Motivations of the Lekgolo

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
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ID: Mr. Admirals
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1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."

I. Introduction
As a species, the Lekgolo are perhaps the most alien species in Halo. While the Flood can definitely be seen as frighteningly alien, they are easily relatable to species and concepts that are present on Earth and around humanity, most notably zombies and fungi. Whereas the Lekgolo are eel like worms capable of uniting together to form a gestalt capable of complex thinking and reasoning. As a result, I have always been incredibly fascinated with them.

II. What are the Lekgolo?
The Lekgolo are an alien species of land-eels numbering close to 2 trillion that are native to a gas giant called Te. Located in the Svir star system, Te is a 4G planet home to 25 natural satellites. Due to the Lekgolos’ complex nature, they have often been categorized in different ways by the different species in the Orion Arm.

Despite being classified as a gas giant, Te has solid ground that is rich in minerals and rare heavy metals. As a result, the biology of the Lekgolo revolved around the minerals and metals to the point of becoming apart of their dietary needs and habits.

Individually, the Lekgolo are not considered impressively intelligent, however, when they form into colonies, their neural networks combine to create beings with massive intelligence. As a result of their colonial biology, individual Lekgolo are all valued equally as they are capable of improving the colony as a whole. This has resulted in the Lekgolo as being classified as an Egalitarian species. However, when a colony is large enough, the neural networks are complex enough to create an “individual” with a distinct personality. So, this would mean that while the species is egalitarian, the gestalt colonies as a whole are not. It is unknown if the colonies use a single governing concept, but given their ability to form into colonies suited for specific purposes, it is most likely that their governmental concepts are extremely varied due to the massive division of labor.

After being reseeded, the Lekgolo quickly advanced in technology, developing systems that allowed them to see beyond the confines of Te’s gaseous layers. Soon after came the development of rocketry. Despite their capacity, the Lekgolo would be stonewalled in their technological advancements by Te’s massive 4Gs, and as a result space travel became very costly. Despite their limitations, they were capable of developing their own version of what would be known as a Shaw-Fujikawa translight engine and began to colonize nearby star systems.

On their path of colonization, the Lekgolo settled in Forerunner space stations orbiting a gas giant in a star system nearby Urs-Fied-Joori. Different colonies of Lekgolo developed different dietary habits. Some of those habits focused on the metal alloy the Forerunners use. So the Forerunner space stations became prime feeding grounds. 

III. Taming of the Lekgolo
By the point in time the Lekgolo had begun feeding on the Forerunner stations, the Covenant had already formed. The fruits of the alliance between the Sangheili and the San ‘Shyuum had begun to be realized. New technology was being developed and incorporated into the hegemony. Use of the then experimental Luminaries was just beginning. Some of the first ships outfitted with a Luminary quickly detected the Forerunner space stations in the nearby star system.

Initial Sangheili ships from the Ministry of Tranquility to arrive at the stations were shocked to find that the stations had been eroded away; decayed and destroyed, forming rings around the gas giant. Close examination of the ruins revealed the culprits, the eel-like Lekgolo who had fed on the metal alloy for a millenia. They were branded infidels and a war of extermination began. However, while the Covenant had access to superior technology, they underestimated the Lekgolo.

Provoked to war by the bipedal Sangheili, the Lekgolo responded by forming gestalts designed specifically for combat and interaction with the Covenant forces. These Mgalekgolo beat the Sangheili at their own game. Being faster, immensely stronger, and smarter allowed the Lekgolo to dominate Covenant forces in ground combat. An interesting side effect of the Mgalekgolo being designed to combat Sangheili forces is that the personalities that form out of the gestalts have a similar culture to that of the Sangheili warriors. Honor is a high priority, and being designed specifically for war, they have extremely aggressive and arrogant personalities.

As the conflict raged on, the Covenant’s might was challenged. It was a time of extraordinary crisis that warranted an Arbiter’s involvement. Despite the San ‘Shyuum branding the Lekgolo as infidels, the Arbiter suggested an alternate approach: allowing the Lekgolo to join the Covenant. As different colonies have different feeding habits, the Lekgolo as a species are not inherently dangerous to Forerunner structures. The San ‘Shyuum begrudgingly agreed it would be beneficial to allow them a seat in the Covenant.

Negotiations on the terms of joining the Covenant were a painfully difficult process. The Lekgolo did not communicate verbally (or at least in the frequencies that the Covenant species are acclimated to). Eventually, a method of communication was reached. The Lekgolo colonies determined that by vibrating individual Lekgolo in the colonies, they could create a very bassy noise that could be formulated into “audible” Sangheili.

As negotiations came to a close, it was settled that in exchange for Mgalekgolo, laborers, and access to Te’s heavy metal deposits, the Lekgolo would be given Covenant technology (notably anti-gravity tech) and unrestricted access to Covenant space.

Basically, joining the Covenant broke the stone wall in the Lekgolo’s technological advancement. Despite the obvious gains from joining the Covenant, it is still largely unknown why they rarely interact or assert their dominance and prowess in Covenant politics. After all, it is known that Mgalekgolo regard themselves as being superior to not only the Sangheili, but even the San ‘Shyuum. Given though that the Mgalekgolo is the least common Lekgolo colony formation despite being the most commonly seen, colony politics are presumably using a cost and benefit system in regards to their species’ alliance to the Covenant. Sacrificing a few colonies in the service of the Covenant while largely keeping their species free of conformity of Covenant society is most likely worth it in the end to still exist as a sovereign entity, exploring the cosmos for their own intents and purposes.

However, given that the Mgalekgolo personalities are war and combat oriented, they might not mind joining the Covenant as it would fulfill their purpose as a colony.

IV. The Covenant War
In 2525, the Covenant declared humanity as an affront to the gods and began a war of extermination. Naturally, the Mgalekgolo were obligated to join the conflict. And while this war would ultimately shatter the Covenant, the Lekgolo would be unharmed because their species was so removed from the politics and industrial complex of the Covenant.

Even though the Mgalekgolo see themselves as superior to the other Covenant species, they still held a considerable amount of respect for the Sangheili. After all, it was their language that they spoke and them that they most commonly interacted with. However, there is a divergence in their ideological similarities when the Covenant War begins. While the more youthful and liberal Sangheili began to see humanity as worthy combatants and good fighters, the Mgalekgolo did not.

It is generally unsurprising given the Mgalekgolo’s brilliantly tactical minds and brute strength that they would view humanity as anything worthy of combat. A very unsurprising conclusion given that the Unggoy and Kig-Yar are around the same size as the average human. Additionally, while the Sangheili and Mgalekgolo hold similar beliefs about honor, their driving purposes are for completely different reasons. Mgalekgolo are still loyal to their species traditional beliefs, pausing to recite enigmous poetry after absolutely destroying the enemy. On the contrary, the Sangheili have the Covenant’s interests at heart. So they are generally taking opportunities to improve the hegemony when available.

As the Covenant War came to a close, the Covenant would erupt into civil war; the Sangheili would be betrayed. It is unknown exactly why, but the Mgalekgolo assisted the Elites on High Charity. We can obviously speculate that they did so because the Sangheili were the only species the Mgalekgolo actually respected in the Covenant. But then that begs the question of why some Mgalekgolo continued to side with the Covenant Loyalists. It is entirely possible that the Mgalekgolo that stayed loyal did so in an attempt to keep their species’ best interests at heart. However, the Mgalekgolo are no fools. Their species has had access to Covenant technology for thousands of years. It would make no sense to continue to honor an agreement which bears no weight any more. So in the end, we circle back around to the Mgalekgolo’s warrior nature. Simply put, the Loyalists were under attack from all angles. The Flood, the UNSC, the Separatists all were taking potshots at the crumbling Covenant. Perhaps the Mgalekgolo who sided with them simply wanted to experience more war and conflict.

V. Post War
Here we begin to see how enigmatic the Lekgolo really are. With the Covenant having been dissolved, the Mgalekgolo were rarely ever seen for around five years. It seems to indicate that the Lekgolo truly thought that the other species really had nothing to offer them, especially since they had gained access to technology that negated their home world’s 4Gs.

Of course, the Mgalekgolo were always looking to join conflict, so it is no surprise when many of them joined Jul ‘Mdama’s Covenant, or Vata ‘Gajat’s mercenary faction.

It begs the question though, what have the Lekgolo been up to for the last 2500 years? There is little to no documentation of their society in UNSC and Covenant records alike. If their interests were comparable to the other intelligent species of the Orion Arm, they should have a massive empire that spans numerous stars. Yet they do not. As a species they have the capacity to eclipse all current civilizations in the Orion Arm, yet they do not. Even the Forerunner machines cataloged them as being a mild threat to Halo.

VI. Conclusion
Given all we know about Lekgolo society and biology I can only assume that their species is naturally reclusive due to their biology. After all, they are single personalities formed out of smaller eel-worms that are self-aware of their existence. They do not think like we do. Instead they probably converse with themselves. As a result they are inward thinkers, more concerned about concepts and philosophy than material gain and power.

| Marty Inconceivable!
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ID: SoporificSlash
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| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
I couldn't think of much to add here. That's generally the gist of what I figured things were with them. Because of their tendancies to work together towards a common goal, I think the Lekegolo are quite possibly the most co-operative species in the Haloverse. I doubt that they have troubles with self conflicts and wars as well as politics.

Basically, picture an entire race and culture of philosophers with the strength to throw around cars and trucks like toys.

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
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12,707 posts
Almost always, with moderation
Woah, this has a lot of good stuff in it, I'll be sure to read it later.

velox | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: True Velox
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6,728 posts
Aren't Scarabs also lekgolo?

God | Ascended Posting Riot
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645 posts
Is their some kind of limit on how many worms can join together or could they feasibly form a large central intelligence like a gravemind to coordinate them? Is there ways for individual colonies to connect and perhaps share memories directly for communication?

| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
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Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
Steam: Onyx0193
ID: Mr. Admirals
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1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."
Aren't Scarabs also lekgolo?
Yes, they are driven by Sbaolekgolo colonies.

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
Steam: Onyx0193
ID: Mr. Admirals
IP: Logged

1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."
Is their some kind of limit on how many worms can join together or could they feasibly form a large central intelligence like a gravemind to coordinate them? Is there ways for individual colonies to connect and perhaps share memories directly for communication?
Yes, there does seem to be a limit on how large a colony can get. I hypothesize it is relative to the function the colony was designed to do.

Actually, I feel like most people don't know it (or don't find it as fascinating as I do), but the reason why you always see Hunters in pairs is because they are a single colony who reached that critical mass point and had to split into two separate colonies.

It's why they are referred to as 'Bond Brothers'.

Also, (gameplay has yet to take advantage of it), but if you only encounter a single Hunter and it has the signature spikes protruding out of its back, look out for a second hunter. Those spikes signify the Hunter is bonded to another because they split from the same colony. 

So there are Hunters out there that do not have those spikes on their back.

As for the sharing of memories and information, that is an interesting theory. I would doubt they can do that once a colony has been solidified because there are instances in the lore where a Hunter pair have communicated with each other without speaking (via their native langauge) that did not involve physical contact.
Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 12:36:07 PM by Mr. Admirals

Septy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: DarkestSeptagon
PSN: Fallfav
ID: Septy
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12,027 posts
See you Cowgirl,
Someday, somewhere
I still find it hard to believe a bunch of worms developed an FTL drive.

velox | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: True Velox
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6,728 posts
Is their some kind of limit on how many worms can join together or could they feasibly form a large central intelligence like a gravemind to coordinate them? Is there ways for individual colonies to connect and perhaps share memories directly for communication?
Yes, there does seem to be a limit on how large a colony can get. I hypothesize it is relative to the function the colony was designed to do.

Actually, I feel like most people don't know it (or don't find it as fascinating as I do), but the reason why you always see Hunters in pairs is because they are a single colony who reached that critical mass point and had to split into two separate colonies.

It's why they are referred to as 'Bond Brothers'.

Also, (gameplay has yet to take advantage of it), but if you only encounter a single Hunter and it has the signature spikes protruding out of its back, look out for a second hunter. Those spikes signify the Hunter is bonded to another because they split from the same colony. 

So there are Hunters out there that do not have those spikes on their back.
I knew that!  :D

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
Steam: Onyx0193
ID: Mr. Admirals
IP: Logged

1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."
I still find it hard to believe a bunch of worms developed an FTL drive.
How does it make you feel that the Grunts entered the industrial age and proceeded not to ignite their methane atmosphere on fire?

| Marty Inconceivable!
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ID: SoporificSlash
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Septy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: DarkestSeptagon
PSN: Fallfav
ID: Septy
IP: Logged

12,027 posts
See you Cowgirl,
Someday, somewhere
I still find it hard to believe a bunch of worms developed an FTL drive.
How does it make you feel that the Grunts entered the industrial age and proceeded not to ignite their methane atmosphere on fire?
I see nothing wrong with that, that's like asking how we manage not to set out atmosphere on fire because it has oxygen in it.

velox | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: True Velox
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6,728 posts
I still find it hard to believe a bunch of worms developed an FTL drive.
How does it make you feel that the Grunts entered the industrial age and proceeded not to ignite their methane atmosphere on fire?
I see nothing wrong with that, that's like asking how we manage not to set out atmosphere on fire because it has oxygen in it.
Except methane can burn itself, oxygen only fuels other substances burning.

Septy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: DarkestSeptagon
PSN: Fallfav
ID: Septy
IP: Logged

12,027 posts
See you Cowgirl,
Someday, somewhere
I still find it hard to believe a bunch of worms developed an FTL drive.
How does it make you feel that the Grunts entered the industrial age and proceeded not to ignite their methane atmosphere on fire?
I see nothing wrong with that, that's like asking how we manage not to set out atmosphere on fire because it has oxygen in it.
Except methane can burn itself, oxygen only fuels other substances burning.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
I still find it hard to believe a bunch of worms developed an FTL drive.
How does it make you feel that the Grunts entered the industrial age and proceeded not to ignite their methane atmosphere on fire?

I picture vaguely arthropodial lifeforms weraing business suits and top hats.

And I picture Moonbaby's having a wrestlemania match with krogans because they're so similiar in terms of blowing themselves up.

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
Steam: Onyx0193
ID: Mr. Admirals
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1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."
Speaking of weird concepts, Palamok only has 0.09ATM. You'd think the Yanme'e would need to wear environmental suits when they traveled off world. 

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
Steam: Onyx0193
ID: Mr. Admirals
IP: Logged

1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."
Nope, but when the Covenant found them Balaho was suffering an ecological collapse due to over industrialization.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Speaking of weird concepts, Palamok only has 0.09ATM. You'd think the Yanme'e would need to wear environmental suits when they traveled off world.

I believe I remember hearing something about this. They grow so large because their world is less of a weight issue for them. So, naturally, you'd think if they landed on heavier worlds, they'd be crushed right? Not even able to fly whatsoever because they're too heavy.

But again, the goodies of joining up witht the covenant. You know the small capsulses that can be seen across their bodies? Drones have no need for armour because of their natural exe-skeleton, and those small, disk like plates are artificial.

I don't remember if it was discussed or said somewhere in canon, but on joining the covenant, folks believe that they got access to personal anti-grav tech, little generators that would help them deal heavier climates and allow them to remain relatively mobile. So perhaps when they set foot on a heavier world, they have a self centered gravity bubble around themselves, lowering the weight load on them.

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
Steam: Onyx0193
ID: Mr. Admirals
IP: Logged

1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."
Speaking of weird concepts, Palamok only has 0.09ATM. You'd think the Yanme'e would need to wear environmental suits when they traveled off world.

I believe I remember hearing something about this. They grow so large because their world is less of a weight issue for them. So, naturally, you'd think if they landed on heavier worlds, they'd be crushed right? Not even able to fly whatsoever because they're too heavy.

But again, the goodies of joining up witht the covenant. You know the small capsulses that can be seen across their bodies? Drones have no need for armour because of their natural exe-skeleton, and those small, disk like plates are artificial.

I don't remember if it was discussed or said somewhere in canon, but on joining the covenant, folks believe that they got access to personal anti-grav tech, little generators that would help them deal heavier climates and allow them to remain relatively mobile. So perhaps when they set foot on a heavier world, they have a self centered gravity bubble around themselves, lowering the weight load on them.
Yup. Even weirder though is that Palamok is 2G with 0.09ATM. Imagine how disorienting it'd be to go to a 1G world with an atmosphere 11 times more dense than you're used to. Breathing must be really difficult to get used to.

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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So the Lekgolo form into colonies to perform specific tasks?

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
So the Lekgolo form into colonies to perform specific tasks?


Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts
Lekgolo are certainly my favourite Covvie race <_<

Their concept is very interesting and this was a great read, thanks admirals >.>

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
Steam: Onyx0193
ID: Mr. Admirals
IP: Logged

1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."
Yeah, Bungie actually wanted to take advantage of the fact they were colonies of worms. In Halo CE they originally had two other Lekgolo colony formations.

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
Steam: Onyx0193
ID: Mr. Admirals
IP: Logged

1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."
Me and a bunch of fans on Twitter actually got two Bungie employees to start posting renders of cut content.

Including those two Lekgolo colonies.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Me and a bunch of fans on Twitter actually got two Bungie employees to start posting renders of cut content.

Including those two Lekgolo colonies.

Updating this thread with those pics would be pretty spiffy. But it gives me an idea. You know how 343 tossed in the Gungoose?

What if they tossed in more than that?

*wink wink nudge nudge*

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
Steam: Onyx0193
ID: Mr. Admirals
IP: Logged

1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
Steam: Onyx0193
ID: Mr. Admirals
IP: Logged

1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
I think I can understand why they were cut.

It is a good concept though. If ever done right, it could create an opening for another unique enemy in the Haloverse.

The Promethians have a lot of windows open for them, and by extension, the Covenant have some too, but of them all, because Hunters can assemble into just about any form they please, there's a lot of opportunity there.