Well I didn't rank down
Well, you all get +1 from me. This is probably better, seeing as how most people will likely forget about the trust system, aside from the trolls who actively downvote people. Since it is not visibly noticeable and most people probably do not check signatures.
Interesting. Does that mean I'll actually have a shot at Legendary now that trolls will be less able to downvote me every day?
Yep, you're pretty close, actually. Not the closest member to it, but still...
I'm the one to thank for that.
My GLORIOUS Heroic!!!!!!!!!!
You need more posts, mate.
TBlocks how did you get Legendary already? You bastard.
If you don't post regularly, the system will work much like before. If you're active and post every day (multiple times a day), you'll become practically immune to downvotes.
What's up with these white borders around our title bars. They're kind of glaring.