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Messages - Logicbot

Pages: 12 34
The Flood / Re: why the fuck do people do this
« on: May 29, 2015, 03:00:40 PM »
I dont understand what things in containers have so much extra room.
Either put more in, or make the packaging smaller.
are you talking about like bags of potato chips? apparently all that empty space serves the purpose of acting as a cushion and preventing the actual chips themselves from breaking
I was thinking like Parmesan cheese.
maybe the extra space aids in refrigerating the product?

or the most likely reason being companies just like fucking over the consumers
I imagine a bit of both.

The Flood / Re: So Kung Fury is out
« on: May 29, 2015, 02:58:11 PM »
Oh right, I remember this

The Flood / Re: why the fuck do people do this
« on: May 29, 2015, 02:55:16 PM »
I dont understand what things in containers have so much extra room.
Either put more in, or make the packaging smaller.
Using my superior robotic logic, I can tell you an answer to that problem. During the production of the said products, the products have to go through a lot of steps, and packaging is one. The machine can't be 100% precise, and therefore there is some small room for "error".
I wouldn't say half the container empty is some small room.
Well, in the scenario of loaves of bread my guess is a good one.

The Flood / Re: Post formatting experimentation thread
« on: May 29, 2015, 02:53:41 PM »

    ███    ███
  ███        ███
████        ████
That's pretty cool.

The Flood / Re: why the fuck do people do this
« on: May 29, 2015, 02:50:56 PM »
I dont understand what things in containers have so much extra room.
Either put more in, or make the packaging smaller.
Using my superior robotic logic, I can tell you an answer to that problem. During the production of the said products, the products have to go through a lot of steps, and packaging is one. The machine can't be 100% precise, and therefore there is some small room for "error".

The Flood / Re: Pigs deserve to be raped
« on: May 29, 2015, 02:46:57 PM »

The Flood / Re: What time do you usually go to bed?
« on: May 29, 2015, 02:45:24 PM »
At about 10pm

The Flood / Re: why the fuck do people do this
« on: May 29, 2015, 02:43:32 PM »
Sounds wasteful.

The Flood / Re: 2 cm away from crashing
« on: May 29, 2015, 02:38:52 PM »
You and cars don't seem to mix very well.

Of course they don't. One's metal and the other's squishy meat product.
Don't be so literal-minded.

Don't be so presumptuous.
By that logic we should abolish all metaphors.

Gaming / Re: What's the best boss battle you played?
« on: May 29, 2015, 02:35:51 PM »
Ender Dragon from Minecraft.

Just kidding, that'd be lame. The best boss battle I've been through will have to be the brute in Halo 2, where you're surrounded by allies and your friend/family member. It felt like we all combined our strengths to take him down, but maybe that's just the nostalgia speaking.
The Tartarus fight was pretty bad
It is. The allies you had doing it are just getting in the way and you just have to run away until Johnson drops his shields. To make it even worse you can get the Banshee into the building and easily kill everybody. i couldn't even beat the game on Legendary but I easily did that battle without the Banshee. What's said is that the hardest part of the battle are those brute guards before you get into the room with him.
Look here, Commando, I already said that the quality might not have been so great. I also said that it was my gaming experience that I had written about, so why don't you realize that instead of making such a long reply?
My bad for having discussions on a forum site where the whole point of this is to do that. Next time when I see a post that I agree with I'm just going to ignore it and not post my opinion about it. My bad for agreeing with Lemon and posting to his reply.
so why don't you realize that instead of making such a long reply?
How is four sentences a long replay? A long replay would be at least two paragraphs. Also how about you realize the whole point of forum sites is to have discussions and posting your thoughts on something?
What you said didn't benefit anyone, so what's the point to such a discussion? All you were doing was complaining.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:46:16 PM »
This reminds me...
In high school we were forced to write an essay on "what it means to be a man" and I changed it to "what it means to be an adult". My English teacher gave me an F despite it being a well written paper for not following directions.
That's awful.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:45:51 PM »
Just spoke to a friend. I'm going out, so I'll respond to your questions and such tomorrow.

I'm not defending my opinions and views, I'm explaining them.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:27:11 PM »
I accept both manliness and the female version of it. Womanlyness? How should a woman act? How should a man act? I'm not a woman, so I don't feel safe speaking for their sake. Thus I use the word manliness, because I'm not sure what women value that men don't as much.
well, with that logic, you shouldn't be able to speak for all men, either

i'm gonna assume you're white

you're not black, so you shouldn't feel safe speaking for black men, either

how should a white man act? how should a black man act?
see, those questions probably leave a bad taste in your mouth--as they should
I'm white, and I don't want to speak for other people, but the ones that are most likely to share my ideals are males. It doesn't matter if you're black, or yellow, we're all men.

If a women tribe brought up "manly" women that are similar to men (my picture of men) in everything but appearance, then I'd count them in and want them to partake in my definition.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:24:08 PM »
i don't give it a definition, because the idea is worthless to me

if "manliness" is generally defined to be "how a man should act", as you put it, then that necessarily excludes women from that equation

i'd amend that to "how men and women should act"--humanliness
and i already have another word for humanliness--it's called ethics

in which case, yes, i generally try my best to be an ethical person
That's assuming men and women are the same, but due to our different builds and such I think that it's our duty to help each other out to make up for the gaps.
give examples of situations that are actually consistently different between genders

thus far
One of the parts of being manly in my book is that you should treat everyone with respect, because everyone might have a story to tell. It's what I think a man should act like, so I try my best.

is definitely not an adequate example of something that isn't just trying to be a good person, rather than a good man specifically
Our roles in society, and not in dreamland. Women are often more submissive than men, and that's one point. They can't help it after they've formed into these expectations, and therefore you should help them come to terms with what they are.

You're right, that's what a good person should do, but I'm a man, so I use what I know to apply it to scenarios that I'm familiar with. Most girls that I know are not like explained above. Same applies to men, but as a man, and human, I can say that my definition of manliness is this and that.

I could say human, but saying man is specifying more, and it doesn't leave me open to too many assumptions. I don't know what it's like to be a woman, but I do know what it's like to be a man.
I'm not going to agree to you establishing that women don't have any agency.

It's not about the agency or lack of it, but rather the other party's agency. How good is the other person compared to me? I can kill two creatures in one day, but that person can kill three. Unfortunately there's only one spear, so one of us has to be the fighter.

That's what I'm talking about. I'm not saying that the other person can't fight. I'm saying that one of them is better at fighting.
Why bother distinguishing gender in that situation rather than ability to kill?
And if you are the better of two, why take pride in the fact you are male rather than you are a better hunter?
Please notice that I never meant to imply that. If you read my replies for a second time, you might realize that my replies can be interpreted in a way where I'm assigning attributes to genders due to likelihood of that being the case.

One of the killers was born in a fishermen town, and the other in a town with an arena. We know nothing about their lives, but we can assume things based on the stereotypes, and logic.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:20:40 PM »
Yeah, but some women, as well as some males, would prefer it if the public speaker of the group would handle the task of speaking in public, even though everyone is capable. Some people rely on others for better results, because they might not want the responsibility.

Some women want to be protected, or rather be treated like women are in movies and media depictions.
as do some men

this is why i don't even care to fuck with this "manliness" word
I accept both manliness and the female version of it. Womanlyness? How should a woman act? How should a man act? I'm not a woman, so I don't feel safe speaking for their sake. Thus I use the word manliness, because I'm not sure what women value that men don't as much.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:18:23 PM »
i don't give it a definition, because the idea is worthless to me

if "manliness" is generally defined to be "how a man should act", as you put it, then that necessarily excludes women from that equation

i'd amend that to "how men and women should act"--humanliness
and i already have another word for humanliness--it's called ethics

in which case, yes, i generally try my best to be an ethical person
That's assuming men and women are the same, but due to our different builds and such I think that it's our duty to help each other out to make up for the gaps.
give examples of situations that are actually consistently different between genders

thus far
One of the parts of being manly in my book is that you should treat everyone with respect, because everyone might have a story to tell. It's what I think a man should act like, so I try my best.

is definitely not an adequate example of something that isn't just trying to be a good person, rather than a good man specifically
Our roles in society, and not in dreamland. Women are often more submissive than men, and that's one point. They can't help it after they've formed into these expectations, and therefore you should help them come to terms with what they are.

You're right, that's what a good person should do, but I'm a man, so I use what I know to apply it to scenarios that I'm familiar with. Most girls that I know are not like explained above. Same applies to men, but as a man, and human, I can say that my definition of manliness is this and that.

I could say human, but saying man is specifying more, and it doesn't leave me open to too many assumptions. I don't know what it's like to be a woman, but I do know what it's like to be a man.
I'm not going to agree to you establishing that women don't have any agency.

It's not about the agency or lack of it, but rather the other party's agency. How good is the other person compared to me? I can kill two creatures in one day, but that person can kill three. Unfortunately there's only one spear, so one of us has to be the fighter.

That's what I'm talking about. I'm not saying that the other person can't fight. I'm saying that one of them is better at fighting.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:14:04 PM »
I believe in ethics to have a common ground, but what I'm talking about is the differences here, not the similarities. Every sane person would want both sexes to act well (ethics), but what is considered well for one sex exclusively if it has to? What are those trademark things?
i don't think there are any

you could say that, since women are biologically the "weaker" sex, men have an ethical responsibility to protect them, which would be a fair argument if it wasn't such a bad generalization

some, if not most, women are very capable and independent without men
Yeah, but some women, as well as some males, would prefer it if the public speaker of the group would handle the task of speaking in public, even though everyone is capable. Some people rely on others for better results, because they might not want the responsibility.

Some women want to be protected, or rather be treated like women are in movies and media depictions.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:11:01 PM »
one could give the situation of "lift heavy boxes for women because as a male you are likely more apt to do so"
but it could simply be said that "if you are the stronger of two people in a situation, offer to do the brunt of the physical work"
If that's your definition of a man, sure. Could be that someone else would prefer the above one because they want to get laid, but don't care about helping other people.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:08:37 PM »
i don't give it a definition, because the idea is worthless to me

if "manliness" is generally defined to be "how a man should act", as you put it, then that necessarily excludes women from that equation

i'd amend that to "how men and women should act"--humanliness
and i already have another word for humanliness--it's called ethics

in which case, yes, i generally try my best to be an ethical person
That's assuming men and women are the same, but due to our different builds and such I think that it's our duty to help each other out to make up for the gaps.
give examples of situations that are actually consistently different between genders

thus far
One of the parts of being manly in my book is that you should treat everyone with respect, because everyone might have a story to tell. It's what I think a man should act like, so I try my best.

is definitely not an adequate example of something that isn't just trying to be a good person, rather than a good man specifically
Our roles in society, and not in dreamland. Women are often more submissive than men, and that's one point. They can't help it after they've formed into these expectations, and therefore you should help them come to terms with what they are.

You're right, that's what a good person should do, but I'm a man, so I use what I know to apply it to scenarios that I'm familiar with. Most girls that I know are not like explained above. Same applies to men, but as a man, and human, I can say that my definition of manliness is this and that.

I could say human, but saying man is specifying more, and it doesn't leave me open to too many assumptions. I don't know what it's like to be a woman, but I do know what it's like to be a man.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:03:32 PM »
That's assuming men and women are the same,
no it isn't

it's only proposing that men and women should act the same, in terms of being excellent to each other

what you're doing is saying that one of the sexes is incapable of being ethical, which is just silly
No, I'm saying that different criteria fit those two sexes when looked upon individually.

I believe in ethics to have a common ground, but what I'm talking about is the differences here, not the similarities. Every sane person would want both sexes to act well (ethics), but what is considered well for one sex exclusively if it has to? What are those trademark things?

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:59:54 PM »
I generally don't take "manliness" very seriously because I give zero fucks about fitting into whatever prescribed notion of what a man should be.
Not even when it's prescribed by yourself? If that's the case, then does that mean that you're insecure seeing as that logic must apply to all scenarios where you doubt your judgement?

The Flood / Re: 2 cm away from crashing
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:58:28 PM »
You and cars don't seem to mix very well.

Of course they don't. One's metal and the other's squishy meat product.
Don't be so literal-minded.

The Flood / Re: 2 cm away from crashing
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:57:42 PM »
Don't text and drive. Moron

It wasn't her fault you dick sauce.
Doesn't matter, her eyes should have been on the road and not on her phone. You fucknut.

Who says she was texting and driving? You fascist.
It's obvious you stupid prick

You're an idiot for assuming that you Nazi.
I would say that he's trying to get a rise out of you, but then I thought about being fair, so I thought. I thought and thought until I reached a conclusion, and the conclusion is that Magos might've assumed that because it's a logical thing to do, but in an illogical way. It'd make sense if she was texting, because she has gotten into a lot of car crashes, but to blame it on that? Where's the evidence?

The Flood / Re: 2 cm away from crashing
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:55:04 PM »
You and cars don't seem to mix very well.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:54:14 PM »
I just act as I do.
Are you satisfied with that? Ask yourself that, but don't give me the answer. Use it yourself to do what you want with it.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:52:57 PM »
i don't give it a definition, because the idea is worthless to me

if "manliness" is generally defined to be "how a man should act", as you put it, then that necessarily excludes women from that equation

i'd amend that to "how men and women should act"--humanliness
and i already have another word for humanliness--it's called ethics

in which case, yes, i generally try my best to be an ethical person
That's assuming men and women are the same, but due to our different builds and such I think that it's our duty to help each other out to make up for the gaps.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:51:31 PM »
I'm male, so, a lot?
I don't know, is it a lot? You're the judge of that, not me.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:50:28 PM »
I don't give a fuck about acting "manly"
One of the parts of being manly in my book is that you should treat everyone with respect, because everyone might have a story to tell. It's what I think a man should act like, so I try my best.

Pages: 12 34