body when you want to check (if something weird happens). That way you don't have to go through that much thinking, and you can just enjoy your new life style while being comfortable in your body. Looking at something long and hard will make you see errors, and because there's nobody there to appreciate those errors you're gonna think something is wrong with you. Just skip that part to the best of your ability.

I'm actually considered over weight

I'm just rather proportional. I gained weight during the healing process from my car wreck last year. I was out of work for two months and it was painful to move around. I'm happy with how I look, but I do want to be in better shape due to medical reasons. I know I need to cut back on sugar because my mother is diabetic.
You look handsome, so there isn't a reason to not be happy with yourself. Your goals are good, and you are aware, so allI can really do is to shout encouragement at you.

I trust that you'll do what's necessary for achieving your goals.

Handsome... -.-
Yeah, I'd say you're pretty handsome. Anything wrong with that?

Septagon / Re: Where can I view my notifications?
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:18:56 PM »
Where is the mute button?
You can't mute me

You won't be able to stop me digitally raping you every day
How does one rape someone digitally? Of course you won't answer that, because that's just the kind of person that you are. Redeem yourself now by being a decent person and I won't have to ignore you.
Judging from your post, I just did you LOL
Hilarious. Best of comedy.

Gaming / Re: What's the best boss battle you played?
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:18:02 PM »
Ender Dragon from Minecraft.

Just kidding, that'd be lame. The best boss battle I've been through will have to be the brute in Halo 2, where you're surrounded by allies and your friend/family member. It felt like we all combined our strengths to take him down, but maybe that's just the nostalgia speaking.
The Tartarus fight was pretty bad
It is. The allies you had doing it are just getting in the way and you just have to run away until Johnson drops his shields. To make it even worse you can get the Banshee into the building and easily kill everybody. i couldn't even beat the game on Legendary but I easily did that battle without the Banshee. What's said is that the hardest part of the battle are those brute guards before you get into the room with him.
Look here, Commando, I already said that the quality might not have been so great. I also said that it was my gaming experience that I had written about, so why don't you realize that instead of making such a long reply?

The Flood / Re: Okay guys...
« on: May 27, 2015, 02:10:37 PM »
The road to success doesn't exist. It's only after you look back that you see it.

The Flood / Re: Okay guys...
« on: May 27, 2015, 02:09:14 PM »

I believe that humans are badasses, and enjoy the feeling after taking a beating of some kind. We want to show off our wounds and joke about them. This pride might be what you feel after exercising, but that's just what I feel.

I've never enjoyed exercising. I put my mind on a default mode, and then I reap the feeling above and feel good about myself. Remember, it's the journey, or rather what one goes through that matters, and not the goal. The goal is the most important part as in that it shows you what direction you're heading in, but never ever ignore the path to it, because every step should be enjoyed.

I haven't gotten to actually running outside yet... I have bad hips, a busted knee, and an ankle that likes to sprain itself (I've sprained it over 15 times)... so I run on the elliptical, because it's easier on my knees plus the arm movement helps with my fucked up back/shoulders, and actually helps with freer movement.
Ouch, that sounds painful. You're a strong person for still considering exercising

aww thanks! I'm just sick of being out of shape. I am on my feet all day at work and I have to climb up three flights of floors to get to my apartment, so you would think that would be enough to be in shape but it's not. Also, it's not the problem of being a consistent binge eater either. I hardly eat and I can't loose weight, but I guess since if I go a while without eating much I do find myself eating a lot like today where I ate almost an entire pizza...
I'm sorry if I sound a bit rude or annoying, but standing all day isn't very ergonomical. You should shift your weight distributions as to not tire one, or a few muscles.

Don't worry about your weight from your appearance, concern youself with numbers, and only look at your body when you want to check (if something weird happens). That way you don't have to go through that much thinking, and you can just enjoy your new life style while being comfortable in your body. Looking at something long and hard will make you see errors, and because there's nobody there to appreciate those errors you're gonna think something is wrong with you. Just skip that part to the best of your ability.

I'm actually considered over weight

I'm just rather proportional. I gained weight during the healing process from my car wreck last year. I was out of work for two months and it was painful to move around. I'm happy with how I look, but I do want to be in better shape due to medical reasons. I know I need to cut back on sugar because my mother is diabetic.
You look handsome, so there isn't a reason to not be happy with yourself. Your goals are good, and you are aware, so allI can really do is to shout encouragement at you.

I trust that you'll do what's necessary for achieving your goals.

Septagon / Re: Where can I view my notifications?
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:32:42 PM »
Where is the mute button?
You can't mute me

You won't be able to stop me digitally raping you every day
How does one rape someone digitally? Of course you won't answer that, because that's just the kind of person that you are. Redeem yourself now by being a decent person and I won't have to ignore you.
lmao get a load of this guy
Look, I get that I'm being an ass, but he's annoying. You're somewhat rude, but I can stand you; you're helpful. He on the other hand is not helpful, and very weird.
You're not going to have an enjoyable experience here with that stick up your arse
That "stick up my ass" is my trademark, so let's see who's right.

The Flood / Re: Okay guys...
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:29:21 PM »
I believe that humans are badasses, and enjoy the feeling after taking a beating of some kind. We want to show off our wounds and joke about them. This pride might be what you feel after exercising, but that's just what I feel.

I've never enjoyed exercising. I put my mind on a default mode, and then I reap the feeling above and feel good about myself. Remember, it's the journey, or rather what one goes through that matters, and not the goal. The goal is the most important part as in that it shows you what direction you're heading in, but never ever ignore the path to it, because every step should be enjoyed.

I haven't gotten to actually running outside yet... I have bad hips, a busted knee, and an ankle that likes to sprain itself (I've sprained it over 15 times)... so I run on the elliptical, because it's easier on my knees plus the arm movement helps with my fucked up back/shoulders, and actually helps with freer movement.
Ouch, that sounds painful. You're a strong person for still considering exercising

aww thanks! I'm just sick of being out of shape. I am on my feet all day at work and I have to climb up three flights of floors to get to my apartment, so you would think that would be enough to be in shape but it's not. Also, it's not the problem of being a consistent binge eater either. I hardly eat and I can't loose weight, but I guess since if I go a while without eating much I do find myself eating a lot like today where I ate almost an entire pizza...
I'm sorry if I sound a bit rude or annoying, but standing all day isn't very ergonomical. You should shift your weight distributions as to not tire one, or a few muscles.

Don't worry about your weight from your appearance, concern youself with numbers, and only look at your body when you want to check (if something weird happens). That way you don't have to go through that much thinking, and you can just enjoy your new life style while being comfortable in your body. Looking at something long and hard will make you see errors, and because there's nobody there to appreciate those errors you're gonna think something is wrong with you. Just skip that part to the best of your ability.

The Flood / Re: Meta and I are having fun, why don't you join us?
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:16:35 PM »
Plugdj is gay as fuck
No it's not, hot women are taking over the screen.

Other than that, the vibes are quite chill, so if you wanna feel these vibes, go ahead and join, but otherwise you shouldn't.

The Flood / Meta and I are having fun, why don't you join us?
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:13:38 PM »
Fun time promised ;)

The Flood / Re: Okay guys...
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:02:16 PM »
I believe that humans are badasses, and enjoy the feeling after taking a beating of some kind. We want to show off our wounds and joke about them. This pride might be what you feel after exercising, but that's just what I feel.

I've never enjoyed exercising. I put my mind on a default mode, and then I reap the feeling above and feel good about myself. Remember, it's the journey, or rather what one goes through that matters, and not the goal. The goal is the most important part as in that it shows you what direction you're heading in, but never ever ignore the path to it, because every step should be enjoyed.

I haven't gotten to actually running outside yet... I have bad hips, a busted knee, and an ankle that likes to sprain itself (I've sprained it over 15 times)... so I run on the elliptical, because it's easier on my knees plus the arm movement helps with my fucked up back/shoulders, and actually helps with freer movement.
Ouch, that sounds painful. You're a strong person for still considering exercising

The Flood / Re: Okay guys...
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:00:52 PM »
We want to show off our wounds and joke about them.
That's why I show everybody my scar from when I was stabbed.
Hahaha you were stabbed? I wanna hear the story behind that one.

The Flood / Re: Okay guys...
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:59:27 PM »
once you start seeing food as just a source of fuel rather than something you must enjoy controlling your diet becomes much easier

Yeah... but I love food to much to even figure out how to accomplish that kind of mind set...
Don't diet, just plan how many calories you consume everyday, and make it below your need for a no-change body. No diet really works, and it's all about the calories.

The Flood / Re: Okay guys...
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:55:22 PM »

i wish food wasn't so good

Get into a habit of regular exercises.
Its all about will power at first (for about a month or so you will have to force yourself to go for a run etc..) after that period, you will feel like you actually want to exercise. This is because physical activity will have similar effects on your brain as say chocolate.

What helped me was a different way of doing things. Every time I caught myself saying "I'll do it later/tomorrow" I would stop whatever I was doing and did something more active instead.

Diet is also very important.

If you want to lose weight you have two choices:

1) Consume less calories than you burn
2) Burn more calories than you consume
There is nothing more to weight loss than that and there are no shortcuts either.
Pick one of these paths and follow them. You will stop gaining weight and depending on how active you are, you will start losing weight too.

I'm trying to get into the habit of going to my gym in my apartment complex 5/7 days a week right after work. I started last week. I went two days in a row and then closed for four days to repaint the walls. Then when it reopened I went and then life got in the way. I'm always finding myself doing things that other people want to do. It's dumb to let that get in the way of my goals...

Just be Verbatim

I was vegetarian for about six months, and then I converted to vegan for two months and I got really sick. The doctors told me I'm anemic and to eat lots of red meats. American doctors lol.

Don't consume that much pizza before you go for a run.

Yeah I shouldn't eat that much pizza ever.

It's all what you put your mind to, so if you choose to exercise you will exercise. Emotions are there to empower you, so use them, but use the right ones.

I believe in you to be able to exercise, because you're a human. You were born to move, and evolve through repeating hardships. Exercising doesn't make life easier, it makes the hard part more durable for you.

I actually want to start exercising regularly to increase my emotional well being and to get in shape. I'm bi-polar and don't want to take the medicine for it and I know exercise helps with that, and I always feel emotionally better after I exercise I guess it's because of the good chemical release.
I believe that humans are badasses, and enjoy the feeling after taking a beating of some kind. We want to show off our wounds and joke about them. This pride might be what you feel after exercising, but that's just what I feel.

I've never enjoyed exercising. I put my mind on a default mode, and then I reap the feeling above and feel good about myself. Remember, it's the journey, or rather what one goes through that matters, and not the goal. The goal is the most important part as in that it shows you what direction you're heading in, but never ever ignore the path to it, because every step should be enjoyed.

The Flood / Re: What is your Myers Briggs personality type?
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:45:14 PM »
Because I've known him for a number of years, I know what he's like, I know he isn't stupid and I'm not very appreciative of people hopping on their high horse whenever somebody they don't even know is just messing around.

Stop being such a hard-ass.
Alright, for your sake I'll give him another shot... when he isn't messing around.

Septagon / Re: Where can I view my notifications?
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:43:41 PM »
Where is the mute button?
You can't mute me

You won't be able to stop me digitally raping you every day
How does one rape someone digitally? Of course you won't answer that, because that's just the kind of person that you are. Redeem yourself now by being a decent person and I won't have to ignore you.
lmao get a load of this guy
Look, I get that I'm being an ass, but he's annoying. You're somewhat rude, but I can stand you; you're helpful. He on the other hand is not helpful, and very weird.

Gaming / Re: What's the best boss battle you played?
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:41:12 PM »
Ender Dragon from Minecraft.

Just kidding, that'd be lame. The best boss battle I've been through will have to be the brute in Halo 2, where you're surrounded by allies and your friend/family member. It felt like we all combined our strengths to take him down, but maybe that's just the nostalgia speaking.
The Tartarus fight was pretty bad
It's not bad when you're playing with friends. Although I see why you're in the right here. By playing with friends you enjoy their company more than the game experience itself. Still, my reply will stand, because it is a fond memory after all.

Septagon / Re: Where can I view my notifications?
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:37:46 PM »
Where is the mute button?
You can't mute me

You won't be able to stop me digitally raping you every day
How does one rape someone digitally? Of course you won't answer that, because that's just the kind of person that you are. Redeem yourself now by being a decent person and I won't have to ignore you.

The Flood / Re: Okay guys...
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:36:16 PM »
It's all what you put your mind to, so if you choose to exercise you will exercise. Emotions are there to empower you, so use them, but use the right ones.

I believe in you to be able to exercise, because you're a human. You were born to move, and evolve through repeating hardships. Exercising doesn't make life easier, it makes the hard part more durable for you.

The Flood / Re: What is your Myers Briggs personality type?
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:32:09 PM »
Newbie getting #rekt ITT

That's correct, if getting "#rekt" means having to witness idiocy that is.
Calm the fuck down. If you want to have some serious discussion, you're welcome in my homeland of Serious.

You're new here, don't get all sanctimonious on the established community and you'll fit right in.
It's not that I ask for seriousness, it's the lack of people being annoying for no reason that I ask for. I asked him what he meant, but he ignored me, so I gave him a piece of my mind.

There's nothing wrong in what I did, and you're the one overreacting. He was being an idiot, so he got what he deserved (which was practically nothing), and you defend him. Why?

The Flood / Re: What is your Myers Briggs personality type?
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:17:25 PM »
Newbie getting #rekt ITT

That's correct, if getting "#rekt" means having to witness idiocy that is.

Septagon / Re: Where can I view my notifications?
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:09:28 PM »
Where is the mute button?

Pages: 123 4