Check out the new channel art and logo! Do you approve?
Ok cool!
What if I use it in place of the current logo, with all that background still in it?
Quote from: AngryBrute on December 02, 2014, 03:46:15 PMWhat if I use it in place of the current logo, with all that background still in it?That's why I gave the suggestion for the subtle drop shadow. The current logo kind of blends into your black/orange background on the youtube page.
I am currently working on getting the channel a new partnership. Currently I am with ZoominTv.Games.I applied to Curse, and Fullscreen. It will depend on the CPM offers, but from what I hear Fullscreen pays out the highest and Curse has a minimum of $3 per 1,000 views. So, if all goes well I could possibly give incentives for creators. (But it all depends)
Quote from: AngryBrute on December 02, 2014, 02:58:56 PMOk cool!Here you go (extra large so you can resize it for whatever):SpoilerI suggest adding a very slight shadow behind it to make it stand out on a background. See the podcast image for reference.
Fuulscreen said no. Weird, I surpass all their requirments.
500 subs aint bad